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Market Overhaul Feedback [Megathread]


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I don't want to be cynical, and I really don't want to think the redesign was malicious, but with the new Market the first thing a newbie will think is there's no way at all to obtain equipment without spending Platinum beforehand. So by trying to "fix" the blueprint conundrum (Which in my opinion was something that didn't require fixing) you just made the issue much, MUCH worse.

Just add separate Platinum/Credit sections to make it clear the game is not P2W at all, which unfortunately is the very first impression one would get upon opening the Market for the first time, being shown the Platinum cost of everything by default.

Also not making obvious when a given blueprint may be obtained from an alternative source (Such as with the Simulor or most questline Frames) is a terrible idea. There's no "build" tab or anything to tell you it's not Platinum-only, further compounding the "P2W-ness feel." DE please, don't let bean counters dictate UI redesigns.

Edited by EntropiaFox
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Giving a deeper look into the market. Found 5 frames whose main Blueprint can't be bought from the market, but doesn't have a tab saying where the blueprint is earned, further giving the idea that the frame has to be purchased with plat:






Note that Chroma, which is another quest-earned Warframe, has a tab explaining where to get him, as well as all Tenno Lab frames.

Adding to that, having the Blueprint purchase tab/page also saw where you get all the other parts (whether it's warframe/Archwing part BPs or Archwing weapon parts) would be an excellent thing to have as well.

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1 hour ago, thothsong said:

The hiding of non-plat purchases sure seems like it was intentional.

Seems more like intentionally making accidental plat purchases easier. I find it discomforting that I have to go click through something referring to have a plat price to get to credit purchases.

The current format also effectively hides what blueprints I already have, making it a lot harder to watch out for purchasing unneeded extra ones for the items which are already being built. Sure the information still is there, but it is less noticeable. Also it requires quite a lot of annoying inefficient clicking though menus. Also the previous convenient going back with "esc" now throws you out of the store instantly. It rather liked the old hierarchy based design as is was intuitive and efficient compared to the new one which focuses more on visuals and less on usage.

I'd rather have the old shop back and maybe merge the new one to the codex although putting the purchase option little out of the way into like the blueprints are now. But as that's probably not going to happen, I'd like to at least have the subcategories stick to the top or something to make it easier to jump between them and also see at the top level if I either own the item or a blueprint for it. Especially in the weapons category.

All in all this update with its overhauls should have been labeled usability derailed.

Although to give credit where credit is due, it was nice that the build-tab showed information on how to acquire the recipe if it was not purchasable (at least for some items). Previously had to resort to wikia for the information.

Edited by davanian
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24 minutes ago, EntropiaFox said:

I don't want to be cynical, and I really don't want to think the redesign was malicious, but with the new Market the first thing a newbie will think is there's no way at all to obtain equipment without spending Platinum beforehand. So by trying to "fix" the blueprint conundrum (Which in my opinion was something that didn't require fixing) you just made the issue much, MUCH worse.

As someone who has started recently, the previous store was the first place that gave little insight on what you can acquire without using plat. Thus contrary to what some believe the store actually made me believe there was something acquirable by playing instead of paying.

After this overhaul I couldn't find the blueprints. I knew they should be there, but found them only after a previous posts in this thread pointed out that new players might not find them from the tabs. Thus the new store actually magnified the issue, which the old one was accused of.

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2 hours ago, Sk8rTal said:

I don't mind the way it looks but.. we NEED to be able to find blueprints a lot easier..




Ayyup. Or if they don't want to clutter the UI with Blueprint sub-sections, this



(Pic edited from RIOT's post on PHP)

Might be a problem for items where the BP isn't on the market but w/e.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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9 minutes ago, davanian said:

After this overhaul I couldn't find the blueprints. I knew they should be there, but found them only after a previous posts in this thread pointed out that new players might not find them from the tabs. Thus the new store actually magnified the issue, which the old one was accused of.

If anything, the stuff for credits should be shown by default, not for plat. Plat icon should be where the current credits icon is.

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PLZ DE add "Blueprint" to the BP tab, or something, because I had no clue what it was and never thought to click it.

Also, plz add to tutorial this whole "Buying weapons" thing. Have a part where you buy the weapon with plat, then once where get the BP, build it, then rush it with plat. 

