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getting spanked around trying to harvest Kuva is not very fun. I think the power pool of the op needs to be increased to deal with the tubbies and still siphon. Some sort of defence is needed to survive more than one shot of anything. And being mixed in with normal enemies (particularly the ground-pound melee units) makes this task a chore. Sorry, but its not fun. Between that and the impossible riven mod lock, im at a wall.

I really enjoy the aspects of TWW, but balance is needed before i can play any more.

Edited by AutoPhox
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It made me so angry about the game I don't even play anymore, that I felt obliged to share that fact with the community.

TWW has set a new gold standard for making me angry, placing DE firmly in the number one spot for "wasted potential".

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On 11/12/2016 at 10:25 PM, AutoPhox said:

OMG i loved the quest! very exciting and very cool mechanics! I really had fun and im happy with the new systems. Thanks DE! keep up the good work!

one draw back:

I got the same conditions to unlock my mod. seriously, I dont see that ever happening, so i guess ill have to grind sortie for my "first" one. that's kinda disappointing.

I agree that this one is a bit ridiculous, but one way to do it is have a friend bring an ivara and make you invisible to do the requirements.

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Riven mods are an embodiment of very major flaws of the game. Potentially extremely overpowered mods that are locked behind RNG to get the mods, performing repititive/frustrating tasks to unlock the mod, and farming an RNG reliant resource which you need to reroll the completely random stats of the weapon and the reroll cost increases with each reroll. Then to add to this, these mods are available for the most overpowered weapons in the game (Tonkor, Synoid Simulor) to buff them even further into god tier. RNG behind RNG behind RNG behind RNG that makes overpowered weapons even more overpowered. I don't know how anyone at DE could have a look at these mods and greenlight them. Apparently they are meant so that you go back to 'old, underpowered' weapons, but who would need to touch any other weapon when you have a mod like this for the gun that is already the most powerful in the game?


How is this mod okay?


DE is always talking about reducing the grind and removing 'mandatory' mods. These mods show the opposite intentions, they just made something even more mandatory than serration and locked it behind a massive grindwall.

Edited by Jussler
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38 minutes ago, Jussler said:

but who would need to touch any other weapon when you have a mod like this for the gun that is already the most powerful in the game?

Me. My tonkor and simulor already kill very effectively. Them getting more powerful is nice because it gives me something to look forward to if I'm persistent enough, but they're powerful enough for my purposes already, really. What really excites me about riven mods is the potential to get weaker weapons up to spec. Not to make them as good as the current meta, but to make them effective enough to pull their own weight in endgame (l140/sortie 3) content. I think you're being really silly by defining guns as effective only when they have huge numbers instead of defining them as effective when they can kill high level enemies at a reasonable rate.

I am extremely happy with riven mods because they will make my braton prime usable in endgame play without gimmick builds. That someone's tonkor gets even more powerful doesn't bother me at all. This represents an expansion of the acceptable meta for anything but ultra high level 300+ gameplay and I can't bring myself to think ill of that.

In short, remember the goal here: It's not to mindlessly achieve the hugest numbers, it's to kill enemies in a fast and effective manner. Riven mods will let more guns do that in high level play.


38 minutes ago, Jussler said:

How is this mod okay?


DE is always talking about reducing the grind and removing 'mandatory' mods. These mods show the opposite intentions, they just made something even more mandatory than serration and locked it behind a massive grindwall.

A mod such as that will never become mandatory precisely because of its heavily RNG dependent nature. The number of mods like that floating around will, statistically, be meaningless because of just how rare that is. Do you know how many lucky rolls it took RNG to get something like that? It's going to be a godawfully huge number.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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I like the Riven mods, I know the OCD must-have-it-all hoarders hate them but it's a nice unreachable carrot and they can make guns viable that previously weren't. Not crazy about some of the challenges you need to do to unveil them and how they can give completely nonsensical stat boosts but I like the idea. Other way of handling them could be that guns had a Riven slot and they only gave handling bonuses instead of damage bonuses, so they'd be more of an improvement on the feel of the gun rather than the damage output and you wouldn't have to sacrifice a damage mod to use them. Then they wouldn't be as desirable anymore though so would people care to go through the grind, I imagine many wouldn't. I wouldn't.

