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Mastery Rank lockout's are causing you to LOSE money.


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Just now, Senketsu_ said:

But the devs also want people to experience the game properly. I had to play and grind out every weapon to get to MR22. It was a very fulfilling experience. and the MR locked weapons game me a goal to work towards. 

Forcing players to grind every weapon to max rank isn't really a "fulfilling experience" to me. Its really just a massive grind. If I wanted to spend all my time grinding I would simply go back to playing WoW or something.

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15 minutes ago, Foxirus said:

Forcing players to grind every weapon to max rank isn't really a "fulfilling experience" to me. Its really just a massive grind. If I wanted to spend all my time grinding I would simply go back to playing WoW or something.

You're not forced to grind anything nor is MR22 required.

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2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

They are trying to argue that Mastery rank weapons cannot be bypassed with platinum because it would make things pay to win

"They"? Who is "they"? The other people in the thread have said that Prime Access does bypass the MR lock system, and that yes, it can be considered P2W but many aren't willing to commit to that argument due to the games PvE nature.


2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

The only difference is that they're paying a monthly payment versus a one time payment to get a weapon they want to play.

Warframe has no monthly payments


2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

Bypassing the MR locks DOES get players to try new weapons, I'd try about 6 of them if I could just get them (I would know, I'm a new player).

Providing incentives to increase their MR to try new weapons is a common tactic, in the F2P's I've played anyway, to retain players as well as encourage them to try new things.  I've been playing for awhile now and I've noticed that in roughly 70% of the new players that get exactly what they want within the first couple months of joining, tend to leave the game because it's too easy and they have no goal to strive for.


2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

Besides all that, Me buying my weapon and bypassing the Mastery Rank has ZERO effect on you or anyone else unless its just them complaining you are using a weapon that doesn't fit the mission.

At what point did I say that I cared about what weapon you or any other player chose to bring to a mission?

Here's a hint; I don't care.  As long as you aren't leeching, being toxic or abusive and actually put in the effort, you could have a Tenno Slingshot for all I care. 

2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

If thats the case, Too bad. Noone here has the right to dictate what people do to have fun. Even if that weapon doesn't fit said mission, You don't have to play with them.

So tired of this mentality.  No one is telling you how to play the game, in fact, I just reread my post and at no point did I tell you to try the Karak or Grakata, just that if the MR lock wasn't in place, there's a good chance I would have never tried them.  And to expand on that, by "try" I mean actually dropping mods in and attempting different builds instead of passively leveling them.


2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

The fact you can't be bothered to try other weapons once you get something good is a personal problem. I play for fun, So I choose weapons that interest me, which just so happen to be mostly Mastery locked.

Not a fact, that's an inference.  I do try things that seem interesting, I was employing hyperbole to make a point.  One that seems to have sailed gracefully over your head.  I'll aim lower next time.


2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

Most people who don't want to sign a monthly subscription aren't going to buy the guns. They are simply going to build them with the vast amount of resources they do have once they reach the MR required for said weapon.

Again with the monthly.  Are you referring to Warframe, or trying to compare it to another game?


2 hours ago, Foxirus said:

You should go play a game made by a company that actually does cash grabs sometime. I'd recommend Mech Warrior online. When DE starts trying to sell solid gold warframes for $100+, THEN you can say its cash grab. You can't really say its a cash grab when they already allow you to bypass the MR requirement. You are just picking and choosing what you want to accept.

I have played that game, and it is a cash grab.  And for someone that gets hot and bothered about thinking someone is telling you how to have fun, I'm amused that you chose to tell me when I can or cannot say something is a cash grab.

And I can say that monetizing the MR system is a cash gab, because it is.  At that point Digital Extremes is not interested in making a good game, they're only interested in making money.

You mention playing WoW; can you provide an example of how they allow their players to bypass their on level lock system with real money?  It's been a few years since I played that game, but I honestly can't think of that being a thing.

I'm sorry, I wanted to take this seriously but your response has shown that you're not interested in what's best for Warframe but rather what's best for you.  

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22 hours ago, Foxirus said:

"Sorry! We aren't going to let you give us money because your Mastery Rank isn't high enough."


Let me get right to the point, Blocking people from spending platinum to buy AND USE Mastery Rank locked out weapons is a foolish thing. I can understand if you want to block out the blueprint until a certain Mastery Rank is met to prevent it from being made for free, But why are you making it harder for people to spend money on the weapons they want sooner rather than later?


