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Remove the Infested Cyst


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Some of my clanmates are very upset about the cyst, while I'm pretty chill about it. Sure it's not an attractive lump at all, my nova was infected before I even realised it, but I don't think it's worth quitting the game over, as some people (and my clan mates are wanting to do).

But, it depends on your priorities I guess, if you play just to oggle yourself all day then yeah it would be annoying cos the cyst is pretty ugly, but if you play because you like the gameplay and the stories and the collections, then it wont bother you in the slightest.

Personally I'm just curious to see what will come of it and it's another part of the game. *shrug*

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Even once we have the cure, whether we currently have an infected zit thing or not, we should petition DE to simply give us an option to hide it in our Warframe's appearance section (where we do all our fashionframe editing). This could also go hand in hand with giving us a menu to see how many days along it is on each frame so it is easier to keep track. 

This would allow us to know how it is going without having to see the blasted thing, or wait for or craft or grind for a cure each time you get infected or what have you. 


Please DE just give us a way to hide it in appearance options and include a UI in the option that tells us what stage it is at. 

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13 minutes ago, enizer said:


You think yours is bad, I set my mag up with a clean shades-of-blue, theme, and now there is ONE throbbing pink eyesore on my mag.
What am I supposed to do?
A flaming shades-of-pink theme would hide this..


Whoever meets my mag in public, blame DE for the upcoming abuse of the valentines day color set!

LMAO. I love the way you think. 

Great idea I think I may do that with my Booben later xD. 

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I'm gonna be opposite of everyone and say I hope it stays on forever! LOL...

I gotta say though that once you drain it for the charger pet, STAY away from Nidus players or they'll try to infect you yet again. Not everyone is a Fashion Framer and some people will enjoy chasing you down just to put another space zit on you...

I know I will!!!

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1 hour ago, Smilomaniac said:

..it's really not. Over a decade of MMO's has shown that unless you post dozens of threads daily on the same topic, things are unlikely to change at all.

I don't mean to advocate it (and officially I don't), but it really is the less "civilized" and loud-mouthed players that get things done. It may be that the founder forum gets taken more seriously and things like this is brought up in a proper way, I don't know, but for us the advantage lies in numbers.

If you mean the Design Council forum, it's really not discussed there, the place is a bit different then you may think, we get to post when DE asks for input.

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5 minutes ago, -Epcot- said:

You guys are weird. What besides tennogen or prime accessories cost you money to get?

Platinum packs. The whole game is cost for money no matter you call it cash or platinum because exact same.

Edited by Sziklamester
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20 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Platinum packs. The whole game is cost for money no matter you call it cash or platinum because exact same.

What are you talking about? I'm saying you can get everything in the game for free besides certain cosmetic items that you pay money for... I'm saying they won't make a remover for the cyst on your frames neck for a price. You might have to work to get rid of it but I highly doubt you will have to pay real life money to do so

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I'm gonna say right now that I don't agree with a bunch of people about this, as implied by the title.
I've never really played a game like Warframe, and this just adds to the long list of dynamic things they've done.

Overall, I recognize that DE has got this figured out in regard to what they are going for with this. I can't help but speculate and come up with ideas of what I think would and wouldn't work, but I know they've got ideas of their own, and knowing the bigger picture, have to make more sense than mine.

Things I liked:
-I enjoy that the virus was a surprise. What virus isn't?
-I enjoy it's spreading mechanics (not because I love getting it, but because it's a virus.)
-I honestly like that it's involuntary. There are so many mechanics in game, including Warframe that are all about choices giving you good or bad, and it's always the same format of "DO YOU WANNA OR NO?" which is either arbitrary, or if it has consequences, you don't care about the process, just the result. This is different, and I think it should be. It's adventurous, and even though a lot of people hate it, it's still unique. It's realistic. "but I play Warframe to escape realism!" is a common response, but there's always more to it than that with everyone. (could go into it, but this point is long as it is)
-I like how it's non-aesthetic, but effects aesthetics. Because things change. You sometimes have to change with them. If you don't like that, what are you playing Warframe for? It literally runs on change.
-I like the zit dog. Didn't see it coming. (Not proud of that fact)
-I like how the splash screen tells you you get a zit dog.