The Kuva grinding mechanic and how clunky and frail the operator gameplay in the midst of endlessly spawning scrubs and tiny troll enemies and immortal fast dashing AOE attack fatties needs fine tuning. Much like the way fissures were when they were first revealed, this system just isn't quite right. Maybe an item you need in a gear slot that increases or ensures a spawn of the Kuva Siphon is required, something just so the RNG isn't as bad at times. Kuva alerts with guaranteed Kuva on completion and maybe a guaranteed Kuva Siphon on top of it would be nice, I thought of having Kuva added to enemy drops but the drop tables are so full of stuff as it is that it might not be a good idea.

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Erm, embarrassing story...

I ended up buying two Daikyu Riven mods with poor rolls, with the intent of rerolling them until I got something worth using. Well, currently sitting on reroll costs of 2500 Kuva each; which, leads to my current dilemma: How are we supposed to use the rerolls when we can only gain a finite amount from RNG.

At this point, it would be easier to scrap them and buy more with a lower reroll cost. Honestly hoping that the costs don't keep escalating, as there is no possible way to maintain the stat shuffling, especially when there is no way to boost the likelihood of a siphon spawning.

The current Riven iteration is basically a die hard Diablo addicts dream, but the scaling resource requirement quickly becomes counter productive, as there's no source Kuva large enough to sustain it.

Edit: Maybe take a page from Diablo 3 and make the Kuva cost static like Death's Breath, but use another resource like credits/gold as a scaling factor?

Edited by PhiZero
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18 hours ago, marelooke said:


  • The continuing demonisation of the Orokin is a bit disappointing. Sure we know they weren't exactly "nice" folks, but the extent to which it goes in TWW is kinda...well, disappointing. I had hoped for a bit more subtlety there than them all literally possessing your children to gain immortality. If the Queens had somehow been special cases in that respect that'd have worked for me (maybe due to now lacking access to whatever the Orokin used before), but it's made pretty clear by Teshin that the same applied to the other Orokin (including, one must assume, Margulis). Teshin could of course have been lying but at that point why the hell would he?
  • Moreover given that the Orokin apparently just switched bodies to become immortal makes one wonder how other beings that were around back during the Old War stayed alive, Teshin comes to mind, but also the Stalker's operator (since he's been awake ever since the Tenno rebellion). For the (player) Tenno it's easily explained due to them having been in cryo until the Lotus awoke them during Vor's Prize. For other entities, not so much. On that note, Lotus herself (itself?) seems self-evident as she's basically a Sentient, and thus a machine. Maybe the Dax are a form of Sentient? Doesn't explain Stalker though, unless the Warframe itself gained sentience somehow. Maybe we'll find out in the next quest.


^ So much this! 

The script is really weak regarding the background of the Orokin and the nature of the Queens. Was waiting for something way more fundamental and interesting.


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Alright, here's a big one, i hope you guys actually read these because i got plenty in store.
DISCLAIMER: Possible SPOILERS ahead so players who did not finished TWW yet probably should skip this one

First of all - the things that i liked: cutscenes and dialogues were on-point. Good animation, lots of story that kept me interested, everything that i was expecting. New weapons look interesting enough too, especially that cannon.

One thing that i disliked: we keep losing connection with our Warframes. Operator steps more and more forward while the Warframe stays this mindless tool or even becomes more of one. The final scene of the Second Dream where our Warframe breaks the War is still not explained. I hope next quest is going to work on that.

Things that irked me:
1) Once again you guys show that you are not very good with tutorials and teaching players to do things right. Instructions during the quest are not always clear.
1.1) when we have to take control of Golden Maw the game says "Press 5 for transference" when it's actually "HOLD 5..." This simple detail got me stuck for about half-a-minute stunning the Maw again and again with no idea why it's not working.
1.2) There is no explanation to the fact that operator has limited energy for his actions. Nor do we even know how much energy exactly we have and how much can we perform with it.
1.3) Operator's escape from Orbiter was clunky. I got blasted in the fact by steam so much that i almost failed the escape. I stood by steam stream expecting it to end but it kept coming for a good 15-20 seconds until i decided that i probably should take the left path instead of right.

2) Operators' faces and helmets.
2.2) We need more operator faces because those that we have are not enough. My operator still irks me with his look and i'd rather not see it for now.
This is the operator of my dreams:



Which brings me to the next point.
2.3) Give an option to keep helmets closed through the all cutscenes unless absolutely neccessary.
I would love to see my operator through all cut-scenes with his helmet on. Would make him look so much better.
However there is one more isses to fix before that.
2.4) Helmets and unacceptable CLIPPING.
Male operators' (and probably some females) clip through helmets like nobody's business. Nose, ears and chin in particular. Especially when they talk. It's terrible! Did you gys made helmets for female heads and forgot to check if they work on males good?
Possible solutions:
2.4.1) Make the helmet replace operator's head entirely. There is no face. Only helmet.
2.4.2) Increase the size of helmets so that they could handle operator's glorious chin so it wont clip out again.
2.4.3) Make helmets stretch around operator's face so it would move together with it. Larger nose makes helmet stretch forward, when operators tolks - the helmet move accordingly. Like a skin-mask.

