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Ivara: What is her niche?


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1 minute ago, (PS4)NewAgeDoom said:

Of the three "stealth" frames (Loki, Ash, Ivara), I've gotten the first two, and was thinking of farming the Spy missions necessary to get the frog hunter lady.

What exactly am I getting out of the box? By that, I mean what kinds of missions does she particularly excel at that others don't?

spy, rescue and if you like stealth exterminations. quite fragil girl she is, but usefull.

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Prowl makes her part of a lot of farming comps.

Infiltrate makes her the easiest frame for Moon Spy.

Invisiblity arrows are useful everywhere. Sleep arrows are hilarious (night night, Juggy!). Dashwire allows for tactical variety.

Navigator is fun. Guide that rocket/grenade/single round directly into the enemy - or guide that invisibility arrow back onto yourself.

Artemis bow is a solid #4 power, and is potentially quite useful on weapon restricted missions.

Overall she's a good frame, and those who enjoy her are a solid part of a team.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)NewAgeDoom said:

Of the three "stealth" frames (Loki, Ash, Ivara), I've gotten the first two, and was thinking of farming the Spy missions necessary to get the frog hunter lady.

What exactly am I getting out of the box? By that, I mean what kinds of missions does she particularly excel at that others don't?

She excels at stealth runs of pretty much any mission, solo you probs wanna stay away from defense, mobile defense, hijack, basically any mission that involves defending something. Also due to low health she is weak in high level missions that have ancients due to toxic ancients being able to kill her with their AoE toxic proc.

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I use her for high level survival. Prowl, sleep arrows, covert leathality and the artimus bow is an awesome combo. She's not tanky by any means, but she's a lot of fun. 

... I completely disagree with people saying she isn't useful for high level missions. Artimus bow takes out the little guys, a good dagger with covert takes out the big ones. 

Edited by Mutt2679
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I think that Ivara can excel at all of the above.

I personally tend to use her in solo gameplay or in a more passive damage dealing capacity through use of Artemis. When I am not in the mood to be carrying a squad, I'll just shoot a wire, perch myself strategically and rain damage on enemies. If in spy mission, I'll prowl and work my way to each data extraction point. 

She is not a Loki, or an Ash, but rather a more comprehensive blend of the two. If I was forced to give an opinion, I'd say that survival missions are her forte.

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Ivara really has a little bit of everything centered around her main theme of stealth. I'm not sure a better-equipped solo frame exists since most other frames have some sort of major drawback, like Mirage being made of paper or the limited range of Equinox's auras. Ivara herself, on the other hand, only has the usual stealth-frame drawback of being fragile, and the slightly annoying mobility penalty of her stealth is fair compensation for it being a toggle that can easily last the entire mission.

By the way, while you might not be able to bullet jump, slide, wall-latch, or run during Prowl, you can still double jump, wall-run, roll, and aim-glide, and dash wire arrows are still a thing.

Edited by Dreddeth
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Ivara has the best stealth suited kit we have.

- All her quiver arrows can make enemies act to your whim and support allies with cloak and dashwire.

- Prowl is stupidly cheap invisibility and rewards more damage on headshots while sacrificing mobility.

- Navigator gives extreme amount of control for projectiles, making it easy to hit anything, even using her quiver arrows if you wish.

- Artemis bow is generally a good DPS weapon, and rounds her kit pretty well with a stealthy damage ability. 

Ash and Loki have their own niches: 

- Ash has massive bleed procs, damage and finishers while having much less stealth duration compared to the other two. He can also be supportive with team invisibility and armor stripping with augments.

- Loki has extended support and infinitely scaling CC abilities with Radial Disarm and Switch Teleport and has increased mobility/wall control though has absolutely no damage to his kit.

Edited by Agentawesome
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53 minutes ago, (PS4)NewAgeDoom said:

what kinds of missions does she particularly excel at that others don't?

She can be used in nearly every mission.  Obviously stealth missions as others have said but I've used her in every mission type we have and it works out great.  She is very versatile and provide long lasting cover for your teammates, keep enemies CC'd and does really nice damage all in one package.

Kind of difficult to answer the "where others don't part" as most warframes can be used in most missions though.  She has a bit of a different and unique play style though as she is very fragile and her prowl keeps her pretty well protected.  

Just be aware of any outside sources of damage over time as that is the bane of her Prowl ability (any hit to you, no matter how slight, even if it does barely any damage at all will drain your energy faster while in Prowl).

Combine her dashwire with prowl and she can literally rain down damage from above with little repercussion, amazing for defense missions, interceptions and so on.  

