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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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6 hours ago, MzVelvet said:

I was super excited with the prospect of a new critter to farm (oh don't worry I sill love those Kubrows!) but this process is bordering on the insane (I'm a newer player and a bit on the shy side so I mostly run solo so far) I've wound up logging off several times to save my wits. I think the "fun" aspect got lost somewhere in this task and just morphed to "you have a better chance to win the lotto" mode. Also, for those who might not know (I didn't) you can get the Kavat incubator blueprint from your Clan Dojo :)  

Special Note: for those getting a chance to breed a Kavat, both of mine (one Adarza and one Smeeta) at the baby stage, have had the same ears and only fanny fluff, no tail, until mature. So definitely areas you want to watch for!


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So the main consencious i am getting is that as of right now, kavats dna is far too grindy to obtain in the normal way. That leaves us with a few options to pursue.

1. We have it so kavats need their own egg and give them nest, similar to how kubrows r

2. Kavats always drop DNA when scanned, but need alot more DNA to get, so instead of scaning 10 with a 5% chance, u need to scan say 40 or 50 with each giving a 100% chance of giving DNA.

3. Increase the current rate of DNA drops, not sure by how much but something that can be done in maybe 10 runs or so, something on par with getting a kubrow egg. 

To be honest i am starting to learn with number 2 since at least its a number, this arnt my ideas, just things i have seen suggested but they all seem viable, granted 1 would take a while, but still it would help people who want kavats to get them, as well as making them as obtainable as kubrows, which for all purposes they should be .

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5 hours ago, Maugre said:

Don't even get me started on the archwing changes.

I was one of the few that liked it, and now it's almost unplayable in my eyes.


I... actually like the archwing changes, I'm sorry that it's unplayable to you.  Is it motion sickness?  I've heard of people building resistance to that stuff, like in the VR games so maybe there's hope for that?

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Honestly, I would be okay scanning upwards of 50 feral kavats to build the incubator segment and the first kitty, if the genetic code rate was 100%.

I don't mind grinding.  I just don't want my progress to be entirely up to an RNG that has proven, time and time again, that it hates my existence and my happiness.  Even at 3-5 kavats a mission, that's just, what, ballpark of ten to twenty runs?  I can do twenty derelict runs.  I just want to make sure that each one of those runs counts for something so long as I can scan a kavat.

Make it like 30 codes to build the kavat incubator, plus 20 for every kavat.  It's a grind, yes, but at least at 100% drop rate, I can live with it.

Edited by Arkvold
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26 minutes ago, achromos said:


I... actually like the archwing changes, I'm sorry that it's unplayable to you.  Is it motion sickness?  I've heard of people building resistance to that stuff, like in the VR games so maybe there's hope for that?

Nope, not motion sickness. Sliding all over the place, drifting when I want to do a sharp turn (resulted in many teammate deaths already), camera far too close, and the free flight is fantastic for getting lost in space.

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29 minutes ago, achromos said:


I... actually like the archwing changes, I'm sorry that it's unplayable to you.  Is it motion sickness?  I've heard of people building resistance to that stuff, like in the VR games so maybe there's hope for that?

Mate, not only are you in the wrong thread, but you're literally blaming a developer flaw on the players.


If people who are typically not prone to motion sickness are reporting it en masse, there's a bloody issue.

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13 minutes ago, Maugre said:

Nope, not motion sickness. Sliding all over the place, drifting when I want to do a sharp turn (resulted in many teammate deaths already), camera far too close, and the free flight is fantastic for getting lost in space.


Ah, well at least you don't have motion sickness issues.  I do understand the sliding over the place on sharp turns.  They really should give us a button for a hard break so we can really correct ourselves... It would be nice.  However, at least as a Itzal user I have a kind-of work around for it.  The itzals invisibility pretty much halts most movement.  It's rather clunky but it helps me on tight turns and stopping to res allies.


Edit: But... uh, this is the kavat feedback thread and we should really not divert this thread from it's topic :C


As far as the kavat's though, at least they are good.  Much better then kubrows.  I love the variants between the tails, ears, and face.  Although I've had to consign my first three Kavat's because they were so ugly ;-;



10 minutes ago, MihariofMabinogi said:

Mate, not only are you in the wrong thread, but you're literally blaming a developer flaw on the players.


