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Planet just for lvl 100+ enemies


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Does anyone want this aside from me? 

Its a little tiring doing pure grind in survival to make it to 20 or 30 mins until the challenge becomes good. (solo of course)

A planet that requires high rank and has extremely high lvl enemies would be epic!

Enemies such as...

Eximus manics (and manic bombards). Arcane infested (the cool alt colored ones, similar to arcane boiler) like a green charger, a purple ancient, the blue boilers (my fav infested <3), and some sickly yellow chargers and leapers. Stuff like new bursas also :3

All in all, a planet where players could also join corpus and grineer in the same mission and fight against infested or a place to fight against higher tier versions of the bosses.

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I prefer the idea of having a single node where all the factions are duking it out in a free for all style and we have something to do there as well. It would be fun the feel of an entire war blowing up all around us and we trying to accomplish something unrelated there. Even better if they are high level.

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yes an endurance planet with all factions, grineer tile 1, infested tile 2 and corpus tile 3 and you have to complete the solar and kill all bosses to get accepted there and that will eliminate all taxis much like how  the moon tiles are you have to complete the natah and  dreams quests.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

DE has stated that want to add the ability to change enemy level before the mission starts with the new star chart



But first they need to look at enemy's stats and scaling.

Having lvl 125 enemies with thousands of armor isn't fun... (but corrosive projection is fun :D )

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High level content without having to invest a hour+, or without the Sortie penalties would be nice, but I get the feeling they would have trouble making the rewards worth it. People already complain about the Sortie rewards. Maybe all the rare resources could drop on those nodes at a slightly higher rate, and more credits.

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I suggested something similar a few years ago. Rather than a planet an entirely new system dedicated to level 60-100+ enemies. Perhaps we could travel to the system where the Sentients originated from?

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The idea of have a triple way bout makes me moist, the sudden rush of cold sweat and fear as all 3 turn upon you makes bowels loosen.

Hell yeah mate I'd dig a full on brawl but. just imagine that system load for those poor poor low end souls

"IT Crashes all the time!!/ I only get 2 frames per second :O!!!"

but in the end. what we hope for and dream up throughout all updates patches content release dies down with repeated exposure,

so while YEAH it's an awesome concept, it will all too soon fade into either another grind OR a distant memory as what has happened with all prior content.

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