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Scorches have broken range [DE reply in thread]


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48 minutes ago, KJRenz said:

No, they don't.

Currently, they can kill you instantly no matter where they are facing. When I say AoE, I mean radial, not cone area which is how it was before, but now it's bugged.

Go to any derelict and  you'll see a Scorcher penetrating the walls and not facing you, effectively killing you instantly.

oh yeah, been seeing this. Was doing ODE with a bud yesterday and he kept going down. He's a really good player so I couldn't understand what was going on. This is ludicrous.

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Failed a nightmare mobile defense alert a few times simply because a scorch from across the room was able to wreck the defense target through my frost bubble while keeping its 4 sec invulnerability timer up.  Don't want to hear its not bugged all to hell.

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2 hours ago, ngrazer said:

Sorry, what? I can't remember I was able to kill even one enemy with my Ignis by shooting in a completely different direction.


2 hours ago, KJRenz said:

No, they don't.

Currently, they can kill you instantly no matter where they are facing. When I say AoE, I mean radial, not cone area which is how it was before, but now it's bugged.

Go to any derelict and  you'll see a Scorcher penetrating the walls and not facing you, effectively killing you instantly.

So did you really think there is an enemy that misses on purpose or something? EVERY single enemy in this game targets you perfectly, as in they are always shooting in your direction, no matter what.

In this case, it's obviously a minor animation bug. The weapon targets us perfectly as always.

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2 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:


So did you really think there is an enemy that misses on purpose or something? EVERY single enemy in this game targets you perfectly, as in they are always shooting in your direction, no matter what.

In this case, it's obviously a minor animation bug. The weapon targets us perfectly as always.



Did you even bother looking at the videos or screenshots?

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1 hour ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Did you even bother looking at the videos or screenshots?

Of course they didn't. That requires effort.

Same with the rest of the thread, why would anyone bother reading the entire thing when you can quote someone out of context, bluntly tell them why they're wrong and get all the upvotes in less than 5 seconds.

Common thing on the forums nowadays sadly.

3 hours ago, Retepzednem said:


I don't know whether I'm so grumpy that I've come round on the other side of happiness, but that genuinely made me laugh.

I don't recall the patch notes mentioning any changes to Scorchs, how did they manage to evolve into satanic fire breathing demons?

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15 hours ago, Clem2-TheClemening said:

Trust me, it got worse. 

Just try and do and ODE. Take damage from nowhere.

no it didnt change, i did derelicts then and i do them now

that damage from nowhere is the bug thats lurking around in derelicts for half a year now

the only thing that changed were the implementation of hyekka masters (even more ignis flames contributing to the unholy damage) and the spawnrate was slightly raised

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While farming Kavats genetic codes in ODE I've been killed several times by the flamethrower of a Scorch which was fighting Infested 30 meters far from me (a range way longer than the range suggested by the flame itself) and sometimes there was a wall between us. Hiekka Master's flamethrower didn't seem to have the same problem.


While am it: flame patches from Napalms have punch trought too. I saw a napalm on the first floor shooting below the second floor, and the fire patches went through the floor. Space magic?

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I saw my hp going down with probably no one hitting me and I thought it was environmental stuff. When I walked further into the source, the damage didn't change or mitigate, but increased.

It was a scorch hitting from the other side of a wall and totally shredding me with his sniper ignis that traverses walls.

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Considering the Ignis has innate punch-through and a reach of 40m, I don't know if this is an actual bug. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ignis

I haven't had much issue dealing with the Hyekka Masters but maybe it's a level/armor problem more than bug? I'd test in the simulation room on the relay with different levels if you have access and the ability; if not, try running a high-midlevel Grineer map with them to test. It could be the map or the enemy itself.

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2 hours ago, UnderFiend said:

Considering the Ignis has innate punch-through and a reach of 40m, I don't know if this is an actual bug. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ignis

I haven't had much issue dealing with the Hyekka Masters but maybe it's a level/armor problem more than bug? I'd test in the simulation room on the relay with different levels if you have access and the ability; if not, try running a high-midlevel Grineer map with them to test. It could be the map or the enemy itself.

Maybe it's using the Tenno-version stats, but the fact is that the flames (visually speaking) are way shorter than the effective range, and the enemy can hit you even when facing another direction. Hyekka Master's Ignis doesn't have this problem. If I have time I'll do some tests, but till now everything screams "bug"

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Regardless if it's a bug or not, it's incredibly cheap to take over 100 damage per tick from an enemy that you cannot counter because of an insane damage cone and punch through. I'm getting damaged by Scorches aiming at enemies 2 stories above me. Honestly, if this means Ignis needs to be nerfed (mainly its punch-through) then that's fine by me at this point. I love Ignis, but as it is right now it is ridiculous.

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Not to mention if there is a group of 3+ of them firing at the Kavats. They don't seem to cone but AoE in all directions. I was 2 stories up in that room with the massive vines watching 2 Kavats and multiple infested being burned in all directions while all 3 of the scorches were pointing at an ancient healer that was off by itself. The Kavats didn't have the healer protection and went down in a couple seconds while the rest took a while to die because of it which let me observe the effect of the flames spreading out beyond the cones.

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Going to have to bring more attention to this issue. Hunting for Kavats in ODE is pretty much a nightmare right now. Scorches can be shooting the complete wrong direction and still do full damage through walls and over extreme distances. They also frequently do up to 900 damage or so in two seconds, not to mention leaving you burning out. I've gotten to the point of preemptively tossing Bastille into the room ahead of me hoping to not die before I can even find the bastard.

Edited by Centias
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