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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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NOTE:  If any Design Council members want to steal this idea, go ahead. My father and I don't want to recognition, just want to present the name to DE.


Music has run in my family for generations - I am a semi-professional flutist, my uncle was a professional lead guitarist, and my father has conducted orchestras for thirty years. We are also all dedicated gamers, and my Dad and I have followed Warframe's success since joining in U7. With the upcoming release of the Bard frame, my father and I wanted to weigh-in on our two cents concerning the name of the Bard frame. Despite our not being in the Design Council, I hope our opinions will still be heard.

To put a lot of music nerd stuff into simple terms, let's start with the basic idea of a scale. A scale is an eight-note range of tones. Scales are divided by what notes they begin on, such as the C Major scale containing the notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C in that order, the D Major scale contains the notes D, E, F#, G, A, B, and C#, the B minor scale containing B, C♯, D, E, F♯, G, and A, and so on to form what is called the Circle of Fifths. This method of understanding music was developed by Johan Sebeastian Bach in the late 1600's.

Yet an interesting way of thinking about music lies in an older form of music theory, a method used by composers such as the Italian Sacred Composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. This method of understanding music is called the Modal method, and changes how one creates a scale to not include accidentals (sharps and flats), but instead consider tones and semitones to modulate the existing notes - hence the name, "Modal" method, as it is based on tone modulation. This is the way that music was understood since the time of the ancient Greeks up until Bach designed the way we know music today.

Let's take what we now know as a D scale: D, E, F#, G, A, B, and C#. Before Johan Sebastian Bach developed the Circle of Fifths, composers such as Palestrina would not have called this a "D Scale." Instead, they would write on the sheet of music for the instrumentalist to play in a "Dorian Mode," Tone - Tone - Semitone - Tone - Tone - Tone - Semitone. It is the same in practice, but requires a fundamentally different understanding of music.

So on to the point - How does this relate to the Bard frame? Allow me to present the proposed name of the Bard frame from an actual Orchestra Conductor:


So where does Locria come from? Well, the "Locrian Mode" is an interesting theory - because it is just that. A theory. The Locrian mode is a mode based on intervals of 7th's. However, when composing a song based on intervals of 7th's, there is no audible difference between an interval of 7 and an interval of 5. This is because intervals of 5 and 7 are enharmonic - they have the same pitches. Thus, the "Locrian Mode" is no more than a theoretical mode, as you cannot actually "write" a song in intervals of 7, because it will always come out to being in intervals of 5.

Thus, what better name for an epic space ninja Warframe that uses music to kill its enemies than a name based on the theoretical nonexistence of the most musically-nerdy Mode of music?

Just the opinion of a life-long music nerd and his Orchestra Conductor Dad.


EDIT: For those interested in the theory behind the Modal Method:


Edited by Sitchrea
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After watching the dev stream, i noticed something about bardy. Everyone seems to mention how "we dont want to hear bards music for the entire level! It will get annoying" but, when we saw bardys powers in action, it seemed each power only channeled a small bit of the music. The thirdnpower was the base, the fourth was a higher pitched set of notes, etc.


does this mean that the annoyance of bardys music will be lessened because we can choose which parts of the song to listen to?

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Just now, HalfDarkShadow said:

I was going with Lyria but Locria works just as well I think!

Are you part of the design council? If so you should definitely consider posting it in the suggestion thread!

My Dad and I have both played and followed Warframe for all four years of its development. Not buying access to the Design Council is one of the biggest regrets of our Tenno lives. That said, we don't really want the recognition for this idea, we just want to present the idea itself - so if any Design Council members want to present this idea in the main thread, we greatly encourage them to do so.

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This would absolutely be a solid suggestion.

Speaking as an also-music-nerd: I'm partial to Coda.

I think DE are partial to brevity in names whenever possible; they seem to like "short + snappy + memorable." I like "Coda" because it dovetails with the theme of her powers and the fact that she uses a step sequencer, which is just playing short tunes on a loop - return to "Coda."

That's my spitballing, anyway.

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1 minute ago, notlamprey said:

This would absolutely be a solid suggestion.

Speaking as an also-music-nerd: I'm partial to Coda.

I think DE are partial to brevity in names whenever possible; they seem to like "short + snappy + memorable." I like "Coda" because it dovetails with the theme of her powers and the fact that she uses a step sequencer, which is just playing short tunes on a loop - return to "Coda."

That's my spitballing, anyway.

That's a pretty cool idea.

For those who don't know, A Coda is the name of a special annotation on a sheet of music signaling the musician to go to the end of the piece. I think it would be a good name for a Warframe who signals the end of many lives.

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They haven't confirmed how the powers for it will work and they stated they were going to experiment with different ways of implementing it to reduce annoyance, one of those ways was playing clips of the music on power cast no guarantee it's going to stay like that though.

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Similar to my answer in another Topic:

43 minutes ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

As a music tech major, I can't wait for this! (:

They did mention they're working pretty diligently on making sure that other Bards' pieces of music will all be in sync and play separate parts of their song in conjunction with another.

i.e. The melody from one player, percussion from player 2, the counter-point from player 3 (since more times than not, different parts from different players will be harmonically independent from one another), and so on. Or at least something of those lines.

