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The Glast Gambit: Update 19.8.0


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loldongs !!


  • J3 Jordas Golem’s weak points in The Jordas Verdict will now only activate after the Golem has been purged at each new perch. This fixes being unintentionally able to bypass Nerves and kill Golem.
  • Volt’s Discharge no longer causes damage to Golem’s weak points in The Jordas Verdict. This was allowing Nerves to be destroyed without completing the prerequisite puzzles.  
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16 hours ago, -Bv-HellfireMaximus said:

never trust someone that covers their eyes.... space mom needs to get some transparent head gear  :laugh:

I like the idea. Can't wait to see her beautiful eyes...or atleast something

Edited by _fullmetal_
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S#&$, my plat was wasted on the Secura lecta, think I just sell it for credits now... need the space for something good...

why did you have to nerf it so hard DE?

I know what happened, DE noticed we dident do the index for creds so they had to trash the lecta so hard we have to play index to farm creds...

Edited by Uberipoo
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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed The Index Endless mode's starting message being the usual 'elimination round 1 of 3' when it should just say that it's the Endless mode (no multi-rounds here).

ok thanks...i thought it was a bug that we had to complete 3 rounds...when I was only finishing an endless round and it was ending :D

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16 hours ago, Urs00 said:

as always, the community reacts to a nerf as if it is the end of the world, when nidus was nerfed people said it would be an useless frame, nobody would ever use it again... now people are saying you can't farm anymore, that you NEED to buy credit booster

secura lecta was being exploited, not only for credit farming but for plat farming too, the price of this weapon was super inflated, it needed this nerf

it still gives bonus credits, a lot of credits, it isn't "useless", it is just not exploitable as it was before

this change is a balance issue, it needs to happen, because if it doesn't, the economy in the game will break and people will blame DE too

"oh, but I spent a lot of plat on lecta! isn't that the same thing as the hema problem?"

no, the lecta costs the same syndicate standing, the players that inflated the plat cost, not DE, and it is your fault for selling/buying at those exorbitant prices

it sucks, like all nerfs, but DE isn't trying to take your "fun" away, they are not trying to sell you boosters, they are balancing the game, like they should

Secura Lecta was cheated. And people abused it. A lot of them abused it, not because then wanted to cheat, but because they needed credits. Some people over-abused this by selling lecta for plats, and this was bad and needed a fix.

But there is actually no good way to farm credit at high level. Warfame IS a farming game. But high level missions are dropping S#&$ compared to low level. 50k credits for sortie is nothing. You don't need lots of credits when you start playing, but at some point in the game, you are going to need credits. Lots of credits.

Just look at excavation missions. Pluto/Hieracon (level 35-45) : 1500-3000 credit cache drop. Every extractor droping a credit cache make me laugh ..

DE fixed lecta, but they did not fixed credit issue.

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3 hours ago, ZAXNIGHTMARE said:

I have to say, if you don't want to far all that mutagen mass, then save 225 plat and buy it, i see how lazy/effortless people want everything in 5 seconds, i don't mind on farm 15k endo all by myself to have the research, and the rest for build it, i have all the time to farm, as farming some other stuff i need, so, what's the hurry on having everything if most of the comunity is young? 

If you don't have so much time, then spend the time you have to play in farm the mutagen samples. I'm just giving you some options, not sure if i'll get a salty answer or toxic sarcasm from you, anyway i'm jus helping.

First of all, I haven't played Warframe since October and with the latest changes, I really ask myself, will I get back?

Anyway, the goal of my intervention isn't about that. I will say that 90% of the research in my clan was farmed by myself and it was ok. After seeing these numbers, no, just no. It's not a matter of being fair or not, it's a matter of respect at some moment. In every game, there will have people who will do anything because they aren't able to get a step back and think of something else. These are the people that farmed it right away. Most of these people have some kind of troubles, sometime major sometime minor. Also, most of the time, they aren't aware of it or simply deny it. This kind of "intention" from a game isn't helping these people.

Ok, that's a minority of people, but DE attitudes lately seems to go in a bad direction. Some are fighting against it, some are going with it. DE seems to no longer care about their players, because of the fanboyz who simply accept anything from them. I'll go a bit harsh, but I'm pretty sure that there will have some people who would accept it. I'm pretty sure that if there's a downloadable content that randomly throws turds in the camera for 30$, there will have some people who would buy it. When people are buying anything at any price, that's where some company stops caring at their players.

I'm really thinking that most people from DE are laughing at some people who's buying random and low quality stuffs. They will seems friendly on the streams or on the forum, but they are surely laughing behind the screen now. Your options are basically going in the way THEY want you to go. I'm pretty sure that the initial cost for that research wasn't the one that it is right now, but after seeing the number of people buying it with plats or buying ressource drop upgrades, they are like: "That error is printing money! Let's say it was intended!" Is it really fairness or being greedy?

Of course, DE needs a way to get money, but if the game is still alive, despite all the bugs that wasn't fix since ages, despite some mechanics that need some fixes, despite some real network architecture, the game was healthy. I'm really worried about the next major decisions of DE now. With all the latest changes that didn't really help the quality of life of the gameplay, it will surely get worst. Yet, your suggestion isn't helping players, it's mainly helping DE to keep going in the same direction. If players really had guts, they would simply ignore the Hema at all, just to send a message to DE that this was inacceptable. Too bad, people are soo submissive that they will never do such of things. And yes, I do mean to use the word "submissive" because it is the situation. Instead of just whining about: "But DE... the cost is too high!" and still farms or buy it with plats, people should stand up and simply say: "You want us to do that much like mindless slaves? Heck no, it's only a weapon in a game, so I will not waste time and money on that."

