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7 hours ago, Zookes said:

Deception v2 - Smooth Operator

Use your operator to disguise as enemy units and do spy-things like pass checkpoints, guards, and locked doors with security clearance for your disguise. Operators are squishy and cannot stealth-kill, so avoid doing naughty things like attacking the enemies or using powers or you become a target and set off alarms! Also you must navigate trapped rooms and sneak by detectors with void powers because this is cool to do!

The objective being you must get into the heart of a high-security compound using many different disguises and void skills to get up to a special lieutenant unit, a disguise of which is used to gain access to some objective like a password/puzzle-protected terminal.

Maybe collect disguises during a mission by scanning or activating enemies or special lockers/caches with the operator, so you cannot enter the mission with the best disguise at the beginning.

All must be done using only the operator for the best deceptive success! Warframes will be immediately detected entering the compound by detectors after the starting area and powers (like Nova teleport) do not go through them - operators can sneak through these detectors. For the possibility of enemies raising alarm due to clumsy operators, it is possible still to complete it by rushing in with warframes! Tho with a countdown timer to mission failure, many terminals to hack, and always diminished rewards.


Something like this.

OMG the rage!  People will got so angry on this mission, but it sounds fun!

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Probably, my idea was already told, but what about "non agressive" missions? Like investigations (about murder or espionage for example) with simple riddles (like evidence or something, which ofc can be randomly generated from different hand-made parts, this system is not a new one for you ;] ). I mean those missions could increase sensation of the game atmosphere which appears with Relays or with the last quests, when you acting like a person and not just like an executor. For now we can see only war scenes (it's natural for shooter ofc) but in-game stories about world are still hidden from us - it is a good way to integrate them, show us the another, peacefull side of this reality,especially if you take civil settlement for decorations. It could be a syndicate missions as well.

Thank you for your attention.

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Sabotage Assassination: 

Kind of a combination.

So here's what I see, a Corpus Robotics Factory of sorts that's manufacturing these Giant Proxy units, around Razorback's size, and we have to go in and stop the development of a new bipedal proxy.

It would be rooted in place in its room, and it would start off invincible.

There would be a battery of sort keeping it's impervious shield activated that would have to be disabled before being able to attack the proxy.

In order to reach the battery and disable it via hacking, you'd have to manuver around the boss, avoiding any attacks that would knock you back and deal heavy damage, and go through a small gauntlet before reaching the battery, disabling it, and being ejected back to the boss to damage him before the shield reboots after a short time.

To damage him, you would have to damage fuses attached to his back, his chest, and both his arms, once they've taken enough damage, the part will explode, dealing damage to his overall health and becoming disabled.

Rinse and repeat to destroy him and then escape the incoming self-destruction timer to win.

I believe his attacks would be based around trying to squish and swipe at the warframe, and have some short range attacks such as minelaying, mouth lasers, and an explosive lobbed projectile.


Just a weird idea I've been throwing around in my head, I feel like it would emulate an on-foot Jordas Verdict.

Edited by (XB1)ALG Minuscule36
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A combined and refined version of what ALG and Zookes suggest, in relation or adding to solar rail reqs. With higher MR requirements, stacking challenges and rewards. Incentive for newer players to pursue the game as well as something for those who've already been playing for awhile.

Edited by (XB1)Monoflux0115
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Hi everyone !

A post just to share some thoughts ;) As DE is working on invasion, i have to say that some of them are quite boring. And when you have to do it 3 times, it's 3 time more boring ;) And for sure, you will not have a 4th one if it's boring...

So, I was just thinking that a kind of mission leveling would be great. I guess the idea is as simple that it might already have been suggested somewhere...

To still make it open to a maximum of the community, maybe it would be fun to increase not the level of the mobs but their spawn rate (yeah, I love infected bath ;).

For example :

  • Invasion Mission 1 : Normal spawn rate
  • Invasion Mission 2 : +20% spawn rate
  • Invasion Mission 3 : +40% spawn rate
  • ...
  • Invasion Mission 6 : +100% spawn rate...

It could be really fun & more challenging. And what would happen if you do the invasion 5, 6 or 10 times... With specifics rewards at 10, 50 or even 100 invasions that could bring a bit of end game challenging... ;)

Thanks for all your feedbacks on it.

Yours !


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Kuva Vault.

Found on the Fortress Tileset.

A variation of a Hijack/Mobile Defense mission, played out on several levels. Players have to hack several levels to move a machine from the 4rth floor down to the 1st. I'd aim for this to be a 15-20 minute mission. That way you'd have a comparable time to survival missions in terms of reward cycles compared to time spent.

