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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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7 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

Look, my point is this: DE has already received the message. They know that many players are upset about the cost, and they have made the decision not to change it this time. Quite frankly, I would be surprised if they made anything this costly to research in the future. Possibly higher than the usual cost, but nothing this extreme.

Continuing to complain is futile, and a little childish IMO.

I really doubt that DE really read through every single posts in all 50+ pages.
If they did, there are posts elaborating on issues like

  • member number and clan size (non linear, discontinuous function, it is a step function)
  • non hardcore play for casual players
  • inconsistency with previous researches and claims
  • mathematical calculations regarding Mutagen Samples
  • people who done the grind also disapproving of the "honouring"
7 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

They know that many players are upset about the cost, and they have made the decision not to change it this time.

It is like saying "I know all of you are burning out and full of lacerations from the grind... but well... to add to that, it is raining salt in derelict, enjoy the game grind :D "

7 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

Continuing to complain is futile, and a little childish IMO.

If that is what you think, this is one of the reasons why violent/terrorism existed.
Complaining is like protesting, voicing/crying out concerns and issues. It is childish, it doesn't work, right?
So, let be adult and try to "fix" it using adult method, start riots, getting violent, throw punches, shoot first and talk later...

Do we really want to get to that point? I don't think anyone would benefit from that.

I would rather people in this thread are able to convince DE to change for the better using "childish" method instead of "mature/adult" death threats/violent/DOS attack method.

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15 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

Fair enough. I'm just a little tired of hearing people say things like "I refuse to do X until DE makes it easier." That is what seems childish to me.

I won't say anything about what others decide to do about this, but in my case continuing to play and spending money on the game would be worse: it would be hypocritical.

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On 28.1.2017 at 8:07 PM, ChuckMaverick said:

So, a week later and it's time for an update...


Three days from now anyone who wants the Hema can just PM me in game.

(PC only, sorry console players.)


On 28.1.2017 at 8:25 PM, Buff00n said:


After getting it a week ago, I started accepting research refugees to join my solo clan or just pop in for the Hema.  PC players, do not pay plat for access to the Hema.  Just message me (or @ChuckMaverick after 1/31) and we can hook you up.  Maybe we should start a list of such clan owners somewhere?

As for the weapon itself, I ranked and sold it.  Burst fire with slow bullets is just not my style.


Hat off to you guys! Both for getting it done and offering it to other players. Hopefully many will come to you for that thing instead of buying it.

I would have loved to do the same with my solo clan, but I couldn't muster the energy. In fact I've decided to no longer participate in the endless grinding circles DE is imposing on us, as I think the situation will never again improve (and they happily continue their shennigans without a care in the world, like with the aklex relic).


Edited by Marasago
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17 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

Fair enough. I'm just a little tired of hearing people say things like "I refuse to do X until DE makes it easier." That is what seems childish to me.

How? If someone does that, and sticks to it, then they actually have some kind of integrity. How is this any more childish than saying "oh, we released the knux with massive costs, we won't do it again", then releasing the sibear with massive costs and going "oh, we won't do this again", and then the hema with yet another cry of "oh, we won't do this again"?

How is it more childish than trotting out one feeble excuse: "oh, but we want to honour the investment that players made", getting a massive response of "lolno, reduce the costs, we don't see any honour in this" from players who did research it, then backpedalling with another feeble excuse of "oh, it's positively raining mutagen samples in the derelict*".

*when you use a massively optimised farming build (something which the devs seemed to show dislike of on several occasions, eg. Pilfering Swarm and Desecrate nerfs), when you play on this one specific node, and when you shell out money for boosters. And only for certain values of "raining".

If the comparison is to what basically amounts to a pathological liar, then I think that "childish" is a far more favourable adjective.

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On 28.1.2017 at 8:25 PM, Buff00n said:

After getting it a week ago, I started accepting research refugees to join my solo clan or just pop in for the Hema.  PC players, do not pay plat for access to the Hema.  Just message me (or @ChuckMaverick after 1/31) and we can hook you up.  Maybe we should start a list of such clan owners somewhere?

@Buff00n @ChuckMaverick Have you done such a list. I also farmed 5000 mutagen samples and would like to add my solo clan to this list. 

