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Lunaro e3 trailer [Megathread]


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With Lucario around the corner, is anyone else planning on playing it competitively? I played quite a bit of Conclaive 2.0 and couldn't really get into it seriously. I'd love to give Lucanro a go. Anyone else? 

Edited by Yaerion
Title Slashed with extreme precision to prevent the spreading of a mistake on the name of Lunaro.
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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

Hope it's more fun than Blitzball, hated that mini-game.

only a mini game if you want all the things, otherwise its optional and only need to do it the once.   


Other then that.  FFX Blitzball is way better then FFX-2's version.  They changed it, rather then just porting the system over, and made sphere break the main thing to get all the things.    was annoying.. really.   

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Not Hype at all. I'm more interested in the core game. I could really care less about Lunaro because the core game is what got me hooked and not this Rocket League type of stuff. I get trying to expand and try new avenues but this really is a let down for me. I dont like PvP in Warframe and I don't think this will change my mind. 

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1 minute ago, Dante123pl said:

if its as laggy as conclave i guess ill pass.

and its Lunaro not Lucario

I read that they were doing player-hosted servers soon, so hopefully p2p connections will be a thing of the past.




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I'll try it but it looks pretty gimic-y

it'll be something that will be new and shiny for a bit and than everyone will lose interest, just like normal warframe pvp

they should stop wasting time and resources on something that literally no one plays and put it towards meaningful updates and bugfixes

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