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Baro Ki'Teer 17/06/2016 and Primed Pressure Point [Megathread]


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Baro Ki'Teer the Void Trader is on Larunda Relay (Mercury) right now (6/17/2016) on PC. He is selling the following items.

Sands of Inaros Blueprint 200 ducats and 50,000 credits
Primed Point Blank 300 ducats and 110,000 credits
Primed Fast Hands 375 ducats and 120,000 credits
Prisma Jet Sentinal Wings 300 ducats and 200,000 credits
Prisma Koi Sentinal Tail 200 ducats and 200,000 credits
Left Prisma Edo Knee Plates 100 ducats and 55,000 credits
Right Prisma Edo Knee Plates 100 ducats and 55,000 credits
Prisma Edo Chest Plate 225 ducats and 250,000 credits
Affinity Booster 450 ducats and 200.000 credits
Credit Booster 350 ducats and 75.000 credits
Resource  Booster 400 ducats and 150.000 credits
Primed Pressure Point 385 ducats and 300,000 credits

Wynn the Crohn's Gamer

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33 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

1) Who know's if damage 3.0 is ever going to happen. Haven't heard anything from them about it in months.

2) Yes, in my opinion it is. Especially when another damage mod ''Primed Point Blank'' increases by the same amount as its standard counterpart. Sometimes I have no idea what DE are thinking.


And it does not even has less base mod drain like Primed Pistol Gambit.

What kind of Logic is this?

If I upgrade Prime Pressure point to Rank 5, I get less attack power at the cost of more fusion cores than normal Pressure Point.

If balance is an issue, reduce the base mod drain to 2.

Even if the base drain is 2, maxing it will cost 12 mod points and give +45% boost over Normal Pressure point, pretty fair IMO, considering the fact that Normal Pressure point gives 60% for 3 mod points and Prime Pressure point gives 45%.

@[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Steve Please take a look at it once you guys have the time. A Primed mod giving less power while costing more fusion cores and draining same mod points as the Normal Pressure Point does not make sense at all. As I said above, at least reduce base mod drain like Primed Pistol Gambit, if balance is an issue.

Edited by NN13
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

Got to make people use forma and increase the odds of people spending plat in doing so.

^This. +provide sinks for mods, cores and creds.

After I "rushed" my Primed Pressure Point to 9/10 by eating duplicates from other polarities I immediately kicked myself and remembered they've also mentioned a potential change where only cores are used for fusions and a mod grinder (which is not a re-purposed puppy blender, Sheldon assures us) turns all mods into neutral cores. If that's in the devstream today as coming Wednesday I just screwed myself out of A LOT of fusion energy.

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27 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

2) Yes, in my opinion it is. Especially when another damage mod ''Primed Point Blank'' increases by the same amount as its standard counterpart. Sometimes I have no idea what DE are thinking.

They should honestly just stop making these primed damage mods. It's just a horrible idea. If they wanted to buff melee weapons, then just buff the existing mods to do as well. They're no need to make Baro into a Powerhouse seller.

Edited by Ibro156
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3 minutes ago, -Vernoc- said:

the normal one starts with 20% and the primed one with 15%. Level them to max and enjoy

We already know that genius.

Its the matter of costing more resource yet being worse than Normal counterpart. If balance is a problem, make it like Pistol Gambit. See above for details.

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3 minutes ago, NN13 said:


And it does not even has less base mod drain like Primed Pistol Gambit.

What kind of Logic is this?

If I upgrade Prime Pressure point to Rank 5, I get less attack power at the cost of more fusion cores than normal Pressure Point.

If balance is an issue, reduce the base mod drain to 2.

Even if the base drain is 2, maxing it will cost 12 mod points and give +45% boost over Normal Pressure point, pretty fair IMO, considering the fact that Normal Pressure point gives 60% for 3 mod points and Prime Pressure point gives 45%.

@[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Steve Please take a loot at it once you guys have the time. A Primed mod giving less power while costing more fusion cores and draining same mod points as the Normal Pressure Point does not make sense at all. As I said above, at least reduce base mod drain like Primed Pistol Gambit, if balance is an issue.

i don´t see ur problem. Primed mods are for high-lv/veteran player who have enaugh fusion cores and credits. If u can´t max them use the regulare one and have only a bit less dmg.

Edited by -Vernoc-
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Rant start:

And here we are. First the Primed Pistol Gambit now this... from 120% to 165% as a Rank 10 legendary mod... why? Balance? So if it´s for balance then why does fraggor in conjunction with body count and blood rush exists? And even if Melee weapons are Spoiled allready why even add more? And this more is so bad...

Rant end.