3) Operator's character.
I seriously hoped that our operators are subordinated proffesionals but the quest proven us wrong. They are emotional, flawed and do stupid things. Especially the whole triggering by the "child". Not exactly a complain but come on, don't make them silly kids, show that they have at least some smart in their smart so that they could act and talk smart. Not rush towards an obviously superior Dax soldier with their bare fists.
Come on guys, nobody likes such cliches, make them more real, like make them think before doing stuff, like an adults that they're supposed to be considered the whole battle-training thing.

4) New kuva resources and it's obtaining.
I understand that you guys have to introduce new resources to stop us from building everything and to be honest i like the unique way of obtaining kuva. However: chances to siphon to spawn are insulting. From my experience it seems to be <20%. Which is painful. Make it 25%. That would be somewhat fair in my opinion. Or give increased chances at Kuva fortress.

5) Riven mods.
The idea is cool. I like it. it's very end-gamy. However there are 2 flaws:
5.1) Some challenges are unfairly hard while i get something like "find 2 caches in one day"
5.2) While the mods bring oportunity to upgrade and clutch to high-tier mediocre weapons like Gorgons for example, it also brigs out a whole new level of power creep. Critical chance on tonkor? Damage on simulor? Why on earth? You guys gotta do something about this, unless this is completely intentional. Is damage 3.0 still in progress? Can we expect this power creep being hit in the face with a break or it will keep growing? Desire to use my little guns becomes less and less with every new addition to our arsenal.

6) The quest obviously was obviously too short for almost 1 year of development. However from what i heard the biggest time waster was ever-changing script.
I hope, DE, you learned from this skirmish and now will only start hype trains once all is planned out and only the actual physical developent is left (codding, modeling and other stuff).

On side-note: please optimise the new operators and kuva siphons. My game crashed 2 or 3 times while doing the siphon because oprator is too much to handle for my PC. I sent bug-reports through programms that pops out after, but i do wonder if those even go somewhere.

Can't wait for the future updates and sinematic quests. Better made, better managed.

Also: new stance for polearms, PLEASE? There are SO. MANY. POLEARMS and we only have 2 crappy stances and old boring quick attacks. We need something new and awesome!

Also: machete buffs / reworks / stances: when?

EDIT: oh and i almost forgot - i really want a replay button for quest. With ability to override previous dialogue choices. I'm sorta unhappy with my choices due to lack of explanation what my character would do during certain choices.

Edited by Artek94
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1 hour ago, Artek94 said:

Alright, here's a big one, i hope you guys actually read these because i got plenty in store.
DISCLAIMER: Possible SPOILERS ahead so players who did not finished TWW yet probably should skip this one

First of all - the things that i liked: cutscenes and dialogues were on-point. Good animation, lots of story that kept me interested, everything that i was expecting. New weapons look interesting enough too, especially that cannon.

One thing that i disliked: we keep losing connection with our Warframes. Operator steps more and more forward while the Warframe stays this mindless tool or even becomes more of one. The final scene of the Second Dream where our Warframe breaks the War is still not explained. I hope next quest is going to work on that.

Things that irked me:
1) Once again you guys show that you are not very good with tutorials and teaching players to do things right. Instructions during the quest are not always clear.
1.1) when we have to take control of Golden Maw the game says "Press 5 for transference" when it's actually "HOLD 5..." This simple detail got me stuck for about half-a-minute stunning the Maw again and again with no idea why it's not working.
1.2) There is no explanation to the fact that operator has limited energy for his actions. Nor do we even know how much energy exactly we have and how much can we perform with it.
1.3) Operator's escape from Orbiter was clunky. I got blasted in the fact by steam so much that i almost failed the escape. I stood by steam stream expecting it to end but it kept coming for a good 15-20 seconds until i decided that i probably should take the left path instead of right.