They are moving this machine down to a vault on the base level, the machine is in fact, a giant key. The door to the vault is far beyond any simple hacking or explosives. If they want to open it up they have to bend the whole fortress to their will.

Each floor is a relatively short hacking/defense sequence. Perhaps it needs to be hacked a couple times to keep it moving? Skilled hackers should have little trouble with this. And the high spawn rate will keep things hectic. I'd set the time for 3 minutes.

The base level is when things get serious. They have to defend the key mechanism while it slowly opens a very large and thick door. We might even see a couple Kuva gaurdians and jesters appear to defend the assets within the vault. I'd place this one at 5 minutes.

When the vault is opened there are a number of packages within, players each have to grab a package and carry it to extraction. Each package that makes it grants a reward. Perhaps packages might be visually different between mystery, credits, mods, relics and resources. Each package rolls an item from a pool of that type. There are only two of each package in the vault, but 10 packages total. The players have to choose what they want to take with them. Whatever the case, the vault is used to the store the latest and greatest Grineer finds and advancements. Its contents could cycle to reflect the latest game updates.

My own wishlist of vault rewards.


I would totally hide new and advanced (newly released) grineer weapon bp's in the mystery package. Perhaps there's something else hidden, like the start of a new warframe acquisition quest?

Credits would have to be large enough to tempt players, perhaps a guaranteed short term credit booster, giving shoestring budget players a sure hit location to obtain said credit booster.

The resource package has a chance to be large amounts of Oxium, a few pieces of Nitain or an amount of Kuva. Endo is not very sexy, but is always needed by most players as well.

Relics are spread out through the solar system as usual, but the vault relic package only has relics that contain newly released items. That's still only 2 new relics for a vault run, but you know it's going to be for the latest prime release.

As for Mods, It'd be cool if there was a subset that never changed, and another set that did change to reflect newly released. Might be a good spot for stance mods related to newly introduced Grineer weapons? Need the newest stance? Look in the vault.


Oh man, that would be so much work to make... But I want it.

Edited by Caelward
Clarifying the packages concept somewhat. I'm allowed to dream.
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4 hours ago, Caelward said:

Kuva Vault.

Found on the Fortress Tileset.

A variation of a Hijack/Mobile Defense mission, played out on several levels. Players have to hack several levels to move a machine from the 4rth floor down to the 1st.

They are moving this machine down to a vault on the base level, the machine is in fact, a giant key. The door to the vault is far beyond any simple hacking or explosives. If they want to open it up they have to bend the whole fortress to their will.

Each floor is a relatively short hacking/defense sequence. Perhaps it needs to be hacked a couple times to keep it moving? Skilled hackers should have little trouble with this. And the high spawn rate will keep things hectic.

The base level is when things get serious. They have to defend the key mechanism while it slowly opens a very large and thick door. We might even see a couple Kuva gaurdians and jesters appear to defend the assets within the vault.

When the vault is opened there are a number of packages within, players each have to grab a package and carry it to extraction. Each package that makes it grants a reward. Perhaps packages might be visually different between mystery, credits, mods, relics and resources. Each package rolls an item from a pool of that type. There are only two of each package in the vault.


Oh man, that would be so much work to make... But I want it.

Haven't even gotten TWW yet and that sounds good xD

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I've made two previous comments with various suggestions, here's another.

Death Trap-A variation on Rescue and Hostage Defense.

It starts out as a regular rescue mission. As soon as the hostage is secured and you exit the vault tile, you enter a new tile, a giant room.

As soon as you enter with the hostage, the tile locks down, and coordinated enemy units drop down or spawn continuously, but with a cap, using a covert method (maybe casting off some sort of cloaking device). Each encounter will have strict enemy composition, with variations on bunker units, sniper units, eximi, heavy damage dealers, eilte units (bursas, maniacs, manic bombards), and supports, possibly new units specifically designed to take out an NPC. I'm thinking of Left for Dead style special zombie units, who are designed to lock down a single teammate and are lethal unless taken care of immediately by unaffected party members, almost like when manics pin you and start slicing, but with more variations. The entire time, you have to make sure the hostage doesn't die.

You will have to hack your way to the next room (it will be difficult to do so without help, encouraging team play), where you face the same ordeal, with coordinated attackers, earning one or more unidentified rewards per tile. Given a set number of death tiles until extraction, each tile becomes increasingly difficult, with the time spent in each tile without moving on increasing the reward for that tile, survival style. Each successive tile also adds a sortie condition (minus weapon restrictions), making it harder and harder, but with appropriately batter rewards. After the last death trap tile, the mission proceeds like a normal rescue mission, meaning rush to extraction, unidentified rewards get rolled.

