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Does anyone ever use the combos for stances?


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I'll admit they look cool.  But does anyone actually use them in the game?  By use them, I mean "you're playing the game and you think "I can run up on these enemies and use this specific combo to attack that group."

I never think of the combos in the game.  The missions are just too fast.

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I do. Depending on the stance though. Some have more specific combo sets.

IE: Tempo royale:

  • Generic bunch of guys - hold RMB combo
  • Spread out bunch of guys - pause combo
  • Big bad mofo - holb back combo

Crushing Ruin too:

  • Bunch of guys - pause combo
  • Big bad mofo - E spam combo
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Polearms don't really have combos.... D: The one flippy spinny set is great for groups, though, but a lot of the time I'm just using the free flowing quick move so as to still be able to get Syndicate procs off of the other weapons.

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I'd use them more if Maiming Strike builds didn't render them entirely obsolete.

When I'm not slidespamming, then I'll only use melee weapons if their stance has a good combo set (e.g. Bleeding Willow, which has a crapton of mobility+range plus a nice DPS combo).

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10 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

By use them, I mean "you're playing the game and you think "I can run up on these enemies and use this specific combo to attack that group."

Being this specific then probably no, I will go full melee and either spam E which is a combo on most stances or spam E while holding block which is a combo on others.  

Do I know exactly which combo does precisely which attack that will damage in exactly this or that location on this or that number of enemies for a whatever combo multiplier based on the animation and hitboxes that particular combo performs? No.

If it hits them it hits them.

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10 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

I'll admit they look cool.  But does anyone actually use them in the game?  By use them, I mean "you're playing the game and you think "I can run up on these enemies and use this specific combo to attack that group."

I never think of the combos in the game.  The missions are just too fast.

Yes.  The combos actually heavily influence which stances I use.  It's why I choose Blind Justice over the other Nikana stances.  Same for Vermilion Storm when using the Venka Primes.  Granted that I might only use two of a stances combos.  :D

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Most of the time I don't bother.
After all, the vast majority of them are finicky and don't really provide enough of a benefit to have their slowed down attacks and animations compared to spamming melee and most of the time being more effective.

On the other hand there are combos like "Broken Bull" that hits a wide area and deals massively boosted damage (2 hits at 400% damage repeated up to 6 times) that are too good to pass up.

I would use more combos if they were actually worth it...its just that most combos aren't there.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Yes I most definitely use combos!!! However every stance could use about double the amount of combos and more gap-closers.

Nikana Prime with Blind Justice... I have the combos committed to memory and will pull out different ones depending on the need (health from lifestrike), number of enemies and type of enemies.

Same with Glaive Prime, Straight sword with Crimson D and Ack & Brunt w/ FInal Harbinger (Danaus skin FTW)

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i use quite a few of em.

crushing ruin on jat kittag since it works the massive slams into the combos, and it looks freaking awesome. also, the pause combo drags you across the room

brutal tide on hirudo. it might not be the best stance, but i find it fun to breakdance everything to death

tempo royale on gala prime. looks great, and it doesnt cuase a self stun like cleaving whirlwind

defiled snapdragon on mios. god is this thing fun... tons of hits on everything near u. and it looks amazing while using it.

while i like astral twilight for glaives, i mean, the combos look great, they're all just too weak to use, especially compared to what i just listed

other stances, like for nikana prime, i dont have the weapons for em so cant judge em

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