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Though I suppose one thing that could happen, since I'm not sure if we'll only be able to create something in one key, but assuming we'll have options for more than one that if two players are in two different keys, the next player's song will be transcribed to the same key as the initial Bard who did the first cast so it at least sounds nice lol.


But as @-Amaterasu- said, nothing is concrete though so most of it is just conjecture.
Though as of now it does seem they're going with that different players = different parts working and complimenting off each other. 
The what's and how's is still anyone's guess haha.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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2 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

That's a pretty cool idea.

For those who don't know, A Coda is the name of a special annotation on a sheet of music signaling the musician to go to the end of the piece. I think it would be a good name for a Warframe who signals the end of many lives.

Honestly, it feels like we're a little spoiled for choice here. :laugh:

We aren't restricted to seeing really good nerdy references in just her name; I wouldn't be surprised if DE found a lot of good ideas for power names in the material we're giving them. (Provided they haven't thought of the same things already.)

Whatever name DE decide to go with, I love the idea of working the Locrian Mode into her powers.

We know the Orokin had at least a passing fancy for music, and they had some very advanced science across the board. The idea that they might have, in their quest for beauty, made manifest the theoretical mode and weaponized it - I love that whole concept.

I'm drifting off topic, but this thread has me finding all sorts of reasons to be interested in the quest as well as the frame itself.

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21 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

My Dad and I have both played and followed Warframe for all four years of its development. Not buying access to the Design Council is one of the biggest regrets of our Tenno lives. That said, we don't really want the recognition for this idea, we just want to present the idea itself - so if any Design Council members want to present this idea in the main thread, we greatly encourage them to do so.

I do know that once in a while, when there's less active [forum] players to a certain point where they can't gather the appropriate amount of data from them, they do review and invite others in the Design Council. Don't quote me on it if they do this periodically or it was only those one or two times, but there is that chance (:

And I'd love to submit this personally, but unfortunately already gave my entry, but still, your idea is definitely one of the few very thought-out ones I read that has meaning and in my opinion much more depth than the more run-of-the-mill ones lol.


Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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I'm pretty excited about this warframe and i get the OP as well.  If they make the melody or beat anything to do with power damage or buff/debuff people are going to complain about meta music like the mirage synoid combo.

but still i really want to hear what the crazy talented people in the community going to be able to do with this warframe's sequencer creatively. I'm hoping to find videos with 4 bard band playing.

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4 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

Honestly, it feels like we're a little spoiled for choice here. :laugh:

We aren't restricted to seeing really good nerdy references in just her name; I wouldn't be surprised if DE found a lot of good ideas for power names in the material we're giving them. (Provided they haven't thought of the same things already.)

Whatever name DE decide to go with, I love the idea of working the Locrian Mode into her powers.

We know the Orokin had at least a passing fancy for music, and they had some very advanced science across the board. The idea that they might have, in their quest for beauty, made manifest the theoretical mode and weaponized it - I love that whole concept.

I'm drifting off topic, but this thread has me finding all sorts of reasons to be interested in the quest as well as the frame itself.

Well yeah, I mean, the Orokin were practically Iconian-level from Star Trek, maybe even moreso since they were interdimensional. The idea that the Orokin weaponized an otherwise theoretical aspect of music would not only be feasible, but totally BADASS

1 minute ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

I do know that once in a while, when there's less active [forum] players to a certain point where they can't gather the appropriate amount of data from them, they do review and invite others in the Design Council. Don't quote me on it if they do this periodically or it was only that one or two times, but there is that chance (:

And I'd love to submit this personally, but unfortunately already gave my entry, but still, your idea is definitely one of the few very thought-out ones I read that has meaning and in my opinion much more depth than the more run-of-the-mill ones lol.

Well hey, if there's any DC guys who want to throw this in, feel free to mention it. I just feel that an insanely-nerdy but simultaneously awesome-sounding name like LOCRIA would fit the Bard Frame.

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8 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

Whatever name DE decide to go with, I love the idea of working the Locrian Mode into her powers.

We know the Orokin had at least a passing fancy for music, and they had some very advanced science across the board. The idea that they might have, in their quest for beauty, made manifest the theoretical mode and weaponized it - I love that whole concept.

I'm drifting off topic, but this thread has me finding all sorts of reasons to be interested in the quest as well as the frame itself.

Oh my, that's a really cool way of thinking about it! I never even considered the Orokin and thought more on a smaller scale like Inaros' and Nidus' quests.

Actually it'd be really cool if they decide to give her a quest with a bigger picture in mind, sort of akin to Chroma's or Titania's quests.

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8 minutes ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

I do know that once in a while, when there's less active [forum] players to a certain point where they can't gather the appropriate amount of data from them, they do review and invite others in the Design Council. Don't quote me on it if they do this periodically or it was only those one or two times, but there is that chance (:

And I'd love to submit this personally, but unfortunately already gave my entry, but still, your idea is definitely one of the few very thought-out ones I read that has meaning and in my opinion much more depth than the more run-of-the-mill ones lol.


Seeing Kyōko from Yuri Yuri in this thread has made my day. +3 to you, sir. *Tips hat*

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