I am not going to spend money on a weapon if I have to grind to the Mastery rank to unlock it, I am just going to buy the blueprint and make it for free. Before you try to say you'd still have to save for resources, Do you think I wouldn't have enough resources by the time I reach that Mastery rank to buy it? Yes, Yes I would.


Please, Let weapons bought with Platinum bypass the Mastery rank and be usable NOW.

I'm gonna assume that you're still new. Some of the weapons locked behind MR are more powerful than those in the previous MR; if a new player were allowed to buy those powerful weapons early on they would trivialize the game extremely early. Its bad enough that some of the veterans players are bored due to being OP and cheesing missions, but if a new player goes through that odds are they might just quit after a week of playing.

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On 10/9/2016 at 3:14 PM, Senketsu_ said:

because that would actually make the game Pay 2 Win

Prime Access and other packs let you bypass the mastery requirement. Which, I assume, is what they're actually banking on. People who want an item bad enough to pay for it to be easily lead by the nose into buying a more expensive bundle just to get it.

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7 hours ago, DAWGUNITALPHA said:

Prime Access and other packs let you bypass the mastery requirement. Which, I assume, is what they're actually banking on. People who want an item bad enough to pay for it to be easily lead by the nose into buying a more expensive bundle just to get it.

you made it sound like buying prime access is a bad thing lolz

for some people time is gold and more expensive than a few hundred bucks.

but yeah mastery locked items are not making de lose money but earn them.

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On 10/9/2016 at 11:28 PM, Foxirus said:

@Senketsu_ @ZenshadowOfZramx 

I do not believe either of you understand the meaning of Pay to Win. Pay to Win is when an item or weapon used to win cannot be bought in any way or form by free players. The fact a paying player can get a weapon slightly faster than a free player does not make it a Pay to Win game. That weapon can still be acquired for free. Any wishing to argue farther can simply look at Prime Access that already allows one to circumvent the MR requirement. This alone makes both of your arguments invalid, As that would mean the game is already pay to win and we have nothing left to lose by making this a feature.

Yes they do. If you pay to get the Tonkor at MR 0 and I have to wait until MR 15 or whatever then it's pay to win. The last thing ANY F2P game needs is reviews stating it's pay to win. That can kill a game. I know i've shied away from games that players say are P2W. Never even wasted my time trying them if many reviews say it.


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"Pay to Win"

"Pay to Win"


Chanted like a cult...

I don't think OP is right, but the cries of P2W are not even a good argument... In COD it might matter, but this is Primarily PVE game, it's almost exclusively PvE at this point., P2W makes no actual difference, and also, we have Prime Packs for $100+... Oh but they don't count in this loose ragged definition of a system that is an irrelevance to PvE...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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On 10/9/2016 at 8:09 PM, Foxirus said:


I am not going to spend money on a weapon if I have to grind to the Mastery rank to unlock it, I am just going to buy the blueprint and make it for free. Before you try to say you'd still have to save for resources, Do you think I wouldn't have enough resources by the time I reach that Mastery rank to buy it? Yes, Yes I would.


No, you wouldn't. Like every other person who is MR10+ and has ever complained about not having enough cryotic, oxium, or any trivial resource resource needed because they only play a select number of missions in a limited amount of nodes and cheesed from 0 to 15+.

Edited by nms.
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4 hours ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

you made it sound like buying prime access is a bad thing lolz

I think it's poorly implemented and designed but that's a discussion for another topic.

4 hours ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

for some people time is gold and more expensive than a few hundred bucks.

Yes, yes, we saw all these arguments back when the founders packs were made available and when vauban first came out. Vauban was especially fun because if you missed the first run of alerts it would take you a month or two for the next set to show up and anyone who took issue with having to wake up at five AM or whatever unholy hour just to play a video game, was just smugly told to "get a job and buy it".

4 hours ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

but yeah mastery locked items are not making de lose money but earn them.

Only because DE has some very shady practices which while definitely not illegal by any means, are fairly unethical.

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On 10/10/2016 at 8:00 PM, Noamuth said:

"They"? Who is "they"? The other people in the thread have said that Prime Access does bypass the MR lock system, and that yes, it can be considered P2W but many aren't willing to commit to that argument due to the games PvE nature.


Warframe has no monthly payments


Providing incentives to increase their MR to try new weapons is a common tactic, in the F2P's I've played anyway, to retain players as well as encourage them to try new things.  I've been playing for awhile now and I've noticed that in roughly 70% of the new players that get exactly what they want within the first couple months of joining, tend to leave the game because it's too easy and they have no goal to strive for.


