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Coming Soon: Devstream #82!


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I'll just quote a part of my post from the last thread as I'd still like those two questions to be answered, since (IMO) they're still relevant.



Q: Are there plans to separate syndicate allegiance from cosmetic sigils, like conclave?
As a person who works with four syndicates at the same time it's really annoying having to juggle between appearance settings of every Warframe I own.
It would be much easier having a "pledge allegiance" button on the syndicate screen.

Q: Are there plans to rework the melee combo input system?
There's been multiple complaints on how hard it is to execute hold and pause combos, especially with attack speed changing due to mods like Berserker.
Reload and alt-fire keys are unused when in Melee mode, can we use them instead?


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Can we have a fissure missions in archwing? As an option of course, not to force players to play only that.

Please improve the camera on archwing (cam lock) or similar, last movement update was more a step backwards rather than foward imho.

And finally what i'd like to hear from DE. A lot of time is invested in creating quests and one time events that will be forgotten in no time just like second dream or the index event. Instead, would be better to create more trials as they never get old an ppl enjoy playing it.


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  • Will there be any plans of adding a "Lighter" Mini-Game in Warframe? Perhaps a Built-in Trading Card Game within the game to pass the time?
  • Are there any plans on perhaps converting regular Frames to Prime Frames if they were released? The idea in question is simply because it is sad that you would expend so much Forma in a Regular Frame knowing a Prime Version will be released in a distant future. Why not allow a fully built Warframe be an optional part in addition to the Prime Parts in building the Prime Warframe, and in return, will keep your Formas as well as possibly reducing the time required to build it.
  • Any thoughts on having an exclusive Open-World Access for Clans alone? Allowing each Clan to have their own Open-World Map that they can access and roam, fighting off possible Infested or Natural Wildlife (with the Dojo's Barrier System to work to limit the ground of fight).


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Q1. Neural Sensors: When can we expect those to drop from the right faction?

Q2. Unique Orokin hacking puzzles, when will they arrive?

Q3. Have you thought about giving more mission types modifiers or alternate objectives that become unavailable once the alarms are triggered? Half as many enemies to kill. Defending only one terminal instead of three. Triple the XP for every successive Spy vault extraction.

Q4. Any reason why there isn't a Tenno whip?

Q5. Did it ever cross your mind to create a system that analyzes which nodes on the star map are underplayed and gives them tiered bonuses based on how little they're played, including double xp, credit/resource boosts, and so on to combat players concentrating on loot cave nodes? Once they reach a certain popularity again the bonuses could vanish.

Q6. In my opinion the game lacks an ability for players to influence the state of the game world like we're always told by the Lotus and other NPCs during narrative parts of the game. I feel like every part of the game, early, mid and endgame could hugely profit from a mechanic that makes every single mission players do have a tiny but real effect on the power balance between factions, so that the timing and location of in game events like invasions, infestation outbreaks, Fomorian attacks and sentient invasions(?) can be directly affected by the players base. Exterminating a galleon full of Grineer, whether its for an Invasion or not, depending on where that node is, could weaken the military power of the Grineer boss' regiment in that area. Spy mission intel could be a resource the players can decide to sell back to the faction they stole it from, or donate it to the enemy boss of the player's choice, increasing the chances of them invading the closest hostile faction force. Make the world come truly alive.

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1: Some devstreams ago, I think Scott mentioned a new hacking minigame for the Void tileset. Will the new minigame be heavily reliant on framerate? The Grineer hacking is problematic in some cases where there are some performance lag (e.g. input may register half a circle away)

2: For mappers and/or devs:

a) Could we get another look at the teleport volumes and invisible walls in maps? In places like the Desert or Shipyard tileset, I sometimes try to go to a nice looking sniper perch/area only to find out that it is not supposed to be reached and instead teleports me. Next to unalerted enemies, with buffs/effects removed. Same with the (low) ceilings in open areas that teleports players back down. Could these teleport volumes be replaced with invisible walls instead?

b) In some uncommon cases, you could slide or get pushed into a chasm, teleported back up, and the remaining momentum pushes the frame back down again multiple times. Could we have any remaining momentum removed when we get teleported from a pit?

Also, I recall the teleport volumes dispelling active abilities as a method to stop the Nyx Absorb exploit. Was it really intentional to remove all buffs (invisibility, tanking buffs, etc.) now?

3: I understand why the Exterminate enemy teleport was removed, but why was it removed completely? Good riddance to rushing and having 300 enemies at extraction, but I have encountered multiple cases now where there were small amounts of enemies remaining and I had to backtrack the entire map because there was a lancer taking cover in a closet at the start of the map. Will this be looked at, be it regarding enemy spawning, map waypointing, or a more strict enemy teleportation?

