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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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My Kavat has glowing green eyes and stripes on its tail that glow, however those colors cannot be changed, it would be nice to be able to have an "Energy" color option to change those colors. Though, I can understand if this is too much to ask for considering the current color palettes all involve fur, also, having unchangeable energy colors provides additional reasons to farm/breed Kavats.

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On 10/07/2016 at 8:30 PM, MeriKona said:

Just here to chime in with my complaints.

Not happy with DNA sample drop rates. Definitely think they should be either guaranteed or add a new gear item specifically for extracting DNA.

As a side note, would also like to mention that 120,000 alloy plates for crafting the segment is a huge grind wall to anyone who wasn't around when the void dropped alloy plates. It would take days of solid farming to get that amount of plates without boosters. Many might be sitting on millions, but anyone who joined in the last 3 months has likely 50-90k after hundreds of hours of play. 

So far the feature I was most excited for in update 19 has proven to be inaccessible to me, realistically, because of the insane grind wall. I agree with the others here when they say there is a definite 'buy this with plat' vibe. 

An incubator upgrade segment dropped for me yesterday ... then I saw the Alloy Plate requirement. I have over 300 hours played and just over 100k Alloy Plate. Quite aside from the horror stories I'm reading regarding DNA drop rates, the Alloy Plate requirement is well and truly enough for me to just not bother.

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This is more of a comment about the [X] link mods for the kavats (and also kubrows).  I dislike how the only mods that help increase the survivability of your companions are the [X] link mods which scale off of your warframe's stats.  It makes it so I only really want to bring my kavat into higher level missions if I specifically have a tanky warframe.  I play a lot of the squishier control/damage frames like nyx and mirage relying on quick thinking and primed flow to stay alive.  But this does nothing for my cat. I do not mind the pack leader mod as much as the others, but lifesteal is useless if my cat is getting one shot.  I like the idea behind the link mods (your pet grows in strength as you do), but as having lots of health/shields/armor is not the only way to stay alive, I don't think those should be the only means that your pets can grow with you.

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13 hours ago, Mortischya said:

An incubator upgrade segment dropped for me yesterday ... then I saw the Alloy Plate requirement. I have over 300 hours played and just over 100k Alloy Plate. Quite aside from the horror stories I'm reading regarding DNA drop rates, the Alloy Plate requirement is well and truly enough for me to just not bother.

You guys gave me a proper scare, so I just went to check, I am also at over 300 hours (well, 360 to be more precise), but I am currently sitting on some 217k Alloy plates.

Would it be rude for me to assume this discrepancy can be explained by the fact that Alloy plates don't drop on Draco? :D

EDIT - I'm an idiot. I just checked Wiki, Alloy plates do drop on Draco. WTF. My bad.

Edited by Eudaimonium
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So I'm a pretty casual player. Came back for the update and spacecats. Spent a night gathering the genetic codes then race over to the foundry to figure out what else I need and I'm like, "Ok, just one Argon Crystal? No Problem. Some Alloy Pla-...no way.".


Where do I farm this stuff in vast quantities, and why do I need so much of it?

Edited by Phun
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Just going to reiterate this request:

Can we please put Kavat on Eris and other Infested nodes? I know, I know; they are Orokin in origin. But they also feed on the Infested. And the Infested have managed to spread throughout the system.

Think about it: We know from Void Sabotage  that both Corpus and Grineer have made portals into and out of the Void. We know Grineer go to Derelicts in droves. Surely, these clever Kavat would have found a way to slip onto their ships by now and spread around.

Why do this? Would it lessen the grind?

Sure it would. Which is what DE Claims they want to do. But it would also add some ambient life to planets which badly need it. There's a shortage of animal life on the sytem's planets. Kavats are one chance to alter that for the better. So why not do so? 

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Genetic code:

With the kubrows we only need one egg which comes from an open planet. We can practically get an egg at anytime we want; I found two in one hour today. Due to Earth being open I can have a public match causing more kubrows and possibly dens to spawn. Not to mention eggs are also given out in alerts. However with the kavats they are locked in the derelict and require 20 genetic codes (including 10 just to build the segment). The derelict is not open to public games like the void has become; it does not have any alerts to get people to play there. The only reason since Sotr for people to play there (besides kavats) is the vaults.

Due to this I think obtaining the kavat genetic code needs to improve. Such as spawning kavats on Eris or improving the drop rate dramatically.

Edited by Postal_pat
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To DE, I just want to say a big thank you, my 4 hour grind has finally paid off. My kavat was stunningly beautiful, it survived sortie 3 without max rank, red crits all over the place, enemy armors stripped in seconds, extremely well done AI compared to others, and I look forward to put a billion teslas on this graceful fella in the near future. Thanks for all the work you've done.

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On 7/15/2016 at 9:12 AM, Charko said:

I own this company. I started this thread. Tell us more!



Kavat was beyond max range when I noticed it wasn't returning. It never died, and I couldn't revive...just layed there for 3 waves. Defense alert (10 waves), no one in squad knew what happened either. I tried pack leader, but melee wouldn't revive my kavat either.




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38 minutes ago, AKFEVER said:

I have to QQ about everything, 7 forma kavat should have an invincible status and be able one shot every bosses.

Yeah, kavat have bug. We all know this.


44 minutes ago, AKFEVER said:

I tried pack leader, but melee wouldn't revive my kavat either.

Good! It works only while your pet is alive.

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Ok nice move:

kavats have became as scarce as kubrow eggs - before the update it was easy to find entire packs of kavats roaming the derelicts unmolested, shredding any infested dumb enough to cross them, now they spawn in ridicously low numbers and get slaughtered by the excessive number of corpus and grineer intruders - this is a bad joke - on top of all the difficulties in scanning them, we have also RNG on effectively scanning anything if we manage to find them before the game kills them off - nice way to rig things agains the players again.