At what point did I say that I cared about what weapon you or any other player chose to bring to a mission?

Here's a hint; I don't care.  As long as you aren't leeching, being toxic or abusive and actually put in the effort, you could have a Tenno Slingshot for all I care. 

So tired of this mentality.  No one is telling you how to play the game, in fact, I just reread my post and at no point did I tell you to try the Karak or Grakata, just that if the MR lock wasn't in place, there's a good chance I would have never tried them.  And to expand on that, by "try" I mean actually dropping mods in and attempting different builds instead of passively leveling them.


Not a fact, that's an inference.  I do try things that seem interesting, I was employing hyperbole to make a point.  One that seems to have sailed gracefully over your head.  I'll aim lower next time.


Again with the monthly.  Are you referring to Warframe, or trying to compare it to another game?


I have played that game, and it is a cash grab.  And for someone that gets hot and bothered about thinking someone is telling you how to have fun, I'm amused that you chose to tell me when I can or cannot say something is a cash grab.

And I can say that monetizing the MR system is a cash gab, because it is.  At that point Digital Extremes is not interested in making a good game, they're only interested in making money.

You mention playing WoW; can you provide an example of how they allow their players to bypass their on level lock system with real money?  It's been a few years since I played that game, but I honestly can't think of that being a thing.

I'm sorry, I wanted to take this seriously but your response has shown that you're not interested in what's best for Warframe but rather what's best for you.  

I really don't care if you take me seriously or not. As for you questioning WoW letting players buy past their level restrictions? Yeah, They do it. You can buy level 100 accounts now through blizzard. Look up Level 100 Character Token on google if you need more information.


Originally I was just gonna let this thread die, But I could not resist responding to yours. I forgot originally why I stopped joining forums. Mainly because its all just a giant circle jerk of people who are going to argue their point with no regard for really paying attention to whats going on. They are literally trying to say its making it Pay to win. This game, PVE, Pay to win. How the HELL does me wanting a weapon matter to you or anyone else? Sorry, Does it hurt you that I get weapons now rather than later?  No. It doesn't. How about the fact I can get the MOST POWERFUL MELEE WEAPON CURRENTLY IN THE GAME through prime access while bypassing its MR requirement? Nope. That doesn't seem to hurt you either, So PLEASE, Tell me why me being able to buy any weapon with real cash (Something that can already be done with the most powerful weapons in the game) is going to hurt you or anyone else?! THIS IS A PVE GAME. It doesn't make a bit of difference to you or anyone else what weapon I have or Mastery rank I acquire them at aside from bragging and epeen rights.(At this point in time, I refuse to recognize the joke of a PVP system it has, it was only added to appease the tryhards who want PVP content.)


As for prime access being monthly? Every few months they release a new prime access pack. They hide it being a monthly thing by allowing you to buy it if you want, When in reality if you buy the packs they might as well have just offered a monthly subscription for the same thing. At this point, I really don't care to try and argue it any further. Most of you people seem to be overly self entitled thinking that me having a gun is some how going to ruin your fun and make it "Pay to win". Whatever. Have a great day, I am done with these forums for the time being. Lesson learned. To those that helped defend it, Thanks for your help!

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5 minutes ago, ashrah said:

its system of progression witch need to be even more restricted.... u can go in army and as rookie to become commando in 1 week..u need to earn it

Are you going to tell that to the people who buy prime access? No? Well then.

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On 12/10/2016 at 1:46 AM, BlackCoMerc said:

Then Prime Access is Pay to Win

Not really...
even if you got the most powerful weapon ingame the potential is still locked because you need the mods for it.
You still have to camp the Trade Chat to buy the mods you need.

then if you did not buy the maxed ones ( because players sell it at exorbitant price ) you still need to farm for endo
also the credits.

also forma and re level the thing.

Not grinding for MR13 is just one of the waitwall bypassed with prime access.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

Not really...
even if you got the most powerful weapon ingame the potential is still locked because you need the mods for it.
You still have to camp the Trade Chat to buy the mods you need.

then if you did not buy the maxed ones ( because players sell it at exorbitant price ) you still need to farm for endo
also the credits.

also forma and re level the thing.

Not grinding for MR13 is just one of the waitwall bypassed with prime access.

Then me buying any weapon with platinum and being able to bypass the MR requirement is not pay to win.

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