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Warframe has just established a two class clan community


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Our ten-person got the hema within the month that it released and two of the members alone earned enough points for the ignis wraith. And that, with two members doing the majority of the work. What DE is doing is basically forcing clans to be selective about what members they keep and kick. If you're inactive, out you go.

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29 minutes ago, Takaani said:

What DE is doing is basically forcing clans to be selective

No, they're not.

Our clan is casual as casual can get and we got it within the first day by simply playing in our usual manner-- casually. We also rushed a MR4 player that we recently added to the end of the event so that they could contribute and, subsequently, casually carried them through the third event with me literally only using a max range Fracturing Crush Mag to hold all of the enemies down.

What DE is forcing you to do is simply play the game to earn your rewards. You, yourself, are making the decision to be a HxCxPROxGAMR and be super selective about your clan membership for no reason.

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45 minutes ago, Trittium00 said:

Just seen plenty of people on trade chat trying to sell the Ignis BP for 100p all the way up to 500p.

Not sure I like where all these limited distribution items are taking the direction of the game tbh. Brings out the absolute worst in the community.

I saw offers from 150p to 500p.  It's not just sellers, either.  I saw players willing to trade Karak Wraith sets and Dera Vandal sets for it.  Anyone who didn't see this coming is just willfully ignorant about how things work.  

I can't wait to crash this market in three days: "WTS [Ignis Wraith] 0p"

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9 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

In a hilarious twist, the PvP Variants were less competitive than Keebler Lemmings Evac.

haha. I thought all Tennos should come together to rescue the Kavors...

Oh and why is the Victory Tier requiring 4,000 Points for Ghost clan while Gold Trophy only requiring 500 Points?
That is 8x of the Gold Trophy requirement...
If so, shouldn't clans that reached Victory Tier be given a Platinium Trophy?

Shouldn't reward like Ignis Wraith with slot and potato be given as reward for completing the event and things such as Trophy as a bonus for breaking record?

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3 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

haha. I thought all Tennos should come together to rescue the Kavors...

Oh and why is the Victory Tier requiring 4,000 Points for Ghost clan while Gold Trophy only requiring 500 Points?
That is 8x of the Gold Trophy requirement...
If so, shouldn't clans that reached Victory Tier be given a Platinium Trophy?

Shouldn't reward like Ignis Wraith with slot and potato be given as reward for completing the event and things such as Trophy as a bonus for breaking record?


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9 hours ago, Chipputer said:

No, they're not.

Our clan is casual as casual can get and we got it within the first day by simply playing in our usual manner-- casually. We also rushed a MR4 player that we recently added to the end of the event so that they could contribute and, subsequently, casually carried them through the third event with me literally only using a max range Fracturing Crush Mag to hold all of the enemies down.

What DE is forcing you to do is simply play the game to earn your rewards. You, yourself, are making the decision to be a HxCxPROxGAMR and be super selective about your clan membership for no reason.

I have to say that you don't know me or my clan so you might want to be careful about who you direct your generalizations to. My clan is basically the same as yours and we got it in the same way. For higher-level clans, the weeding and selecting is the case. But for us good for nothing casuals, we get to cruise.

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One of my gripes with the event is that, despite everything, there are now clans who posses a monopol on a weapon. This is rather a symptom than the problem though.

Lets segregate the rewards:
Lowest Tier: Trophy
You could basicly get the rarest trophy while being a solo-player. This is not how trophies should work. Trophies should be given in accordance to the clans final ranking. >> Competitive Tier
Low Tier: Blueprint
This could be considered fine as the lowest tier reward.
Mid Tier: Instant Weapon+Slot+Catalysed
This makes a good high tier reward. Early access and some platinum saves for all your clan that can add up fast depending on clan size!
Competitive Tier: 10% of Clans get the (tradeable) BP as a reasearchable in their clan. This clashes so much. There's no good solution to fix a price like this. Unless there would've been future methods to obtain this as well later, this was a terrible pricechoice.
In my honest opinion this should've been either given to all clans, or to none at the end.

So how is this different from anything else so far? Thus far, you could still offer your future members all clanaccessable content, no matter when they joined or when you started your clan. Future clans however, will not have the option to obtain this research, making them potentially less attractive as such.