If people who are typically not prone to motion sickness are reporting it en masse, there's a bloody issue.


Dude, I'm NOT telling people who have motion sickness to not report it, NOR am I BLAMING people for being motion sick.  NOR is it the developers fault that they have triggered SOME people to have motion sickness.  Archwing is a completely different game-type and some people have motion sickness to ANY type of flying simulators.  It's a HUMAN problem, not a developer problem.  They can do their best to mitigate it, but that's it.  The rest is on the persons ability to personally get used to it or not if they cannot.


Do NOT try to infer things that aren't absolutely there.  Reread what I am saying and you will see that I'm only offering a bit of hope.  Some people can muscle through their motion sickness and gradually become immune to it.  That's ALL i am saying.  Did I even START blaming someone?  No.  So, stop that.


Secondly.  I was responding to a already off topic post.  Doesn't make it better, but you aren't a moderator.  Just report and move along, Starting a argument and even going farther off topic to tell people they are off topic is akin to Meta-Complaints which we actually do have a rule against.

Edited by achromos
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got super hyped over kavats, its arguably one of the biggest things in this update however the grind for new gear is getting increasingly more difficult. Reason why i like Warframe and played it for 3 years is because the average f2p player isnt completely screwed over buy not spending and for warframe its awesome cause almost anything plat only is cosmetics which is 100% ok. HOWEVER what people have been mentioning everywhere yea the drop rates like wdf. Personally ive done about 30 runs or so of ODC and gotten 1 segment, thats right ONE, I dont mind grinding for stuff however ive noticed the f2p grind is getting increasingly more grindy, first with siebear, then with vaub P, now kavats this is all despite DE specifically stating they want to reduce the grind. Now ive played for a while and looking back over everything i noticed that the grind just increased from 3 years ago to now. Dont get me wrong i dont just want to be spoonfed but at the same time i dont want to spend countless hours repeating the same exact thing for little to no progress on something. I really hope this is hotfixed cause right now it will be a while for anyone f2p to get the segments required 

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I gave up on having one until you gus fix the drop-rate of the scans.

We need ten, Kavats spawn in packs of two, and have a chance to drop a fragment. Then I go to market and find it costs 50p to buy a single kavat.

DE, I'm always polite and love you guys, but...

are you messing with me here? I don't know. But I am this close to snapping after 60+ runs.

At least it was 10p per kubrow.

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Kavats seem really cool so far. They look great, move great and dye great. The abilities are powerful and different than kubrows without totally displacing them because kubrows do far more combat damage as far as I can tell.

Unlike many here, I see no problem at all with the dna droprates from scans. You need max 20 codes to have an incubator upgrade and kavat. Even at bad drop rates, that's no more than 4-5 play sessions, hardly "grindy" by prevailing standards in this game or many other hybrids. If you get tired of it, pay the measly five plat each to make up the rest and support the game. I see people regularly paying 35P for noggles and 100p for cosmetics. 50P for a permanent combat pet just isn't that big a deal.

Edited by Buttaface
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i wonder if this low near impossible drop rate is a kinda of prime access or a way to test them in small number in case of some gamebreaking exploit or something.
In both cases i would be totally fine with it, fair reasons for game balance and first time exclusivity for ppl who are disposed to pay.

But gods sake, if is that whats happening, at least be honest with us
we will understand <3 

Edited by Guaruda
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1 hour ago, Buttaface said:

Even at bad drop rates, that's no more than 4-5 play sessions

If you mean missions, you're dead wrong. Played way more than that with way less output.

If you meant sessions of sitting down to play, you're also wrong. I'm a no-lifer... When I'm not doing something else, I'm on. That means ALL DAY. Spent the first day and a half JUST looking for these DNA fragments, and ended up caving in and buying the last 5 I needed.

This IS too much.

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I'd really like to defend DE for adding a second companion animal, but really... I just can't.

