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Remove the Infested Cyst


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On 1/1/2017 at 10:21 AM, ShadowFox14 said:

I have like 9 of my frames infected now, drained 1 cyst and it grew back 1 day later.
Also, I don't think I even had to wait 7 days to be able to drain it for the Helminth Charger, because I got my Nidus on Wednesday, didn't have any other frame infected before that, and I started the incubation on Saturday already. That's not 7 days at all.

BUT: Steve said on his twitter that there's another, final stage. I wonder when we'll get there...

An unfinished, unrefined, poorly thought out mechanic with even worse execution.

In Warframe.

Imagine that...

God's this is awful...

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14 hours ago, Delta-Epsilon_Limit said:

You didn't spell "positive" correctly in your title, and honestly, that's more of an eyesore to me than the infested cyst lol

I now refuse to fix my title, in order to preserve the quality of this critique.

11 hours ago, JudgeEhud said:

Look, you're really cool and made of tougher stuff than most, but lemme say, as a thin skinned fashion-frame crybaby; this virus is upsetting. Warframe has no real end game. Endless missions have no real purpose anymore, I've built the frames I want, built the weapons I want, acquired and ranked the mods I want, and now.... There's nothing to work towards other than fashion-frame. The cyst is a bright color, grows to a size that is impossible to ignore, and even sprouts a tentacle. The one way to deal with it takes non trivial amounts of resources and time. If I want to remove the cysts from all my frames it will take hundreds of thousands of credits, and more than a week of forge and incubation times. That would be frustrating enough, but the fact that frames can be re-infected means that those credits, argon crystals, and incubation time was wasted. And what about a poor new player who hasn't even built and incubator yet?

Ultimately I think the idea of a community spread virus that grows into a pet is fine, but not having a quick and permanent cure is just unacceptable when it hurts the one thing that a large portion of deeply invested players care about.

Dare I say this, I play Warframe for the story.
Also, I have given myself one zit dog, and am waiting for the cure, whatever it be. Till then, I am managing which frames I take to public, which ones I play solo, or with trusted clan members, and I recolor my frames to match the cyst, ("C"yst slot) and am keeping them that way till then.

DE has no intention of making the only way to cure the H-Virus hatching a zit dog.They've done so many things with intention, and I'm not about to believe they are gonna fall as short as everyone has decided they have now.
There are many open ends left by the Glast Gambit. But many of them are overlapping, just waiting to be tied together.
So stay 'posative'.

Edited by NeroAugustine
I suck at multi-quoting
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Hi guys.. uhh i got a strange question. So i removed the cyst from my excalibur and i thought that this will remove it from all my warframes too. But today i chose my nekros prime and it got the cyst. So i should breed again kubrows or there is another way to remove it? Thanks!




UPDATE: I looked at my other warframes and they got it grown up again. Is this a bug or the cyst just doesnt want to go away

Edited by ShadowSinTheFog
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So i had a question. I dunno if i infected a player today, how can you manually/purposely infect someone. Is just by standing very close to them? And the real question i had was if i have a full grown cyst, will the player i infect also get a full grown cyst?

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Apparently, your warframe can get infected more than once. The only cure seems to be waiting the full SEVEN DAYS and having everything you need for a Kubrow incubation. My Volt Prime drained its cyst and incubated a charger only to suddenly have the damn pink zit pop up on his neck AGAIN.

Is there any other way of getting rid of this ugly thing? The charger pet is cool, don't get me wrong, but not being able to freely remove the infection if you don't want like six plus chargers is absolutely awful.

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Just now, BonesMcCayde said:

Apparently, your warframe can get infected more than once. The only cure seems to be waiting the full SEVEN DAYS and having everything you need for a Kubrow incubation. My Volt Prime drained its cyst and incubated a charger only to suddenly have the damn pink zit pop up on his neck AGAIN.

Is there any other way of getting rid of this ugly thing? The charger pet is cool, don't get me wrong, but not being able to freely remove the infection if you don't want like six plus chargers is absolutely awful.

It looks like, you just can't get rid of it.

You drain it, and then it comes back regardless - this has been shown by solo-only players.