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1 hour ago, (PS4)NewAgeDoom said:

Of the three "stealth" frames (Loki, Ash, Ivara), I've gotten the first two, and was thinking of farming the Spy missions necessary to get the frog hunter lady.

What exactly am I getting out of the box? By that, I mean what kinds of missions does she particularly excel at that others don't?

Far better damage than Loki, a different avenue of damage compared to Ash.

More hard CC than either of them, though disarm is also an effective CC type. 

Extra loot, but that's negligible.

The opportunity to set up webs in defense and interception.

Honestly I think she's absolutely worth getting and not that hard, but I mean, if you really don't think she looks worth doing the spies and for some reason don't use spies to level anyways, then you don't have to go for her. A lot of her appeal is if you like her exalted weapon. 

It has GODLY damage in a cone, that doesn't even fall off against level 150 enemies if built for enough strength. So, she benefits the most in endless missions in that regard, having both damage avoidance and damage output, though Ash isn't terrible at that either, she's basically a more fun involved version of Ash for that. 

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Ivara is good at stealth but she cannot surpass Loki and Ash in terms of speed/efficient stealth.  You want to get Ivara for her other abilities.  Her arrows are very powerful when used correctly or creatively.  You can do simple things like sticking a cloak arrow on Rescue VIP for safety, or spam max range sleep arrow.  Her 4 can also do respectable amount of damage for end game if you mod it correctly.  Her pickpocket is super useful whenever DE forget to block it against a boss or rare spawn.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)NewAgeDoom said:

What exactly am I getting out of the box? By that, I mean what kinds of missions does she particularly excel at that others don't?

Black for mission types that you should have no trouble soloing. Orange for mission types that depend on the details of the mission. Red for mission types that give Ivara trouble when solo.


Arena: Sleep Arrow opens any of the executioners up for an automatic kill with Covert Lethality, though the sleep duration is significantly shorter and continues to shorten with each cast if you fail to kill the executioner before the duration expires. You can camp on top of an energy spawn point to keep your energy capped.

Assassinate: Artemis Bow deals incredible single-target damage and is capable of one- or two-shotting any single boss phase at levels on the star chart. There are a few bosses she might have some trouble with solo, namely those that are invulnerable unless they use an attack against you, which forces you to either leave Prowl for short periods of time or use a Radiation status weapon to give the boss a target to fire at.

Defense: Ivara has trouble running Defense solo, but has a lot of team synergy available in a squad.

Excavation: Ivara also has trouble running Excavation solo. Sleep Arrow can be used as reliable crowd control in a squad.

Exterminate: You will never be seen and you will never trip alarms.

Hijack: Not happening with a build based on Prowl.

Interception: Solo Ivara is currently capable of completely wrecking enemy AI in Interception. As long as enemies remain unaware of your presence, Noise Arrow will override enemy AI, preventing them from attempting to re-take the Interception consoles. It does take a bit of practice to make sure you catch the late-spawning enemies that haven't been affected by previous Noise Arrows.

Mobile Defense: Ivara actually isn't a bad choice here as long as the enemy isn't Corpus and you aren't defending the console in the Infested Ship room with the Corrosive gas. With a build for high power range, she can simply keep the entire room locked down with Sleep Arrow. There's really no reason to kill anything not called an Ancient Disruptor or an Eximus unit.

Rescue: Ivara will have no trouble reaching the hostage and hacking the consoles. Getting out might be tricky, but I give the hostage a Sonicor, turn off Prowl, turn on Artemis Bow, and spam Sleep Arrows all the way to the extraction point.

Sabotage: Ivara is open to search the map for caches at her own leisure. Sabotage missions that contain a Defense-type portion may be troublesome depending on the number and strength of enemies that spawn.

Spy: With the Infiltrate augment, Ivara is the safest option for Spy, though Loki and Limbo will probably be faster. However, make sure you are familiar with which security mechanisms are not bypassed by Infiltrate (https://forums.warframe.com/topic/661769-infiltrate-still-sets-off-security-systems/). Even without Infiltrate, Ivara has a very easy time as she can use Dashwire Arrow to avoid the majority of security mechanisms.


Survival: Sleep Arrow opens all non-flying enemies up for automatic kills with Covert Lethality. Everything else and Nullifiers fall quickly to Artemis Bow. Prowl's pickpocket effect is also capable of generating more life support.

Edited by Inarticulate
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Ivara is a frame that excels almost anywhere

She is self sufficient in that she has a bit of everything in her kit, and the stuff that she lacks can either be covered with weapons or mods.


The more I play Ivara, the more I realise that her utility and usefulness are only limited by your imagination and skill. That will be true of any frame with more than 4 skills, but the versatility of Ivara's kit puts her ahead of Equinox or Vauban


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