But now seriously. Pressure point is a common rank 5 mod which has the end percentage of 120%. The Rank 10 Primed version has the end percentage of 165%. DE said that they want to make content that is rewarding for endgame players. Primed Mods are a wonderfull idea because they cost about 528 Golden R5 mods and 1,663,200 Credits to max them out. Only players that are at the Endgame and have those recources to spare can do this, especially if you count in the ammount of allready existing Primed Mods. It just feels rewarding if you put in those high powered mods, if you pump in those formas and those recources to have such a powerfull weapon. Also it dosn´t hurt anyone because it´s PvE, thus everyone in the Squad benefits from it. Another thing is that if they want to remove the Base Damage mods then why do they implement this? It just dosn´t make sense.

If someone can give me a full and logical explanation to why they do this, i would be greatfull. If there is none then i would just like to know: Why DE?

Edited by JericoHellsangel
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32 minutes ago, Monchopin said:

2) Isn't 528 cores for a 45% increase in damage when compared to regular Pressure Point's 120% a bit too mediocre?

Not while Blood Rush and Body Count are in the mix, no. That 45% base damage translates to a lot through channeled red crits on a combo multiplier.

TBH I thought we'd never see Primed Pressure Point when those mods came out.

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Yeah this is putting me off bigtime. Also....

Primed pressure point at rank 7 give 145% damage buff and cost 11 mod slots. 
Normal pressure point gives 120% at rank 5 and cost 9 mod slots.
DE logic.

Buff Primed Pressure Point or remove it. We don't really need it since melee is powerful as hell already, especially with Body Count/BloodRush/Shadow Step (Nerf Shadow Step while you're at it).


Edited by Multicom-EN-
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Just now, -Vernoc- said:

i don´t see ur problem. Primed mods are for high-lv/veteran player who have enaugh fusion cores and credits. If u can´t max them use the regulare one and have only "less" less dmg.

Of course you missed the point and thought ranking up is a problem. No. Infact, I realized this problem with Primed Pressure point after I maxed it and used it in Nikana Prime.

The point is that at the same rank of 5 - Pressure Point gives more damage for less core and credit cost.

Just because Primed mods are for veterans, does not mean it has to throw design logic out of the window.

And for god sake, read my solution before you quote it. I am not even asking DE to increase damage to +20%. I am merely suggesting the mod to cost less mod points to equip, much like Primed Pistol Gambit.

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1 minute ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Yeah this is putting me off bigtime. Also....

Primed pressure point at rank 7 give 145% damage buff and cost 11 mod slots. 
Normal pressure point gives 145% at rank 5 and cost 9 mod slots.
DE logic.



165% > 120%

The former requires a higher investment than the latter.

Seems like pretty sound logic to me.

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3 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

They should honestly just stop making these primed damage mods. It's just a horrible idea. If they wanted to buff melee weapons, then just buff the existing mods to do as well. They're no need to make Baro into a Powerhouse seller.

Oh certainly, I disagree with there even being Primed mods in the first place. 

However if there weren't there wouldn't be a high level core sink, and without a core sink people wouldn't farm for cores. It just adds artificial longevity and DE need that to keep people playing and buying.


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2 minutes ago, Apokita said:

WHY do you think Prime ppoint should be like ppointblank, melee does not need more damage,

If melee does not need more damage, then why implement the mod at all? Prime broken mods are about as close to false advertising as you can get in a game. All prime mods give double the capacity of their nonprime variant, besides a sneaky few which start at a lower bonus rate. Deviations from the existing primed mod system should be removed, and made to fall in line with the standard. 

Over all the game has a bunch of little facets that are not standardized. Explosive Self damage, Ability LOS, beam weapon fire rates/bullets/status per second, melee attack speed not affecting charged attacks. Drives me crazy every time I get used to things only to find out that for some strange reason there is an exception to the rule. 

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Just now, AM-Bunny said:

165% > 120%

The former requires a higher investment than the latter.

Seems like pretty sound logic to me.

Yeah it's logical, but compared to other Primed mods the buff is only minor and definitely not worth all the extra cores and credits needed when the normal version required so little.

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There's been such a lack of new mods from Baro for so long that I was able to get to rank 9 using just the excess crappy mods that gather dust in your inventory and I've not been playing all that much for the last six months.

3.5M credits plus assorted crap, 400 bronze and 305 silver cores didn't even touch my gold cores.


Tennoed :)


Edited by Sabreracer
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You seem to be thinking one dimensionally about this. DE has said they're working on removing mandatory mods, that doesn't mean the effects of the mods won't still exist.

Add in some new modification UI where you can apply, upgrade, and adjust the effects of damage/multishot mods (like turning your Serration all the way up and your Heavy Calibur to rank 6) and you can have your cake (player progression) and eat it (mod diversity).

Damage, multishot, crit chance/damage, and fire rate/attack speed mods do function to create a sense of progression in the game by needing to level them up. If DE made the values as high as they did, they have no reason to drop them entirely.

Edited by Roboplus
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