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The blueprint thing is annoying, not just because it's inconvenient, but because it's one of the few times I've ever seen DE deliberately do something that appears to be designed to mislead new players into buying stuff with plat.

Have a blueprint tab for God's sake.

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You seriously just ruined the crafting portion of the game for new players. It was already confusing enough to go through the list of blueprints to find what they could build... but now, you're showing them hundreds of items... the vast majority of which will point them to a dojo they don't have access to, or to items they can't build. Finding something noobs can build will now be a terrible and frustrating experience.

You need to have a filter based on materials that players have. That way, noobs can enter in what they have (autopopulate should be default), and it should filter based on what they can build. Extra option to include other mats they have not obtained to see what they COULD build would also be nice.

But the new system is absolutely terrible. You seriously could not have made it any worse.

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Can you have the dropdown menu remember the last section i selected? Cause once you pic a section and go back to the dropdown menu it it's basically just hitting home again.

So instead of this


When you click on it again it auto opens to this


Edited by Mak_Gohae
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When my friend told me that the BP section is missing, I just thought he was going through the motions of "I can't understand this thing so I'm annoyed and want to whine about it." So when I logged on to confirm the issue, I was honestly surprised when I couldn't find the Blueprints in any of the sections until he told me that you had to actually click on the icon first, and then click on the credit looking icon in order to buy the blueprint.

Something I liked from this was the information of what you had or missing in order to build the item, and as someone on this thread pointed out before, where you can get the appropriate blueprint. I think they cited Chroma as being listed as obtainable from the quest, "The New Strange." I also really liked the "hide owned" button and the addition of a wishlist. I can understand why you want the market screen to look similar to the Codex in how it shows players a diorama, even see the weapon/warframe/etc. It's appealing.

What I dislike is the misleading appearance of the store front, it made me think that the blueprints were really gone since all I saw were the platinum price tags. The icons are also really big and a little intimidating, even to someone who's played long enough to be familiar with the game.

As for a few suggestions, I'd like to see the plat price tag stay on the purchase screen (when you've selected the equipment/warframe and currently are looking at it) with the option to buy the blueprint being much more obvious or right next to the platinum purchase button. The tag with the credit symbol should be something that says "blueprint" instead of being a credit symbol; I like the minimalism, but it's too confusing. Maybe shrink down the size of the icons a bit? This is just me, but maybe a basket/cart would be neat if you were opting to buy several things from the market place? Ex: filling my cart with codex scanners, a couple of health restores, some pet "food", and a blueprint or two before paying all of it at the end? It's not really necessary, but I just thought it'd be cute.

I genuinely like the stylish appeal of this new market window (and I no longer have Atlas' huge back blocking part of the screen) but the information isn't upfront and obvious as the last one.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but I greatly dislike the 'Related' content.  Not the concept itself, which is great in theory.  The practice however is confusing and incomplete. 

I search for a kubrow egg, I click related, I expect kubrow items to popup.  What do I see?  Boosters and dragon mod packs and orokin reactors (or something, I don't remember precisely).

This is true for nearly every item I tried it on.  If I click related on a weapon, I would strongly expect to see a list of similar weapons.  I click on dual daggers, I should see every other dual daggers we have.  Every bundle containing them and/or a stance for them (dragon mod pack feasibly acceptable here).

What do I see instead?  A sugatra, a color pallet and a mod pack.  Which randomly changes between difference attachments, color pallets and what not.

Sure, It is distantly related in that I can change the colors of the dagger, but that doesn't help me in the market, even as a new player I'll worry about colors when I'm out of the market and customizing my weapon.  My first priority when looking at weapons in the market are comparing them with others of the same category.  

Seriously pushing this Fashion Frame endgame even on people who don't care about it at all (at least not when buying or looking at weapons in market).

Please consider reorganizing this 'related' concept to include categories specific to the item, not just random fashionframe/plat only stuff we can decide on later on.  I would really like to hit related on a shotgun and see all other shotguns for example.  Maybe their skins as well, but that is pretty much it.

Potatoes and mods are going to be 'related' to every single frame/weapon/etc in the game, what we need to see in the market is stuff that can help us compare and choose.

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SO im going a bit offtopic in this post by saying the few things i dont like about about this update.