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Vip Defence

You select one of players as vip and defend him/her for waves 

Vip warframe has increased health shield and armor and little bit energy but reduced mobility
If he or she falls mission is failed there is no revive on this mission for vips

 Also vip warframe cannot go transference mod and use 5 ability 

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I just want a simple challenge: It will be called BOSS RUSH it could be done as different version of RAID.

Tenno just move forward all the time, to the next rooms, room should be maded in rectangle.
In all rooms a lot of enemies just rush at you, and you need just to survive.
5 of those rooms and the next room is a Boss of faction you chosen before starting BOSS RUSH, (CORPUS, GRINEERS,INFESTED or CORUPTED)
After rushing first 5 rooms the next room will have boss with some enemies around.

First room Level 60 - 100 Grineers
Second room level 60 - 120 Grineers
Third room level 60 - 150 Grineers
Fourth room level 60 - 200 Grineers
Fifth room level 60 - 250 Grinners
Boss room Level 80 Random Grineer boss

After beating the boss you move forward and once again 5 rooms and then boss and that until you beat all bosses.
Second wave rooms level 80 (boss 100 level), Third wave rooms level 100 (boss 120 level), Fourth wave rooms level 120 (boss 140level), Fifth wave rooms level 140 (Boss 160), sixth wave rooms level 160 (boss 180 level). And then the last room will be double random boss fight with level 200 of them.
If faction like corpus have less bosses then skip levels should be higher:
First wave rooms 60 level
Second wave rooms 85level
third wave rooms 100 level....... etc

Ofcourse somekind stuff like Rewards like in sorties but different, you don't have to beat all of them. You only lose if team die before defeating first boss, but if you fail later then you just get very weak rewards.

For example for beating first boss you have guaranted one common reward, second boss, another common reward, third boss chance for uncommon reward, fourth boss guaranted uncommon reward, fifth boss chance for rare reward, beating double boss fight guaranted rare reward.

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I am so happy I found this! This post is a bit long because I have two ideas:

1- Train Wreck: you start the missions at the back of a train and have to get to the front before the time expires. The train could be carrying sensible data, or a hostage, or an explosive. The train would have to be mega (long and wide enought for 4 players). At certain checkpoints you would have to hack a console to proceed, or explode a door (by carrying explosive there or damage it enough). OR, if you where smart enought, find a shortcut underneath or thru air vents (walking crounch). There would be diferent missions for Grinners or Corpus. In Grinner would be undergroung, Corpus missions you would be in space and as a shortcut (like mentioned before) to pass to the carriages in front you would use the Archwing... Grinner mission could also be done on a submarine (Uranus) so that both missions had similarities.

[know this would have to rework a bit the "open world base building" set, but I see many tracks in Grinner missions (on the ground in Ceres) and on Corpus (atop some station) and I was wondering... Where do they go?]

For reference e.g.@7m: https://youtu.be/JP-ChK_kaL0

2- Grinner Ogre and Corpus Bahamut: these would be similar to Lephantis Assassination, with mega-bosses from the diferent factions. They would be like Lephantis, stationary with limbs that move and you had to destroy before facing the final full form. Maybe each limb would do diferent effects: Grinner would do status like Corrosion and Electric, Corpus would do Magnetic and Nullifier. After destroying them: for Grinners, a smaller mecha could came out from the inside and be more mobile (like Vayor on Earth only reversed). For Corpus, it could transform into a diferent mecha.
[I've seen this being asked A LOT and this is just one of many ideas how it could be.]

For reference e.g.@3m: https://youtu.be/QVhyQ_X2-k8

Hope you take notice because new mission types are always welcome. And thank you for given us the chance to share our ideas about this game we love so much.

[PS- Yes, I am (was?) a Vanquish fan and the similarities between it and Warframe was what attracted me so much to this game] :)

Edited by (PS4)leonidasx666
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Mix survival and mobile defence

A squad of friendly tenno engineer is extracting data inside a corpus/grineer starship/planet.
Your objective is simple: defend them during theyr operation. 

When all the team is defeated you have to transport the data at extraction point


- start with a X number of tenno to defend

- downed tenno cannot be revived (but you can capture him like capture target so is like saving him) and the can't became again available

- When the engineer coplete his work you win a reward 

- 1 tenno make the work and the other use weapon until one tenno is left (this help in the first part of the game when you have to pretect an entire squad of tenno)

- Tenno move FAST =) not like the operator in sortie defence


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A small alert-ish kind of mission-by utilizing the new icon system for the dynamic star map (the baro icon,as we've seen,also nice-it's the small things that make the big game)