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Here's my questions choose as you wish

When you select a ship will it ever change the top part of orbiter

or as some have mentioned a noggle room or change the orbiter's interior theme to look more like grineer/orokin/corpus or new styles like the christmas one.

Will star chart receive more visual or the new volumetric lightning or is volumetric lightning for in mission only?

Will shadow stalker receive any changes? Compared to regular I don't get killed as easily.

Solo enable trial/raid?

Still brainstorming on a Warframe concept idea, any tips? (Really want to try and get my concept accepted)

 Anymore operator stuff coming?

Anything to combat against excessive knockdown type enemies other than mods?

Focus changes? I think unairu activation should be a turbine design instead of a beam like madurai, like a sweeping three wedges clockwise stirring in bowl thing forgot the name 

Any new AI designs or enemy types?

Clan dojo should have a plant growing room botanist style, since the addition of new plants, it'd be nice to get some plants while away from game like how we get mutagen mass, fieldron and detonite like the room grows it, you collect, similar to MGS V

Will you be doing a similar contest in the future that you did for War Within? Wish I had entered.  



Ray... The force will be strong with this one :) 

P.S. international flag of Earth looks like Focus logo



Edited by (PS4)Killerworld
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Hello DE
 I first off want to say I really love this game you've made and how you've allowed us to have a hand in shaping it as it grows. I've logged in many hours and fed in more money for plat than I can honestly recall in the last few years. I've had moments where I was pissed at this game but I've never hated it. Even with the Recent disappointments with the War Within I Don't hate the game at all. I have tried to make most of my forum posts be constructive even if I lack some of the elegance to my manner of speech that others have. Anyway enough of my rambling and to some questions and suggestions I have.

#1- Companion Commands -  I have been pushing for this for a long time, the Pet skills were the big point I was using to Validate why we need these. But now with the new Machete having relation to Djinn's ability I really think it's time to look into being able to set your companion on free use or Have you control when they use the non passive abilities. They could have cool downs or actually use the Energy listed on the Companions or something like that.

#2- Unarmed Melee - This got shot down when it was brought up on Dev Stream, But I'm Still pushing for it ... It's already programmed in the game. You don't need to make it super special. Just for times if we have no Melee equipped for Mesa or leveling and need or want to break containers without having to fire our guns and waste ammo ... more so if we are using a bow and the pox.

#3- Daggers/Dual Daggers - Mainly the Dual Daggers , why do these Weapon types have to suck ? Sure they are fast but it's not enough ... Covert Lethality made Daggers have a use .. but the duals ...ugh. The Sais are the best and the only prime is the sorriest prime next to the Sicarus.

#4- Staff/Pole-arm - Honesty I can't even tell the difference , the weapons look the same the stances all look and feel the same. These weapons I think need a Rework. First off Staves should be given long sweeping and vaulting attacks, Pole-arms given attacks that more use chopping or spinning moves. I think a Spear type should be added with lunging and swiping moves. If it's blunt , it's a staff, if it's bladed on the sides or at both ends it's a pole-arm, and if it's bladed at one side it's a spear.

#5- Glaive - The Holding mechanic ... Well I think it's needed for it's use in quick melee But I think if you Equip the weapon in hand you should just use the alt fire button to throw it... Same for the Whip Swords like Mios

#6- Alt Fire - Like mentioned in the previous point Alt Fire doesn't get lots of use. What with the wide array of weapons each one could have an Alt Fire, even if it's as simple as firing a single shot on a burst weapon or switching it to a different element or shot type. ( Syndicate Blast Effects Should charge and then given a button that Allows us to set it off when we want/need to )

#7- Quick Fire - Can we get something Like quick melee but for your guns when Melee is equipped?
Like changing the Quick melee button to fire your secondary weapon from the hip while your melee weapon is in your hand?
This would help with Melee focused players with getting through Grineer Energy Sapping doors or taking out other distant or flying objects without having to switch

#8- Dark SplitSword - To go with my Section on ALT FIRE The Dark SplitSword and any other Splitsword that may follow ( Heat Sword and Ether Sword I'm looking at you ... Perhaps a Fang and Pangolin sword type ) This Weapon type should have 2 Stance Slots. If you're worried about having 20 extra mod Capacity than just make each slot count for half or cap it at 10 extra. With both Stances equipped use the Alt Fire button to Switch stances one the fly MID BATTLE. They NEED this because as it stands , it's a nice idea but offers nothing to pick it over a heavy weapon or Dual Swords

#9- Archwing - With it now being more floaty, you need to look into adjusting the Revival system as aiming and Landing on your fallen squad members at speed is hit or miss ... I mean sometimes I'll stop right ON them and not be able to pick them up. Picking up Ayatan Stars in space is a pain in the butt too.We also need more Missions ... More Things to do with it ... I honestly think it's the most underplayed mode in this game O,o

#10- Sparring Weapons and Claws  - Like the Daggers there aren't many of these and what we do have aren't that great ... We could use more with more of them being stronger.