Please remember, the uproar against the Hema was trying to prevent future incidents like this. The event had a bad start (rebalancing of minimum scores) and the 10% barrier is just an evolved version of the issue that people wanted to prevent. Sure, right now it is just one item, but unless people voice their discontent, then soon this will be rather the regular.

I am very much not against difficult to obtain content, however it should be achievable for everyone (as they reach the required skill) eventually.

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1 hour ago, ScribbleClash said:

One of my gripes with the event is that, despite everything, there are now clans who posses a monopol on a weapon.

Gripe or no, there's nothing even close to a monopoly on this weapon.

Have you looked at the actual numbers of clans who have access to the research of this weapon? I have (mainly because our clan has it, and I was a bit surprised we got it). The numbers in shadow clans alone are...substantial. The top 10% of shadow clans is easily in the scores. That's not even getting into the other clan ranks.

In three days--when research on the BP is done--this thing is going to be everywhere. The price will plummet. Heck I should have sold my reward BP and just cashed in while supply was still low, but I really didn't care enough to bother--plat isn't hard to come by and I rarely spend it.

Wait a week or two and BPs will be selling for a pittance.

The point about new clans is a fair one, especially over time as clans go inactive. Nevertheless, the absolute numbers are large and the weapon isn't really all that to begin with. If you want one badly enough the cost of admission won't be prohibitive by any stretch of the imagination.

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21 hours ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

i'm whining about being forced to play "hardcore" to achieve things we were used to get with more or less casual effort for years, spoiled, if you will

Wrong. on so many levels. Do the event and get the weapon BP, grind it and get it ready with slot and potato, get competitive and maybe you'll win the super competitive prize of research. 


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34 minutes ago, zzzNitro said:

grind it and get it ready with slot and potato

this used to be standard, so i don't see how i'm wrong there.

34 minutes ago, zzzNitro said:

get competitive and maybe you'll win the super competitive prize of research.

connecting something basic (up to now) as research to quasi-pvp success is another alteration i frown upon. again: i don't see what i got wrong about that.

while you might disagree my point still stands, i don't see any incoherency.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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15 hours ago, Trittium00 said:

Just seen plenty of people on trade chat trying to sell the Ignis BP for 100p all the way up to 500p.

Not sure I like where all these limited distribution items are taking the direction of the game tbh. Brings out the absolute worst in the community.

Frankly, if a player is so stupid (I'm not even going to try to sugarcoat that, it would be downright idiotic) to actually pay that much when the market is going to be utterly flooded in  a matter of days, I'm not going to waste my time trying to feel empathetic for them.  If they're willing to pay that much so soon after the event, why didn't they just play the event?  If they missed the event, why not wait a few more days before the market crashes and they could buy it for less than a tenth of that?

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4 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

this used to be standard, so i don't see how i'm wrong there.

Standar for participation? Hit the wiki mate. 


8 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

connecting something basic (up to now) as research to quasi-pvp success is another alteration i frown upon.

How can something new be "basic (up to now)"? and that quasi-pvp success phrase is so butthurted I suspect sodomy, and yes I read the new T&C, calling the bullS#&$ bullS#&$ is worth a warning.

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36 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

Frankly, if a player is so stupid (I'm not even going to try to sugarcoat that, it would be downright idiotic) to actually pay that much when the market is going to be utterly flooded in  a matter of days, I'm not going to waste my time trying to feel empathetic for them.  If they're willing to pay that much so soon after the event, why didn't they just play the event?  If they missed the event, why not wait a few more days before the market crashes and they could buy it for less than a tenth of that?

I wish we would have IQ range distribution chart of Warframe players.

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36 minutes ago, zzzNitro said:

Standar for participation? Hit the wiki mate. 

ok, regardless of semantics ("participation"-/other tiers) you wanna tell me you see no difference in the effort to hit this event's "victory tier" and whatever the pendant was called in past events? like for a recent example 100 judgement points in rathuum? and not even speaking of trying to achieve each solo? well, personally i am pretty confident alot more achieved the latter in comparison. a lot.

43 minutes ago, zzzNitro said:

How can something new be "basic (up to now)"?

clan research was basic up to now, basic as in = automatically available if you had a dojo. this time its aquisition was dependant on rivaling success, which is new. sorry if i have been unclear.