...every now and then,an icon with the grineer or corpus appears on the map,when clicked it starts a mission

the mission starts as archwing-the tenno must disable the ship's engines by either shooting the weakspots,or perhaps doing enough damage within the time limit (after which the ship simply reaches a space junction,disappearing (defences can be both archwing enemies,and ship mounted turrets,as seen in the new tileset we see in the war within)

after disabling the engines,a hole appears in the ship hull and the tenno transision to "normal" mode-in the ship they must a)steal valuable data b)rescue a caught operative or c)finish the ship by destroying the reactor

a) is basically one single spy vault,the twist been that you have time limit before the ship's emergency air support stops (basically,a timer) after which the mission fails-shall you succeed.50 000 credits are awarded (like the tresure ship alerts)

b)is basically a rescue mission,though the timer starts as soon as you enter the prison,plus the fire hazard of the engine explosion might be an additional obstacle-Shall you succeed,a specter and a boost for 30 min. or hour is awarded

c) is basically sabotage,though the "reactor critical" happens no matter the method you choose-and it does so faster than usual-perhaps forma or catalyst rewards?..i haven't really thought about this one


....overall,it's the thing that some of us really would love to see-archwing+normal gameplay (mind you,actual archwing,as in space,not underwater) .The twist is that i think that new map icon thing you've done is awsome and should be utilized more,just as the *slight spoiler for the war within* kuva fortress moves

I'd love seeing this ingame...one can hope :)

...Kisses,hugs and coffee mugs...love ya' DE

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Capture 2.0

Capure+Archwing Pursuit.

Must capture target and retrieve two datamass.

Daramass chips spawn similar to old spy by hacking a console.

Capture target will attempt to grab both and then flee to ship.

Capturing target early means you don't have to worry about them getting away but now must find the consoles yourselve. Capturing target once he has both will fulfill all objectives. Being seen in the console room will cause him to abandon it and flee to the ship. 

So you can kill him and search.

Or you can stealthily track him until he has both.

Or you can find the ship and wait.

If he reaches the ship all is not lost. Data on the datamass is destroyed (transmitted to safety) but target can still be captured by disabling the ship in archwing mode.


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There are plenty of mission types in Warframe and honestly I'd like to see mission types revised rather than have new missions. So often, I feel like I'm playing the most efficient mission, not the most fun. The choice I make is dependant on how much stuff I can get in the least amount of time. There's no reason to do a defense when there's a survival with the same drops. Bottom line is I want my choices to be dependant on things other than drops.

Colony Missions - these missions would be like a hybrid between relays and defense missions. The mission plays out with the tenno helping the colonists fend off am attack. Once the attack is finished,  the tenno can trade with the colonists. To tie missions together,  the things the colonists want are found on different mission types  and tiles (i.e supplies from a grineer ship, or the fuel cell from a sabotage). Assisting the colony gives you reputation in the colony, which gives you better and better trades. Not helping the colony for a while will cause your rep to decay. 

To tie more things together,  each colony could be protected by a syndicate, and helping out a colony would decrease how much standing you lose from assisting enemy syndicates. Another thing to do is to have the colonist ask for protection on a mission once you have enough reputation. To entice people to pay attention to colonies, the things to trade for could be like specific relics, syndicates medallions, or ship decorations, ayatan stars. 

Please let me know what you think! 


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Maroo; Could be nice add more mission with Maroo interactions. For example the Rescue Type Mission could have Maroo as prisoner (like Stolen Dreams Quest) or maybe a Capture type where Maroo is the target (again)


Spaceship Crew; In the same line for implement interaction with ingame characters, could be nice have some "Specialist" for each syndacate (like Clem for Darvo ) But usable as spaceship crew with some benefit/cost;  for example a Steel Meridian Grineer could be a little boost for the extractors health and drilling time, or a New Loka specialist could be a medical help for the Kavat or Kubrow.... The specialist could be visible in the player spaceship and maybe customizable. Also, every specialist could assign mission oriented to their role, like collect an amount of resources, build an amount of spectres, sell/bought an amount of credit transaction, develeope build some weapon or parts. scan an amount of vegetations...


Pet Mental Link Mission: Just mission suitable using and control directly the pet. Like recovering item in very stretch spaces or where stealth mode is the only way to access.