2) Operators' faces and helmets.
2.2) We need more operator faces because those that we have are not enough. My operator still irks me with his look and i'd rather not see it for now.
This is the operator of my dreams:

  Reveal hidden contents


Which brings me to the next point.
2.3) Give an option to keep helmets closed through the all cutscenes unless absolutely neccessary.
I would love to see my operator through all cut-scenes with his helmet on. Would make him look so much better.
However there is one more isses to fix before that.
2.4) Helmets and unacceptable CLIPPING.
Male operators' (and probably some females) clip through helmets like nobody's business. Nose, ears and chin in particular. Especially when they talk. It's terrible! Did you gys made helmets for female heads and forgot to check if they work on males good?
Possible solutions:
2.4.1) Make the helmet replace operator's head entirely. There is no face. Only helmet.
2.4.2) Increase the size of helmets so that they could handle operator's glorious chin so it wont clip out again.
2.4.3) Make helmets stretch around operator's face so it would move together with it. Larger nose makes helmet stretch forward, when operators tolks - the helmet move accordingly. Like a skin-mask.

3) Operator's character.
I seriously hoped that our operators are subordinated proffesionals but the quest proven us wrong. They are emotional, flawed and do stupid things. Especially the whole triggering by the "child". Not exactly a complain but come on, don't make them silly kids, show that they have at least some smart in their smart so that they could act and talk smart. Not rush towards an obviously superior Dax soldier with their bare fists.
Come on guys, nobody likes such cliches, make them more real, like make them think before doing stuff, like an adults that they're supposed to be considered the whole battle-training thing.

4) New kuva resources and it's obtaining.
I understand that you guys have to introduce new resources to stop us from building everything and to be honest i like the unique way of obtaining kuva. However: chances to siphon to spawn are insulting. From my experience it seems to be <20%. Which is painful. Make it 25%. That would be somewhat fair in my opinion. Or give increased chances at Kuva fortress.

5) Riven mods.
The idea is cool. I like it. it's very end-gamy. However there are 2 flaws:
5.1) Some challenges are unfairly hard while i get something like "find 2 caches in one day"
5.2) While the mods bring oportunity to upgrade and clutch to high-tier mediocre weapons like Gorgons for example, it also brigs out a whole new level of power creep. Critical chance on tonkor? Damage on simulor? Why on earth? You guys gotta do something about this, unless this is completely intentional. Is damage 3.0 still in progress? Can we expect this power creep being hit in the face with a break or it will keep growing? Desire to use my little guns becomes less and less with every new addition to our arsenal.

6) The quest obviously was obviously too short for almost 1 year of development. However from what i heard the biggest time waster was ever-changing script.
I hope, DE, you learned from this skirmish and now will only start hype trains once all is planned out and only the actual physical developent is left (codding, modeling and other stuff).

On side-note: please optimise the new operators and kuva siphons. My game crashed 2 or 3 times while doing the siphon because oprator is too much to handle for my PC. I sent bug-reports through programms that pops out after, but i do wonder if those even go somewhere.

Can't wait for the future updates and sinematic quests. Better made, better managed.

Also: new stance for polearms, PLEASE? There are SO. MANY. POLEARMS and we only have 2 crappy stances and old boring quick attacks. We need something new and awesome!

Also: machete buffs / reworks / stances: when?

While I agree with most of your objections I think that you mistake one thing. The operator maybe a soldier but he/she is only a child/teenager.(SPOILER-a child that killed his/her own parents. There needs to be some toll on operators psyche after all this) What we actually get from second dream and TWW is pretty much the growth of our persona.
It is obvious that DE decided to depart from this TES "lacking narration" freedom giving us more of this Gothic/Witcher kind of experience actually leaving the already set character, with an actual history, to us at some point of his/her life. 
Whether you like an ultimate sandbox or narrated story is up to you but this is what we get. 
All of this is why I hope they'll give operator a possibility to grow while progressing through his/her life.
PS This is really presonal but being a Mass effect fanboy I can't help but hope for more interactions setting our operator character.

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58 minutes ago, Hexill said:

While I agree with most of your objections I think that you mistake one thing. The operator maybe a soldier but he/she is only a child/teenager.(SPOILER-a child that killed his/her own parents. There needs to be some toll on operators psyche after all this) What we actually get from second dream and TWW is pretty much the growth of our persona.
It is obvious that DE decided to depart from this TES "lacking narration" freedom giving us more of this Gothic/Witcher kind of experience actually leaving the already set character, with an actual history, to us at some point of his/her life. 
Whether you like an ultimate sandbox or narrated story is up to you but this is what we get. 
All of this is why I hope they'll give operator a possibility to grow while progressing through his/her life.
PS This is really presonal but being a Mass effect fanboy I can't help but hope for more interactions setting our operator character.

