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Trading Prices are Stupid and So is Free Market


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Letting people decide how to price everything has made it so now prime guns and melees will only sell for like 20 to 40p for a full set, unless it's vaulted, in which cause everything is several hundred to multiple thousands of platinum. Also, selling arcanes for unrestricted amounts of platinum has allowed people to make up to several hundred thousand in platinum. I personally know a dude sitting on like 200 million in credits and like 25000p and I'm thinking "either this dude has absolutely no life at all, or I'm just plain missing something". Why is it that some people are just scraping by in the selling market, while arcane sellers are making off like the freaking Sutlan of Brunei? Where is the dmg control in the market? Everything is in pure chaos.

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Heaven forbid: players are obtaining in game rewards by...GASP...playing the game.

Any other game, if people asked for the ability to bypass grind and buy rewards, people would shout Pay to Win from the rooftops.

In Warframe, people complain BECAUSE rewards are available through playing.


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Arcanes worth hell ton of plat for couple of reasons:

1) It's a raid reward. Only the bravest do raids. I tried 3 times, failed, and just forgot about raid's existence alltogether, because that height seems to be unreachable for me. And probably for 90% of players too.

2) Arcanes are a direct passive upgrade, to your Warframe of choice, some of them incredibly good.

So it's both rare and valuable, therefore the high price that people are willing to pay.

And primes gone down in price because relic system made farming them both easier and less stressing.

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On 10/16/2016 at 8:38 PM, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

Letting people decide how to price everything has made it so now prime guns and melees will only sell for like 20 to 40p for a full set, unless it's vaulted, in which cause everything is several hundred to multiple thousands of platinum. Also, selling arcanes for unrestricted amounts of platinum has allowed people to make up to several hundred thousand in platinum. I personally know a dude sitting on like 200 million in credits and like 25000p and I'm thinking "either this dude has absolutely no life at all, or I'm just plain missing something". Why is it that some people are just scraping by in the selling market, while arcane sellers are making off like the freaking Sutlan of Brunei? Where is the dmg control in the market? Everything is in pure chaos.

Arcanes aren't being sold for unrestricted amount of plats and you're being way too over exaggerating. Maybe that dude you know has been playing for a long time. Could that be what you're missing? And there isn't any damage or chaos going on, stop trying to create problems when there isn't one. Have you actually thought about doing raids? 

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In-game economy = Bad? People with more plat than me = Bad?

I'm having trouble understanding exactly what you're complaint is here. Do you think DE doesn't keep track of Plat? It's their money.

Some people are good with economics, they know what to get, when to sell it and how much. Others are bad at economics, they farm the wrong things, sell at the wrong times and don't know what anything is worth.

That's also how Life works..

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3 hours ago, Artek94 said:

Arcanes worth hell ton of plat for couple of reasons:

1) It's a raid reward. Only the bravest do raids. I tried 3 times, failed, and just forgot about raid's existence alltogether, because that height seems to be unreachable for me. And probably for 90% of players too.

2) Arcanes are a direct passive upgrade, to your Warframe of choice, some of them incredibly good.

So it's both rare and valuable, therefore the high price that people are willing to pay.

And primes gone down in price because relic system made farming them both easier and less stressing.

1) raid isn't hard, it's just time consuming & with the right mods, it become cheese. Most players with bad internet can't play due to poor net. Many others, like me, refuse to play raid cuz it's just a serials of normal mission tied together, there's no elements of a real raid. Boss (those at the end) are just normal mission boss with some hp gate & massive hp & armor buff.


2) That arcane has the aura of a pay to win (buy from players w plats), with such passive OP upgrade, you will be too reliance on it when DE nerf it (watch up for falling bricks).

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Lots of small quick trades make up for a few big slow trades. See a price posted, undercut them, sell it quick and move on.  Or if aware of going market prices of items, sell for less.  Unless you just like sitting in trade chat and haggling. You will be able to afford anything you want soon enough.

lol at raids for the bravest...

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Trials are boring and silly compared to games like Destiny raiding. Hence the reason why very few do them.

Meaning those that have a good group that can cheese it easily enough every day can make a mint.

Until the game has a raiding system like this or better it will always have raid rewards at really high prices.


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Simple supply/demand, I'll break it down for you.