Edited by KeLaRo
added mission assigned for spaceship crew
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Two modes and a faction

 that would be a bit reversed the mission would sometimes randomly start when you logged on forcing you to play it.It would work like the stalker where you would get marks, but instead of bosses second in comand dark soldiers this would be a new faction with new maps they love the dark most cramped places and love to play game but also gamble they would be partained to a quest after the glast gambit knowing your power as a tenno steal your warframes when you come back on you would be logged on as your operator the mission is simple escape various rooms that are custom made for that warframe to make it harder for instance rhino hits the ground hard and has a rough time climbing the area would would be a square narrow entirely vertical mission when you escape having gone throu hacking terminals and testing warframe abilities you would find a locked door that you had to unlock with a key specially made by these shadow like beings they don't necessarily want to kill you but will "play" with you this mission isn't in the star chart but the other one is

It is to test parkour and mobility

It would prize you with a mod

If incompleted you would have to enter another mission vs. an advanced a.i. that is twice as stong using your warframe this a.i. would remember the way you use the warframe and copy your usage no penalty for losing this one and the mission that ill call captured is only to take up to two warframes and leaves one so if you only have two warframes it will only take the one you used last it is a 4 player andwill give you choices as to being good or bad or in the middle the mission is one needing the other one and would make warframe more interesting 

This mission is on the star chart and you can do it at anytime with 4 players

This is a conditionary quest 

More lore would be given about these gamblers 

The prize would be 1000 endo and your warframe it would also give you a key to assassinate the boss of the faction in the board with the stalker aka they are friends with the stalker and hunhow but are out of gambling

They don't gamble with money and have a secret pm me pls if you like the idea so far 

       +  The faction would depend on the split way you choose as i said in the other post sorry about going back and forth

Edited by (PS4)ZeroTearsKris
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On December 6, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Kramer17 said:

Hi everyone !

A post just to share some thoughts ;) As DE is working on invasion, i have to say that some of them are quite boring. And when you have to do it 3 times, it's 3 time more boring ;) And for sure, you will not have a 4th one if it's boring...

So, I was just thinking that a kind of mission leveling would be great. I guess the idea is as simple that it might already have been suggested somewhere...

To still make it open to a maximum of the community, maybe it would be fun to increase not the level of the mobs but their spawn rate (yeah, I love infected bath ;).

For example :

  • Invasion Mission 1 : Normal spawn rate
  • Invasion Mission 2 : +20% spawn rate
  • Invasion Mission 3 : +40% spawn rate
  • ...
  • Invasion Mission 6 : +100% spawn rate...

It could be really fun & more challenging. And what would happen if you do the invasion 5, 6 or 10 times... With specifics rewards at 10, 50 or even 100 invasions that could bring a bit of end game challenging... ;)

Thanks for all your feedbacks on it.

Yours !


Link to the original post : 


What if the amount of grineer /corpus you saved mattered and the types gave you standing so it woul be based on performance rather than spammability also i agree we need different types of missions rather than the same modes as normal mission and make them twice as advanced in what you have to do aka more things to do like 2 ships to sabotage and using archwing to go back and forth

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Another thing I'd like to see is defending againced factions in reversed sabotage missions where it's like defence and excavation except the a.i. try to sabotage the ship and later on going into archwing mode to get rid of the ship going after us we would need to shoot out 6 engines depending on the faction coming after us the ship would be to find certain things such as new ship parts, lost material to make operator clothing(Blueprints would be found by a new quest needing to find crates in the tenno maps like sabotage crates).The ship would be trying to find the parts in other words a tenno ship the sabotage would happen randomly and never by the same faction the factions would have separate ways of taking it down

Firing up the engines as payback by the grineer they can also jam the engine by throwing bodies in it tenno grineer even yourself.They will also break the fuel container its up to you to run a normal sabotage to find out what their up to

The corpus will steal money to keep you from getting fuel and crash you into the nearest planet not only that but they will dismantle the wings and sell them for money.Up to you to find out what their up to.

Stalker and his people will sneak on board to kill the captain also if they do this the lotus will need your help to beat him yes this means lotus will cross swords with stalker but people will have to complete a quest where this happens possibly make a choice of the lotus or stalker or a middle allie that i mentioned in another mission request

The infested will ma ke the tenno one of their own and take the ship for one of their own

The sentients are not the stalkers but allies with him so they will follow hunhow causing destruction through the ship and they will not just aim for the engine

And the other one faction that i am hoping for will play with you to get to the engine emping you throung a gernade here and there and turning you to operator form without powers

With these factions in mind you will get a message 2 hours before it happens and the message will tell you a hint saying they used to be builders or they warship money things that will make you pay attention to the operator and his/her words,we need more faces.

The prize for this would be what they have been looking for.

It would be a 4 player mission and quite long again pm if you like the idea

      +  Forgot kuva they would send people to cut down the tenno and get kuva blood maybe it's a source of gas kind of ruthless and weird but               maybe it's another secret kept by the lotus maybe thats our reason for leaving

Edited by (PS4)ZeroTearsKris
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I actually created another post but I'll just copy-paste the contents here! Sorry.

