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I miss the days where this game took more skill to play


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On 2017-03-12 at 11:09 AM, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

well its nice to know i was totally wrong to air my complaints or views about this game that i've been playing for years now just to be completely shut down 

What did you expect? You see everyone complaining when DE nerfs good frames that are op and you come here and rant about exactly that... we, the Tenno finally have a chance to fight back! You clearly never did a raid that's why you think the game is too easy

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On 12/03/2017 at 8:02 AM, Katinka said:

But World on Fire is as old as the game...  What days are you talking about?

Yes and once upon a time it was duration based and could only damage 3 targets at once. Powers change over time so do enemies, when everyone thing and it's mum had Armour coming out the wahzoo at high levels it was pretty rare to see an ember outside of hardcore fans. 


On 12/03/2017 at 7:51 AM, Volucrin said:

Can't take this post seriously from a PSN member

Plus it doesn't happen in late game content

Wow, I can't take your post seriously when it casually disregards an entire gaming platform of a multi platform game. 

Oh and it does happen late in the game, most of the press 4 not to play powers that get abused are also the meta cheese tactic of choice for the lazier high-end players. 

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On 3/12/2017 at 10:52 AM, Praxxor said:

So, you have a problem with both groups of people - those who slack off and get the job done? You want everyone to play according to your tastes? Guess what, that's not gonna happen, mate.

I think it is more that OP has a problem with people leeching, because they expect to get a free ride of doing nothing due to those with overly effective meta combinations. From my understanding, OP doesn't want to ask for nerfs out of consideration of the feelings for those that complain about them, so OP is asking for more matchmaking conditions as an alternative.

It is ok to have effective combinations, but said combinations shouldn't completely eliminate any possibility of failure or difficulty - it should only decrease the chance of failing. This falls on enemy, mission, and player design.

On 3/12/2017 at 10:54 AM, aligatorno said:

1.Nope. If you want select frames, recruit. Keeping people who prefer to a certain thing from a public match  is a big no no.

I'm confused as to why you are saying no to his suggestion of more matchmaking options. The frame/weapon filtering proposal would be somewhat decent solution for those that want something that resembles auto-recruiting for those that match the player's criteria. People that have problems with the flavor-of-the-month crutch can avoid it altogether, while those that like them would still be able to find groups with people that don't care what someone uses. It wouldn't really be all that different from a 'LFG/Recruit Tool' that you see in many other online games. The function would basically be like if Public and Friends Only had a picky baby.

On 3/12/2017 at 11:02 AM, Katinka said:

But World on Fire is as old as the game...  What days are you talking about?

Not in its current state. It use to be on a timer, had less targets per explosion(which means less damage), less frequent explosions, and was a disaster of an ultimate compared to others. I remember complaining about WoF a long time ago.

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5 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

he frame/weapon filtering proposal would be somewhat decent solution for those that want something that resembles auto-recruiting for those that match the player's criteria. People that have problems with the flavor-of-the-month crutch can avoid it altogether, while those that like them would still be able to find groups with people that don't care what someone uses. It wouldn't really be all that different from a 'LFG/Recruit Tool' that you see in many other online games. The function would basically be like if Public and Friends Only had a picky baby.


Because people always bandwagon, always. Frames like Hydroid, Zephyr, Limbo,Oberon are already hard to come by, letting people shut them off completely would kill the frames for good outside of very specific missions.


Edited by aligatorno
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12 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

Not in its current state. It use to be on a timer, had less targets per explosion(which means less damage), less frequent explosions, and was a disaster of an ultimate compared to others. I remember complaining about WoF a long time ago.

You could pretty much use it as it is used now, you just did require more energy(energy restores and the right kubrow for the most part) and a specific build around that if you did AOE nuke farming(I farmed a lot of solo defence, excavation and interception with it long before the changes) and another build if you actually wanted to do damage with negative duration accelerant builds, while you now can have both more or less in the same build, since negative power duration no longer sky rockets WoF costs to a point where you hardly used it in normal builds.

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Warframe has never been about in game skill.  It's always been about gear.  Even when powers were cool down based.  I don't know how long you've been playing But DE has made very active efforts into adding in enemies that can't be shoved over easily and also balancing out frames that nuke rooms.  Embers woF is pretty useless in higher content unless you have the augment that CC's people.  And banshee has much more useful abilities than sound quake.

To me it just sounds like you're upset because people are "stealing" your kills.  Your options are to run with people you know or solo.  You really don't have the right to tell people how to play in a pub.  Because going into a pub is agreeing to take any kind of teammate.  as long as they are not breaking the games rules they are fine.

