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About the average Nidus player


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They go like this;

> "BOO Don't kill, me want to build stacks BOO" > Proceed to verbally harass whoever doesn't bend to their whining

So what's wrong with these people? I have my Nidus and I play around, I spam my 1 to get stacks and it works ok. Never I've had the need to tell others not to kill in a killing game, straight out it's a joke and a bad one. Also it's not like I'm tailing them and killing all their targets... Neither is it needed to reach a million stacks or anything.

Also it's not my fault my gear out-damages most other tennos out there. Perhaps it's a selfsteem issue for their niduses not taking the spotlight (?


I really hope this trend will calm down as the Nidus fever subsides. The least thing I need in my fav game is a community as toxic and whiny as certain other games out there.


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Mode salt : ON

Well Nidus have a st*pid gameplay just like Ember or Mirage, so people who "main" him (LOL) musn't have a IQ < 60... 

I met a couple of those Nidus : "HEEEEEEEEEEEEE THAT MY KILL" "My stacks !" Blablabla... 

I'm bored of Nidus, but as I said before, let the time kill him step by step, and it's already work, we have less Nidus those time.

Edited by Eleodon
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1 hour ago, Eleodon said:

Mode salt : ON

Well Nidus have a st*pid gameplay just like Ember or Mirage, so people who "main" him (LOL) musn't have a IQ < 60... 

Woah, thanks for telling me, I was starting to wonder why suddenly I can't use sentences with more than 12 words. 


With love, a Nidus user who doesn't NEED to build 100 stacks on every damn mission in the first minute, especially Exterminate/Capture/Sabotage, where 10 stacks are all is "needed" so PROBABLY won't bother anyone for stealing kills.



EDIT: Serious answer to OP: Nidus is not only the flavor of the week, he's also one of the most powerful frames, anyone reading the forums or watching youtube videos will assume he's a godframe in any situation, anytime, against any enemy, which is clearly not true; this will lead to the URGE to build up stacks to 100 on every mission, which is a pain not only for teammates but for Nidus players as well because they can't focus on normal gameplay and enjoy the frame.

Nidus is perfectly designed, meaning that if you're struggling to build stacks(assuming your build is not terrible), it probably means you're NOT supposed to, because the mission just won't allow you to, otherwise Nidus would be the best option anywhere in the game.

Endless missions+Mobile Defense are those missions where you'll eventually build up 100 stacks, no matter what, it's what Nidus is designed for so you don't even need to focus too much on doing it, it'll just come naturally; short missions on the other side just won't give you the chance to build up so many stacks, so if every Nidus user would start to accept that and lower the goals(say, 10/20 stacks) just to increase the damage, get the badass look and have a couple of free revives, every player would definitely benefit from that.

Edited by Sir_Alex_Traffo
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7 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:

They go like this;

> "BOO Don't kill, me want to build stacks BOO" > Proceed to verbally harass whoever doesn't bend to their whining

So what's wrong with these people? I have my Nidus and I play around, I spam my 1 to get stacks and it works ok. Never I've had the need to tell others not to kill in a killing game, straight out it's a joke and a bad one. Also it's not like I'm tailing them and killing all their targets... Neither is it needed to reach a million stacks or anything.

Also it's not my fault my gear out-damages most other tennos out there. Perhaps it's a selfsteem issue for their niduses not taking the spotlight (?


I really hope this trend will calm down as the Nidus fever subsides. The least thing I need in my fav game is a community as toxic and whiny as certain other games out there.


By "out damages" are you perhaps speaking of Tonkor, Simular, or Telos Boltace? Because people with negative opinions (like myself) towards those weapons usually have a good reason to dislike them

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1 minute ago, Beggining said:

Don't Nidus 2nd ability pull enemies into one spot? It's perfect for gathering stacks.

Well, unless they play with a negative range build, of course.

Also makes it really easy for others to take all your kills. 

