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Sedna Junction Requirements



1 of the requirements for unlocking Sedna junction is to collect any 3 mods from the principle challenge room in Lua.

Mine shows that I already have 1 but lacks 2.... The thing is.. I didn't even complete any challenge room in Lua yet because most of the them are unable to do in solo. So I wonder how did I even get 1 of the mod?

Having forced players to have more than 1 players to complete those test is ok... but the thing is, all of them are randomly generated in any of the nodes on Lua... who would spend their time helping if those test rooms are not in fixed locations which can be accessed every time? I think this requirements should be seriously considered a change to suit more of solo mode.

So may I ask if the 3 required mods are those -drift mods? If yes, then I wonder how I even got 1 fulfilled because I didn't have any. lol

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Just now, kyori said:

So I wonder how did I even get 1 of the mod?

Trading? If you really did not beat any rooms then you either got one from traiding or it's a glitch.

2 minutes ago, kyori said:

I didn't even complete any challenge room in Lua yet because most of the them are unable to do in solo.

Every single one of them is doable solo. Some require specific frames and/or consumable gear if you don't have company, but every one of them is doable.

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1 minute ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Trading? If you really did not beat any rooms then you either got one from traiding or it's a glitch.

Every single one of them is doable solo. Some require specific frames and/or consumable gear if you don't have company, but every one of them is doable.

Coaction being the real bizatch to do solo.  And the name implies as such, so wasting 1(to start the thing) +3 (to open the gate) = 4 specters for 1 mod?  Not worth it.

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4 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

Coaction being the real bizatch to do solo.  And the name implies as such

Kinda. All I'm saying is that it's doable solo, not that it should be done like that. Though it may be faster doing that with spectres than with randoms.

so wasting 1(to start the thing) +3 (to open the gate) = 4 specters for 1 mod?  Not worth it.

If you have enough spectres - definitely worth it. Those steel meridian balls can finally be useful.

Edited by VisionAndVoice
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Just now, VisionAndVoice said:

Kinda. All I'm saying is that it's doable solo, not that it should be done like that. Though it may be faster doing that with spectres than with randoms.


that's only if the randoms don't know what they're doing.

bottom line, OP?

You can do the Speed test three times and that'll fulfill the requirement.  Getting any three drift mods from a mission by any means will do it.

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3 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

that's only if the randoms don't know what they're doing.

6 times out of 7...

4 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

You can do the Speed test three times and that'll fulfill the requirement.  Getting any three drift mods from a mission by any means will do it.

But you can't. It needs to be three different trials.

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18 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

6 times out of 7...

But you can't. It needs to be three different trials.


No it doesn't.  It just says 'three mods from Orokin Principle challenge rooms'.

I did it with three Cunning Drifts because the Security Eye test is trivial if you're someone like Oberon, Limbo, or Valkyr who just doesn't give a damn about procs.

Edited by Yzjdriel
spelling dlsjfkljfl
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4 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

No it doesn't.  It just says 'three mods from Orokin Principle challenge rooms'.

I did it with three Cunning Drifts because the Security Eye test is trivial if you're someone like Oberon, Limbo, or Valkyr who just doesn't give a damn about procs.

Either you don't even remember what you actually did or they tinkered with that, because when I did that junction I had to do three different trials.

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34 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Trading? If you really did not beat any rooms then you either got one from traiding or it's a glitch.

Every single one of them is doable solo. Some require specific frames and/or consumable gear if you don't have company, but every one of them is doable.

Should be a glitch... I have no -drift mod. .. and specters or decoy cannot be used on the first pad of coaction test for activation as I have already tried. So no way it is doable solo.


28 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

You can do the Speed test three times and that'll fulfill the requirement.  Getting any three drift mods from a mission by any means will do it.

So far I have only encounter the coaction test room... none of the other 6 I saw. It is a real pain for the test room to be RNG.

The other only one I have encounter is the match-the-tone puzzle.

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5 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Either you don't even remember what you actually did or they tinkered with that, because when I did that junction I had to do three different trials.

You would do well not to insult the ability to recall information of someone you've never met.

They may have tinkered with it.  I did that junction the say SotR launched.

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*I have a thread over at Player Helping Player but it became a flame war... so I will restart a thread here.

One of the requirements of unlocking Sedna is to obtain 3 mods from the Lua test rooms. I understand that those test rooms cannot be solo and they are RNG not knowing when and which node they will appear in.

This is very troubling for solo players... as they need to seek help from someone else will are WILLING to SPEND TIME to hunt down test rooms with them.I am not sure how many people would like to spend time helping others to hunt down test rooms that are RNG.

Made worst is that I hear after SoR, we cannot use specters anymore on the tests.