Few people do raids = Low supply of arcanes

Arcanes can be extremely powerful = High demand of arcanes

Lots of people do relic runs = High supply of prime parts/sets

Relatively easy to get prime parts without trading = Low demand of prime parts/sets

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1 hour ago, ashrah said:

problems are ppl who cut price other traders and selling stuff in half price...

This is exactly how stores stay competitive in the real world, though.

"They're selling bread for $3? Well, we'll sell it for $1.50 and still make a profit."

Here's a tip for you: If you think your item is worth the amount that you were trying to sell it for, keep trying to sell it for that much. You'll learn, real quick, if it was just someone trying to sell their item fast or if you were the one who was mistaken how much the item was worth.

Great example are all the dumb kids trying to sell Galatine Prime for 250p when people will barely pay 90p or 100p for it.

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someone told me I was a scammer because I bought items and sold bundles or sets for more than I paid, I informed them scamming is stealing or not promising something, and what I was doing was "flipping". He said I was digusting, but too many people don't understand how business works

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frames like ash which used to be hard to farm and highly desired have become very easy to farm.  I've farmed him 4 times now in about a 1 month now you can't maintain a 100p plus price tag if everything gets easy to farm.  I think we need a bigger rotation of primes to hit the market and some things to get unvaulted.  Vaulted stuff is fetching too high of a price and it really doesn't benefit DE to keep them vaulted when going past the 1000p mark.  I'm sorry rich traders but it would benefit them to undercut you, also I am really questioning how many of these vaulted frames are left in the market.  I think most frames vaulted over a year ago are running dry.  Is it really worth letting these frames run completely dry so veterans can maintain being a special snowflake vs keeping a reasonable supply and demand going?  I don't know what DE promised but I don't see the benefit in keeping some things vaulted forever if they can't produce newer primes faster to rotate out some of our current frames and get there prices up to something competitive.  

I think primes right now are way too cheap in relation to just orokin reactor/catalyst costs.  You can get a volt, trinity, nova set for 40p at that price and what a upgrade they are to there regular counter part I would actually say now you shouldn't invest orokin reactors in some normal warframes.  if you simply don't do that you'll save plat for the prime counter part when there so cheap you save a ton of effort and plat in the long run.  I think the prices of certain things hitting a critical low to where everyone will have everything too quickly.  As a result my thought is we need some serious rotations in effect soon.  Right now its almost not worth selling unless you absolutely need the plat.

You might be thinking whats wrong with everyone acquiring everything quickly.  In a nut shell if everything gets farmed too fast for cheap before rotations the trade mechanism that keeps this game f2p collapses on itself.  That's the problem.

Edit: just want to be clear I don't think free trade is stupid, but this game isn't the real world in trading you buy everything once and done that means if prices are too cheap demand risks shrinking at a rate impossible to maintain as a f2p player.  Economics is not hard to understand its all just supply and demand and this game right now is very tilted to blow up on the supply side.

Edited by (PS4)Del-ProdigyT
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7 hours ago, ashrah said:

problems are ppl who cut price other traders and selling stuff in half price...

If they are selling too cheap, buy it and resell the item.     I tend to sell cheap as I want to post it, sell it and be done with it.    But, for those willing to take the time, more profit can be made.    If I am bored or have time, then ill sit and take time to profit.    But most times Ill sell at less than market just to get it done.   I prefer to think of it along the lines of a wholesaler selling to a retailer.    Ill get a pile of items, sell them off quick.   What the purchasers do with the items is their business.


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*Sells Ember Prime set for a half-eaten hotdog*

*Laughs maniacally*

In all honesty though, if I did have a spare Ember Prime set I'd sell it at a dirt cheap price just to tick you guys off.

I'm doing what I want with my stuff and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me >:)

Edited by Tricky5hift
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11 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

If they are selling too cheap, buy it and resell the item.     I tend to sell cheap as I want to post it, sell it and be done with it.    But, for those willing to take the time, more profit can be made.    If I am bored or have time, then ill sit and take time to profit.    But most times Ill sell at less than market just to get it done.   I prefer to think of it along the lines of a wholesaler selling to a retailer.    Ill get a pile of items, sell them off quick.   What the purchasers do with the items is their business.


i mean if 10 ppl selling idk ember p 1000p and someone come and selling it for 500p he... ruin trade a lot...for rest of ppl....who wish to sell same thing

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