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Hilarious & Sad Moments With High MR Players


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10 hours ago, FLSH_BNG said:

Did a sortie defense with my Excalibur where my EB was built for damage and had piss-poor efficiency and duration. Another squad member had Limbo and kept apologizing to me for accidentally banishing me when he meant to banish the operative.
With 3 waves to go, I finally responded; telling him that it was okay and that I needed the energy and protection.

5 minutes of constant, "sorry" and "whoops" directed at me before I finally put them at ease.

It was fun though, made another addition to my friend list so it was all good.


idk why limbo gets so much hate. He's a really good frame. he gives constant, insane protection and really good energy over time.

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Embarrassing moments with High MR? Well, there's me last night: Randomizer rolled grinlok and Wukong, which I promptly took to an Axi fissure

Not a very good demonstration of my Tennoh skillz, that


2 minutes ago, Arniox said:

idk why limbo gets so much hate. He's a really good frame. he gives constant, insane protection and really good energy over time.

And he's absolutely amazing in Sortie Rescue

Edited by TARINunit9
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This thread much wow, so cringe. Sorry, This thread is so toxic. Yes MR doesn't mean a thing, that doesn't mean you have to make a thread to just outright insult people. I'm playing for more than 1.5 years and I'm MR 17 because I don't care, but at same time what people decide to do is there own problem. You hate ash and mirage synoid spam leave squad you're going into pug so expect that, Cuz that's what I do. We all have many stories that show us pretty stupid.

Many times a player just won't know about every mechanic of every weapon in every game sorry. And there is nothing to be sorry about. But then again who am I to say a thing.

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This is actually a good one

MR 22 guy goes into a sortie with me and 2 others. He comes in as a Oberon for the first mission which was a mobile defense, we breeze through it easily and he does a decent job healing and CCing. Tells us he is going to the bathroom real quick and leaving his little brother to do Sortie 2. Out of nowhere we hear a small kids voice come out and saying "hi". We all politely say hi back and we all go dead silent... we are all thinking the same thing, Kid still has Oberon on and I mean he sounds like he is 9 or 10. The first word out of one of the guys mouth in our squad was "Hey buddy, you wanna change your frame?" 

Kid like a boss replies, "No, I am really good with Oberon"

I quickly ask, "real quick how old are you?"

He replies "8"

We all go to panic mode and suggest he use Rhino or someone tanky because the next level is survival. Kid is refusing and we are trying to be as kind as possible. All of a sudden he clicks to start the mission and for some reason we all accept. The next 15 minutes is legendary as this 8 year old is healing us and rocking it, nobody is dying because this kid is just handling things. Mission ends and his damage dealt and kills are pretty amazing for an Oberon.

His borther comes back on and we all start remarking that we want the kid to stay and him to go. Throughout sortie 3 everytime someone goes down we remark "wouldn't have happened if (8 year old kids name) was playing" Guy was a bit embarressed. Kind of a fun story of a MR22 little brother rocking the game better than his older brother.

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1 hour ago, LunarEdge7 said:

It's upsetting me that players are almost always relying on CP, even on level 10-40 Grineer and other armored enemies.

What makes me facepalm hard is seeing someone bring CP into a Corpus-only mission. People forget about SD.

Oxium drones, Bursas are most durable corpus units, both have armor. Shields are joke anyway, even on sorties, so why not CP?

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On 11/7/2016 at 4:10 PM, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

It's really not that hard.  I usually play Grineer Sortie Defense as Frost and babysit the Operative.  I just follow him around, freeze enemies, and scream for help when a Heavy Gunner comes. 

I totally agree, but it seems that a lot of players are unaware that the globe is stackable (for strength) and they are always casting it once. New players be advised that the Steel Fiber mod gives your globes strength.

Edited by TheMuslimGamerGB
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4 hours ago, ograzzt said:

Oxium drones, Bursas are most durable corpus units, both have armor. Shields are joke anyway, even on sorties, so why not CP?

In the long run, the light mobs are the ones to overcrowd you. Shields still scale, just not as ridiculously as armor does. A group kill on armored durable units is good enough.

