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The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.5.4


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Here's hoping here will be a 'cure' or some easier removal of the helminth cyst in the near future. Having well over six warframes infected and no way of removing the cysts entirely, as they grow back, is a little troubling.

Love the charger pet, however, I'd rather not be up to my neck in them. Pun fully intended.

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51 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

"Fixed being able to heal Defense Targets with Nidus’ Ravenous ability."
You call this a fix? This is not a fix, this is horrible.

"Reduced volume and cleaned up audio of Synoid Simulor when being used by other players."
This is greatly appreciated.

And why isn't there any word on curing space aids? #prayforspaceaidsvictims #spaceaidsisframerape #fashionframecomesfirst
Also, why hasn't the Hema cost been reduced yet? It's ridiculously ovepriced.

you see...i have this disease that sort of makes your FashionFrame....go away

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Still no cure AND preventative anything for cysts/Helminth Virus

To the DE staff: This is the second and last time I will link this thread to a hotfix/update announcement thread and such. I promise.

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It seems this thread will be a megathread because clearly the community says we don't need this. Guys please fix this somehow at least end of this month till I won't play the game or just play solo because no other chance to avoid this. I don't know how much time you need to realize we don't want this at all.

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5 minutes ago, BonesMcCayde said:

Here's hoping here will be a 'cure' or some easier removal of the helminth cyst in the near future. Having well over six warframes infected and no way of removing the cysts entirely, as they grow back, is a little troubling.

Love the charger pet, however, I'd rather not be up to my neck in them. Pun fully intended.

Yeah, the current system is a bit of a pain in the neck.


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1 hour ago, SonicSonedit said:

- When you infect other players your aligment changes towards darkness. And there is no way to prevent/revert this. For players like me, who played quest carefully to get full neutral, this basically devaluates all my effort I put in being neutral aligment. Luckyly for me, I mostly play with my friend, who went full dark, so he infests everyone before I start playing.

While I agree they absolutely should have an alternate way to remove the cyst and provide immunity, the rumor that it changes your alignment is completely false and has been proven to be false very shortly after the cysts were first discovered. Please stop spreading misinformation.

Edited by Aket
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  • Cyst: After Breeding Infested Charger Pet - Needs to be removed perma across all frames. If you want another have the chair make a new one. Also make it no longer spreadable period.
  • Hema: The Research Cost can stay the same IF
    • Access to Mutagen Samples become reasonable just like their fellow counterparts
    • Every & Any Mission w/ Infested the drop table changes to include Mutagen Samples instead of the other faction's drop.
    • (Eris) - Mutagen Samples should be uncommon, not this current "uncommon rare" drop rate bullS#&$
  • IF NOT:
    • Either buff the weapon to where its actually worth it.
    • Never make this weapon a requirement for something else.
    • Access to Mutagen Samples become reasonable just like their fellow counterparts
    • Every & Any Mission w/ Infested the drop table changes to include Mutagen Samples instead of the other faction's drop.
    • (Eris) - Mutagen Samples should be uncommon, not this current "uncommon rare" drop rate bullS#&$
    • (Orokin Derelict) - Remove the keys to access, so random pugs can farm Mutagen Samples 
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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Added an experimental ‘TAA Sharpen’ slider as a new option under Display. This slider sharpens the image after Temporal Antialiasing! 

God bless you all

Edit: Not sure it's actually functioning, 1st image is max sharpening, 2nd is no sharpening





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Please fix this, it's happening almost every time I try to start any mission.

Also, this "Network Not Responding" message popping up after EVERY mission I finish (given I actually get into one) is causing my progress to Sortie's, Alerts ect. to not be saved, more often than not. So I have to redo the Sortie mission for example, which is a pain.

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Still no fix for:

- Hulta Armor from Loki bundle needs 2 color channels to color the "plate" parts the same color

- The colors from Hulta Armor from Loki bundle have some kind of effect that makes the color on the armor not match the ones of the frames, at least on "all settings on low" and on low end pcs

- Kubrows and Kavats still don´t have vaccuum

- Carrier Prime still has double life and shields than most of the sentinels

- Back of Nyx default helmet is uncolorable with or without immortal skin, making it not match light/white colors choices for the frame since launch

- Back of Excalibur default helmet is uncolorable with or without immortal skin, making it not match light/white colors choices for the frame since launch

- Magnum Force is very underpowered when compared to heavy caliber or spoiled strike or even normal elemental pistol mods


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ahh no change to the charger? was hopping for a true infested kubrow instead of the lore breaking order of what we got. Kubrow +infestation =/= grineer.

and the REAL issue. the "party is full" bug. its a pain trying to que up and getting this message. then having to que up again,then un que and then REQUE just to get in a party (since it wont find you a party otherwise) also ive had this happen about...8 times in a row once.


Edited by Ordosan
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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed negative Status Duration from Rivens resulting in infinite status.
  • Fixed negative Ammo Capacity Rivens leading to infinite Ammo.
  • Fixed negative Damage Rivens healing enemies. Also fixes negative Crit Multiplier doing the same.

RIP Fun, as usual.

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