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Pretty late to the party of actually responding to a topic about the Hema, but here I am.

Unsurprisingly, I too completely agree that the Hema costs are outright ridiculous. To make it even worse, DE keeps on saying non-viable arguments that they never used or stood by in the past to excuse this mistake that is the Hema research cost. The final straw to me came when Steve said 'it's raining in the Derelict' in a recent Devstream, which to be honest made me feel pretty disgusted. No DE, it's not raining in the Derelict, not even in the slightest. To add to that, you are not between a Rock and a Hard place, like OP stated: there are many ways to resolve this issue peacefully.

I strongly urge people (that are not already doing this) to just ignore the Hema in all ways possible, to not even try to complete the research, to keep on giving feedback on the forums and other Warframe-related places, and by god to not buy the Hema with Platinum!!!

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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8 minutes ago, Zerathos_Dagon said:

I strongly urge people (that are not already doing this) to just ignore the Hema in all ways possible, to not even try to complete the research, to keep on giving feedback on the forums and other Warframe-related places, and by god do not buy the Hema with Platinum!!!


Yep. I have 47k plat and I will not buy a booster, farm for 30+ hours or buy the weapon.

I do without for the greater good.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Heres an idea....buy it. If u can't afford to spend real money in platinum...do like i do. Grind, sell, waitbfor market discount...buy.


Problem solved

No the problem isn't solved, this way you tell De that its okay to keep this otrageous behaviour.

The problem with hema research costs is:

- disporportionate need of resources - as in 10x all the mutagen needed to this point for the toatlity of biolab research;

- artificial scarcity of mutagen samples - there is no reason this don't drop in all infested maps, invasions included

- setting a precedent - after what they did with sybear and knux this is becoming a problem

- veteran players hate in how the cost was calculated against what some high end players have in stock

- nth bandaid on a system that is obsolete and needs a rebuild - dojio research is nearly one of the worse crafting systems i've seen so far in MMos

- abismal behaviour of DE side, we have been lied to repeatedly and their credibility is now in question here

- DE Steve intervents only fueled toxicity in the community instead of addressing the problem in a serious and professional manner... could have been handled better

- the problem is not the grind per se, but the mentality it spawned from and how it goes counter to all that previous devstream claimed

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Heres an idea....buy it. If u can't afford to spend real money in platinum...do like i do. Grind, sell, waitbfor market discount...buy.


Problem solved

No, not really.  The entire point is that the cost is unreasonable, simply  buying it tells DE otherwise.

1 minute ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

please consider reading the thread before contributing next time. thank you.

To be fair, would you sit and read 58 pages of a thread before commenting?

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4 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

It's nice to know that they won't screw-over those who have researched it already even if they did exactly that during the key>relics conversion stealing hundreds of hours off some players.

But I want them to screw me over. :sad:

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On 1/28/2017 at 11:07 PM, ChuckMaverick said:

So, a week later and it's time for an update...


Three days from now anyone who wants the Hema can just PM me in game.

(PC only, sorry console players.)

Oh my... when are you online? x)

Or just send me a clan msg? i still have none

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

I read it, just seems like alot of drama over one weapon....the plat price isnt outrageous.

Anyway, each to their own i suppose.

Doesn't seem like you read. It isn't about plat. Are you sure that you really understand what you read?
It is about resource cost, possible trends and the direction the game is going toward, along with some proposed solutions as to how to rectify the issues.

Please take some time to re-read the OP, multiple edits and effort are put into updating it.
Also, if you really care about the game's future, take time to read assimilate this article too:
before dismissing this thread as "drama".

P.S. You know what, most of the people who complain about "drama", usually are inconsiderate, wanting instant gratification and does not sympathize with others.

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45 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Yes the resource cost...its doable. 5k for my clan, more for larger clans...but larger clans have more people so i dont see an issue.

You just provided evidence that you either didn't read after all or are incapable of comprehending the words.

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55 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Yes the resource cost...its doable. 5k for my clan, more for larger clans...but larger clans have more people so i dont see an issue.

What about the clans that aren't full of active members?  What about the Ghost clans that were single handedly made by a solo player?  5k is unreasonable for clans like that.  It changes from 500 per person to 1k per person, 2.5k per person, 5k per person. 


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