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What would you think of Player-Driven (Assassination) Contracts?


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Basically, Assassination contracts are Contracts put up by players during a mission using their gear wheel to invite a person in active-search to invade the mission.
It's not necessarily assassination, as it's moreso a "Surprise training session" kind of thing, me-thinks.

Or maybe assassination contracts put up by Red Veil, maybe. Not sure.

But, yeh! What would you think of a mission contract's made by players, even if they aren't necessarily for invading other players?

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If it's for PvP, then my answer is a big fat no.

However, if the invading player is an ally, it could be a beneficial system.

We all know that many players progressing through the starchart have problems finding squads on a lot of nodes. Imagine if they could put out this beacon for help, and a player in active-search could just be pulled into the mission. It would be a great method for veterans looking to help out new players without the hassle of scouring every single node and lurking in recruiting chat. Maybe add some kind of small incentive reward for the player that joins, and you have a really nice idea.

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8 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

If it's for PvP, then my answer is a big fat no.

However, if the invading player is an ally, it could be a beneficial system.

We all know that many players progressing through the starchart have problems finding squads on a lot of nodes. Imagine if they could put out this beacon for help, and a player in active-search could just be pulled into the mission. It would be a great method for veterans looking to help out new players without the hassle of scouring every single node and lurking in recruiting chat. Maybe add some kind of small incentive reward for the player that joins, and you have a really nice idea.

I like your idea a looot more. :P

That's actually really nice!

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i could see this implemented as a distress beacon, where players with a high MR and good weapons can go into a console to see all the current distress beacons active. including the loadout of the players already there and the mission type, level and progress. this would be mostly used to help lower lvl players since i dont realy see why high lvl players with good weapons would put up a distress signal.


personally this sounds realy good as i realy like helping newer players.

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So a new Tenno item? Like for folks just startin out?

Could be cool, could even be worked into a tutorial about how gear works in game.



Tenno reinforcement beacon:


Summons an Experienced Tenno with maximum energy and 2x overshields. The Summoned player will fight at your side for 60/x/x/x seconds based on the strength of the beacon used.

The summoned player plays the game as normal, but can not be revived. If "killed" they fade back into the void, gaining nothing. Should they live for the full duration of the beacon, they keep any earned affinity, focus, mods, and credits, with a bonus bounty of X for helping a tenno in need.



Reinforcement beacons can be used while solo, not in a quest, and after mission objectives have been completed. Only one beacon can be used per mission.

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1 hour ago, ensignvidiot said:

So a new Tenno item? Like for folks just startin out?

Could be cool, could even be worked into a tutorial about how gear works in game.



Tenno reinforcement beacon:


Summons an Experienced Tenno with maximum energy and 2x overshields. The Summoned player will fight at your side for 60/x/x/x seconds based on the strength of the beacon used.

The summoned player plays the game as normal, but can not be revived. If "killed" they fade back into the void, gaining nothing. Should they live for the full duration of the beacon, they keep any earned affinity, focus, mods, and credits, with a bonus bounty of X for helping a tenno in need.



Reinforcement beacons can be used while solo, not in a quest, and after mission objectives have been completed. Only one beacon can be used per mission.

It would have to be a big jump between beacon levels. Upgrading to max only for 2 minutes would not be worth it. Or it should just go till extraction. Though the bounty reward seems nice.

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I can already see an idea as a friendly tenno counterpart to the stalker when joining new players with the intent of helping

Opposed to the dark flashes of stalker, we get a bright, calming flash instead, then the transmission shows our warframe, followed by the sound of a landing craft as he joins the match.

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If I say star Trek Online? There is a System which works well and there are creative quests made vlby players. This can work if players add side quests and bounty. Also need npcs on dojo relays whom give quests and tasks what you can do for special rewards or just for fun.

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20 minutes ago, (Xbox One)calvina said:

followed by the sound of a landing craft as he joins the match.

To add: as said new player soon after hears off in the distance a familiar Cephalon's voice in a panic (*cough cough* Ordis), prompted with a faint crash on the side of a nearby cliff.

New player can only assume their savor has arrived hopefully in one piece.

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if we're talking Dark Souls type invasions, that's never gonna happen. bad enough when some New Loka Ancients or Shadow Stalker turn up while you're unprepared, let alone some random with a Simulor and Mirage (let's face it, that would be the only thing used in this scenario).

if we're talking a PvE system though, then I'm all ears. as others have mentioned, giving us beacons we can use for help would be great for new players who may need a veteran's assistance, or even when you're in a pub game but nobody has joined (Kuva farms have been deserted for me as of late, so a beacon that entices players wouldn't be a bad idea). it would really help get around the matchmaking when it decides to play up (5 open squads, yet you get sent in alone, like WTF?).

add in some sort of unique reward like a badge for doing enough of these missions and we might be onto something.


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I love the idea of a helping beacon but i'm 110% against PvP assassinations.


There is a reason only a tiny portion of the community bother with PvP in this game, because we hate it. Some of us even missed out on that well thought out Christmas event. You know, the biggest holiday of the year and the event was for conclave ..... and then they recycled it for New Year?


I hated that.


If I can't even force myself to do it for an event, i'm certainly not going to enjoy it forced on me.


Helping beacon on the other hand. A lot of planets have very few people going through them so a new player or someone on a star chart binge can set up a beacon and ask for help, I like that.

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being stalker with PvE mods against veterans is actually something that would spice things up. Imagine your fissure is going all smooth when Tactical Potato shows up with his ice chroma and tigris prime. That imo would be awesome and refreshing.

