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What makes you open your wallet?


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Curious what others are willing to pay for (with cash, not necessarily platinum) in a free-to-play game. Anyone who has bought Prime Access a few times likely has more platinum than they will ever need, so what's left beside slots and cosmetics (all joking about the Hema aside)?

When I was a new player I bought a weapon or two, not to mention a couple of warframes. I even bought a forma for our brand new dojo! With the pool of potential new players dwindling over time, what can Warframe do to get veteran players -- many of whom wait to buy platinum at discount or are flush with it from Prime Access -- to open their wallets?

I imagine a lot of people buy boosters and relic packs with their platinum before farming, but I'd be curious what the rest of the community does. I would have been willing to pay for the latest "vault" accessories, for example, but didn't because I already had the warframes (not to mention the Frost accessories from last time). The last couple of times I bought full Prime Access I ended up farming for the items with my friends anyway.

Glyphs were a nice way to let players customize, and operator customizations were insta-buys for me until they broke our in-game profile screens with bald operators for more than a month.  As for Tennogen, the items can be great, but I doubt they keep the lights on at DE. I would be willing to pay $20 every few months for a lesser Prime Access pack (without the platinum) that consisted of just the weapons or just the warframe, plus maybe the $50 for accessories (assuming they didn't include 30 Air Support Charges).

What would you be willing to put some dollars down for?

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Nothing because obtaining plat is easy enough and the tennogen stuff is overpriced like crazy.

If the tennogen cosmetics weren't so expensive MAYBE i would use my money to get some, but since DE decided otherwise...

Too bad because some of the items are pretty neat

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First time I got a 75% off, I tossed down $25 for the $100 plat pack for slots and whatever else I felt like getting.  I'm so stingy with my plat though that, between that purchase and some trading, I still have a few hundred left.  I don't get anything I could obtain in-game (all of my purchases from other players has been vaulted stuff), the the one exception Orokin Reactors were half off, so I got... two or three.  And a 30-day credit booster early on since I was sick of farming credits, though with Sortie access and playing many fewer hours a day, I don't need to.


What would make me open my wallet again?  Well... the Hema situation has me hesitant to throw money at the devs.  But even that aside, I dunno what I'd spend it on.  If they released a good chunk of non-grindy, playable, and fun content I might throw more at them to simply support them, like I did with Riot and League of Legends even though I didn't really care too much about having skins.  But it seems like all we're getting are quests that can be done in a couple of hours and grind walls so...  wallet is focused elsewhere for the time being.  :/

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