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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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7 minutes ago, toafarmer said:

This is a slap in the face. One of the beard guys just said they won't change this on the devstream, just told us to keep grinding ODD. This is a terrible move, since the research cost is abusive and the drop rate is terrible. Eventually we will gather the 370k that we still need in our clan, but I am certainly not buying prime access anymore. Don't feel like supporting a game moving in the "stop having fun and go grind" direction.


And whats problem with Hema research cost? Hard to spend 1-2hr to farm Mutagen Samples?

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2 minutes ago, lightdragon64 said:

they said that they weren't changing it the day it came out, yes they acknowledge that it is a lot to go after but they are going to add better ways of acquiring rare items like mutagen samples...

Well then they better do it fast instead of leaving players with this pain to deal with.

Funny how they added this ridiculous cost without checking if maybe mutagen isn't the best material to be farming endlessly.

Edited by Kawalorn
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Hi, first i want to say how much i really love this game and the good maintenance on it . but there is one giant thorn in my eye.

Ofc its the Hema, and i do hope this time my post gets read this time.

I just watched the devstream and theres no words in the dissapointment i feel for the excuse for not increasing mutagen drops or even giving an alert for it.

I  feel punished for having a clan that takes in loads of newer players. saying "its raining mutagen in derelict" makes NO sense since i have been farming there.

mountain clan = 150k mutagen ... 150-200 mutagen for 20minute survival ... and only 5-10 people of our clan actively contribute ... please ... do the math ??

I will still play warframe , with a bad feeling ... degrading my clan forced to kick newer players out  .... and farm mutagen as storm clan. 

Thanks for backstabbing players and clans that help YOUR newcomers forward. its not THAT much of a deal to just put in a few alerts or something about the drop rate.

previous posts : 

Please do something about the hema/mutagen ?

As i understood from the streams , not changing it cuz some did finish it ? well more than the majority didnt. refund the 0.1% that did get it and will be mad....

i understand the point of trying to get rid of "just farm a bit and get it" type ... but look at the archwing oxium requirements , still high but DOABLE.

mutagen for hema for mountain/moon clans is not doable. a big backstab to the clans like mine that take in lots of new players that dont even know what mutagen is so only a few of us farm it for the research. i do all i can to get those newer players to get to know the game so they dont quit (giving them warframe slots etc cuz i remember them beeing a pain at the start) but its harder to get players recruited now , the first thing they ask is "do you have hema" ... well NO and i litterally can't unless i farm roughly calculated a year nonstop.

idea : maybe just put up alerts containing 1k mutagen once in a while ? or based on ur clan level? just something would be a big help since i dont have 200+ "elite" players that farm nonstop in my clan as it is about having fun and motivating newer players to do so aswell.

-discouraging to get new players warm for the game, almost pushing us to kick most out of the clan , downgrade , only recruit high MR and farm mutagen like mad.

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Just now, lightdragon64 said:

they said that they weren't changing it the day it came out, yes they acknowledge that it is a lot to go after but they are going to add better ways of acquiring rare items like mutagen samples...

They said they weren't changing the cost. Not that they wouldn't change the drop rate. They said they'd look into and maybe buff the drop rate. Honestly at this point it feels like that was more a concession just to acknowledge the ridiculous grind rather than a serious goal to improve the issue. The cost should never have been based on player stockpiles, but rather based on how long it takes to acquire.

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3 minutes ago, lightdragon64 said:

they said that they weren't changing it the day it came out, yes they acknowledge that it is a lot to go after but they are going to add better ways of acquiring rare items like mutagen samples...

This is coming from the devstream. Their answer to the drop rate is "Derelict is much better than Eris! You get tons there!"

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''It's raining mutagen in derelict''. Right. Because Steve seems to not ever play without boosters and 3 other players... Oh well.

I guess, no point even trying anymore. They'll do whatever they want. (Or whatever marketing department makes them do, don't know which is right at the moment...) No matter that 3 years the research had reasonable cost. 77 times reasonable is the new rule.

''Sticker shock'', you say?

''24 millions registered losers'' are expected to suck up pretty much anything at this point.

What next?

