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The Glast Gambit: Update 19.9.0


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have to say, the new conclave mode feels so gimmicky ;s charge attack after charge attack with the odd slam thrown in...

could you just make it play 3 matches for the rewards? i dont mean to sound ungrateful for an update to conclave, but other than for the rewards, I'd like to avoid this mode like the plague! i actually like conclave/lunaro every so often, but this mode is just so monotonous as it is ;s


slight rant over the conclave mode aside ~ i noticed mag's polarise in the patch notes, could you perhaps look at removing the energy loss on magnetise if the enemy dies before the bubble forms?

Edited by Soridian
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The Nikana - one of the fastest weapons in the game, has an incredibly slow swing speed.

The Hikou, a large capacity, high rate weapon, is now low capacity, slow rate.

And the worst part.

The Worst part.

Is it's the lazy as hell christmas even, that has been reskinned and rolled out as a full game mode, and the same event for a THIRD time inside of 30 days.

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2 hours ago, Naith said:

Meh, more conclave. Kinda shabby that you have to provide some sort of incentive to get people into playing it. Won't last long though I'm sure.

^ agreed.. What the eff is conclave? Sounds weird... Let's try our hands in E sports.

Well that happened..

What the eff is conclave again?!? 

I wantum Unicorns

Edited by -Fe-McHamm3rShot
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Additionally - it's still as buggy as it was in BOTH the previous uses of it.

Still loading issues, still hit reg issues, and on top of that, there's GUI issues too.

Please stop releasing 'new game modes', without addressing known basic game play and functionality problems.

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If it was a new mode entirely they where making us play for conclave that would be fine, I'm all for trying new game modes even PVP ones, (they implied this mode was going to be melee but it isn't, but that would have been fun to try,)  but its just the snowball event which we where forced to do for 3 matches every day for 8 days to get limited stuff.

Yes you could choose to not do it; but you'd miss out on limited stuff that may never come back so 90% of people are going to want that, which is basicly forcing our hand and DE knows that, which is why they do it.

but Please if your going to force PVP onto us, (which only a small % of the community likes then actually bring us new PVP content, or if you re-hash stuff like this was, don't force us to do it yet again for a third event)

Edited by morningstar999
can't spell
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What does this mean?

" To introduce this new Conclave Mode, Teshin is rewarding Tenno who achieve each 48 hour task in the Navigation panel (including a new Landing Craft ornament)! It is available for a limited time, so prove your Quick Steel skill and earn your rewards before it is gone! "

Is she saying you get a Landing Craft ornament if you do each of the Conclave missions that pop up over the next few days?

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed running animation being absurdly fast when skipping the fly-in cutscenes in the Relays.
  • Fixed Lotus saying her "now kill everything that moves" line when she shouldn't in Sabotage Sorties.
  • Fixed the minimap shrinking after clicking "Battle" in a Defense mission and having ‘Prefer Overlay Map’ enabled.


Now can we get a fix for the menu closing by itself if you open it too quickly (within about 3 seconds) after entering the Relay?

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After downloading the update, all character movement is bugged.  When I first logged in, I could not walk anywhere, and could only move by either bullet jumping or using the menu to select specific consoles.  After doing this a couple of times, my warframe started to walk forward, and I cannot get it to stop.  Moving the camera will change directions, pressing shift starts running, but I can't get her to walk sideways, backwards, or to stop walking.  I started a mission to see if this happens in missions as well, and it does. 

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2 hours ago, TripleThreeCubed said:

I don't really think it's truly forcing people into a game mode. The rewards for the event are trivial at best, and you don't need to do it if you don't enjoy it. Since it just came out, why not introduce it to the general playerbase? It's not like the event will take forever.

One point per round if you're not super good at conclave. Ten minutes per round. An hour and a half at most, and half an hour at best.I slog through it because I want the rewards, but I'm fully aware that I'm doing it to myself. But an hour and a half is a long time to spend on one specific game mode. An hour and a half for some trivial rewards. They could have at least done us a kindness and reduced the match length to five minutes.

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