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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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19 hours ago, Grindgear said:

So, it looks like Orokin Derelict Exterminates are your best option for scanning Kavats since they're included in the enemy count that you have to kill, meaning you won't miss them like you possibly would in a capture or other mission type.

Kavats ARE NOT included in the enemy count in ODE, you can totally find them after killing all accounted enemies. As for frames, Trinity is quite good at imprint hunting, since her 3 links to invisible kavats and thus helps to locate them outside of skirmishes, and her 1 and 2 can CC them (especially 1, that also boosts target's health, 2 can be somewhat unreliable).

And yeah, imprint drop rate is a joke, especially paired with the fact that you need 20 of them for your first kavat and at least 30 to breed both types. I even thought Synthesis Scanner is bugged when I got zero imprints after 40-ish scans and bought back standard Codex Scanners. Got 2 imprints right after that and was excited, but it still took around 6 hours of ODE to get all 10 imprints, so I guess it was just RNG.

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1 minute ago, DeathRolller said:

Kavats ARE NOT included in the enemy count in ODE, you can totally find them after killing all accounted enemies. As for frames, Trinity is quite good at imprint hunting, since her 3 links to invisible kavats and thus helps to locate them outside of skirmishes, and her 1 and 2 can CC them (especially 1, that also boosts target's health, 2 can be somewhat unreliable).

And yeah, imprint drop rate is a joke, especially paired with the fact that you need 20 of them for your first kavat and at least 30 to breed both types. I even thought Synthesis Scanner is bugged when I got zero imprints after 40-ish scans and bought back standard Codex Scanners. Got 2 imprints right after that and was excited, but it still took around 6 hours of ODE to get all 10 imprints, so I guess it was just RNG.

Hmm. I wonder if Helios gives DNA? Or just scans?

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To obtain kavat gene code, this was what I did:

- build a derelict mission key

- spend 15 -20 minutes looking for  a maximum of 8 feral kavats in every corner possible, even with a full squad

- CC to make them not frustrating as hell to scan

- after all resources spending on keys, time spent on finding them, tile set fatigue, 10 missions and 60+ kavats scans later: 1 gene code.

10 gene code required for the segment module, and another 10 to hatch an egg. Are you really not kidding me?

Sorry I just won't bother to care about kavats at all with such "buy me with plat" messaging.


Edited by Astery86
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I recently got one of my friends to play Warframe, one of the things she was looking forward to was owning a space kitty. Yesterday we do 5 ODCs, scan about 20-30 cats, and only get one DNA for it. 

Currently farming this DNA is not worth doing. Getting Prime parts and selling them for plat to buy the DNA is much quicker and less frustrating. I made enough plat yesterday to pay for me and my friends incubator segement and cat DNA requirement. At the end of the day we won't be doing this unless it's fixed, and we won't be buying plat either. We will however remember how atrocious this experience is.

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On 7/8/2016 at 8:54 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

Hey Tenno! How excited are you right meow?

This megathread will be used to house any feedback about Kavats. Please be constructive, and keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Your post must be on topic.
  • Use details, examples, and personal experiences in your feedback, as well as your counter arguments if you disagree with something in the game or with another's opinion. 
  • Leave all name calling, insults and antagonism (dev bashing) out of your post, no exceptions. It is not required or welcomed and does not fall under constructive feedback. 

If you have a bug report, please post it in the dedicated megathread:

Thanks guys! :community:

On console my kubrows play tag with my penta rounds resulting in my death and my solution was to no longer bother with kubrows.

My question is if it will be as broken with Kavats once they reach console?

If the self damage from penta rounds remains then not even going to bother with Kavats.


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3 hours ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:


Well yeah, you have to actually open up the void to play there now, but it's still accessible. It's not like DE took out any and all ways of acquiring argon.

well I'm now in a catch22 situation, sure I'm not the only one, where my 2 quickest routes to the void are both blocked because the rotations won't allow me to complete the requirements... actually I might be restricted getting to other places too....

Jupiter needs an infested outbreak alert and phobos needs 3x lith fissions to be sealed, which I can't do because they've been in the void all day... maybe tomorrow I can do them, not that it looks like phobos would register anyways

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i was seriously exited about our new furry friends...at first i strugled a lot trying to get a drop from the hyekas wich i got...then i realize the little "surpise" that i need 10 genetic scans...so i asume i have a few after scaning the kavats...surprise surprise i have only 2...then i realize i have already scaned over 50...

The % chance needs to be increased dramatically...seriously DE this is way worse than hunting for kubrow eggs...furtermore and i just tested it theres a VERY limited amount of kavats spawning on derelict...its not like the spawn continiously to at least make us grind them like hell, seriously you need to make dramatic changes:

Scans should have an at least 50% chance IF you pretend to keep the tremendously low spawn rate as it its now (wich from my experience its about 4 kavats per mission)

If you want to keep the 10 scans per breed do the above unless you reduce it to 5...seriously the chance for the scan its ridiculously low

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Can't provide any feedback about the Kavats, since the segment requires 10 genetic codes, and I've yet to manage to get a single one.
I remember how much time I invested into getting a Kubrow egg, way back when that was implemented. I am not making that mistake twice.

Until the droprates improve, I wash my hands of this.

And yes, I saw that scans are buyable from the market.
I'm not rewarding droprate shenanigans with my plat, and doubly not at that price.