But no... submissive as people are and DE knowing that submissive behavior, they keep on going that direction. So yeah, that's only my opinion, an opinion that DE don't even care at all because, I'm only 1 of their players, so if they lose me, it wouldn't mean much for them, knowing that there's still many submissive players out there who will end up accepting their direction.


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Well, it is certainly staying true to its nickname "Grindframe". Soon you can change the game's title officially.

Honestly, the whole Hema idea right off the bat wasn't well thought out. Oh sure, Derelict missions have a slightly better drop-rate than Eris. But does that make it better? In my opinion, no it doesn't. Big(ger) clans will still struggle completing that research at this drop-rate regardless if every member is actively farming grinding for it. Why Steve is still in the Devstream is beyond me. More importantly, why DE wants someone like him to represent their company where everyone can see it. "Just do a couple Derelict", that statement by itself is a lie. Ban me for saying that, I don't care. And the real issue with the credit economy isn't solved either.

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17 hours ago, ShadowFox14 said:

Oh well, guess numbers are different for DE and me.

I mean on DE's test servers it rains mutagen samples after all. 

Yeah I'm salty. 
ALso can they at least give SLecta a combat buff passive now that it's farming value has been slashed so heavily? You know... TO HONOUR MY MULTIFORMA POTATO REAL MONEY EQUIVALENT INVESTMENT.

Also infested salvage in sorties?
I'm not even logging in today.

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18 hours ago, CraziestOfRabbits said:

YAY! new Archwing mod! That will go great with the rest of the BASIC archwing mods I still don't have...

+1! That's my reason exactly for not wanting Archwing sorties added yet (and why Archwing initially turned me off); I don't even have enough to justify Forma'ing any of my gear yet.

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i really dont understand the secura lecta nerf... was there a trade inbalance in the game that prompted this nerf? can we now buy stuff on market with credits instead of platinum? can we now buy stuff from other players with credits, and not platinum? does credit farming hurt DE that much? i dont get it >_<

met a lot of good people on akkad while cred farming (imo it was a good basis on how cooperative the other guys were, which leads to semi-permanent squads for other missions), now we dont have that, guess back to soloing

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This was a proper quality improvement patch DE, thank you very much! The Archwing mod, the Health bar visual with grey representing invulnerability, the Upgrade screen mod polarity touchup, the removal of credit cost on Ayatan endo conversion, mission challenges cleanup-- Just a lovely collection of fixes and changes.
The power cell colour could maybe be changed a bit, orange perhaps? Great start though!
Can't comment on Secura Lecta, hopefully it still feels like an improvement if credit farming is your goal over not having one.

A lot of stuff remains to be improved, and hopefully you'll revisit the Hema requirements eventually, and perhaps consider just retiring from faction invasions the fieldrons & detonite injectors, leave them for infested invasions where they are bountiful, leave faction invasions for weapon parts and the potatoes and exilus adapter bps, and triple the amount of time needed to complete them so they don't disappear 5 hours from starting, maybe to balance the shift to commit the reward table to only those parts by only having 1-2 invasions active at any time instead of the 2-4 that we've seen lately at any given time, though they've mostly been the injectors & fieldrons.

Edited by SnuggleBuckets
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What about the relic reward bug where it rewards you with some other item rather than what you selected on the reward screen?, are you guys even bothering with that or should we consider it a feature instead? you have the tendency of fixing what doesn't really need to be fixed and pretend that what does need to be fixed is fine.

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20 hours ago, Keeper_One said:

Could you please explain how not changing costs for hema is very fair move?

Well, let me translate my question: in what perverted universe not correcting own mistake could be "very fair move"?

Who said it is mistake? You? hahaha
Oh please...Its not mistake. DE was clear about it. 

My shadow clan of 3 members, including myself, managed to start research from the 1st day they added it. Now, explain me how other shadow clans with 3+ members cant do the same?
I consider as "very fair move" not backstabbing us who did research. Actually, nobody is forcing you to build that weapon,right? Just forget it.

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15 minutes ago, ARHYST said:

Who said it is mistake? You? hahaha
Oh please...Its not mistake. DE was clear about it. 

My shadow clan of 3 members, including myself, managed to start research from the 1st day they added it. Now, explain me how other shadow clans with 3+ members cant do the same?
I consider as "very fair move" not backstabbing us who did research. Actually, nobody is forcing you to build that weapon,right? Just forget it.


It's honestly not that bad of a farm. People just make it sound bad by being in larger clans with only a small percent of players in the large clan actually farming it while the others are either inactive, leeching clan tech, or whining about the cost. We ran ODD for about 30 minutes to 1 hour per day for about a week or two and we got the 15,000 mutagen sample requirement done with about 6 out of 30 members actually farming it. Sure we complained about it, but when we were actually farming it, it wasn't that bad. If anything, the farming felt faster when we were complaining about it while farming it.


Also the farming actually brought our clan together to do something together for once in a very long time.

Edited by Blazability
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