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Javlok feedback.


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8 minutes ago, Littlerift said:


This won't do, everybody knows that if you don't use either the Simulor, Boltor, or Tonkor, then you have to be a filthy casual.

Javlok is love.

You forgot the Tigris P, Soma P, and Zarr.

...As for the Javlok, I love it too, though I feel that it's thrown damage could be helped by having whatever melee you have amplify it's total damage, outside of Conclave.

I also believe that a 'tap alt fire to jab' is possible if DE can make the responsiveness sharp enough (tap to jab, hold then release to throw), and with this a melee stance from staves or polearms can be used on it.

On top of it's multi-role capability, it's primary firing mode should have a small explosion radius that decreases the further the projectile goes, and it's secondary 'firing' mode should immolate the surface it hits for a second, burning every enemy on impact.

With this would be a 'tap alt-fire to retrieve' which is only available when the weapon ends up bypassing boundaries on areas like cliff-faces or 'bottomless' pits, because it takes too long for it to come back. Alternatively, the further you are from the Javlok, the longer it takes to come back (changes as you move, up to 100% being 30 seconds, and lowest being 3).

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Just now, Koldraxon-732 said:

You forgot the Tigris P, Soma P, and Zarr.

...As for the Javlok, I love it too, though I feel that it's thrown damage could be helped by having whatever melee you have amplify it's total damage, outside of Conclave.

I also believe that a 'tap alt fire to jab' is possible if DE can make the responsiveness sharp enough (tap to jab, hold then release to throw), and with this a melee stance from staves or polearms can be used on it.

On top of it's multi-role capability, it's primary firing mode should have a small explosion radius that decreases the further the projectile goes, and it's secondary 'firing' mode should immolate the surface it hits for a second, burning every enemy on impact.

With this would be a 'tap alt-fire to retrieve' which is only available when the weapon ends up bypassing boundaries on areas like cliff-faces or 'bottomless' pits, because it takes too long for it to come back. Alternatively, the further you are from the Javlok, the longer it takes to come back (changes as you move, up to 100% being 30 seconds, and lowest being 3).

I agree that the primary fire could do with some small AOE, although I've been getting around that by modding for status and gas. I would quite like a way to retrieve the weapon from a distance by tapping or holding alt-fire, or if the weapon automatically reloaded upon being thrown, which would encourage ammo management. I'm not too fussed about a melee mode, but perhaps a Javlok-specific weapon mod could be added that allows you to smack people with it at the cost of losing the throw. 

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I just got around to building it, so it's kind of a "first impression" thing for me.

I like how I hold it, and the idle animations.  I like the base damage, crit and status stats because it can be versatile.

I'm hoping the primary fire grows on me, because frankly, I haven't enjoyed using it so far.  Flight speed is too slow and it REALLY feels like it should have some measure of AE to it that it just doesn't have.

I like throwing it.  I suck at it, but throwing it means I get to shoot stuff with my Akmagnus, which I just happen to love(wasn't kidding about the whole liking base+crit+status versatility thing).  Sometimes it even kills stuff, even multiple stuffs, which is cool.

I don't like how it immediately switches back to it when I pass over the top to pick it up.  It's disorienting to go from my fast firing hitscan pistols to this slow, rather clunky weapon.

I rather like the basics of the weapon, so I'm hoping the gameplay elements grow on me.  Time will tell, I'd imagine.

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It's not as bas as it looks. It could definitely need some work, but I can't find any better weapon for a gas build.

I don't really get why there's a wind up time before every shot to be frank. It's more throwing off your aim than anything. Better get rid of that and change the rate of fire if necessary. Then I'd bump the status chances a bit more from 25% to 30%.

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30 minutes ago, D20 said:

It's not as bas as it looks. It could definitely need some work, but I can't find any better weapon for a gas build.

I don't really get why there's a wind up time before every shot to be frank. It's more throwing off your aim than anything. Better get rid of that and change the rate of fire if necessary. Then I'd bump the status chances a bit more from 25% to 30%.


There's only a wind-up time before the first shot; if you keep clicking after the first shot it fires very rapidly, although it can be tricky to adjust your aim fast enough to make use of this.

If I could change anything about it to buff it I would up the magazine capacity to 8. I don't think the status chance really needs increasing, as while it would obviously make the weapon better it's already very easy to get 85%+ status. It's one of the few weapons where Hammer Shot is actually kind of good. If I could change two things then I would add a small AoE to the fireball.

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15 hours ago, Skaleek said:

Nothing is as bad as the panthera! Nooothiiiing! Although at least Panthera can use Heavy Caliber...

FIVE OPTICOR !!!! ... hum hum sorry wrong weapon/song . 


Better ?

Edited by trunks013
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So I forma'd this and... I've noticed something doing a Corpus mission. I was trying to fire to a camera and the projectile kept missing it by a ridicolous distance.

I've come to the conclusion than a minimally bigger hitbox and an actual splash damage when hitting an enemy should be what this weapon needs. Maybe this last one could come in the form of a mod like those from Rathuum :)

I don't get why I can add Firestorm to the weapon though? Is it for when you throw it?

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7 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

So I forma'd this and... I've noticed something doing a Corpus mission. I was trying to fire to a camera and the projectile kept missing it by a ridicolous distance.

I've come to the conclusion than a minimally bigger hitbox and an actual splash damage when hitting an enemy should be what this weapon needs. Maybe this last one could come in the form of a mod like those from Rathuum :)

I don't get why I can add Firestorm to the weapon though? Is it for when you throw it?