I actually do love fully flashed-out narrative like in witcher. It's just i wasn't expecting for our operators to be... I don't know, flawed? Ever since TSD it felt like they are almost emotionless, short answers, no freak outs. During TWW it went exactly the oposite way - our character suddenly takes the initative, conflicts with Teshin, even goes so far as to infiltrate the fortress by himself even though Lotus said that he probably shouldn't do that. I don't know, i guess i simply don't like characters that don't follow orders only to find themselves in more trouble than they been before.

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I want to make a small comment on the new Assault game mode. It is honestly a bit disappointing. Basically the main problem with it is that it feels very samey and not unique unlike the introductions of Rathuum, Survival and Excavation. On the other hand you introduce a side-quest with the Kuva Siphon which was some what interesting. I feel like this was a missed opportunity for a new game mode by expanding upon the Kuva Siphon mechanic to be a mission type where it'd be about sabotaging several supply lines like some kind of Starcraft match involving Dark Templars and SCVs.

Basically a Capture mission on a grander scale where there are many more targets spread throughout a level that are trying to reach a specific point.

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Well, Im dissapointed with this update, The Quest is only Annoying.. thats it , no wow moment.. just Annoying -.-. Sorry Im not good at giving feed back, but to compare this new Quest with the Second Dream its a 2 out of 10... Only annoying missions....

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The riven mod system needs an urgent revisment on how players are rewarded, some players get completely screwed over by what weapons they get the mod for and the stats they get.

This includes me who got my first riven mod for panthera, the worst weapon in the game (no damage, no status, no crit, no ammo efficiency) and bad stats for 5 rolls.

my second one was for the rubico

so two riven mods down the drain.

My complete experience here

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Like I said in another post: 

We need a cap for the kuva needed to rerol, and thats something that It must be done. We need control on the rng stats too, maybe a system that let us lock a stat before rerol (maybe that cost some additionaly kuva). We need a cap to stats too so maybe we don't have to grind to min-max those stats too.... 

I don't understand why the kuve siphons don't spawn on the the new tileset (I mean that the spawn its too low on the new tileset so ppl ofc ignore it), it doesn't make sense at all. After not even a day ppl already forgot about the tileset, I want to play the new tileset so pls put this new system there, maybe like a endless mission. 

Finally after sometime I found something to do in the game so pls make this system better :). 

Thank you for everything you've done and the hard work, TWW was worth the wait and I loved it.

Edited by Nosaru
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The only majpor concern I have from playing WW relates to the riven mods.

Let me be clear- I have no problems whatsoever with riven mods as a thing that exists, and I really like their ability to make lower tier weapons viable. The fact that you can get a perfect mod for a perfect gun doesn't bother me in the slightest, because that gun would already trivialise normal play, and at the levels where the broken stats would actually matter, the game already breaks down to a cheesefest, so what's the big deal with one more type of cheese?


The only way I would improve the riven mod system is to give us more- add shotgun, pistol, maybe melee riven mods. Give riven mods the ability to have augment effects as ell as stats. Maybe scale down the reroll cost a bit, especially if combined with a more intensive method of locking some stats in- If augment style riven mods are added, I feel that the aug effect should always be there rather than just be a rollable effect.

But most importantly, please give us a reliable way of gaining riven mods; they're supposed to be a thing that lets us buff up low tier weapons to full viability which is great, but only having 1 chance for a riven mod per day means its going to take too long to get any riven mod and when you do there's no guarantee that it would be for any weapon you like. I don't think we should be able to choose which weapons get riven mods, as that would just lead to top tier weapons getting them. I just think that to make sure we can get riven mods for weapons we like using, we should have a reliable way of obtaining them- transmutation rewards with riven core, weekly missions like the ayatan runs, 125K syndicate standing, baro bringing them along- that sort of thing.

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Sadly game became worse with TWW update.

And i'm not about bugs, they are expected and understandable.

New stealth nerfs make it horrible for all stealth frames(stealth gameplay in general was nice before update but now its horrible).

New operator abilities and operator are extremely weak and badly thought.

New kuva-related enemies are annoying as hell appearing randomly on mission.

Quest rewards are simply ridiculous, one average stick and one throwing weapon that needs 4000 of kuva to be built.

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5 hours ago, Artek94 said:

The final scene of the Second Dream where our Warframe breaks the War is still not explained.

