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Specters of the Rail: Hotfix 12


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13 minutes ago, PhoeniixFiire said:

No, you didn't reply accordingly. You are accusing me of being a "blind blamer", but I was doing no such thing. Yes, we are getting a lot from them, but it still isn't enough. There's still a lot that's broken, and I wish that they had simply kept the update in the cooker until it was done instead of rushing it out. I'm not blaming or scolding them. I'm providing constructive criticism, there's a difference, get over it.

Note: Didn't sound like a request, it sounded like an accusation. Learn to english before starting something next time.

think whatever you wanna think as long as its your head and moreover I dont think I need to take any word from you as long you dont get the meaning of words. I prefer not replying to you anymore as you take everything aggressively along with giving response according to the same nature. Take care (I mean it)

Edited by AhmadIYE
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10 minutes ago, AhmadIYE said:

think whatever you wanna think as long as its your head and moreover I dont think I need to take any word from you as long you dont get the meaning of words. I prefer not replying to you anymore as you take everything aggressively along with giving response according to the same nature. Take care (I mean it)

That was very incoherent. I can also say whatever I wanna say, and if it's over the line, DE will give me a warning, which they obviously haven't done because I said nothing wrong. I don't get the meaning of words, huh? That's rich coming from someone who completely misunderstood the meaning of my original comment. For the record, you were started the aggression, I just responded in kind :) I mean you no ill will if that's what you think...I just think you were out of line, and now I'm starting to think you're a bit daft. Good day to you sir, and may me never speak again ;)

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Well this hot fix do not fix the archwing you crash to much in wall and enemy. The control is too clunk to fly and too slow to re spawn.

This may just my but I having problem with player join my mission on the waiting, but the mission start after the I check the mission I was wondering if may one is having this problem?


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Still don't see kubrow fix for missing imprint in incubation mode. Can see all prints in view mode but when it comes to incubation I have at least 20 imprints missing. DE how long do we have to wait for this to be fixed. Its starting to really bug us. Take the cap off incubation mode now.

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Still no fix for the following:

- Approach cinematics bug: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/674253-approach-cinematics-still-bugged

- Baro Ki'teer doesn't open his lips when he speaks, even though his jaw moves. This is much more clear in the video message he sends for the Inaros quest, but it is there as well in the message he sends when he in the Relays.

- Kavat getting stuck in the environment after revive

- Dendra Shoulder Guard moves the Badge from its usual location on the shoulder to somewhere on the wrist, clipping through the arm


- Sugatras on Lacera attach not on the hilt (like on Mios and other swords) but somewhere on the blade, as you can see in the picture below. And even if it was meant to attach there (makes no sense, it would prevent the sword from cutting things) there is an empty space between Sugatra and the blade itself.


- Cephalon Simaris and Suda transparency bug: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/676541-loss-transparency-in-cephalons-simaris-and-suda/

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14 hours ago, SinergyX said:



Oh well..not sure how to say it, it need change not nerf. That last hysteria nerf really render Hysteria unplayable. I never use no4 ever since like...at all. It need tweaks.

The energy drain have unbelieavable rate (even with max duration and efficiency) 

You no longer invulnerable during short first period of casting which then i cant use Hysteria anymore to protect myself when reviving allies. 

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15 hours ago, LordAngellis said:

Just finished Today's 1st season 8 sortie, myself and 2 friends, we all get the same unique rewards Nezha neuroptics.

So not sure what happened for you, but we finished parts 2 & 3 AFTER  the hotfix 12 went live and all 3 quit game and loaded hotfix 12.


Also Not stuck on mission rewards screen as Kinsoku-Nyan was.

I used a 2nd acct after the hotfix & thats what it gave me

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Please , most of the people i know get headache playing with the new flight system of Archwing, develope an option to bring back older flight system, is hard to end JV raid as well even if u have headache, please we love archwing but to do the raid older system was better

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14 hours ago, Orthelius said:



This time again!

This time please take a look at the JV raid, its a bit of a mess. Archwing and faulty hitboxes make it tricky as all hell to navigate into Jordas, and there are numerous crash errors forcing players to disconnect.

Also, perhaps think of changing Valkyr's Hysteria - since for newer players the '100%' scale-up to 15 energy per second is far too high of a drain for them to choose options within Valkyr's abilities, effectively forcing them to not use her 4 at all, or Only use her 4. 
The issue is invulnerability, so why not change it to something closer to Mesa's 3, 95% damage reduction with a flat drain per second along with the occasional health drain, every 2 seconds or so. Forcing Valkyrs to shift out of Hysteria when out of combat.

- I speak with 800 hours of Valkyr behind me, along with some great input from my low tier clan members and region in general.

I Second that. Even as a player that has the mods to make her drain more bearable and over 1k hours in game I still think the better solution is to make her drain less severe and make her have dmg reduction instead of invulnerability. I also would like a review to Mag's changes. I agree that She had problems( being a one trick pony, basically press 2 to win against corpus) but now she's a Caster frame with average health and shields, and bellow average energy, making her not very fun to play. and tho I think her magnetise is pretty good now her polarise is not. Maybe Make it so that it deals no dmg at all but Make it so that it debuffs enemies armor or shields depending on the faction by a % influenced by power strength and make her energy like 200 at rank 30. That would make Mag a caster that has a roll in the team.

Anyways thank you for the updates DE. Hope to see the remaining bugs squashed soon so that we can move on to The War Within.

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20 hours ago, SinergyX said:



I disagree. DE broke it for players not running maxed duration-efficiency builds via the insane energy cost/drain. It needs buffed.

Edited by Tzolkat
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