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this is not an I quit post, It's more of a question post for long time players.

question 1 : have you been playing warframe less and less after and between updates?

question 2: have you been getting bored of the excessive grind that warframe is becoming lately?

this whole topic is being posted to mainly see how the changes have impacted the veteran players and get a feel for how many veterans are left playing.

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in my case:

1)no, in fact thx to the new archwings, new arch modes and archweapons, im playing it more now than ever

2)again no. im not a perfectionist, i dont care about MR, making all weapons/ítems/etc, only the things i like. so my grind experience is low to normal

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    Leaving and coming back is a pretty normal thing for me (almost mr 22). I usually come back if a major update drops or new primes come out. Once i grind the new content in a week or so i take my break again. Sometimes I would log in and just play a bit of void Sab or capture for fun (my fav mission types). But now with SotR IDK what to do. Past few days I was farming kavat DNA but now i got 1 cat leveled up and the other one cooking.

    As I said above my fav thing to do was void Sab or Cap. I would bullet jump all over my liset with recruiting chat open waiting to ask for an invite to one of these missions. But now that void is pretty useless I have nothing to do. I've tried the new void system and i honestly think it's pretty bad. Good in terms of getting pieces you want, bad in the way of every void mission is seal fissure while we drop nullifiers and bombards on your head. Once I level up my second kavat I'll probably be taking a break again until Titania and War Within come out. After that I'll be back for Nekros Prime.  

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1. I have indeed played Warframe less, but that is true for all games in general in my case, so I still play Warframe the most out of them.

2. I do grind, but I always do that without thinking about the grind itself. Like, most of the time, let's say I farm Relics and R5 on Excavations, usually I just grab whatever gear I feel like and jump in to kill stuff with complete randoms. It is farm, but it's also a lot of fun.

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1. Kinda less than usual. Not because of lack of content of anything its just stuff sometimes gets overnerfed or stuff just released is useless even though its a high MR requirement *cough* stradavar

2. It has definitely become more grindy since relics came out. Use to be you could play a regular mission and usually get a key or 2 for other missions as you go. Now it feels like I do some relic missions and then am somewhat forced to have to go do hieracon all the time :\

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"Lose" - Don't mean to be a grammar Nazi, but "Lose" and "Loose" are two completely different words which have the potential to change a sentence completely. They should not be mixed up. 

As far as i'm concerned, i'm quite enjoying playing through the new Star Chart. I put a few Forma on some weapons, and frames, i'd im working my way through the junctions. It's a bonus that i am also following Ordis' cookie crumb trail. 

The lore behind my ships Cephalon seems very intriguing since i got one of the later segments done (by accident) before getting any of the first segments. What was/is Ordis? Only gotten to mercury, but in my head, Ordis is the Stalker xD

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After an update has been out for a while yes I'll play less, but the grind has never really been a problem for me. The grind for primes (took me a while to get Vauban part from Defense) gives me a long term goal and something to do after I login besides maintenance/maybe sorties/an alert.

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33 minutes ago, StahlEngel said:

this is not an I quit post, It's more of a question post for long time players.

question 1 : have you been playing warframe less and less after and between updates?

question 2: have you been getting bored of the excessive grind that warframe is becoming lately?

this whole topic is being posted to mainly see how the changes have impacted the veteran players and get a feel for how many veterans are left playing.

1. No, getting really hyped for War Within so I got that going for me. Yes there were hiccups but they've been fixing the bugs so it'll be better.

2. No as well, I can do much more stuff now thanks to the new Void. As I said, their still fixing the game up, and I have been patient with the game, so waiting isn't really that bad.

I don't know if I would be considered a veteran, but I've been playing for a year, and steam says I got 1100 hours into the game. I've seen a lot of stuff change, and the current changes help newer players so that's good. For me seeing newer players enjoy the game is a nice feeling.

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1- Yes, mostly because I have nearly everything interesting already and do not have a fixed objective in the game that really makes me play it, aside from cephalon fragments which I do not intend to rush. If they made it so that you had to do all the star chart all over again (what I was waiting for) I would've gladly done that.

2- Nope. From what i've seen, grind has been far more forgiving in this new void system. And if you mean kavats, it needs as much grind as kubrows did in the old times. Some day, kavats will become common and a new shiny thing takes their place. That's how stuff works, if one takes a recently released item as their one and only goal, they can only blame themselves for all the fruitless effort.

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I've found the new relic system to really reinvigorate the game for me. I can get ducats quickly and consistently without getting crapped on by the drop table, and I don't have to run the same monotonous missions on the same ugly tileset every night trying to get specific parts.

As an MR22 player who's done virtually everything there is to do in this game, SotR has significantly increased how much I play, and how much I want to play. 

