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Nidus really needs to get reworked


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14 minutes ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

I literally have no problem going into a nullified bubble and murdering said nullified in a matter of moments.  Also, I can take appropriate weapons for downing the bubble if levels are too high.


10 minutes ago, b0rnstellar said:

What? I kill Nullifiers in less than a second


11 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

I suggest you give it a try before you go running around shouting "The end is nigh!"

Clearly it's fine, except when you are ran over by dozens of nullifers in lvl 80-100 survival sorties, where you can't even gain stacks due the whole bloody map around you being covered by nullifier bubbles. Don't try to defend this, this change is S#&$.

9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

Idk if you was quick to post this thread but this doesnt hurt Nidus. Plus with the upcoming change to Nullifiers. Dont see this being a problem. Not trying to be rude. I dont see ppl big deal with nullifiers. Is is that hard for you all to not enter the bubble?

It is when you can't move without entering one on high level survivals.

16 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

Wow, nullifiers doing their job? Unheard of.

Not the changes i was hoping for but definitely not worthy of this kind of clickbait title.

How are they doing their jobs? Their jobs is to nullify abilities and remove buffs, not remove a resource, what should they bloody start eating energy too? Because clearly you'd be fine with that with this mindset of yours.

But I agree the title is clickbaitey.

21 minutes ago, (Xbox One)BURRITO DEVIL said:

Well people cried for nerfs when he came out,so did some youtubers,you got what you asked for

This is the problem. I don't even care about the way he was nerfed, I can manage. Except in high level sorties when you can't move an inch without touching a nullifier field, but nevermind. The problem is that DE caved in because of the whining of a bunch of kids throwing a tantrum, because they didn't get to get orange numbers on damage done/kills on the score screen.

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Just now, PrimeDCookieMonstah said:

Who cares about nidus anyway, he will be long forgotten soon.. soon.... I already barely see 1 in a mission. But as people say, you get what you ask. 

I don't see why he'll be forgotten. I've been hard carrying teams in endless missions since he came out and this nerf is hardly gonna put a dent in how I play him. The nerfs he suffered means I have to play him a lot more carefully in sorties as I build up his stacks, but that's still hardly a change in how I was playing him already.

The reason you don't see him often anymore is probably because the "new frame hype" is wearing off and people are going back to the frames they love playing the most, or at least the ones considered meta at the moment.

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4 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

I don't mean to derail the topic, but since this is mostly a discussion on nullifiers, what is this upcoming change and where can I learn about it?

Its discussed in the most recent devstream. Im sure when you look it up. There will be a time stamp within the comments. But its pretty much Nullifier will be able to deploy a device from the top of their helmet to provide the nully bubble. And if you shoot that. It instantly pops the bubble. But the device will be moving around the nully bubble so it doesnt makes it too easy to aim for. 

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Just now, Pizzarugi said:

The reason you don't see him often anymore is probably because the "new frame hype" is wearing off and people are going back to the frames they love playing the most, or at least the ones considered meta at the moment.

Well pretty much this, and this so called "nerf" aint actually a nerf. But the fact that less and less people play him is true because as you said new frame hype is gone, and i smell new skin hype incoming and people playing frost again -.-".

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4 minutes ago, Separius said:


It is when you can't move without entering one on high level survivals.


Umm im still not seeing a problem. I mean yeah I sometimes get caught within a nullifier by suprise. But it dont happen often. Besides it doesnt drain his stack crazy fast to the point it drained 30 stacks before you even had a chance to escape it.

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24 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

Also, how fast do these mutation stacks drain? From what I saw on the patch notes, it sounds like it starts super slow and spools up faster. That means you can still go in the bubble and kill the nullifier, you just have to make sure you do it quickly.

Far too fast imo.  I was pretty much losing a whole stack in the time it takes me to melee a corpus in the middle....

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Just now, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

Umm im still not seeing a problem. I mean yeah I sometimes get caught within a nullifier by suprise. But it dont happen often. Besides it doesnt drain his stack crazy fast to the point it drained 30 stacks before you even had a chance to escape it.

Cut the contemptous "Umm" thing. It's not amusing.

Also, I rather rely on my own experience, I don't know how things are on consoles, but on PC you can have a whole room swarmed with nullies in high level sorties within seconds.

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1 minute ago, Vargras said:

Never takes long for the forums to start digging a grave for a frame any time they get slightly nerfed.

Because they're totally dead now. Totally. No really, you guys.

There are people who over exeggarate, but don't group them with legit complaints.

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why do zephyr, atlas, valkyr, inaros, banshee, ember, Excalibur, frost, hydroid, ivara, loki, mag, mesa, mirage, nekros, nezha, nova, oberon, rhino, saryn, ash, titania, trinity, Vauban, volt, and wukong get to keep their passive in nullifiers, but nidus doesn't?

(the other frames' passives only affect their abilities, i.e. not actually passives)

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8 minutes ago, MrDar1o said:

It doesn't affect me, because IT'S NOT AN ISSUE. 

How is it not an issue?

How is DE caving into youtubers and other children complaining because they couldn't get orange numbers on the score screen's kill and damage sections, and nerfing a perfectly fine frame not an issue? Hope your bloody favourite toy gets nerfed next, because of similar people.

Edited by Separius
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So, in hotfix 19.6.0, Nidus' stacks are now consumed when entering a nullifier bubble. When I heard this, I wasn't particularly bothered by this. After all, nullifiers exist to be #$a%&holes, so it would make sense to penalize nidus for entering a nullifier.

However, when I feild-tested this, I noticed that stacks are drained alarmingly fast (as fast as they are drained when the stacks are consumed for abilities, even). just out of curiosity, I bullet-jumped above a nullifier's bubble, and melee-slammed through the bubble straight onto the bullifier's head, killing him.

I lost 3 stacks.

Not even a full second of exposure ripped three stacks out of my nidus. While three stacks aren't something to cry about (it takes less than a minute in most endless missions to get those back), imagine if you were to rely on using melee or in-bubble attacks to kill nullifiers. On many frames, there is little to no consequence to entering a nullifier's bubble so long as you leave it quickly. however, nidus CANNOT do this. entering a nullifier's bubble will almost always cost the same as using your 4th ability, if not more. No other frame carries such high consequences for entering a nullifier's bubble. To put this in perspective, this is a similar situation to losing 100 energy as oberon every time you enter a nullifier bubble.

TL;DR: The stack drain is too fast.


However, I do get that Nidus should still have SOME consequence for entering said bubbles, so I have a counteroffer: When Nidus is inside a nullifier bubble, his stacks do not give any of their normal passive buffs, nor can he enter undying while in a nullifier bubble. This accomplishes the same thing (making nullifiers something to be feared), while also making nullifiers not unfairly weighted against nidus specifically.

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10 minutes ago, Separius said:

Also, I rather rely on my own experience, I don't know how things are on consoles, but on PC you can have a whole room swarmed with nullies in high level sorties within seconds.

Then shoot them?? Also I don't know if you have the Zenistar but it's alt fire is also good for shrinking bubbles. Again and final time. Still not seeing a problem. 

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