Especially when everyone runs with a simulor or some other AoE weapon. Sure, it's annoying when it happens to me but I just remember that if we're staying for much longer in the run, I'll eventually have my time in the limelight lmao.

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7 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

"I met a single toxic player and I'm gonna complain about it on the forums"


Kiddin' of course, but really just /ignore and play as usual. You can't fix crappy behaviour.

Taken the words right out of my mouth.

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17 minutes ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

By "out damages" are you perhaps speaking of Tonkor, Simular, or Telos Boltace? Because people with negative opinions (like myself) towards those weapons usually have a good reason to dislike them

Nah man, Melee-wise I go for anything with range (orthos prime and now lecta coz creds) However with 4k hours on my back I have them well fit; primed pp, reach, etc.

Primaries and secondaries I use non meta stuff unless it's some crazy sortie scenario. No mirage+simulor nonsense; My most used frame is Nek as most of the time that much dmg isn't needed really.

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15 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

"I met a single toxic player and I'm gonna complain about it on the forums"


Kiddin' of course, but really just /ignore and play as usual. You can't fix crappy behaviour.

Guess what, there was not one but two niduses and they teamed up to throw their poison at me. Obviously made good use of /i

This happened to me a few times, more in the first days of release but at least once a day or so since then. As I said before I'm not going directly for their targets, is it my fault that primed reach sweeps rooms?

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3 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

Have not had this happen myself. on the other side. I hardly see nidus players use skill 3 while it is pretty effective at stacking.

Right? I almost never use 2 to build stacks, only for some quick AoE cc.  But as soon as I can Parasitic Link another player or an enemy I do it so I can build stacks much faster with 1.

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Just now, Gelkor said:

Right? I almost never use 2 to build stacks, only for some quick AoE cc.  But as soon as I can Parasitic Link another player or an enemy I do it so I can build stacks much faster with 1.

I use it for both.

But I've never seen a negative range Nidus, that just seems.... Counter productive. Negative efficiency sure.

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Nidus, being a snowballing frame, sometimes does have trouble getting rolling. I play for +dmg and range, and don't always have enough enemies clustered to get rolling. Had a mesa in a Neo defense, and the mesa just spammed peacemaker, so it was 14 minutes in before I got over 10 stacks. Granted, I was playing defensively near the pod, but still. Once I got Zenurik up, it was a lot easier, but the argument is still valid. Now, your Nidus player should've spent more time explaining and less time whining. Most of the time when i'm playing Nidus, I just be quiet and let them do whatever. Let them flex their Tonkors and their Saryns.

Going forward, if a Nidus does ask you to slow down and let them get stacks, it wouldn't hurt to let them get their stacks up. One good group in their Larva is enough to get to 10 or so, and start rolling. Not saying you have to, but it wouldn't hurt.

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Most people don't know that parasitic link allows virulence to also originate from the linked enemy/friend. (it wasn't in the vids or the description of the power at all.)

Also: just ignore them. If someone was taking all the kills, I just stop and soak up all the shared affinity. :p

Edited by TonyWong
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I played as Nidus but never had problems with stacking. I feel you were just unlucky with those peoples but the majority of nidus players already know how to make themself stronger.

Also a fact the nidus can be as annoying as ember with her ulti build. All missions what I did with nidus I killed the most assisted the most and out damaged everyone. The kills itself not problems the problem lays on who kills.

Everyone who play this game want to kill and that can be frustrating if you cannot kill unless it is the goal not to kill or just loot. Nidus players whom arguing they arguing because they want to build the minimum 10 stack and become more and more stronger. Ember on ow levels are terrible equal with saryn and nova. There are frames whom efficient in killing on a certain levels and the low level players or new players want also kill and their first experience they feel themself useless. This is more complex thing and this is exist from the beginning because the only one reason to play is kill and progress. Many peopples takes it serious some don't care about it so the whole community react differ for this.

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