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As long as I've been around,u10, WF has never been about skill as is was more about what you had. I remember when a vast majority of people would run soma and acrid. WF has stayed relatively the same in that regard it's just different stuff and a bit more variety.

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On 3/12/2017 at 10:47 AM, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

nowadays you have frames that you turn a power on and run wild and let that power auto kill everything in the mission, this takes no skill and doesn't seem to have any downside.

this also becomes a burden for other teammates trying to kill stuff for their own fun and leveling weapons and such. I myself enjoy the game when i didn't have a squad mate who would use Embers world on fire, Banshee sound quake,Mirage+Simulor

these types of frames or weapons tend to get real boring or annoying seeing this stuff in 90% of random groups and don't say run with clan mates since most of mine quit and it's a small clan to start with some our labs most stuff is cheap to make. before my clan mates went inactive we each specialized in 2-3 frames each and we almost never had doubles of frames so better synergy.

there is a lot of AOE related frames but only a handful you turn the powers on and kill everything really and along with banshee,ember,mirage, pre-nerf mesa's peacemaker 

the other AOE related frames tend to be manual use powers you use the power pay the energy cost each time it kills stuff rinse repeat this is balanced and fair most of the frames i have do this and some have a CC effect to help the squad when things get a chaotic.

Most likely someone will reply with git good or quit or something, or more likely say that the players i group in randoms that have these frames are more effective at killing but are they really ? when you turn a power on and just stand or run around and you don't have to aim and kill everything seems pretty lazy way to play and i do have the frames but i hardly use them i do forma them and level them for builds i have but again they don't take a lot of skill to play and don't seem like fun when you think you may be kill stealing from people trying to level something.

I'd like to see a squad filter for what frames you want in a squad or don't want in a squad so you do or don't wanna play with certain frames, the results may vary but could add more enjoyment and don't ask me how this would work out exactly i don't work for DE.

 the vote to kick system players have been wanting for awhile for that one afk jerkoff mooching kills. 


out of the frames i own the most used would be

Nova Prime-Fast/Slow Nova builds with anti-matter drop aug

Frost Prime-Snow Globe build with Snow Globe aug

Vauban Prime-Bastille/vortex  build 

Loki Prime-stealth duration build

Hydroid-farmdroid build with pilfer aug

I look at these frames as more utility in most cases because i usually pick them for certain mission types 


the frames i have

Ash Prime,


Banshee Prime

Ember Prime


Frost Prime




Loki Prime


Nekros Prime



Nova Prime

Nyx Prime

Rhino Prime

Saryn Prime


Valkyr Prime

Vauban Prime

Volt Prime


I remember a time when this game was too easy to play.

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I wish you'd seen this game what it was like in the old days of closed and just opened beta. Now that was interesting. Skilled? No. Challenging? More so yes. But I agree. And it is not that I'd ever be one to tell how other players should play their game, I just personally think like cheesing removes a lot of the elements of fun and challenge from the game. I can understand why people gravitate to that though, it is the most effective way and after all since I already have everything, I can afford just doing whatever I want. Some people just are seeking to achieve one goal before another.

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I think two decisions on DE's part have made it so:

Forma and the removal of stamina.

Forma pretty much negated the whole notion of base-stats, since everyone can now pump up their frame or weapon into god status.

Stamina, I understand why they removed it, but as usual they threw away the child with the bathwater. IMHO a change in how it worked would have been more beneficial to the overall game then just chucking it away.


Don't get me wrong, I use plenty forma on my gear and I love not having to stop and get my breath every two tiles, but these changes sure took out a whole lot of planning and thinking about what you are doing in the game.

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hmm yeah, I miss those days as well. Always in need to do something and with 4 or 5 frames crafting, getting super hyped each day for the moment they finish. Then getting depressed cause of your lack of plat and your lack of warframe slots :(

And the old style of parkour, the old mod system, the old damage system, the old melee, the old everything. Was more skill based

Edited by Arniox
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On 3/12/2017 at 10:47 AM, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

nowadays you have frames that you turn a power on and run wild and let that power auto kill everything in the mission, this takes no skill and doesn't seem to have any downside.

this also becomes a burden for other teammates trying to kill stuff for their own fun and leveling weapons and such. I myself enjoy the game when i didn't have a squad mate who would use Embers world on fire, Banshee sound quake,Mirage+Simulor

these types of frames or weapons tend to get real boring or annoying seeing this stuff in 90% of random groups and don't say run with clan mates since most of mine quit and it's a small clan to start with some our labs most stuff is cheap to make. before my clan mates went inactive we each specialized in 2-3 frames each and we almost never had doubles of frames so better synergy.

there is a lot of AOE related frames but only a handful you turn the powers on and kill everything really and along with banshee,ember,mirage, pre-nerf mesa's peacemaker 

the other AOE related frames tend to be manual use powers you use the power pay the energy cost each time it kills stuff rinse repeat this is balanced and fair most of the frames i have do this and some have a CC effect to help the squad when things get a chaotic.