I had a dream of being in the Void and the tilesets, the area me and my squad was in being in absolute darkness.
The "torchlight" that lights up when we are in dark places was lit up and we could use that as a source of light to look around.
This place was the Void and there was a weird spinning contraption nearby when some of our light went over the area.
The contraption was like a security camera from Corpus ships, just that it was spinning faster until it detected us.

It stopped and alarms went off, the area lit up and we were definitely in the Void.
Two doors split open and a squad of Corrupted Bombards were there.

However, instead of firing their weapons at us, they started moving towards us. Fast. Too fast for a Bombard.
I actually felt afraid because I had never seen a Bombard move that fast regardless of the countless Grineer Bombards I had killed with ease previously.
Their movement seemed to match ice-skating and they were closing in.

My squad shared the same feelings I had and we all began to Bullet Jump towards the where we were.
A safe location, I felt it was.

We kept going until we reached it, the Bombard were still chasing us.
But when we only reached the next tileset which we already cleared and the doors shut behind us, we learned something.
The doors only opened for us but not for them. It remained shut. Denying the Corrupted Bombards further pursuit.

They were chasing us away from something almost as if they were guarding something...

I woke up and took a shower. (IRL)
My idea for a new mission took shape.

Since the dream took place in what I remember as being the Void, I thought of using the Neural Sentry to be the main enemy.
With the Neural Sentry having really special and different "highly" Corrupted enemies.
Also, many different and unique traps with lasers that we had never seen before and would have to go and die to again and again to learn and correct and succeed after each failure.

The Neural Sentry, Level 100 - 200
The mission node will be connected from the Moon (Lua) and the Void. It will be at the middle, in between the Moon and the Void. Just one node.

Enemies level is ridiculous, I know, but we have Riven mods reviving past and present weapons beyond expectations so I believe we will be able to handle the enemies.
Well, the Neural Sentry was able to Corrupt anything and everything that enters the Void.
I felt that if we were to go up against it we would have the toughest mission ever.
I intend for Tenno to fail this mission multiple times BUT, make progress with each Room and Floor being cleared.
This mission is for those who think they are elites. (Basically, players who have strong weapons/loadouts with or without Riven mods)

The mission itself:

The tileset is a maze, the 1st mission we do is a Floor.
There will be 100 Floors thus, the level range of 100 - 200. (The idea of this is so that it will be difficult. This is the Neural Sentry we are talking about here.)
Each Floor cleared increases the enemies' level by 1.
We start at the middle of the entire map and clear Rooms outwards.
The will be 9 Rooms with the Tenno squad of 4 starting in the middle.
There will be no objective to clear in the middle Room that we arrive in.

The other 8 Rooms will have various non-Endless mission objectives for us to clear.
Exterminate, Spy, Mobile Defense, even the old easy to clear Deception can be reintroduced because of how difficult the missions are due to the enemies' level.

However, each Room will have a unique trap set up by the Neural Sentry to slow us down.
Cameras to detect us, laser traps that OHKO (But we would bleed out, relax).
The Rooms will also be in complete darkness and we would only be able to explore using our "torchlight". (The torchlight in dark places that light up in-game is a bit wonky and if my idea is taken into consideration and worked on, I hope the "torchlight" will be improved so that we can use it to light up where we are going.)

The Rooms will light up when we have "triggered" the mission objective by being detected by the Neural Sentry.
Either by the camera detecting us or being hit by a laser trap and going down.
We do not have to rely on our "torchlight" throughout the mission.

Enemies spawn after we trigger the mission objective and Exterminate would have a fixed number of enemies we have to clear before we progress to the next one.
Mobile Defense would be based on the time we defend the terminal.
As for Spy, I was thinking that it would have to be done in complete darkness while avoiding the camera and laser traps (Limbo).
Deception would just be a rush to get the datamass into the terminal and you would be done with the Room.
Capture will spawn 1 Capture Target for us to Capture and be done with that Room.
Sabotage, *still thinking about how to include this idea*
Rescue, yes, what the hell is the Operative doing in such a place? But, wait. Right after you rescue him/her, they get Corrupted and mission objective becomes Capture.
Assassination - The Neural Sentry, Floor 100, Room 9 - 9. (Still not sure what the Neural Sentry would look like or how we would battle against it)

The Neural Sentry's ability:

1. Corrupt Warframe. (Corrupted Warframe will attack their own squad with their abilities only) With voice chat going between players, they could warn one another based on their Warframes' animation about which ability they are about to use again them when they lose control of their Warframe (Remember Salad V controlling us?)
2. I only thought of 1 so far.

Floor and Room progress are saved upon failure / completion of a Floor.
Extraction can be done upon completion of an entire Floor. (Maybe this should be allowing us to extract after each Rooms?)

