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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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So I have to say I did some experiment with my kavats and the territorial aggression mods.

I think the description is misleading. It reads "The kavat marks their territory, pacifying any wild creature within it". It sounds like a wide aoe oberon passive-like mod, right ? Well turns out it isn't. What the mod do is it scare away the wild animals from the territory. Doesn't sound that helpful sadly ... I dont expect people to use that mod a lot. Unless the fauna in warframe become something major.


I think the mod description should be rewritten as such: "The kavat marks their territory, scaring away any wild creature within it"


Edited by vaur06
Added rewritten mod description
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3 hours ago, Charko said:

Stop with that BS





2 hours ago, Arkvold said:

Do you... even use the Link (X) mods? 




I've also noticed at times my kavat having difficulty navigating around obstacles/walls/etc, maybe affecting its ability to return to me while nearby. 


Edited by AKFEVER
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First off DE, thanks for a great game that I've really enjoyed for 1400+ hours.

I was really excited about the kavats until I actually tried to get one.  The (formerly) terrible drop rate on kubrow eggs was mostly ok because you only needed to find 1 and it was on an easily farmable planet and your enemies didn't destroy the thing you needed before you got to it.  None of those things is true for kavats except the poor drop rate for the needed item.  

Solutions:  Remove the genetic code requirements from the incubator segment.  Add some other resource that we can get from derelicts instead.  Give it an orokin cell requirement too if you need to.

Increase the drop rate on the codes or halve the code requirements for breeding.  The goal should appear attainable to the player.  At current drop rates and requirements I'm a month out from seeing my first kavat.  That's the point where I stop bothering with it.

Plat costs:  Selling the codes individually for the people that just need one or 2 is great!  Not having a bundle where buying all the needed codes to breed is at a discount, not so much.  I've happily paid 10P for a kubrow egg.  I'll never pay 50 for a kavat.  If it were 10P or 20P, yeah.  Not ever at 50P though.

I hope you have a look at this feedback and seriously consider changes to this content.


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49 minutes ago, AKFEVER said:

I've also noticed at times my kavat having difficulty navigating around obstacles/walls/etc, maybe affecting its ability to return to me while nearby.

This is weird.  I've never noticed any pathing issues for my kavat, and he happily survives Eris and Pluto missions with not even half the defensive modding you've got.  Mine's a Smeeta - maybe it's a breed issue?

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7 hours ago, vaur06 said:

I think the description is misleading. It reads "The kavat marks their territory, pacifying any wild creature within it". It sounds like a wide aoe oberon passive-like mod, right ? Well turns out it isn't. What the mod do is it scare away the wild animals from the territory. Doesn't sound that helpful sadly ... I dont expect people to use that mod a lot. Unless the fauna in warframe become something major.

Do you even know what pacify means? 

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Guys, the Kavats travel in packs with more of them in a pack if you have a squad. If you're going to complain about drop rates when you're only going to solo (which nets you about 3-4 Kavats in a pack), at least admit you're doing it solo so we can laugh at you. Honestly, the drop rates aren't that bad. Find 3 other people and bring a Booban or Ivara or something similar.

With that out of the way, I want to say a kudos to whoever was in charge of Kavat AI. They seem to not need a whole lot of baby sitting, though they might have a little issue with AoE attacks like Sapping Osprays.

Edited by TheTundraTerror
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so i had my 30 dnas together in about 3~4 hours total going solo at first then with groups and using symaris scanner multiplyer. the grind was comparatively bearable really and it was kinda nice to have an incentive to visit ods and playing oberon after what felt like ages. did some vault running along the way, too, to spice things up. overall i can say i had far worse grindtimes (ivara, most archwing stuff, certain primes etc etc.).

edit: that being said: enemy flame throwers are bs. the damage and the fact they can hit you through obstacles. major bs.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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On 7/15/2016 at 4:13 AM, AKFEVER said:


Grab the pack leader mod if you need a health Regen source. 


11 hours ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

it was kinda nice to have an incentive to visit ods and playing oberon after what felt like ages.

Never thought of using Oberon. Good thinking. But still, it's hardly an incentive when it relies on 4 hour grinding to let people even play the tileset besides getting corrupted mods. 

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Hey guys, I feel like a stereotype coming into the forums to leave mostly negative feedback, but here I am, rather disgruntled by the way this all turned out after being really excited about Kavats.

First of all, I'd like to say that against my better judgment (I'm allergic to spending money) I bought the Kavat starter kit and 9 extra genetic codes (managed to farm one) to save time. Genetic code farming seems like it's been way too inconsistent so far, and I felt like I was being heavily penalized for wanting to "earn" them. I mean, I could spend several hours farming the codes, but that's several hours of a purposefully unfun activity in which I earn virtually nothing. If I wanted to do something boring I could mow some lawns if I can't take extra shifts at work and feel like I've done something more useful. On top of that, the farming time is an extra X hours I don't have a space cat, whereas people buying it get it much faster.

That aside, I understand if you want Kavats to be significantly harder to obtain than Kubrows; that's completely fine. As much as Warframe players have already signed up for being a slave of RNGesus, it would be nice to not feel completely screwed by it. I'd rather see a "scan X cats get one code" system in place than need to get on my knees and pray I don't spend all day on this. That's if we don't think about scrapping that idea altogether and go with killing Hyekkas so I can reduce frustration by being more efficient and farming other things at the same time.