We can now literally control our Warframe from a distance without the use of the specialized chair.

I think that gives a pretty plausible explanation for what happened there.

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I will ramble a bit now, but try to make it short and sweet. I try to be as objective as possible, devs reading this can use this information to complement their vision of the game as they see fit:



The content quality is very high in the update: The music is great, the levels are great, art is great.

Despite all this, I think we must stop speaking of The War Within as a great achievement, or a grand final.

Again: The quality of the update is good, but it must be treated as what it is, and I think that this is a beginning. Another beginning. Just like Syndicate were a beginning, just like Focus was a beginning, Archwing, Kubrows, etc.

It would be a lie to say that DE does not work on previous systems, just plain not true. But new beginnings are getting old. Every other update adds half a system that only teases us and increases the future workload. Off the top of my head, the list of expectation of players and developers to-do list looks a bit like this:

  • Improve new player experience
  • Improve Archwing
  • Improve Kubrows
  • Improve Focus
  • Rebalance weapons
  • Rebalance enemies
  • Rebalance stealth
  • Rebalance Warframe
  • Rebalance mods
  • Expand Orbiter
  • Expand Syndicates
  • Expand Operator

So on so forth - I get it: the game is an iterative process, you have a lot of ideas, a lot of enthusiasm. It is great, I love that you have so much energy. 

My feedback to you is, forgive my french, holy S#&amp;&#036; are you NOT done because you released The War Within. The standards were raised, the workload was augmented and more foundation-systems have been introduced.

This is a lukewarm point from me. It's hard to be excited for future potential when sitting in so much current potential. All the same, I'm glad that Warframe is still a labour of love. I hope that future update puts as much work and love into a current system as Transference upgrade got.



I don't know where I was going with this. I guess I'm just taken aback that, for all the hype it got, The War Within is a starting point for Warframe, not a finale.


Cheers guys, I critic and ramble because I care. Here's hoping that we reach 4th anniversary and get another year afterwards.

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Last year our operator woke up, and he learned how to fly. In The War Within the operator learned how to walk and how to deal damage. Maybe next year the operator will learn how to equip mods and how to parkour.

This are some of my thoughts after playing the update:
Operator Gameplay: Cool, but very limited of what you can do. The level design was built to suit all parkour movements, but the operator can't do anything besides jump or run. Outside Kuva farm, the operator is completely useless, taking hit kill versus some tough enemies. His energy pool is also very short and without it, you are just a child running around.
Riven Mods: For me, the best part of the update, if no the best part of Warframe. I imagine this as the beginning of a new mod system and I see the intention to bring some Diablo-like loot to Warframe. Its normal that sometimes people find a really overpowered mod out there, is the same thing as drop a legendary item in Diablo 3, or a pearlescent gun in Borderlands 2 with extremely good rolls. Its luck. DE only needs to find a way to make this a satisfactory way to reward players with this mods.
The quest: Really magnificent. I saw people saying that is too short for all the time waiting. Just don't hear then. If I had an option to leave my liset and live in a Orokin cave, I would do it. Unfortunately is a tileset that I will never see again (insert Fast and Furious gif here). 

Overall I really liked this last part of U19. Hopefully this will be the beginning of really great things on Warframe. Really waiting to see U20, The Umbra Within.

PS: DE, can you bring syandana colors apart from the armor, please? Thank-you-very-much.

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ok, i first official feedback from me

great job, welldone and thank you, DE

right now i have not much more to say then i do and will enjoy the enhancements and development given into warframe for us and me "personally"

there is one thing i dont like and cant accept really right now, its the controls "over" the operator

focus and leaving the frame have the same button by pressing long or short as i get informations about, i say informations about because after playing some "meetings" with the kuva-machine it doesnt simply function for me on my keyboard

i will investigate and try in a relaxed way on for being able to "activate finally" the controls which doesnt function right now, as simple as that

neither focus nor leaving the warframe with the operator

when i press 5 long or short a sound appears which gives me the "alert" that i hit a empty button ... thats all what happened at my tries over the day and last days after leaving the quest finished

cant say more right now and i hope for a change and that i can use and programm in the options/control menue how i wanna use the new moves included focus

again, it doesnt function for me ... and as i have readed around at the forum here and there lots of players have big troubles with that ... short before i found a clear answer how to manage it, i will give it a try and will move over immediately into the bugforum-thread of the new update if it doesnt function

keep up your good work and i hope the umbra comes soon and a new quest too, im running seriously out of time by this "long waitings" ^^)

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