Recruiting, players would have to share their own completion of "Floor 57, Room 4 - 9" to get other player who have completed the same to join the squad.
Otherwise, players who have completed too much would only be able to join players who have completed less as much.
Player Floor 57, Room 4 - 9 starts mission alone and join Public squad.
Public squad's mission: Floor 50, Room 1 - 9.
I hope I explained this part properly.

Enemies are as described from the dream I had, Corrupted Bombards, do not necessarily use the launchers but may choose to close in on us and go melee.
Then, switch between their weapons.
They are also faster and mobile.

As mentioned in my dream, we can run back to the previous Room and after the doors close when we are out of range, the enemies would be stuck on the other side.
Enemies cannot get through doors if they are shut in time.
Enemies can managed to get through if Tenno are too slow to fall back.
Every Room cleared becomes a safe haven to fall back to.


Enemies, always drop Rare Mods.
I was thinking that completion of a Floor could reward 3-day Affinity/Resource Boosters.
Also, maybe even 1 of any items Baro brings us. (This would give us a hint of where he gets his goods from, I mean, he is called the "Void Trader")

This is all I have come up with so far. I hope I get some good feedback to add on. Otherwise, if you want to trash me for this idea. Okay. =/
It's the interwebz! Anyone can say S#&$. :D

To those who think the mission is ridiculously difficult, I want you to know that I want it to be!
The Neural Sentry Corrupts anything in the Void.
It would be hilarious if we cleared just 1 mission objective (or a Sortie type OR a Trial type mission) and went up against him.. her.. it so easily. So, yea.

There was a Moon Bunny Warframe idea that I think the developers came across on the forums but did not actually implement in the game.
I guess, my idea would end up that way too but, I'm hoping it will not. I am actually still hoping that I will see that Moon Bunny Warframe someday in the game.

Over and out.

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Since people are still posting here their mission type suggestions, might as well add my own fantasy of seeing something like the old space battles from the game Star Wars Battlefront 2.

You would take those huge Grineer (Galleon?) and Corpus ships that we see sailing past our Orbiter in the Navigation, have two of those locked in combat, bombarding at each other, and smaller ships that we are used to from regular archwing missions would fly out from their fighter bays and fight between the huge ships.

It would be an archwing Invasion mission that could dynamically spawn around different planets, the layout of the "tilesets" wouldn't need to be complicated, maybe add some debris fields or asteroids here and there, with a backdrop of the planet or moon that the invasion is taking place at, or just empty space. The main attraction would be the huge spaceships next to each other. Just polish up those textures for the already existing corpus and grineer ships, resize the models to appropriate sizes, add some parts to the ships; turrets, cannons, satellites, sensors, some other weak/hardpoints that can be targeted and destroyed with your archwing.

But maybe you can't destroy those just yet, maybe the mission is not simply an exterminate mission, but a mixture of in-ship sabotage and archwing setpiece extermination, where you need to disable the shields to properly damage the ship.

The mission would start with Ordis dropping you off behind whatever factions ship you decided to side with in the invasion, where you're safe, and then you proceed to enter the the fight, between the huge ships, where Corvettes, Carriers, Gox, Dregs, Dargyns and Ogmas are already in the middle of fighting each other, and you'd need to fight your way through them into the hangar bays of the opposing faction.

I know this can be done since on Uranus you can rather easily transition between archwing mode and regular mode, so flying straight into the ships is doable.
In the mission you might need to kill off some of the competition first, some of the fighters, destroy a turret or two guarding the entrance to the ship, and then enter it.

Once inside, the mission turns into a reactor sabotage mission, spawning a smaller tileset, where you don't have to go too far to commence disabling reactors or shields of the ship, allowing you to hit the ship while it's weak. Just a regular invasion sabotage with some allies spawning in via the usual invasion ways, along the short road from the hangar to the reactors, with lots of enemies between you and your goal.
Once destroyed, you'd need to exit the ship again and enter the fight outside in your archwing, and focus on destroying key points on the ship itself, while of course fighters are still fighting around you and the ships are still bombarding at each other. The rest is history, the ship would start to explode, fighters would start to scatter and whittle down their numbers, and your job would be done, and you could extract again, far away behind the allied factions ship.

Hopefully there would always be one active archwing invasion going on at any given time around some planet or moon, and maybe it could reward weapon parts as well.
Regular coop or solo mechanics would apply.

This would be a mixture mission type, taking already existing and working parts of different missions in the game, hopefully wouldn't be a total hassle to create since you wouldn't have to start from scratch.
Only things I see taking most effort is polishing up the huge ship models, slapping on some key points and turrets that can fire around at enemies, maybe the transition animations between entering and exiting fighter bays since you can't use the same as entering and exiting water, maybe small attention to detail if you want to actively see grineer and corpus forces running around the hangars and themselves entering their fighters, that then proceed to take off and fight the battle outside, and I don't know how well the archwing AI is coded to fight against other factions in space.
Of course I can't presume to tell developers what takes effort or not, I don't know this stuff and unexpected complications could always arise.

