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Dark Split-Sword blueprint


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.....Dafuc?   Like....I crafted both dark blades just to be ready.... because i was so sure.....


Man, that doesn't make freaking sense...      Hell...If i already have both Dagger and Sword, why cant i just slap em together?  They look completely ready for that. Might only need some "link" component.

Would be much better if it was Dark sword + Dark dagger + Orokin cells / Forma.  


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25 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

This is fairly reasonable; at least we can build those mutagen mass. 

The most expensive thing that took Mutagen Masses before was Djinn, the Sentinel, complete with weapon. That took 6.

Everything else has taken 5 or less.

This is ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, Roboplus said:

The most expensive thing that took Mutagen Masses before was Djinn, the Sentinel, complete with weapon. That took 6.

Everything else has taken 5 or less.

This is ridiculous.


Comparitively to the most recent items, this is a cakewalk. Besides, Mutagen can be acquired in more than one way. 

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Just now, LazerSkink said:

Comparitively to the most recent items, this is a cakewalk. Besides, Mutagen can be acquired in more than one way. 

And compared to the surface of the sun, a 120 degree (F) day is frigid.

This is as startling an inflation as the other notable hikes.

The next time an infested sentinel comes out, what's it going to take? 15? 20?

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49 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

This is fairly reasonable; at least we can build those mutagen mass. 

This. PLUS you get prebuilt mutagen mass by doing the invasions. It's easy as hell to get 10 mutagen mass in like...2 days.

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let me tell you a story... back in year one i got my first dark sword i was like "wow this is pretty cool" then I got the dagger and i was like  huh i wounder if its like the heat sword and there is a dual dark sword sadly at the time no so i waited and held onto an extra dark sword and dagger blueprint i had just in case and then they announce the sword and i get excited even though its not a great weapon at this point i had been waiting 2 years for this i was ready
 THEN it was delayed a while then when it was FINALLY RELEASED its clan research annoying but im a reasonably patient person so i start it and wait a while the few days it takes go by and i go to replicate it this afternoon and look at the crafting requirements and just feel so defeated by warframe :c i don't have even 1 single mutagen mass not one i would have preferred naitain ffs but no whatever we can do to time gate it and make it take excruciatingly long crafting time because of all materials its 10 mutagen mass and it made me sad :c because now ill probably end up just buying it :/ and had i known i would have done that on day 1

point is this might be worth it if the damage stats were decent but i hear they aren't :/

DE could at least add foundry queuing so i can set 20 of each faction crafting component to craft and then just maintain that number instead of always feeling trapped beneath the sheer amount of time it takes to craft them 204 hours total crafting time not counting forma and skana which would be 240 but you can do those while you obtain mutagen mass :/

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

This is fairly reasonable; at least we can build those mutagen mass. 

Reasonable, yes. Makes sense? Not really.  I used to think they determined resource usage based on lore and theme, origin of the resource and so on.  Oxium makes things lighter, Zephyr uses oxium, she floats.  But then Vauban.  Fieldrons were used in corpus tech, detonite in chemical/grineer tech and mutagen mass in infested re-engineering.  

But now its also used in Tenno tech.  Not just limited to this example, it seems they were somewhat following a certain guideline for a while then decided to use whatever resource they wanted for no reason at all.

I lived on a MUD for 10 years as a developer and we spent a lot of time and effort into making materials and a world that made sense within itself.  If a sword was a diamond and ruby encrusted sword, it  had diamonds and rubies in its crafting requirements.  So not having a logical progression of requirements bothers me somewhat.  

A fair bit can be tossed into the 'its space magick' grinder and the result is pleasing, but sometimes I see resource requirements that really just make no sense.

I've come to expect certain things, if I'm combining weapons or fusing materials I know it will require forma to do so.  If its infested, nano spores and plastids.  Now its a free for all.  Its rather weird.  

Oh well. Rant over.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

Did you not log in when that forma was freely available? ;)

I did and that was the first one I got after 3 months of not getting any... I was like "yeyyy Space Mom noticed me!! :D ", but then it goes back again 'till now... not a single FORMA or even it's BP...

I cri ;_;


I've been running T1 - T4 Survivals for 20 - 40 - 60 mins each but no... RNG didn't gave me any.

Edited by reverb6
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6 minutes ago, reverb6 said:

I did and that was the first one I got after 3 months of not getting any... I was like "yeyyy Space Mom noticed me!! :D ", but then it goes back again 'till now... not a single FORMA or even it's BP...

I cri ;_;

[/spoiler] I've been running T1 - T4 Survivals for 20 - 40 - 60 mins each but no... RNG didn't gave me any.[/spoiler]

I would look into running some t3-4 sabo.I got like 25 hunting vauban prime and others

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