This is absurd, and annoys me even more.

Yet another half-finished awful system that Digital Extremes have introduced, and will probably forget about within the next patch or three, like so many others.

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5 minutes ago, D3AD.3ND said:

So i had a question. I dunno if i infected a player today, how can you manually/purposely infect someone. Is just by standing very close to them? And the real question i had was if i have a full grown cyst, will the player i infect also get a full grown cyst?

only nidus can infect others.

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2 hours ago, Trizion said:

The worst part is that you can still get infected while in relays and such, as well. So for fashion framers and the like this is literally a nightmare and I believe they should work on just being able to let us drain it without having to make a charger / wait 7 days.

The total removing is the only solution not the draining. The newcomer players whom getting infected doesn't know at all whats happening and they will misjudge this feature about something and this can cause massive leaves. New players have better things to do than make pets and feed them and this virus thing is a little bit forcing the players to make abominations just to try go far away from the cyst.

And yep the relays also a source of infection so not really matter if you went to a dojo or relay or tried solo somwhere this code seems unstable and infect those too whom haven't any contact with helminth.

Hopefully when they add the serum into the game they won't make a halfbake solution again and just make you immune for a while and do the same circles what we need to do with out pets. Dna degradation was a bad design choice and this one seems exact the same hopefully I will be wrong on this and they will remove it permanently whom not want this.

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When you infected you will remain infected and your cyst regrow after you drained. The infection spread on pubs, dojos, relays and every infected frame can infect you. Also it's maybe a bug but you can also be infected if you just own a nidus and not sat into the seat and you avoided all what I said before.

I got infected for the nothing because I played solo with my nidus and never sat in the seat yet and I didn't traded yet around and after the TGG.

Currently there is no solution because the infection is still inside of you and the cyst removing not solve the problem because it is just a symptom.

Better to wait for the devs respond and solution the only thing what you can do is try to make a feedback or make a positive critism.

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12 hours ago, JudgeEhud said:

There's nothing to work towards other than fashion-frame. The cyst is a bright color, grows to a size that is impossible to ignore, and even sprouts a tentacle.

well, funny though i never really notice the way those "fashionframer" looks like nor did i really bother about it. vain people can't really expect much pity from - sorry if that hurts your feeling somehow, but get over it - my guess is that this "big" problem will be solved anyway in a short notice (maybe even with us getting a quest for doing it - wouldn't be fine?).

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I'm not trying to alienate anyone here with this thread. I know GG and the H-Virus is a touchy subject for some.
If anything I hoped to both give positive  feedback to DE for an interesting mechanic that kinda pulls the rug out from under our feet for a while, and to remind others that Warframe isn't a finished product. It won't be at least for some time, because it's all about updates, change, and developing a story.
The H-Virus will be a pain for a while, but it's not game ruining. It just changes that game for a while, and DE is going to keep going, keep updating, and keep bringing developments that build off of what is here.
I fashion frame too, but it would really bum me out if they wind up choosing to ret-con GG and remove the virus completely because of the negativity they get from the community, because I want to see where it will take us, and what means they will have to cure it, and why it exists.

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15 hours ago, dataman88 said:

you haven't spend 5 minutes in your ship looking at your beautifully dressed for murder warframes, and then... "OHMYGOD WTF IS THAT THING ON THE NECK!!!", do you?

Ya it is very anoing  when you want to do a Fasion Frame vid on your youtube channel and you can't becaus of the pink cyst 

Edited by El_Lobo144
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7 hours ago, Smitellos said:

Yeah so im playing solo at tgis point. DE like:" here have a deluxe skin" and here a present for your deluxe skin for new year: LIVING MUTATED WORM ON YOUR FASHIONABLE WARFRAME BECAUSE ** YOU.

Ya and I bet that DE will make is so you have to use PLAT to get the cure.


Edited by El_Lobo144
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The cyst even regrows after you drain it, regardless of player interactions. I put my Frost P in essentially quarantine after I drained the cyst on it, didn't interact with other players or anything. Then I log in a day later and it's back, but small again.

*sigh* I suppose it's here to stay.

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