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What if umbra warframes had friendly fire enabled on regular squadmates (or could radproc themselves on demand).. Imagine the genuine turmoil that would create.. Some real uncertainty in the star chart missions. Picture this:

  • Umbra are released, people are mad due to having their farming efficiency diminished, polarized into not using them, etc etc.
  • Many players use them, griefing occurs as some of them conduct their own "assassination" missions. Impromptu version of what was mentioned in the op. 
  • Umbra is actually shunned, even if most players don't antagonize anyone and try to enjoy the new tactical depth (and bonuses?) that it provides. 
  • Simple UI change. When someone joins your session with one of those frames, the text notification changes. Instead of just "Player2 joined the session", it will read "Caution: Player2 joined the session". Maybe a lotus transmission.
  • From then on, it's up to each player to organically decide how to handle the situation. Leave the mission and hate them? Trust them, only to have them back-stab you? Try to work together for maximum farming power?

There would obviously be more to the mechanic in ways of risk/reward to make things interesting, and it would also be tied to your alignment= Kill umbra (when attacked) for light points, kill other frames for dark. 

DISCLAIMER: I don't know if i would want such a thing in the game, since things can go horribly wrong during implementation. But what if..

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10 hours ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

i could see this implemented as a distress beacon, where players with a high MR and good weapons can go into a console to see all the current distress beacons active. including the loadout of the players already there and the mission type, level and progress. this would be mostly used to help lower lvl players since i dont realy see why high lvl players with good weapons would put up a distress signal.


personally this sounds realy good as i realy like helping newer players.

even higher ranked player don't always want to solo or recruit to do a less active node. I know I and some of my clan mates went around to finish the star chart. He probably could have soloed the defense and interception missions that he had left to complete but that doesn't mean he wanted to.

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50 minutes ago, Sigmas71 said:

What if umbra warframes had friendly fire enabled on regular squadmates (or could radproc themselves on demand).. Imagine the genuine turmoil that would create.. Some real uncertainty in the star chart missions. Picture this:

  • Umbra are released, people are mad due to having their farming efficiency diminished, polarized into not using them, etc etc.
  • Many players use them, griefing occurs as some of them conduct their own "assassination" missions. Impromptu version of what was mentioned in the op. 
  • Umbra is actually shunned, even if most players don't antagonize anyone and try to enjoy the new tactical depth (and bonuses?) that it provides. 
  • Simple UI change. When someone joins your session with one of those frames, the text notification changes. Instead of just "Player2 joined the session", it will read "Caution: Player2 joined the session". Maybe a lotus transmission.
  • From then on, it's up to each player to organically decide how to handle the situation. Leave the mission and hate them? Trust them, only to have them back-stab you? Try to work together for maximum farming power?

There would obviously be more to the mechanic in ways of risk/reward to make things interesting, and it would also be tied to your alignment= Kill umbra (when attacked) for light points, kill other frames for dark. 

DISCLAIMER: I don't know if i would want such a thing in the game, since things can go horribly wrong during implementation. But what if..

Then DE would have put a ton of effort into releasing a frame very few people would use and even less people would want to be grouped with.


s I said above, people hate PvP in this game. Tying something most of us are looking forward to into PvP would probably be the single biggest mistake DE could make.

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14 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

We all know that many players progressing through the starchart have problems finding squads on a lot of nodes. Imagine if they could put out this beacon for help, and a player in active-search could just be pulled into the mission. It would be a great method for veterans looking to help out new players without the hassle of scouring every single node and lurking in recruiting chat. Maybe add some kind of small incentive reward for the player that joins, and you have a really nice idea.

"I need help!" *deploys beacon* *a minute later a MR 20+ comes rolling in with golden and glowing primed everything, chorus playing in the background, a golden sunrise rising behind them and finishes 5 excavations in less than 2 minutes (yes, two minutes)*

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14 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

If it's for PvP, then my answer is a big fat no.

However, if the invading player is an ally, it could be a beneficial system.

We all know that many players progressing through the starchart have problems finding squads on a lot of nodes. Imagine if they could put out this beacon for help, and a player in active-search could just be pulled into the mission. It would be a great method for veterans looking to help out new players without the hassle of scouring every single node and lurking in recruiting chat. Maybe add some kind of small incentive reward for the player that joins, and you have a really nice idea.

That's a great idea, and regarding these rewards it could be some sort of tokens obtained and exchange for items in a special shop. This would push players even more to help players in need.

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13 hours ago, ensignvidiot said:

So a new Tenno item? Like for folks just startin out?

Could be cool, could even be worked into a tutorial about how gear works in game.



Tenno reinforcement beacon:


Summons an Experienced Tenno with maximum energy and 2x overshields. The Summoned player will fight at your side for 60/x/x/x seconds based on the strength of the beacon used.

The summoned player plays the game as normal, but can not be revived. If "killed" they fade back into the void, gaining nothing. Should they live for the full duration of the beacon, they keep any earned affinity, focus, mods, and credits, with a bonus bounty of X for helping a tenno in need.



Reinforcement beacons can be used while solo, not in a quest, and after mission objectives have been completed. Only one beacon can be used per mission.

there shouldn't be a time limit, since that would just encourage speedrun WOF builds for people who want to farm bounties, and that wouldn't help the new player learn anything about the game or even the mission they're playing, they'll just get to see a bunch of scenery and charred bodies.

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