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Archwing is close to being excellent.


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3 minutes ago, Ace_Kayo said:

Not saying it can't be, but they really just need to start over with the system. The new changes are so horribly rushed just like the rest of this update. I'm saying its horrible as it is now, and that is feedback last I checked...


Also... what a wweeeird response to give somebody that has backed the devs since the old days. I guess you missed the Master badge there...lol. I kinda know how things work already lol.

Sorry, I didn't mean anything by what I said.
Kinda stating the obvious though, I did anyway.. :D

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5 minutes ago, JCBeastie said:

It's getting better, agree with the problems you've identified. Another issue I think is the archwing environment design is a bit at odds with the new flight model.

I think Freelancer's (anyone play that old gem) flight model would be perfect for AW; you can move your cursor across the screen, in order to shoot at anything, the direction and amount it is relative to screen centre is where you move to.

Freelancer FTW! (also FreeSpace 2 :P)

Truly, going for that approach would be amazing

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5 minutes ago, Genitive said:

- Melee seems to slow now and seems to have lost its flow. I don't know if it is a bug, but it is more difficult to hit things with melee now andI think it is slightly slower. Also the camera position makes it inconvenient

- The mini-map is next to useless right now; since there is no up, markers on the mini-map don't reflect where objectives are almost at all.

- I don't like the auto-reorientation. If we can fly upside down now, let us do it to our heart's content, I don't wan to be forced to return to default. I agree there should be a button for that.

i think that was something that affected the entire game, where movement while performing Melee was slower. i didn't pay attention to if that applied to Archwing - perhaps try using it again and see if it is still that way? as a Hotfix ~4 hours ago (as of writing) addressed that issue, if it's related.

i agree out of principle but i don't want a traditional 3D space map(or atleast not forced to use it), while they give good information, personally i can't read them. i know what information is being displayed, but all i can ever see is a bunch of lines everywhere.

absolutely. a button to 'fix' manually rather than 'auto fixing' is much preferable.

2 minutes ago, Dumfing said:

if people really want 'q' and 'e' to control roll, r would probably need to become melee

it doesn't matter what keys (note i don't identify things by button but Function.... just like telling someone there's an Enemy to their left is useless, only Cardinal/Degrees is useful), because buttons can be Rebound.

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16 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

Why not Q and R for roll? Both are unused and are not super awkward.


If you rebing HOLD TO CROUCH and hold that KEY down, A and D perform a barrel roll

however the roll doesnt happen exactly around your aiming spot, its extremelly weird, archwing is plagued by those weird movements that do not match the expected, that is between what causes motion sickness


also, please check my misplaced post, disorientation and motion sickness can be easily tracked down to what DE has done and not done with their HUD, under certain tests, and only with the help of a proper HuD, googleglass managed to reduce motion sickness in 95% of the cases



And, under the very unreliable personal test of mine, making an effort to ignore the warframe, i suddenly became able to fly head down, or 90 degrees of inclination, it was like i unlocked a magic trick by simply erasing the warframe from my mind, i hope someone else can give it a try, the warframe may be a big part of the problems

Edited by rockscl
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1 hour ago, taiiat said:


I agree with every point. As someone whom has played aircraft sims for years, the six degrees of movement feel great, but still needs improvement. It is so close to perfect and your points are very relevant!

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20 minutes ago, rockscl said:

If you rebing HOLD TO CROUCH and hold that KEY down, A and D perform a barrel roll

way to go UI, not telling about important things yet again.

but that's useful to know either way. really not something i would have expected/guessed on my own... as the combination doesn't really make sense.

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3 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

I agree with every point. As someone whom has played aircraft sims for years, the six degrees of movement feel great, but still needs improvement. It is so close to perfect and your points are very relevant!

Realism is one thing, but I prefer to be able to maneuver my AW like a Gundam; pretty much at my will with no wasted movement.

Different strokes for different folks ayyyy

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Just now, taiiat said:

way to go UI, not telling about important things yet again.

but that's useful to know either way. really not something i would have expected/guessed on my own... as the combination doesn't really make sense.

someone should be denied his beers tonight for not telling the players about it

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Just now, Terror-Of-Death said:

Realism is one thing, but I prefer to be able to maneuver my AW like a Gundam; pretty much at my will with no wasted movement.

Different strokes for different folks ayyyy

Aye, the new system really works for someone with my tastes, but might not for more action-oriented - as you said, "Gundam style" - players.

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I love the yaw pitch removal, but I tend to spiral out of control sometimes, especially with (shift) thrusters. Sometimes it would register as a roll or a dodge, making me bury my head against a corpus ship. Also am I the only one bothered by how your camera kinda tilts on its own

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I hate new archiwing's sistem. hate hate hate.... I don't know where is up and down, I can't go onside... I prefer one thousand times old sistem. Before I loved this misions but now? I prefer go to play other things u.u

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1 hour ago, taiiat said:


Excellent post.

► What lacks is a good strafing movement. We can't strafe while sprinting cause the Strafe Up is the Jump key which activates Boosters instead.

► What I'd also would like to see is some kind of aim indicator, since distances between the Warframe and its target are way higher, and the movement pretty fast, it's pretty easy shooting in a place where the target won't be (did you try Pursuit mode with Fluctus?).

Without hitscan weapons there's a good work of anticipation, which isn't easily achieved.

We'd need some Aim Helper to anticipate the position of the target basing on the weapon used.
I've already seen it on other games around... (maybe Deus Ex).

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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4 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Um, you can totally shoot while boosting now. You can even shoot while spacebar-boosting

your Weapon gets holstered when you Boost, which is a later complaint on the list, i spend a lot of time holstering and unholstering my Weapons for no reason, and it means i can't move and shoot, i have to choose one or the other since after doing any maneuver i can't shoot for almost 3 seconds.

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

overall, Archwing is so close to being incredible! movement that is actually intuitive with great maneuvers for dodging and 'looking cool', with a focus (in new Gamemodes) more towards larger singular objectives rather than mowing down a bunch of trash (because ground Combat is already that, having the same in 'Space' makes it boring).

Are there new controls/commands?

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19 minutes ago, taiiat said:

your Weapon gets holstered when you Boost, which is a later complaint on the list, i spend a lot of time holstering and unholstering my Weapons for no reason, and it means i can't move and shoot, i have to choose one or the other since after doing any maneuver i can't shoot for almost 3 seconds.

i can totally move and shoot, will check how and why

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11 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

Well said. Have a +!~

I'd like to confirm tho, did or didn't the melee lock on range get nerfed?

No, the trackiing is simply off because of the new sliding mechanics of the 6-ways of freedom.

The range is the same, but if you aren't moving nearly directly at an enemy it won't lock on and zoom you closer to get a melee hit in. Which is hard to do because we're so damned slidy :3

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42 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

No it doesn't. Do you mean it interrupts your stream of fire when you boost? Because the solution to that is to just click again

i cannot shoot my Velocitus while Boosting. because it won't Charge.

3 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Which is hard to do because we're so damned slidy :3

*snaps fingers* Inertial Dampeners, i forgot that too.

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