Most likely someone will reply with git good or quit or something, or more likely say that the players i group in randoms that have these frames are more effective at killing but are they really ? when you turn a power on and just stand or run around and you don't have to aim and kill everything seems pretty lazy way to play and i do have the frames but i hardly use them i do forma them and level them for builds i have but again they don't take a lot of skill to play and don't seem like fun when you think you may be kill stealing from people trying to level something.

I'd like to see a squad filter for what frames you want in a squad or don't want in a squad so you do or don't wanna play with certain frames, the results may vary but could add more enjoyment and don't ask me how this would work out exactly i don't work for DE.

 the vote to kick system players have been wanting for awhile for that one afk jerkoff mooching kills. 


out of the frames i own the most used would be

Nova Prime-Fast/Slow Nova builds with anti-matter drop aug

Frost Prime-Snow Globe build with Snow Globe aug

Vauban Prime-Bastille/vortex  build 

Loki Prime-stealth duration build

Hydroid-farmdroid build with pilfer aug

I look at these frames as more utility in most cases because i usually pick them for certain mission types 


the frames i have

Ash Prime,


Banshee Prime

Ember Prime


Frost Prime




Loki Prime


Nekros Prime



Nova Prime

Nyx Prime

Rhino Prime

Saryn Prime


Valkyr Prime

Vauban Prime

Volt Prime


You know what days I miss? The days when people stopped "airing" the things they missed. Oh, and the days where people stopped complaining about co-op games with randoms being randoms. And Alice in Chains (when they were good)......

Edited by (PS4)KikoEschobar
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39 minutes ago, Arniox said:

And the old style of parkour, the old mod system, the old damage system, the old melee, the old everything. Was more skill based

How was any of that "more skill based"?

The old "parkour" system was pretty much: equip a melee that can copter and then copter 24/7.  You like a melee weapon that can't copter?  Then you'll never be able to catch up to anyone in your squad!  Wall running was clunky and ignored in favour of coptering because of how inconsistent it was and how it couldn't go over any bumps or anything else on the wall.
And please don't say "But stamina was more skill based!" because it wasn't.  It was pretty much: "Run 2 feet, slide, repeat and never worry about stamina and move faster than anything but a copter."
No skill what-so-ever.

And how is the old mod system requiring skill?
The mod tree where everyone focused on getting the mod slots over the stats and you had to hope and pray to RNG that it would give you a good mod at a good value?  Which was basically: "Every mod is random like a Riven mod, except no negative stats and most of the time only one stat but occasionally two, but you can stack them!" and if you weren't lucky enough to get the good mods (like you only have a +15% movement speed when someone else has multiple +30% movement speed mods) you were left in the dust.  So much skill to grind away until RNG gives you the mods at a decent value.

The old damage system was more broken than the current one, and required even less skill than the current one (which is really saying something).
It was purely "Get a weapon with armor ignore damage and slap on every elemental damage mod and the base damage mods, and the mod that added even more armor ignore damage!" and if you're weapon of choice didn't have armor ignore damage (which serrated blade damage was the best, and oh that made the Flux Rifle one of the better weapons back then...) then it was trash, nothing else mattered.  And elements were 100% rainbow builds because nothing combined and elemental effects procced on every single hit every time!

And by old melee do you mean: "Spam charge attacks for guaranteed stagger/knockdown and increased damage and do literally nothing else as quick melee is utterly pointless compared to charge attack spam?"  with the only change up being occasionally spamming jump slam attacks if your melee weapon can't knock-down or stagger on charge melee, and as always if your melee weapon wasn't dealing serrated blade damage it was trash as it couldn't ignore armor.

So could you please enlighten me as to what about any of those required any more skill than what is currently in game?

22 hours ago, ComCray said:

Stamina, I understand why they removed it, but as usual they threw away the child with the bathwater. IMHO a change in how it worked would have been more beneficial to the overall game then just chucking it away.