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The story:

I don't check peoples' MR.

End of story.

Instead i'll tell how stupid i, MR22, get sometimes.

I once forgot that i had MD datamass. I was strolling around the console and was like "are we supposed to do something or?..." for like 20 seconds and then i noticed weird walking stance of my character, noticed something in my left hand... "Oh..."

I apologised in the chat and smashed that data mass into the console and proceded to sit on it to ensure console's survival.

Edited by Artek94
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27 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

The story:

I don't check peoples' MR.

End of story.

Instead i'll tell how stupid i, MR22, get sometimes.

I once forgot that i had MD datamass. I was strolling around the console and was like "are we supposed to do something or?..." for like 20 seconds and then i noticed weird walking stance of my character, noticed something in my left hand... "Oh..."

I apologised in the chat and smashed that data mass into the console and proceded to sit on it to ensure console's survival.

LOL.  Seems to happen to a lot of people.  Even me, a lowly MR 7.  Perhaps the Datamass should be retextured neon orange and glow bright pink. 

Edited by (XB1)GeckoGenesis
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So to appease those worried about MR, I will not even mention that- just an interesting thing happened a few days ago

I was playing on eris, clearing the various nodes, and realized "oh hey, eris is good for exp farms!" so  I go and invite players to go do the defense run, and they all join.

I was a mirage with a tonkor. I accidentally click on the wrong node (mobile defense) and they all accept, right?

They get pulled in, go "mobile defence?" and proceed to cuss. at me, Me, my mom, my pet goldfish...

needless to say 10 seconds into the game, theyre all bleeding out because they were all in chat, And then they all left. 

Was it my fault it was a mobile defense mission? yes.

Was it fixable? yes.

Could they have eked out a few levels from that mission? double yes.

But instead they complained till they dropped.

It was interesting.


I actually outside of that havent run into very many "elitists", Ive actually found a lot of friendly high MRs.

but I have found a lot of limbo hate. And its gotten worse since the friendly fire nightmare modes (even though they pulled the gamemode). Too many spammers of cataclysm. meh.


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This thread makes me sad. There's so much complexity about this game it's impossible to know everything. There will always be trolls in Warframe as in life - just ignore them and carry on. 

I'm MR22 and suck at playing games. But I find WF fun even if I do fall off ledges, bring the fast nova to the interception accidentally because i still cant remember which way round the speed is and go to defend the wrong MD console, set off the spy vault alarms etc

Edited by (XB1)x Varda x
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1 hour ago, (XB1)x Varda x said:

I'm MR22 and suck at playing games. But I find WF fun even if I do fall off ledges, bring the fast nova to the interception accidentally because i still cant remember which way round the speed is and go to defend the wrong MD console, set off the spy vault alarms etc

In my book that is all okay and I will never laugh about a player for that

unless they degrade other players first for whatever choice they made

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8 hours ago, CipherXV said:

This is actually a good one

MR 22 guy goes into a sortie with me and 2 others. He comes in as a Oberon for the first mission which was a mobile defense, we breeze through it easily and he does a decent job healing and CCing. Tells us he is going to the bathroom real quick and leaving his little brother to do Sortie 2. Out of nowhere we hear a small kids voice come out and saying "hi". We all politely say hi back and we all go dead silent... we are all thinking the same thing, Kid still has Oberon on and I mean he sounds like he is 9 or 10. The first word out of one of the guys mouth in our squad was "Hey buddy, you wanna change your frame?" 

Kid like a boss replies, "No, I am really good with Oberon"

I quickly ask, "real quick how old are you?"

He replies "8"

We all go to panic mode and suggest he use Rhino or someone tanky because the next level is survival. Kid is refusing and we are trying to be as kind as possible. All of a sudden he clicks to start the mission and for some reason we all accept. The next 15 minutes is legendary as this 8 year old is healing us and rocking it, nobody is dying because this kid is just handling things. Mission ends and his damage dealt and kills are pretty amazing for an Oberon.