#11- Weapon Strength levels - Honestly with Every weapon type there should be an early game , middle, and end game version ... but we don't see that .. Every Machete barely scraps into early middle ... I dunno about the new one. some Clan tech weapons could use a boost .. like the Grinlok It should be as strong as the Marelok .. I mean the Marelok is a Sawed off Grinlok ... the Grinlok should be just as strong just with better Accuracy and a slower fire rate.

#12- Replaying Quests - Says it all , We've all been asking since the Second Dream ... can we please be able to ?

#13- Dual Hek - Can we please have ? like a sawed off version like the marelok is to the grinlok as a secondary weapon ?


Edited by Dragonofdarkness13
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How would the devs feel about allowing the upcoming PVE Arcata to gain Conclave standing in PVE content?

Before you just immediately dismiss the idea, hear me out here. Lately you've been trying to give weapons (and melee in particular) special quirks - Inaros' mutalist gear, Stradavar, Dark Split-Sword, Heliocor, syndicate melee (probably more I'm forgetting). This could be another, very fitting quirk, since by using the PVE Arcata you ARE essentially training the same skills you would be in PVP.
If you're concerned about losing the sense of progression by going through the PVP ranks you could have it as an augment (or a permanent upgrade akin to widgets from Simaris) sold by Teshin at a high rank for a high amount of standing - that way you still have to make the trek through the ranks in Conclave and only then can you get a boost from the PVE weapon.
Lastly, the PVP would still remain relevant for gaining standing as you would still have the daily and weekly tasks available only through Conclave itself - and I always felt doing those is fine but having another 20 thousand standing to grind out daily after that is a pretty tall order, which I imagine most people don't bother with.

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There's been a bit of discussion about Aura's and their polarity slots.  Some players feel the polarity slot should be removed altogether, allowing for more flexible builds.  Others like things the way they are.  Then there are some who feel they need multiple warframes with different polarities in the aura slot to be able to play different builds with one warframe type [ I.e., 2 Banshee's with different polarities for different builds ].   Perhaps an easy fix to this would be to implement some sort of item which allows dual or multiple polarities on an aura slot?  Blueprints for said item can be obtained via special alerts, sorties, bought for 20 plat in the market, or whatever.  Item can be installed on warframes like an Orokin Reactor, at which time the player chooses 2 polarities to place on aura slot?  Installing an Aura of either set polarity automatically applies that polarity to that slot and adds in the bonus.  Players could even forma that slot if they want to change 1 of the 2 polarities later?  I dunno...  Seems like an easier way to appease everyone to some extent. 

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Dear Dang Diddly DE Developers

As a fan of 2008's Dark Sector and its very fun Glaive usage, I think it's an incredible shame that Warframe's counterparts to the Glaive have fallen so far behind in terms of usefulness. All Glaives have Skana damage, rely on incredibly rare stances to be even remotely useful, and have minuscule Throw Attack damage that makes them completely overshadowed by Gunblades, which have around 4 to 9 times more damage on their shots compared to the various Glaives, something their differences do not make up for.

Would it be possible to do a pass on Glaives (especially their Throw Attack damage) like you have done in the past for Heavy Blades and Scythes?

Something I would do is give Glaives Throw Attack damage on par with the Gunblades, but remove stealth damage bonus from Throw attacks, so it wouldn't become overpowered. After all, the stealth bonus damage is meant as a reward for getting up-close in stealth. Ranged stealth is what we have headshots for.

Like always, stay hotdog.
Thanks for reading, have a Hektato:

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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This might be a bit premature, but what will the main focus (In terms of prioritizing development towards things) be after TWW? I personally would like to see a lot more QoL updates with the addition of more story/cinematic events, with side of new content. Would be even better if you go back to older weapons and add more mechanics like the new infested melee displays.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

New-mission gameplay of the Queen's Fortress tileset



this must be the unintended tileset :>




Q4. Any reason why there isn't a Tenno whip? -AuroraSonicBoom


i've been waiting for tenno whip XD

oh i wish if there should be any

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