And how could they have modified stamina to make to better and require more skill?
Stamnia was pretty much "You're either going to be out of breath constantly and walking a good half the mission with no recourse, or you're going to butt-slide constantly and copter and ignore stamina as it in no way applies to you or affects you in any way!"
All stamina did was punish people who didn't abuse the system to completely ignore it by hampering them and had absolutely no positives.

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On 3/12/2017 at 10:47 PM, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

out of the frames i own the most used would be

Nova Prime-Fast/Slow Nova builds with anti-matter drop aug

Frost Prime-Snow Globe build with Snow Globe aug

Vauban Prime-Bastille/vortex  build 

Loki Prime-stealth duration build

Hydroid-farmdroid build with pilfer aug

Which of these are supposed to be "skill based"?

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4 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:


Um... Dude,  I hate to tell you, you wasted your time typing that... .  I was joking. I actually 100% agree with you. I hated the old rng random stat mod system. Was one of the reasons I stopped played back then and never bought the founders (#regret). And the stanima system annoyed the sh:t out of me. The the old melee annoyed me even more. It was clunky as fu"k and slow. TBH, I have not really felt as challenged as I do now with the game. It's a lot more fun and smoother to play. 

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OP reeks of nostalgia elitism of "the good ol days"

Warframe has never been a game that's super skillful to play-as a matter, of fact, they've nerfed warframes as to discourage that gameplay for years.

Half the frames around Nova's release was a press-4-to-clear-room-type deal, and i vividly remember the endless threads moaning about it back then, too. Saryn's miasma, Excal's radial javelin, volt's overload, mag's crush, Rhino's old stomp, Frost's avalanche, and Ember's WoF (yes, it was weaker back then, but so was everything else: power creep has always existed in warframe even in closed beta days). Since then they've either added utility and reduced damage of, nerfed them with line of sight checks or reworked the ability in general to fix this issue. The meta used to be "Rhino boltor prime rush thru everything clearing rooms omg so OP no skill", and now the current "mirage simulor spam OP no skill" is literally no different. I doubt DE will ever be able to put out all the fires where ease of gameplay is concerned because it's not possible to balance abilities and weapons for enemies that can be either level 1 or level 100 with a vast difference in armor and HP between them, but it's not like they never try to.


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55 minutes ago, Arniox said:

Um... Dude,  I hate to tell you, you wasted your time typing that... .  I was joking. I actually 100% agree with you. I hated the old rng random stat mod system. Was one of the reasons I stopped played back then and never bought the founders (#regret). And the stanima system annoyed the sh:t out of me. The the old melee annoyed me even more. It was clunky as fu"k and slow. TBH, I have not really felt as challenged as I do now with the game. It's a lot more fun and smoother to play. 

I was only thinking of that possibility much later...I run into far too many people that aren't joking when they say something similar to what you were joking about.
Sorry for missing the joke.  I just prefer not to take chances with how some people really believe.

And honestly it didn't take that long to type.  I've dealt with enough people that were serious about the topic I have plenty of copy-paste fodder in reply.

So again, apologies for missing your joke there.

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39 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

I was only thinking of that possibility much later...I run into far too many people that aren't joking when they say something similar to what you were joking about.
Sorry for missing the joke.  I just prefer not to take chances with how some people really believe.

And honestly it didn't take that long to type.  I've dealt with enough people that were serious about the topic I have plenty of copy-paste fodder in reply.

So again, apologies for missing your joke there.


np :) gl hf in the every growing world of warframe :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is your deserved reply                                                                           Action: Des put on beard.

Des: You complain about AoE Frame, no Skill, and AwayFromKeyboard.

WarFrame in all: in in near state perfected what most Online Game wished ever to do for the current 2010s. Minus the PvP, which is by standard good, though you won't be seeing non PvP players supporting it.

I also would like to bring your attentions to finding any better online games, and what is WarFrame doing wrong and doing right.

There is way to see Virtual Reality games and Video Games in general:

Skills: WarFrame has does require skill like Combat, and patience.

AoE: If this was a Singeplayer,all you need to do is Solo more. Eventually you can solo Level 100 Sortie. 

AwayFromKeyboard: Just like Trolls they do exist in most game, banning cheaters/scammer will have to happen, because they are part ****ter.

Kicking: It was a nice attempt of most games with this. With most online games, a changes doesn't cost easy, and there is other options. Invite Only/Friends Only.

More Skills? Like some Medieval MMO-RPG games? Well I do hope you know what VR-MMO-RPG might tun out to be, because more skills would be needed to play. WARFRAME does NOT need to COMPLY to any other GAME's standard on how to do thing. Isn't what some successful games companies done? 

Have good one.


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