46 minutes ago, zzzNitro said:

and that quasi-pvp success phrase is so butthurted I suspect sodomy

well, yes i guess i am butthurt, that's basically what i was trying to get across all along. don't quite see the connection to certain sexual preferences, tho, but hey i'm probably just too dumb and homo to get behind the actual depth of that discussion elevating comment.

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54 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

DE could care less. All they care about is their bottom dollar. WF has been heading downhill for awhile now. There is a reason there is 26 million registered accounts but only a small fraction of them play.

Nah that's not true. I can see Steve's heart breaking when people bring up flaws and problems in the game. He wants us to have fun and enjoy our time in Warframe, typically that also results in profit for DE. I think there are probably other people in the works that also have to focus on monetizing the game, because afterall, its a business. At the end of the day though, I think steve, scott, and a lot of those high up devs that we see and have communication with the community are primarily focused on putting out a quality product.

Although I will admit i feel like Sheldon trolls us far too much.

Edited by Skaleek
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1 hour ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

ok, regardless of semantics ("participation"-/other tiers) you wanna tell me you see no difference in the effort to hit this event's "victory tier" and whatever the pendant was called in past events? like for a recent example 100 judgement points in rathuum? and not even speaking of trying to achieve each solo? well, personally i am pretty confident alot more achieved the latter in comparison. a lot.

Ok compare it to Rathuum an event made to be able to solo it vs Pacifism Defect an event made for clans, that's not illogical at all. 

1 hour ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

clan research was basic up to now, basic as in = automatically available if you had a dojo. this time its aquisition was dependant on rivaling success, which is new. sorry if i have been unclear.

It appears that you keep being unclear tho, nothing in a dojo is automatically available, research cost, pre requisites, there's a lot of stuff needed. And before you whine anymore about this point remember that it was a CLAN event so it has a CLAN reward.

1 hour ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

well, yes i guess i am butthurt, that's basically what i was trying to get across all along. don't quite see the connection to certain sexual preferences, tho, but hey i'm probably just too dumb and homo to get behind the actual depth of that discussion elevating comment.

Do you even get behind any depth? <--Homo virgin joke (in case of dumb homo)

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57 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Nah that's not true. I can see Steve's heart breaking when people bring up flaws and problems in the game. He wants us to have fun and enjoy our time in Warframe, typically that also results in profit for DE. I think there are probably other people in the works that also have to focus on monetizing the game, because afterall, its a business. At the end of the day though, I think steve, scott, and a lot of those high up devs that we see and have communication with the community are primarily focused on putting out a quality product.

Although I will admit i feel like Sheldon trolls us far too much.

I would like to believe you, but their actions have proved otherwise.

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4 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

Ok compare it to Rathuum an event made to be able to solo it vs Pacifism Defect an event made for clans, that's not illogical at all.

speaking of logic i find it ironic you would play the incommensurability card now all of sudden after having already followed that train of thought (when you told me to hit the wiki, mate). matter of fact is: it was the first of its kind (declared clan event), all the others had in common in that regard was clan leaderboards (including rathuum, btw). also since there was no "entry for full clans only" rule effecively it was an event like any other, because pretty much everyone at least has her/his own little ghost clan after a while of playing, since alot of gear is research exclusive. but if you still do want to switch to this line of argument anyway my plea would simply be: in this case no more "clan events", please. OR: if you want to give the people one, do it properly and leave the rewards inside the clan relevant sphere, such as... i don't know, exclusive decorations or even fashion frame stuffs with your dojo logo on it or something. i wouldn't care. but "essential" stuff like gear providing MR or a potential lifetime plat income through sellable exclusive bps directly enhancing individual game progress while leaving solo players behind? please no. never thought i'd say this: but even the mess that were dark sector conflicts were more adequate and fair in that regard (because in the end the main goal were credits and resources, nothing exclusive).

having a solo clan was a viable option up until recently, i wish it would stay that way.

5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

It appears that you keep being unclear tho, nothing in a dojo is automatically available, research cost, pre requisites, there's a lot of stuff needed.

yeah well you have to build the labs first. but they don't depend on a timed event and pvp success now do they? tbh i alwas considered them quite "given" up to now...

5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

And before you whine anymore about this point remember that it was a CLAN event so it has a CLAN reward.

regarding the event being declared a CLAN event: see above.

5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

Do you even get behind any depth? <--Homo virgin joke (in case of dumb homo)

lol...  i guess?

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