Kavat Genetic Codes have an absurdly low drop rate, and you need ten of them to just build the incubator segment.  It's fine and dandy that clanless Tenno can get the bp for the segment off Hyekka masters, but to then require 10 Genetic Codes just to build it?  That doesn't even make sense... Why would an incubating machine require code samples just to assemble the machine... and then require MORE code samples to breed the animal in question?  If we're putting code samples into the construction of the machine, that's it, it should have all the information it needs to start spitting out Kavats without any more genetic information.


The fact that you have to have 10 samples to build the segment, then another 10 to breed the Kavat, combined with their awful drop rate and the fact that the segment bp can also be obtained without clan research as a drop SCREAMS that this is a cash-grab strategy.  The codes alone at 5 plat per sounds like such a good deal... Until you realize you need 10 of them to build the segment (50 plat), 10 MORE to breed the Kavat (50 plat), then there's the temptation to rush the build of the segment (More plat), rush the build of the incubator power core (MORE plat).


Specters of the Rail sounded like such a cool thing to finally get, and while most of it is, the fact that one of the BIGGEST "Hey look! New toy! Shiny!" draws for the update is either a cash-grab or one of the slowest grinds in the game to date seriously puts me off playing until the last leg of U19 comes down.


Color me intensely disappointed DE.

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2 hours ago, Buttaface said:

Kavats seem really cool so far. They look great, move great and dye great. The abilities are powerful and different than kubrows without totally displacing them because kubrows do far more combat damage as far as I can tell.

Unlike many here, I see no problem at all with the dna droprates from scans. You need max 20 codes to have an incubator upgrade and kavat. Even at bad drop rates, that's no more than 4-5 play sessions, hardly "grindy" by prevailing standards in this game or many other hybrids. If you get tired of it, pay the measly five plat each to make up the rest and support the game. I see people regularly paying 35P for noggles and 100p for cosmetics. 50P for a permanent combat pet just isn't that big a deal.

you're fanboying and missing the point. cosmetics are something to pay for. it only costs 10p for a kubrow egg, a kavat costs 5 times as much, and its obvious how easy it is to obtain a kubrow egg, it seems like with every update, they aim to make the grind more and more tedious, also you should read the thread before you post, because its obvious thats not the case, people are scanning in the 80s of kavats with only 1 or 2 codes. you're trying make it out like its not a big deal when it is because theyre going to continuinly make things more and more tedious to farm with every update. guys like you who just accept everything good or bad will make that happen faster.

Edited by BeastKing9
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every kavat has 10% chance of dropping a dna thingy. you need 10. this means you need to find 100 kavats. this means doing 20 or more orokin derelict exterminates. which is to much grind for one pet.id say either lower the amount of dna it costs, make a way to get more dna easily (maybe with the upgrade segment) or make the kavats drop more dna.

as it currently stands it feels as if all the void grind has been put into kavats. which makes the best feature of this update into the worst one.

note: the grind itsself isnt bad. its actualy a challenge to find and scan kavats. the problem is the amount of grind for one pet kavat is insane.

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I don't exactly know what the drop-rate percentage of the Kavat DNA drops are, but with all the threads and discussions about it and along with personal gameplay I can say that's it's quite low.

Very low to be exact.

Add in the fact that we actually need 20 DNA codes for 1 Kavat (10 for the Kavat incubator segment; 10 for Kavat itself), it makes this a certain pain to get. I'm just baffled how U19 focused on lessening the grind when it comes to farming prime parts and being able to trade archwing parts, and then BAM we get a super low, RNG heav styled drop chance on our beloved kitty-Kavat.

I'm hoping this gets patched.

Edited by GPDM
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just finding the wild kavats suck. With kubrow eggs you could speed run a mission just looking out for dens. But with kavats i could look around a derelict capture going in and out of my synthesis scanner and maybe find 3-4 in 10 minutes. 

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Perseverance. And get a warframe that has some CC ability so you can pin the feral furballs still. I use Ivara because she's good to sneak around with, her Prowl actually pops out Kavat mods often from the ferals (it makes them aggressive though) and her sleeping arrows also make them stay still for that one scan (which nullifies aforementioned pickpocketing agro). Just keep at it and you'll get it. Vauban's Bastille is another good ability if you don't mind risking being squishy out in the open in a solo.

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