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I personally can't just play one game for extremely long periods of time, so I've always taken breaks in between updates. Taking those breaks is what allows me to keep playing because I'm not burning myself out to the point where even new content can't draw me back in.

As for grinding... I'm past the point of grinding unless I really need Neural Sensors or Neurodes. I'm MR21 so the only things I really go out and specifically try and get there days is Forma and Cores. And as of today, I have all the Primed Mods and weapons available from Baro and introduction of new stuff from him has been slow, so I don't really need to go out of my way for ducats anymore either.

Edited by Ceryk
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Here is my advise,


F*ck the grind.


Go have fun, do some random survivals, meet some new people, just play Warframe for it's strongest point, the gameplay. Then go ahead and throw some farm in there when you feel like it, jut make sure to have fun while doing that also. Never take it too seriously.

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1) Yes, my motivation to play the game has been dwindling because the updates are always a huge disappointment
and the developers don't seem to know what kind of game they want Warframe to become.

2) Yes. The amount of grind has been going up exponentially with each update.
Also the old weaponry seems more or less useless now, thanks to the constant powercreep.

I have been playing this game since U7.3, a few weeks after it entered open beta. But as the grind increases, my motivation decreases. I have burned myself out on this game, literally. Every day I still log on, but I have great difficulty even looking at the missions because all they instill in me is anxiety and frustration because deep inside I know the RNG is going to suck and yet another day passes without me feeling like I accomplished nothing at all in the game that day. Running mission after mission, running voids in the hopes of finding that prime part. I have more resources than I know what to do with. The only thing that I lack is Argon,

And even that I don't feel like grinding for because it will just melt away before DE releases something for me to use it on. And the new primes pile on top, adding into the grind...

This game has mutated into a monstrosity, and all the things I used to enjoy about it are being stripped away, one by one, leaving behind nothing but grind and paywalls. For me, Warframe stopped being fun over a year ago. But I try to play the game I have invested so much of my time, and I admit, money too. But I fear this new DNA sequence grind may be too much for even me to endure and be the one thing that finally will make me snap. 

Most of my friends are from WF community, and if I stopped, I'd be left alone in a social void. Without them I wouldn't have anyone.
But every day, the familiar names in the clan and alliance list get fewer and fewer... 

I feel tired. Warframe, what happened to you? Where did it all go wrong?
I don't think I will be quitting, but I will mostly be on for social interaction, not for the game itself.


I really hope DE will remember their promise of reducing the grind they made a long time ago...
I can't remember which Prime Time it was, but I think it was Steve who promised their goal will be to work on reducing the grind...
At least that is what I remember.

Edited by SoanoS
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1 hour ago, StahlEngel said:

this is not an I quit post, It's more of a question post for long time players.

question 1 : have you been playing warframe less and less after and between updates?

question 2: have you been getting bored of the excessive grind that warframe is becoming lately?

this whole topic is being posted to mainly see how the changes have impacted the veteran players and get a feel for how many veterans are left playing.

There comes a point where you binge a game so much that you out-do its content. Take a week off, you'll come back ready to kill some grineer scum.

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1 minute ago, XtheMATTx said:

There comes a point where you binge a game so much that you out-do its content. Take a week off, you'll come back ready to kill some grineer scum.

Last time I did that, it was much longer than a week... And I still felt apprehensive. And it has gotten worse.

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Just now, SoanoS said:

Last time I did that, it was much longer than a week... And I still felt apprehensive. And it has gotten worse.

I find myself playing a lot when major updates come out. When its in between its usually when new primes come out.

When neither of those things are happening I take a break and focus on other things.

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1. Yes, I am getting bored with WarFrame.

2. The grind has increased alot and the paywalls are coming up. I am getting tired of the game. The new Archwing gave me motion Sickness (first game ever to do this to me.) So, There goes 10% of the content. The new Void is useless at best. I am really tired of grinding... This game has lost it charm on me.

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6 minutes ago, SoanoS said:


They can reduced the grind, but they can't reduce it too much. This is a free to play game after all where the only income comes from transactions by prime access or buying plat.

The new void system from what I've been seeing actually fixed the whole RNG prime issue that people were having (Steve did say the Relic system works, but the fissure gameplay needs changing). I've seen people get what they have been wanting for so long in just 2-3 days.

Just now, Robm said:


Don't understand how the new void is useless when it actually works.. If you're getting bored of Warframe, I suggest taking a break for awhile.

Paywalls? You can buy nitain now? If not, I don't see this "paywall". Besides, you can earn plat without spending a dime.

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14 minutes ago, XtheMATTx said:

love it when a player bashes people for "not being veterans"....

Wow...projecting much?

I bashed no one, only made a simple observation, don't cry.

Just because you "no-life" it for 1000 hours in 6 weeks does not make you a vet bud.

Generally, we're classed into "first year players" which funny enough, still doesn't include you ^.^

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