So may I suggest reverting to able to use specters on the tests? This will greatly ease the burden of seeking for kind souls who are willing to spend time hunting the test rooms.

It is ok if the rooms are still RNG because as long as I can use specters, I can solo the rooms without bothering other people.

So please dev.

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You can solo some of them.

Speed is actually better solo, people might mess it up. >.>

Endurance was bugged last I played, lasers did 0 damage so it was just a case of standing there.

Agility can be solo'd, and is probably better to do so since you can then control the timing.

Cunning is easily soloable. Same challenge as the one from TSD.

Stealth whilst easier with a group is perfectly fine solo.

Only non solo ones are Collaboration and Power (I think, may be soloable, never tried)

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Pretty much all of them except Collaboration can be done solo. Endurance can be a pain if you don't have some sort of health replenishment (Trinity, health restores, etc.), but it's doable.

If you're a solo player, I highly recommend the Power, Stealth, and Cunning tests, as all three of them are quick and easy to do regardless of loadout.

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Yeah its impossible for me.

I always get that room where another player has to stand on the glowing pad.

Haven't seen any other room since I unlocked Lua(unlocked it a day after TSD's release)

Together with the fact that I can't even play with others due to my connection blocking it(also chat functions) it seems I will not be able to play TWW

And that is just bullS#&$

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This is going to be a huge issue for new players alone, Vets might still be in the same boat, but will likely able to do them within given time. The reason why I'm saying this is going to be a huge issue is due to the latest video posted by Rob (AGGP). As the Warframe: War Within needs you do to do this Junction.

Warframe: War Within Requirements: Complete 2nd Dream (Duh) & Have said Sedna Junction complete, so not only new players will have to Grind their way tought the star-chart but also require the Sedna Junction completed.

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41 minutes ago, GDSK-NXS said:

Well with the time they spent releasing it I would expect it to be pretty near the end of the game (starchart). Also, can't you do it by getting 3 times the same mod? like three power drifts?

You can. I did my 3 drift mods solo here, but I can agree that it isn't really newcomer-friendly. Then again, TSD, Lua, and TWW aren't suppoed to be early-game experiences.

@OP: I would say it's bad luck that you're getting the same challenge room over and over again unless you've been trying multiple times and have had no luck for almost one year. I did get 5 rooms out of 7 during my attempt to complete the junction, and I was doing the crossfire mission, if that helps. 'hope you'll get lucky soon.

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3 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

You can solo some of them.

Speed is actually better solo, people might mess it up. >.>

Endurance was bugged last I played, lasers did 0 damage so it was just a case of standing there.

Agility can be solo'd, and is probably better to do so since you can then control the timing.

Cunning is easily soloable. Same challenge as the one from TSD.

Stealth whilst easier with a group is perfectly fine solo.

Only non solo ones are Collaboration and Power (I think, may be soloable, never tried)

^Actually, i did solo all of them in pre-Lunaro.

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I see. Only coaction and power cannot be solo you all said?

Yes... bad luck as i always get coaction... I have not seen the others at all. So this RNG thing is really a pain. Since it is so difficult to meet one, so when finally meet one, might fail it because no experience with it... then will have wait until don't know when then will meet again. Sigh... zzz lol

Perhaps it is a strategy to force players to keep playing... because sedna is my last planet... but that doesn't make sense... even if I finished sedna, I have tons of other things to do in warframe, like building, collect and selling prime stuffs etc etc etc...

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3 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

Just keep doing the mission until you get the test you want to do. It's practically the same thing with relic runs: didn't get the prime you're looking for? run it again.

At lest for that you know where will drop what relics... for these test, there is no telling which node will have which test... zzz lol

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3 minutes ago, kyori said:

I see. Only coaction and power cannot be solo you all said?

Yes... bad luck as i always get coaction... I have not seen the others at all. So this RNG thing is really a pain. Since it is so difficult to meet one, so when finally meet one, might fail it because no experience with it... then will have wait until don't know when then will meet again. Sigh... zzz lol

Perhaps it is a strategy to force players to keep playing... because sedna is my last planet... but that doesn't make sense... even if I finished sedna, I have tons of other things to do in warframe, like building, collect and selling prime stuffs etc etc etc...

Others are saying power is soloable. Personally I thought that the things you charged lost their power far too quickly to charge all 4 solo, but I've been wrong before.

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5 hours ago, kyori said:

At lest for that you know where will drop what relics... for these test, there is no telling which node will have which test... zzz lol

Most of nodes except for Stofler (defense) has an equal chance of spawning any one of the test. Continue to run the one mission you prefer until the test you want spawns.

My reference analogy isn't about what mission will drop which relic, it's about not getting the reward you want from the relic and having to do it again.

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