Edited by Chroia
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10 ODE missions back to back scanning every kavat i found, 4-6, 50ish scans, 0 dna. Sorry, this is another reason i always feel regret for buying plat in the past.

Edit: now at 20 runs or more, only now realizing im not even being credited for all my Kavat scans, I know im getting the exp drop and when rehighlighting the same kavat says target was already scanned, im 100% sureim not scanning any hyekkas, should be well over 100 scans by now but my profile has 16 or 17 listed. Im guessing bug?

Edit 2: now over 30 runs, 200ish scans , 5 dna. this is stupidly hard

Edited by loliHeadSHOTS
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I'm disappointed in your decisions, unless it's just for making people spend money and buy them. But if you really think that much grinding is ok for everyone... Scanning kavats is boring and even annoying, doing so 20 times and not getting "how is it called, anyway?" once made me give up on kavats already, i've grinded enough in this game and now if something is not fun for me then i'm not doing it. Don't talk about bad luck and rng, as long as it's not fun/annoying, it's not good for the game. Why do we need 10? Why is it random? How it this grinding reduction in any way? Making small steps, then ruining all expectations and trust in your words. As with vauban p and it's crafting cost(even if it was reduced almost instantly, you thought it was fine, and even now...). 10 "things" is ok, as long as it's 100% chance, having rng in their look and type is enough gamble and wasting so much time just for a chance of getting something you'd like is overkill. If getting it just HAS to be rng based, then why the hell 10? 1, not more and not this rare.

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10 minutes ago, Liolean said:

10 "things" is ok, as long as it's 100% chance, having rng in their look and type is enough gamble and wasting so much time just for a chance of getting something you'd like is overkill. If getting it just HAS to be rng based, then why the hell 10? 1, not more and not this rare.

I dont mind if its not a 100% chance, might get too easy. But at least a 50% chance would be fair in my opinion.
Chances are too low, 30 scans for 1 sample is as dismotivating as it could be.  

Edited by Guaruda
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2 minutes ago, Guaruda said:

I dont mind if its not a 100% chance, might get too easy. But at least a 50% chance would be fair in my opinion.
Chances are too low, 30 scans for 1 sample is as dismotivating as it could be.  

This is why i'm curious, what were their intentions? Why it should be so hard to get? Also, compromises are terrible imo, having something to hunt for specifically and not just for once... and from what i saw, 50% as cruel as 33, 15, 10, 1 and in some cases even 0... When we have rng with no guaranteed 1inX system(not sure if this even exist),  there is always possibility of not getting it ever.

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11 minutes ago, Liolean said:

This is why i'm curious, what were their intentions? Why it should be so hard to get? Also, compromises are terrible imo, having something to hunt for specifically and not just for once... and from what i saw, 50% as cruel as 33, 15, 10, 1 and in some cases even 0... When we have rng with no guaranteed 1inX system(not sure if this even exist),  there is always possibility of not getting it ever.

i thought 50% because getting even 1 every 2 scans seems reasonable. you would be hitting 10 at the end of the third run, and thats usually what takes for a kubrow egg to drop.

I dont know neither what were their intentions... but this way the kavat hype will be gone and soon they will be forgoten because noone will put up the work to farm them on these conditions

Cmon, even Rebbeca and Megan were suffering to farm them at the prime time



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yup pretty much just going to echo what everyone else is saying here, Genetic Code drop rate needs some sort of buff due to how many you need combined with the complications in getting the scans, (can't see invisible kavats, or wild kavats die in combat with other enemies) with kubrow you just smack any nest you come across and hope an egg pops out, RNG is still there but at least it's not RNG on top of RNG on top of needing a large quantity

will say I'm enjoying my Kavat so far, (was waiting for them so ended up buying the segment and a starter pack from the marketplace) even though she has a super derpy face, got an Adarza, crit chance buff on Cat's Eye seems to be huge, haven't really noticed the effects of Reflect but things like that are kind of tough to keep track of in combat. 

Sense Danger is a pretty nice quality of life move for people like me that can have a hard time seeing dark colored enemies on a dark tileset, by painting them bright purple,

Territorial Aggression is slid but niche, I only really use it when I was trying to find more kavats to scan, since mine would auto use it when there were some present so I knew to take out my scanner and look around for the invisible, now non agressive, ones

Sharpened Claws seems good, I assume it shreds armor, but once again hard to really notice the effect in combat

and haven't gotten Pounce or Swipe yet so no real opinion on them

Kavats are solid and a nice addition, I just think something needs to be done to make them less of a brutal pain to acquire, better drop rate on or fewer Genetic Codes needed, or some combination of the two,

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I scan 53 KAVATS... Getting ONLY 2 Genetic Codes after Scanning All of Them..

Increased The Drop Rate of Genetic Codes Please..

I'm Doing All Derelict Mission.. BTW..

plus it been a while (2 months to be exact) i didn't get any platinum discounts, so Plat Buying those Codes are Out of Question.. 

Edited by Blood_Poppy
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a best way to scan kavats, is using vauban, equinox or ivara, but i personally use ivara, make them sleep so i can scan them without worries.... at all

but earning the genetic codes is really annoying to scan like 20 kavats and just have 1 of them, bearing in mind that we need 10 or more


anyway, is getting funny doing this with friends

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