But all of that sounds perfectly doable, right?

I hope this suggestion resonates with many others, I'd love some large scale space battles in this game, and this seems the perfect fit in my mind, and you would finally get to be part of a fight that, until now, you could only watch from the surface of Europa, and look up at the sky and see that all the action is happening far far away from you, as ships were bombarding at each other away from the atmosphere.

EDIT: A mobile defence mission type would also be perfectly fine on occasion, with you again spawning behind the allied faction ship, and needing to fly over to a weakpoint of your allies ship and defend it for a period, when it undergoes repairs or something. Still needs to keep that invasion type huge space battle feeling with many allied and opposing ships flying between the two bigger ships during all that time, fighting each other, you and trying to destroy the points on the ship.

Edited by SnuggleBuckets
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How about...


This idea is an old one of mine that's come from the boredom of defense maps. Stand in one spot. CC and murder. Not only that, the defense point is just a thing with a huge ton of health. What would be more interesting: a segmented map with individual staging grounds and specific defense goals. You hold the goal for as long as you can stay, endlessly. But if you lose the goal, you have to fall further and further back to your main defense objective.

Goals Like:

-Defending a massive door from the enemy. The enemy, who is trying to open it by hacking one of a handful of terminals. Or by destroying the door directly. Possibly bringing a heavily armored, high artillery unit special to this mode. Some kind of small vehicle that you need to destroy before it blows down the door.

-Preventing enemies from setting charges to blow open new attack pathways. Their objective is to push past a certain threshold, forcing you to fall back. That once enough enemies pass the threshold, the defense staging ground is lost and you fall back

-Natural armored obstructions around the final defense point, that once destroyed, lay open the final defense point to ranged attacks directly.

Once you lose a defense point, the wave is automatically over. In a similar way as the end of an interception round. You mop up, and wait for the enemy to regroup and push now that they have the advantage. The same 5 wave reward scheme would still apply.

Basically the idea is instead of a single point to defend, you have a series of unique defense points. That once you lose them, you have to fall back further and further. Kind of like the new moon map, but based on performance, rather than a determined series of rounds. Something more interesting and contextual, that keeps teams on their toes in what would otherwise be a very sedentary game mode.


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Wave based survival game mode with unique variation of enemies on each wave, Number of enemies would be represented on the left like exterminate as well as current wave #. This game mode should have x number of x types of heavies(hard enemies) per wave, preferably new ones with interactive ways to beat them/avoid their damage. As Tenno start getting to the last waves a boss will start dialogue. Boss fight can be split into several waves, wave transition can be done in pretty much any way, maybe going to a new area on the tileset or count down. Boss introduction on the last wave and maybe periodically should have an awesome dialogue and a period of "reset" to allow tenno to restore ammo, health, energy.

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You know what I'd like to see? Alert distress calls. 

Instead of being on a planet. You'd just see a ship icon on the star map. Anyone could access it who has access to the system.

A merchant ship is attacked by faction of your choice and sends out a distress call. There would be 2 goals to successfully save the ship. 

  1. Remove invading force from the merchant ship saving as many civilians as possible (fail state if all civilians are killed). 
  2. Once the invaders are purged from the civilian ship, infiltrate the attacking ship, cripple it and decouple it from the civilian ship. This part doesn't have to be the same as sabotage, it could be as simple as going the weapons  and finding some creative ways for them to self destruct. 

Maybe this isn't the most original idea out there,  but it will definitely add a lot of theme/flavor to the game.

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Wave survival/assasinate(Input original name here)

This would gear towards a non-endless mission type with a high risk - high reward. Something that would add depth to the game.


Mission discription

Fight hords of Unique enemies through several well layed out waves, Enemies have to be elemitated to move on to next wave, Waves get harder and spawn several higher level enemies including (Jugernauts) Other Unique Creatures, the higher the wave the taugher they get. On last wave will be a assasinate type phase that could last several waves or just single wave, this can differ based on Boss type. Same rules apply as any other missions, dying 4 times will fail the mission at ANY WAVE. The difficulty would be based on the strength of the boss at the end and the number of waves to get to the boss(could be indicated along with number of enemies per wave). Since its a high-risk high- reward based mission the rewards would have to be in large quantities(mutagen samples) or new rewards alltogher. Cool dialouge could be added to give tenno indication of boss fight and add depth to the missions.

Edited by swift4ace
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