Mod capacity that we'll have to increase with plat? Gear slots locked until you unlock them with plat? Operator DNA stabilizers? The need to refuel the ship?

Oh well, time to go search for another hobby. I wonder, will I be able to find one before this game becomes more frustrating than fun?

At any rate, I'm not going to watch their streams from now on.

Edited by Flirk2
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1 minute ago, Invisum said:

They said they weren't changing the cost. Not that they wouldn't change the drop rate. They said they'd look into and maybe buff the drop rate. Honestly at this point it feels like that was more a concession just to acknowledge the ridiculous grind rather than a serious goal to improve the issue. The cost should never have been based on player stockpiles, but rather based on how long it takes to acquire.

Today's devstream revealed no changes to drop rates are coming. The derelict is good enough apparently.

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I wish I could have encountered some of that positive clan feedback. I left my old clan because they started kicking people who had given to the clan prior and I didn't want that environment. I've also seen instances of charging people to join a clan for the research which is also pretty fleecy imo.


To be fair though, Steve very obviously was not prepared for that question. WE were told it was going to come up on stream, but I'm not sure HE was told. He didn't even understand the question at first. So maybe being put on the spot like that made him forget to mention upping eris drop rates or something. Otherwise telling us that the topic was coming up in the devstream instead of just posting the answer was a bad move, as it could have no possible outcome save for upping expectations of those in the thread in anticipation.


I would keep talking about it in hopes of further clarification or, at the least, so that the dev team realizes we didn't forget about it. The gap between more expensive weapons is, after all, designed to make us cool down between sticker shocks.

Edited by DrFail
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Just now, egregiousRac said:

Today's devstream revealed no changes to drop rates are coming. The derelict is good enough apparently.

DE you actually f***ed up really bad here. No changes at all? That's flying like a brick with me. 

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Game is all about grind but until now it was not "waste your life in grind or start buying platinum with $$" grind. with hema research i believe they started the latter trend. sad but such is the way of f2p publishers, they become greedy with more people playing the game. But most of the greedy publishers try to provide at least dedicated play server, in warframe's case however we have to host server for DE, that is double greed. shame but not really something i did not see coming.

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Just now, egregiousRac said:

Today's devstream revealed no changes to drop rates are coming. The derelict is good enough apparently.

I realize that. I was referring to the comment I quoted talking about the original discussion. But yeah, the derelict certainly does not "rain" mutagen samples like they said.

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Just now, Ciaus said:

DE you actually f***ed up really bad here. No changes at all? That's flying like a brick with me. 

Steve said (paraphrasing here) "We looked at it and... Derelict gives orders of magnitude more than anywhere else! No changes are needed, just go there."

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Just now, egregiousRac said:

Steve said (paraphrasing here) "We looked at it and... Derelict gives orders of magnitude more than anywhere else! No changes are needed, just go there."

That's atrocious. 
Just grind 8+ hours of only derelict, with only nekros, and only in 4 person parties with hydroid and speedva. 
How about that. 
And I'm not even in a mostly inactive moon clan hellscape. 
No good words for this move. 

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It's clear what the devs are doing. They're closing ranks, they're forming a phalanx, they're hoping we'll turn apathetic. They are trying to stall us out until the PR nightmare that is us blows over

And if they win, how much worse could it get?

We can't let up, we need to show them we aren't shutting up. We WILL make them acknowledge they made a huge mistake. We MUSTN'T stop grumbling about this

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20 minutes ago, ArtiSylv said:

So the official statement (unless I misunderstood what was said on the devstream, I may have, take this with a grain of salt) is now that they're not adjusting the drop rates and that we should go to the derelict.


What I heard: Mutagen Samples are officially the Argon Scope of the Derelict.

The difference is that the Derelict is still key locked and does not have Alerts, Fissures, Nightmares, Sorties, or public games in general.  Once you have some corrupted mods, Mutagen Samples will be the only reason to ever go to the Derelict, and you will have to specifically organize parties to go there.  As a driver for organized clan activity that technically achieves its goal, I guess.  But it's pretty lame for one weapon.

I'll continue to disagree, but it seems like the foot has been put down.  It's disappointing but not a deal breaker yet.

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