Market: UI makes things look P2W, thats gonna scare off new players and thats never a good thing for a company.

Archwing: This one is more of personally preferences. I first, feel like archwing is a bit to drifty. Maby making it more responsive or changing one of the keys to a break/stop button, and also have a separate FOV slider for archwing. 

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I agree with most, considering I have been  playing a while and I couldn't find the credits option vs. plat, that needs to be changed asap.

Otherwise I think the design is really nice *.*

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Finding blueprints is very difficult (first time). I was sure they didn't exist in the market until I clicked on the buy with platnium variant. This is counter intuitive and opposes what I understood the goal of the market revamp was. I spent 10 minutes thinking that the market had become exclusively platnium only.

Pardon my crappy pic editing, these outline my experience better than I coudl describe.

Even removing the platnium value below the items picture and having no price would be better imho. That makes it more apparent that to get the prices you must click on the item.

Edited by SoulOfTheHunter
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A large majority of Market-related complaints we receive relate to the confusion between built items (aka Platinum-purchased) and Blueprints. The current Market set-up can misguide players into thinking that Warframes, Weapons, and Sentinels aren’t craftable in-game, so we condensed the Built items and Blueprints into the same page. Information about build costs, stats, blueprint location, and more, will be separated into 3 tabs on this page to help players learn all they need to know about the item in order to make an informed purchase!

DE, you said that you wanted to make BPs more obvious...  but... well, its worse now. If newer players could not see the "Primary Blueprints" before in the old Market, they certianly wont now. Because even I did NOT want to click on the weapon icon with a Plat, I only did it because I could just cancel it.

This went in the opposite direction of what you said.

5 hours ago, Sk8rTal said:

I don't mind the way it looks but.. we NEED to be able to find blueprints a lot easier..



Quoting for this^

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Clicking on a section (Color Palettes for instance) starts your scroll wheel at the very top where only one row is visible, It's frustrating when with each section you have to move the scroll wheel down further than what you should just to find the item you want that could have been in the second row.


Personally I believe that the tab search design doesn't help navigation at all and it increases the time it takes to find an item, especially when you have to go through 4 tabs just to find one item that may be in another section.


Also reducing the size of item tabs would be a great start to improving the market, At the moment each item is basically forced into your face due to them being so large.



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When purchasing the Resource Booster, the pop up gives the option of 3 days or 720 hours. Selecting the 720 hours, brings up the old 7day confirmation window. Clicking yes to confirm, confirms the purchase for 7days. Essentially it works for what you are "confirming" to purchase correctly (7days), but you can not purchase the 720 hour booster.

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Didn't you guys want to make the market more appealing to newer players? At first glance, right now, it kind of looks like nothing can be bought with credits AT ALL because you guys left out the credits price tag. I honestly thought that you guys removed blueprints from the game until a clan member told me that you had to click on the item (that was showing the price in platinum) and then click on a tab that shows up in a new window. Why is it tucked away like that? If you guys really want to make the market in that manner, you should not put the platinum price on the icons either. Just have the icon for the item and have people click on it to see BOTH the platinum price AND the price for the blueprint. In its current state, the market is confusing and counter-intuitive.

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I think some stuff is missing from Market like for example Genetic code template blueprint, searching for them yesterday and only found complete for 15p, BP option is missing.

Search bar is sometimes glitchy, type" Kava" = nothing found, type "kavat"= found almost everything even i miss that Highlight section like old market

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As said by many here before, trying to find a blueprint is horrible:

* at first glance you want to be able to browse them. A shop without a browse option is horrible UI to begin with. 

* I tried searching, but you will never even see a blueprint for a weapon/frame/etc, only the limited set of gear bp's will show up

* I was hoping for a nice toggle that would switch the entirety of the shop to blueprint mode, but actually it should start out like that, the platinum shop, in a game that has been so good at F2P that both players and the industry have used it as a gleaming example, should not spam platinum costs at new players like that. Alternatively, just have a seperate blueprint shop and link to them both in each other and from the Forge to the blueprint shop, keeping the market interface direct to the platinum shop.

* Hide owned is nice, let's also have a Hide Mastery leveled

* UI size is console based and looks horrible on high resolution, 6 slots wide where I can easily see 10. Could we get an option for that?

* The fuzzy search logic is lacking indeed

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