Things I don't like hope they focus on: (Not going too deep. Everyone else has pretty much made dislikes clear)
-The Kubrow animation on the Charger is a little... off putting. Not sure if it's a model change or a animation and sound change needed.
-A cure. I don't feel like this is gonna be a simple thing. Not that it'd be hard, but that I am sure it's gonna be a bigger deal than just "Here's a cure!" because there's no way DE didn't have a cure in mind.
-Maybe it would have been more likable if the boil could change color.

Things I think: (Like I said, I have ideas)
-A lot of people expect the other room to be related to the Sun morality tick / curing the H-Virus. I think that if these wind up being the sole reasons for these rooms, it would be a bit wasteful. If you are gunning for Sun or Moon, you wouldn't use one room. If you are true neutral, you might stop by occasionally when you get off balance. Instead, I would find it more interested and efficient if you could cleanse the Med Bay, and make that the new home for a Sun based entity. The only players this could be a problem for are the ones who "walk on the shadow's edge". This would save room though.
-I feel like the cure is going to relate to the Myconian people. This seems even more probably considering the fact that no matter what you choose, Neewa takes things into her own hands. So, it's a perfect set-up to seek the source of the Triuna disease. (And now you have a new quest)
-Sedna would be a good place to have this new quest.
-It would be nice if you could convert the neck cyst to Mutagen Samples.
-While I do have these thoughts, I also figure you guys know what you are doing, and plan to do.

I personally enjoyed the update, and it's given me many reasons to look forward to the next update.
Thanks for all your hard work, DE and I really want to see what you are gonna do with this.

Edited by NeroAugustine
Thought of something else
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Keeping all of my warframes infected for the inevitable opportunity to exchange the cysts for some kind of prize or maybe the "secret stage" mentioned somewhere.

It does not look good, but I do not care. There is some other purpose and potential reward for it, and I intend to cash in times 45.

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Update was decent in content, but in my opinion the Virus was poorly executed, A way should have been implemented to remove it for good, I have heard things about players removing the cyst and then getting their Warframes infected once again.

The main issue with me here is that DE dropped this update on us over the holidays, without any news on what's happening peeving alot of players off in the process.

Definately not my favourite update by far - infact because of this whole infection happening (and seemingly poor execution and no way to ever get rid of the thing for now) it's down there with one of the worst updates for me.

But on the plus sides though, Charger seems decent and fun, but I hope the model is simply a placeholder. (Seriously I've shot and wasted so much ammo on the things when playing Infested missions)

Edited by Latiac
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17 minutes ago, -Epcot- said:

I'm saying they won't make a remover for the cyst on your frames neck for a price. You might have to work to get rid of it but I highly doubt you will have to pay real life money to do so

They did not charge for G3 bolt remover and for Zanuka hunter victim recovery, so it is unlikely they will charge also for the cure to the cysts.

The worry is tho very understandable.
Who knows if the wheels of business turn in our favor? They turn always, but the direction for or against ethics is pure coincidence.

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3 minutes ago, Latiac said:

Update was decent, but in my opinion the Virus was poorly executed, A way should have been implemented to remove it for good, I have heard things about players removing the cyst and then getting their Warframes infected once again.

Just to piont out the facts: The virus infects individual Warframes. Only the Frame equiped when removing the Cyst gets its cyst removed. A Warframe with removed Cyst counts as a Warframe without and thus can be infected right away (happened to a friend today).


I agree with you that it is extremely poor designed, we have no chance of disabling it and ppl who play alot of frames in public games would have cysts grwoing faster than they can get rid of them.

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1 minute ago, Jorencice said:

Is everyone here joking?

Its just a pink cyst that literally impossible to see in missions while your flipping around 16000x explosions.

I mean it covers like 1% of your total frame...

Fashionframe is the endgame. These cysts have ruined fashionframe!

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Yea, but that's now. There's a good chance that DE already knows exactly how they plan on making a cure, and either a permanent immunity or a precautionary serum of some sort.

No cure exists before the illness. Why would you expect that, just because there's no way to get rid of it now, DE had no plans of a cure and how they are gonna dispense it?
The execution, for what it was, was excellent. All the main things that we knew about the virus was from player experience, there was no immidiate cure, and we didn't even know what it did till we saw the side effects. All that is pretty close to perfect, unless you just feel like chaos, need for adaptation, and limited player knowledge has no place in gaming.

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