Honestly here DE makes a very poor impression, it would have been better if they put out a good number of cosmetics for cavats in the market than this grindwall to even make a kavat: people will grow bored but won't be willing to buy them anyway, theyr price is overinflated compared to both kubrows and sentinels and they still suffer from most kubrows AI bugs.


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On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 3:08 PM, VirtualViolet said:

Just adding my two cents: kavat genetic code is still way too difficult to obtain. Before the fix, I had gotten only one out of several runs. After the drop chance was doubled, I still only managed to get four more out of several more runs (this was with a group). I finally broke down and bought the other 5 I needed for the incubator upgrade segment, but I don't want to spend 50p for a single kavat incubation, especially with the risk of it coming out with some ugly squashed face and stubby ears.

I'm done with it for now until the drop rate is boosted again.

Agreed, I've stopped running OD because of this. Ran it today with 3 other people and scanned 6 kavat, but no DNA. We each had synthesis scanner with upgrade on it to scan twice with each scan... still nada.  Please DE increase the drop chance... again.  its too low even with more people.  However I've been unable to obtain more than the measly 3 I've had BEFORE the update........ hopefully this is fixed


Increase the drop rate and reduce the DNA required for the upgrade segment. Those are my suggestions... still easier to make/obtain a kubrow. 

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In regards to the " Kavats and Kubrows not having the ability to be offensive, or defensive ", I'm not sure how hard this would be to implement, and it would no doubt be covered in bugs, but I'm not to savvy on how coding works.

However, I think it'd be kind of nice for Kavats, and Kubrows to have an Aura slot, of sorts! One of say, three different Auras you can get when receiving a new companion. Either an Offense/Power stance. Giving your companion, and possibly other companions, a damage boost (20%), an attack frequency (Like fury? but for kavats, or kubrows), or movement speed bonus (20%), allowing them to reach targets faster, or do more damage. While also making your companion more likely to go for enemies, and have a larger aggro radius.

A defensive stance, giving your companion bonus shield(50%), armor(100%), health(50%) off base values, or damage resistance (25%). While also changing the AI to be more.. well, defensive. Sticking near you, attacking enemies that attack you, much like shades revenge mod. While also possibly attracting more aggro to themselves.

And lastly, a supportive type stance. Being within range of the companion (say, 50m, like the affinity radius), makes you slowly regenerate HP (0.5%/sec), energy (0.5/sec), slowly gain over-shield (5 shield recovered/sec), etc. Your companion would probably play more passively, but still attack enemies that are nearby.

Again, not sure how well this could be implemented, but it could certainty give kubrows/kavats an edge in game play VS the no-upkeep sentinels.

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18 hours ago, AKFEVER said:

I have to QQ about everything, 7 forma kavat should have an invincible status and be able one shot every bosses.

Chardo, your logical fallacy is Ad Hominem. Read the OP.

I'm done with the troll of it all. 


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I'm noticing that when a Kavat encounters a camera or activated ceiling turret they freeze in place indefinitely or until the camera/turret is killed, however since turrets can only be damaged when activated if you destroy the cameras first there is a chance the Kavat will become permanently stuck there due to its AI wanting to kill the turret but being unable to path to the turret.

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yup, definitely back to Starcraft.

Seriously, the drop rate is outright BULLSH*T.

I'm not expecting to get 10 sequences in one run, but 1 or 2 per run, would at least make it feel obtainable, as I've said, with the way Kavats work, now, they're not worth the effort, time, nor money.

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I got a kitty but before I mature (or prob get a 2nd one) I'm gonna wait for DE to remove this joke:


(not my image)

Kittens with long ears and normal head transforming into that THING? Change it to actual normal shape or make the kittens look similar to that so when you have you Kavat incubated you know how it will ACTUALLY LOOK when its matured.


To see what I meant by "normal shape" look at SlinkySphinx's post on page 2


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5 hours ago, Azathoth0013 said:

yup, definitely back to Starcraft.

Seriously, the drop rate is outright BULLSH*T.

I'm not expecting to get 10 sequences in one run, but 1 or 2 per run, would at least make it feel obtainable, as I've said, with the way Kavats work, now, they're not worth the effort, time, nor money.

Tried my first Kavat hunt tonight. Its a triple grind wall, AT LEAST:

-Need Traces to make keys (grind boring, repetitive Fissure events)

-Grind the Derelicts (hoping for Kavats to both spawn, and live long enough to get scanned in the first place (and thanks for putting whole armies full of Grineer flame flowers in there, now, yeah.

-HOPE that, IF you have a key, and IF the Kavat lives...then it ALSO happens to drop what you need on scan.


This isn't a chance of success. Its an insultingly stupid waste of time for which DE no longer has any respect. Its a straight effort to sell Plat and NOTHING more. Which  I wont be falling for. Sorry; no realistic chance of getting it in the game equals pay to win, and I dont support that. 

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       So  just ran about 20 derelict missions and ended up with only 2 dna samples. I've noticed the drop rate and kavat spawn rate have been nerfed into the ground in the last patch and it's not just me imagining it. Before last patch I was getting 2 to 3 dna samples a run with about 10 kavats spawned in. Now I'm lucky if I find 4 kavats per run and now they just don't give the dna from scans.

       DE remember how you said you are here to make the game fun because it's how you get payed and you wouldn't want to screw it up. You are screwing it up right now by forcing people into a grindfest, and didn't you say that is what you are trying to get away from? It seem it was all talk and what was delivered was the opposite. Void fragments, kavats are the biggest grinds you guys thought of so far. The only thing that was as much fun was the Brakk quest but even then there was always a progression with doing the same mission 100 times. Now you can run the same mission 100 times and be no closer to the reward than when you started.

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