His borther comes back on and we all start remarking that we want the kid to stay and him to go. Throughout sortie 3 everytime someone goes down we remark "wouldn't have happened if (8 year old kids name) was playing" Guy was a bit embarressed. Kind of a fun story of a MR22 little brother rocking the game better than his older brother.

Why can't my sister be like that. Instead she's like "LET ME PLAY MARIO OR I'M TELLING MOMMY!"

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lol, ive gotten a kick reading these. Being a 22, ill admit, im still learning things on here all the time. thank goodness for the wikia.  anywho...

gotta love all those that use ember and in the end will have like 1 or 2 abilitie casts (the one to turn on WoF)
Funny because she has 2 other abilites that are much much better in "later" game


Also funny the other higher MR's that chatted in calling you an Ahole. lmao, Likely the same ones who..nvm

Granted there are alotta good higher MR'ers out there, There are also alot of not so good ones :-)

Peace and Chicken Grease


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Since the origins of loot cave MR does not mean anything. First MR at least guarantee an "essential" time who you should spend on your frame/weapons to level them. During this time, even if you did not like that frame/weapon, you would understand its features. Now you can simply leech on bere or others, in 1-2 round doing nothing you can max any frame or weapon , and you don't even need to understand those features. Btw you can't judge players ability or skill from a single game, and many times they can be using strategies who you don't know, and they don't care to explain. For example your ember could be using arcane energy to counter an energy hungry build, and since you told that you banish him frequently, he was pissed off and choose to stop you.    

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I had a high MR get really bothered during a defense that one of my clan mates was leveling his mk1 weapons and formaing them for fun.  He proceeded to tell us how the weapons aren't capable of finishing missions on anything but earth and there's no way the mk1 weapons could finish The Star chart. That pretty much anything but primes and agreed meta weapons are all mastery fodder and if you forma and use them you're an idiot, etc. 

I'm sure you guys can figure out generally how that went.  Lol 

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3 hours ago, Cloud said:

Since the origins of loot cave MR does not mean anything. First MR at least guarantee an "essential" time who you should spend on your frame/weapons to level them. During this time, even if you did not like that frame/weapon, you would understand its features. Now you can simply leech on bere or others, in 1-2 round doing nothing you can max any frame or weapon , and you don't even need to understand those features. Btw you can't judge players ability or skill from a single game, and many times they can be using strategies who you don't know, and they don't care to explain. For example your ember could be using arcane energy to counter an energy hungry build, and since you told that you banish him frequently, he was pissed off and choose to stop you.    

You have very good points. Maybe the title isn't the most friendly, however- we aren't judging a players skill or ability from the game, unless its us commenting on ourselves. However, I've noticed this is all comments on interactions. If you make fun of someone who you label "inferior" and tell them such, and then proceed to do exactly what you just yelled at the person for,... well its not exactly polite. and that is what we are discussing. 

However, Its just part of the game! You can either get angry by what you cannot control, or you can just laugh it off. and maybe post here on the sheer ridiculousness of it all. :laugh:


All of the guys here who have commented as of yet, have been (to my knowledge and interpretation) relatively respectful. 

As for limbo... well limbo is commonly misunderstood. The amount of people who I have encountered who claim limbo "steals kills" or "greifs" players, I do my best to inform otherwise. Unless you are on a friendly fire mission, limbo's are friends. not fodder. (sorry I have been super defensive of limbo- he is my 2nd favorite frame)

Im sorry if associating MR with negative  or humorous experiences has offended you in any way. :-)

I hope everybody understands that we are not trying to cause, provoke, or act in any angry, toxic, or particularly hurtful way. I think that is why we have been asked by the OP to have a "no name no shame" behavior on this thread.

Edited by kbowser
Removed a positive rant (they do exist)
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An unnamed angel was drinking and managed to get downed by a level 4 grineer. 

The same angel later got stuck in an endless falling loop later in the mission, and ragequit for the night. 


Srsly tho DE, fix that S#&$. You can't be even end it with /unstuck since your chat gets wiped by the enviromental death. 

Edited by ArchangelusAlpharius
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