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How about not nerfing every efficient weapon?


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Basically, they nerf anything that makes us "farm" efficiently. They want us to suffer, and destroy the things I and a lot of others enjoy [insert simulor nerf salt here].
How about an approach that would actually make sense, let's say, buff every other weapon that isn't as good? Surely it takes a lot more time, but considering how badly enemies scale after a while, buffing stuff would make more sense, since it doesn't look like you will work on the enemies at all. You can choose lazy ways of working around problems but that is not the way you keep players.
I know, I know, I'm not required to play this game, but since there is nothing like it I might as well just keep at it. The way they handle things doesn't seem to be right, but what do I know of business strategies. Yes, I am so salty about the simulor buff that I actually came to the forums to brag about it. Hopefully my point still gets across.

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The thing is that they didn't necesarily nerf those weapons because they were too powerful, they nerfed them because they were disrupting the team-play aspect of the game. They hit like a truck and had not dissatvantages. 

Edited by aligatorno
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Buff whould make only sense if we had actual harder content with it, overall we still fight the same factions and enemys over and over again without any mechanic or much strategy.

I first whould prefer actual content and not just endless missions where people can show of there Ego.

And i say people seen it coming if they abused and overused certain mechanics, Draco as example.

People cheese trough all and what else are they supposed ot do really? No contenr, nothing to let player stay really, so thigns get slowed.

Even then, things are not as slow as peopel make it look like, you can level anything in a short time without boosted, get forma very easy and can forma several weapons ina day fully.

But for waht, i on my part onyl recently started formaing becasue i never had interesst as example, we never had harder content or got really new mission types that needs this really, it onyl is a bonus like failed rivens, not like the blance to OP weapons? Then please leave the game.

It was clearly broken and the point is not buffing others to there strength, were is the challange then most peopel scream for?

Get used to other weapons and more variety and stop relay on one fraem and one weapon, things change like life itself, so get used to it.

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I suggest that if you're using a cheesy build, you should go afk for half the mission so that your teammates can "have fun" too

It's cheese ethics lol


However if you're unethical and don't want your teammates to have fun, I suggest you drop your cheesy build and bring Nova or Vauban and spam portal/jump pad everywhere. That will show them there's worse things to do to your teammates than stealing their precious kills

Edited by HolyDemon00
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1 minute ago, HolyDemon00 said:

I suggest that if you're using a cheesy build, you should go afk for half the mission so that your teammates can have their fun too

Are you telling me people have fun while farming nitain? Thats different but still. I run with clan members and for some unkown reason they don't hate for using a certain weapon. I've never seen guys in public hating on simulor+mirage either, but maybe I'm just lucky, or it's some hidden rage within their soul.

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1 minute ago, AngelsT34r said:

Are you telling me people have fun while farming nitain? Thats different but still. I run with clan members and for some unkown reason they don't hate for using a certain weapon. I've never seen guys in public hating on simulor+mirage either, but maybe I'm just lucky, or it's some hidden rage within their soul.

Do you find that a lot of people leave your public missions? Because I generally leave any mission with Miragulor. Just because people aren't complaining directly to you, doesn't mean that they're happy that you're soloing a group mission, leaving them with nothing to do but run behind you.

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2 minutes ago, AngelsT34r said:

Are you telling me people have fun while farming nitain? Thats different but still. I run with clan members and for some unkown reason they don't hate for using a certain weapon. I've never seen guys in public hating on simulor+mirage either, but maybe I'm just lucky, or it's some hidden rage within their soul.

I was just mocking those guys with the "let your teammates have fun" argument

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25 minutes ago, AngelsT34r said:

Basically, they nerf anything that makes us "farm" efficiently. They want us to suffer, and destroy the things I and a lot of others enjoy

Yes, that is the premise of the game, to make you suffer.  Welcome to Warframe.  Back to the grind with ye!  Mush!

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