Secondly, I'm not going to lie, a lot of our space animal friends bounce rapidly between cute and hideous. That being kept in mind, I got the type 4 Kavat face (not knowing it was an option) and it's honestly hard to look at. My personal bias is at play here, but a part of me wants to believe this face type only exists to make people roll multiple Kavats until they get one that isn't uglier than sin. I understand the "no ears scrunched face" look, but there is no tail type that fits that style at all (all Kavat tails are long and flowing, which does nothing but emphasize the clashing aesthetics) and there seems to be no body type variation when that face looks like visual heresy atop a slender body.

Despite my misgivings I'm going to give DE the benefit of the doubt, as I think the community often gets frustrated and paints you guys in a needlessly harsh light. However, I feel really crappy about needing to choose between spending God knows how long farming or fork out extra money, which feels like rewarding the game's systems for screwing me. I would have paid roughly $8.00 without a discount, with no hope of a refund, to get a product I'm entirely unsatisfied by. There were many pretty cats advertised by DE, but I did not get those. I got the runt.

Frankly, I don't know what I'm going to do yet, I just know that having invested some of my very limited income into this has made me feel much worse about it, and as much as I want to support this game I will probably be much more hesitant to purchase something in the future. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have space cats in space, even if it didn't turn out great for me. Cheers.

Edited by ADeadManatee
Forgot to avoid swearing
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Any chance for the kavat facial features to get tweaking? This is a face only a mother could love.


The droopy ears really have to go IMO. I spent too much time farming Kavat Gene Sequences to put him in the kitty blender.

Edited by Mints
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I haven't made my Kavat yet but can you guys actually add back in disfigured crossbreeding as a feature.

If the Orokin can go and made twisted infested and sentients that backfire and destroy them why can't I carry on that legacy as a twisted Orokin and produce twisted KavBrows to outmatch the twisted Grineer machinations and tenno based electro-hunting dogs. I mean if we're all just screwing everything up in that reality it'd be nice if I could make a tail-faced six legged upside down dogcat with two faces for ears, each face with different proportions of blended kavat and kubrow, with a tongue flopping out of them. It's pure nightmare fuel which is perfect for entire society of people living in a nightmare. We can all have messed up kavbrow combinations that get worse and have style competitions. Maybe add in creepy agonizing sounds for KavBrows that are hybrids of the two species as well to really nail it. 

Let us as 'tenno' truly create and ask ourselves the very things our ancestors did, "oh my, what have I have I done and why am I still so totally using it as a weapon or tool?" When we are all monsters, no one is a monster.

Maybe even give them corrupted kavbrow mods like corrupted mods with positives and negatives. So we can have large bulky ones that make wheezing noises and lumber more like ancients and hit like a brick but are clearly problematic or really super fast that have a chance of not stopping and literally exploding into an enemy or exploding when hit like leapers/boilers.


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Had extra plat, so bought the Kavat package on the market.  Then I found out I needed 10 more segments so I farmed ODC and ODE for a few hours each and after getting 0 DNA I just broke down and bought it off the market for another 50p.


Conclusion: this portion of the Kavat creation sucks. The time it takes to make the stuff once you have the mats is fine. The process of getting those mats is not.  I'd prefer a 100% drop rate in Kavat DNA but only make N amount of Kavat spawn per OD mission, where N is equal to the number of Tenno in your group.  So a group of four Tenno would have to do 5 runs to get 20 DNA, assuming no Kavat are killed early. Realistically, maybe 5 to 6 runs total, and it encourages group play.

Overall feel for making a Kavat is largely negative due to the time it takes to farm the mats. Farming Oxium is more fun.


Once my Kavat was finished maturing, things improved markedly. My lovely Smeeta is a joy to watch; the animations are both graceful and powerful, and it's great to see her flip and tumble around dodging gunfire and mauling enemies, so kudos to the team there.  I think I got lucky with my aesthetics; long flowing ears, relatively cute face, flowing fan tail, red and green coloration.  I'm pleased with the result and have received compliments on her a few times already. My Smeeta (Cuddles) hits pretty hard and, with just one life mod, has about 1100 life when she's at max rank. Charm is great, and it's nice to zone into a map and just instantly receive 7 or 8 of the rare resource for that planet because reasons.  The decoy Kavat from Mischief works nicely; near as I can tell it's a copy of Loki and his Decoy skill, with the same aggro drawing properties but also a small initial dash thrown in for good measure.

Overall happiness with my Kavat is high. Overall happiness with how I got my Kavat is pretty low. I had the plat on hand and wasn't using it for anything else, but the frustration of farming the squirrelly things in the mayhem of ODE or ODC was excessive to me.


So overall, great job on at least the Smeeta Kavat. Kavat acquisition in general could use some tweaks.

Edited by ShakeyMac
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DE: Please let us actually change the energy color of our Kavats. Mine has a sickly neon green energy color that clashes horribly with my overall color theme of red/purple/blue/brown/gray.

I would also like to be able to grow some ears on mine. Two bred already and both came out with the ugly no-ears Persian style.

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