Yeah, there's definitely an issue with the reticle not aligning with where the Javlok fires when you're at very close range - I'm pretty sure that's caused by the length of the Javlok itself, which means that the muzzle is a lot further from the Warframe than on the Braton, say. I'd agree that a larger projectile hitbox would really help it, I've had quite a few times where I end up firing between the legs of Moas and similar enemies despite the edge of the fireball clearly contact the enemy.

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I was excited for this weapon for Jaffa reasons, only to be saddened by its needless charge time and slow projectile speed. Not very Jaffa in my opinion.

This weapon suffers greatly due to the two major negatives stated above. It is hard to hit moving enemies at a distance when the projectiles move so slowly, especially considering how derpy the AI movements can be at times. This in conjunction with a small magazine only makes it worse and leaves you constantly reloading while taking fire. Slapping on mods to compensate lowers its performance into "don't even bother" levels where even the Miter can look to be a better choice. The throwing function, while neat, sadly does not make up for the lacking performance. Throwing it also leaves you without a primary weapon for a maximum of 10 seconds unless you run directly into the enemy's line of fire. While excusable at lower levels, trying to get your weapon back at higher levels can cost you your life. Unless you throw it too close to your own feet and thus promptly end your life yourself without passing go.

I don't care too much about the throwing feature. I do however care about the primary fire that leaves me with little satisfaction. It is just too slow and I could instead use the Opticor with its similar charge up and tiny magazine if I want to burden myself with such stats, seeing as the Opticor has more pros such as superior damage, hitscan as well as AoE. 

List of Javlok pros and cons:

Good crit.
Good status.

Not nearly Jaffa enough for reasons below.
Charge up time.
Super slow projectiles.
Tiny magazine.
Aweful at close range due to it's lenght, often shooting through enemies at point blank.
Throwing it has large chance of instakilling you if you throw it too close.
Throwing it means you have to go get it, meaning running into enemy fire.
Picking it up after throwing it sometimes makes it vanish instead (bug).
Punch through mods makes throwing feature barely usable and often causes loss of weapon.

Reload time.


Potential fixes for primary fire:
No charge up time.
Much faster projectiles.
AoE on primary projectiles.

Potential additions to secondary fire (throwing):
No self damage.
Larger pickup range.

Please make this a better weapon! :heart:

Edited by Larsurus
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10 hours ago, Larsurus said:

I was excited for this weapon for Jaffa reasons, only to be saddened by its needless charge time and slow projectile speed. Not very Jaffa in my opinion.

This weapon suffers greatly due to the two major negatives stated above. It is hard to hit moving enemies at a distance when the projectiles move so slowly, especially considering how derpy the AI movements can be at times. This in conjunction with a small magazine only makes it worse and leaves you constantly reloading while taking fire. Slapping on mods to compensate lowers its performance into "don't even bother" levels where even the Miter can look to be a better choice. The throwing function, while neat, sadly does not make up for the lacking performance. Throwing it also leaves you without a primary weapon for a maximum of 10 seconds unless you run directly into the enemy's line of fire. While excusable at lower levels, trying to get your weapon back at higher levels can cost you your life. Unless you throw it too close to your own feet and thus promptly end your life yourself without passing go.

I don't care too much about the throwing feature. I do however care about the primary fire that leaves me with little satisfaction. It is just too slow and I could instead use the Opticor with its similar charge up and tiny magazine if I want to burden myself with such stats, seeing as the Opticor has more pros such as superior damage, hitscan as well as AoE. 

List of Javlok pros and cons:

Good crit.
Good status.

Not nearly Jaffa enough for reasons below.
Charge up time.
Super slow projectiles.
Tiny magazine.
Aweful at close range due to it's lenght, often shooting through enemies at point blank.
Throwing it has large chance of instakilling you if you throw it too close.
Throwing it means you have to go get it, meaning running into enemy fire.
Picking it up after throwing it sometimes makes it vanish instead (bug).

Reload time.


Potential fixes for primary fire:
No charge up time.
Much faster projectiles.
AoE on primary projectiles.

Potential additions to secondary fire (throwing):
No self damage.
Larger pickup range.

Please make this a better weapon! :heart:

keep charge time for primayr.

ive noticed charging makes you crit% go up and deal more dmg.

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There are a couple things that kind of bother me.  Besides some of the things others have said one of the first things I noticed is that I didn't  notice something.  I can't see any indication of when I am firing it.  I am just staring at my frame's back with no indication I just released a fireball of doom.  I even watched another player who happened to be ranking theirs up at the same and saw no movement as they fired it.

It seems 90% of the unique animations were devoted to the throwing of the weapon and that final 10% is so subtle as to be unnoticeable.  Due to the length of the weapon and how it is held, I can't even see when its being reloaded, which was just a little disappointing for me.  Because of how we are camera locked when we shoot a weapon (can't rotate to the front of frame), our frame blocks all the good stuff.

Second issue I have is the colors.  I changed my energy to green hoping to see green jets of flame shoot forth, alas it remained red.

Also the annoying self damage, I never really liked how so many weapons are simply designed to kill the user.  Beyond that its pretty fun.  I really enjoy using it with Saryn.  I do think the explosion radius is a bit small simply because we are able to equip a mod to increase it.  This habit of making base stats very low so that certain mods become a must is rather irritating.

One last thing.  Why is Adhesive blast equippable on this thing?  Every part of it explodes on impact.  There is no 'grenade' to make sticky that I've observed at all.  It is offering one of a launcher's most unique mods and causing visions of "what's this do! Ooh!" and doesn't deliver anything.

The final last last thing, it has over 500 ammo capacity, is a launcher and uses rifle ammo and unique launcher mods.  Seems odd.

That's all.

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