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Remove the Infested Cyst


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I havent found a way to replicate but its actually possible to get the cyst to show without even going near a nidus, taking the quest or even equipping your frames. I've had it happen to me 2 times while adjusting syndanas/accesories on my fashion frames. The cyst disappears again on relog.



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yeah thinking of putting down this game again, it seems like the devs have already reached their creative pinnacle and are now in the decline and this cyst is part of the problem.

playing casually is so unrewarding I don't even know why I bother to fire up this game of RNG! knowing that not even one decently good or any of the recently added mods can be attained within a reasonable time of which I have so little of now.

between the boringness and lack of fun in the game I have little hope of it getting any better.

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6 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Didn't realize how petty players for a game in beta were... Then again looking at Steam reviews should have made it clear kids have no idea what that entails.

First, stop using beta as an excuse.

Second, calling others kids makes you really looking grown up.


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11 hours ago, JohnnyTheEpicChhun said:

I playing around with my Mesa wafiu, but for some reason there a pink stuff on my Mesa head.



I don't know it a infested thing, or something. Can any Tennos know about this?


Yes I can tell you what that is it is the space STDS

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hey DE i was asking to myself, will the cyst on the neck of almost all my warframe will be able to be removed without creating an helminth charger everytime? because is a usable solution but i find that a bit expensive, mostly because i could be infected again 2 second later? thanks so much for all the effort and the great job that you are putting in to this game thanks again and have a nice weekend

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19 minutes ago, beppe93 said:

will the cyst on the neck of almost all my warframe will be able to be removed without creating an helminth charger everytime?


also just to clarify in case you are wondering, your freshly made post was merged with the megathread, it wasn't deleted.

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The cyst seems to be part of a bigger picture.
I, for one, hope they're not rushing 'a cure' into some hotfix - but through a quest. 
But most likely it'll be a clan / team effort (tactical weekend of sorts), wich'll be nice too.

And who knows; through this alert, event,... we might be collecting that Mutagen like there's no yesteryear.

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So, I know a good majority of us hate the Cyst. It's either just too gross to look at, messes with our Fashion Frame, or just triggers the light OCD in all of us, or the heavy OCD in the players who ACTUALLY have it. I for one think it's hilarious, I don't care if it's there or not. It even gives me a reason to have bright pink in my color schemes... But I know it's a huge issue with a lot of others who'd rather not have a gross pink blob on their neck. I have a solution; an Antidote. An easily obtainable one at that! Kind of like Anti-toxins, but there's only two;

Weak Antidote which takes a couple sunlight/moonlight threshcones, and maybe one or two other scanplants that spawn on early planets. The idea is to keep it easy for newbier players who don't wish to have the cyst. This antidote will only remove the cyst and has a small amount of immunity time possibly 2 or 3 hours.

Strong Antidote which could take some Vestan Moss and Frostleaf and will remove the cyst and make the warframe it was used on permanently immune to it.

Was watching Devstream 85 while writing this and just saw how they're going to allow you to remove it... welp, still not gonna let this idea go unspoken! xD

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I just saw it in the Stream but i am hoenstly disapointed still becasue, it seems another halfbaked solution and a quick bandaid again, no lore to it or why Helmnith should remove it after infecting us anyway, no dialog options, just a copy and past of when he infected Nidus first time on the chair.

This Glast Gambit Update gets honestly more and more disapointing for me.

Edited by Marine027
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Just now, MrFoxAos said:

on the dev stream just a minute ago they showed once you have a maxed cysts you can bring the frame into the room sit back in the chair and have it removed on that frame forever 

Neat, simple fix. Did they mention that, if you want the cyst again for whatever reason, you can have it reapplied?

Take for example someone doesn't want the cyst at the moment because it's ugly and have it removed, but later want to make the helminth charger (even for completionist reasons).

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So the devs just showed us a way to remove the cyst - once fully matured it can be drained permanently by helminth.

I have one problem with this:

Players who dont have access to the infested room can recieve infections from other players - how do they remove the cyst if they dont have access to the room? Seems like a huge oversight, unless I'm missing something here.

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2 minutes ago, IANOBW said:

So the devs just showed us a way to remove the cyst - once fully matured it can be drained permanently by helminth.

I have one problem with this:

Players who dont have access to the infested room can recieve infections from other players - how do they remove the cyst if they dont have access to the room? Seems like a huge oversight, unless I'm missing something here.

Players with a fully matured cyst should have access to the room, regardless if they have nidus or not...
Or at least it's what I found written somewhere in the notes.

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