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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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These ideas what i think they should do to make oberon more interesting and most these ideas would just be aesthetic. also all recent additions to oberon would still remain.

The theme is oberon the fairy king with concentrating on commanding fairies  

1st ability would be called fairy command or fairy blast and oberon would fire a swarm of fairies at an enemy and any enemy that comes in contact with the enemy, fairies would branch out and attack any colliding enemies.

2nd ability would be called fairy kingdom or fairy forest and the aesthetic would be that the ground would grow grass and plants and also fairies would be flying around the plants keeping all current attributes with it just being a new aesthetic but the fairies could also attack enemies.

3rd ability would be fairy mist or fairy dust where the aesthetic would be a fairy mist that floats in the air.

4th ability would would be fairy lift where the aesthetic would be fairy lifting up the enemies then smashing the enemies downward.

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Gotta say, since his introduction 3 and a half years ago, I've had him deleted right after I maxed him out. No reason going into details why he sucked, it's in the past anyway.

So new Oberon, pretty dope amirite? His package got beefed up by quite a bit and he can always bring something to the table in any mission you are, unless you're a highly min maxed party setup. If you love casual endless relic missions for example, then just the permanent 800-1k+ flat armor and 150-200+ regen from a void buffed channel will make you glee, not to mention this buff +his passive applying to your pets. This alone is godsent for caster frames with their carrier primes being allowed to not hide in a globe or behind a Chroma/Valkyr. 

Now where renewal allows your random pug to survive in endless longer, Reckoning's armor strip allows you to actually kill S#&$. Esp, if you or just 1 guy in pug has CP. 

Oh rad procs EVERYWHERE. This just boosts your team's survival even higher.


As someone who loves pushing endless, new Oberon is definately the strongest frame for making a random PUG be able to push for hours on end.

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I love bringing Oberon to pugs where I know survivability is going to be challenging to them. Only problem with fissures and/or corpus missions is that people constantly keep running into Nullifier bubbles and recasting could make you lose the fissure buff.

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3 minutes ago, CeePee said:

I love bringing Oberon to pugs where I know survivability is going to be challenging to them. Only problem with fissures and/or corpus missions is that people constantly keep running into Nullifier bubbles and recasting could make you lose the fissure buff.

Tbh usually for me it only happens with people who are running frames that don't need the survival boost, hence they run into nullies, dem melee fanatics :P

Those who really need it will be cautious to keep it.

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22 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Gonna agree with above poster wanting to disable nekros minion heal. Not only can he heal them on his own, but it also means another frame can basically short out how I function.

It's actually worse than that - not only does it short out how Oberon works, but it also to some degree short out how Nekros works. For instance, consider endless missions. Enemies increase in level constantly. That means that Nekros WANTS his shadows to die out from time to time for him to be able to summon new, stronger ones. Oberon healing them is not only a pain for himself, it becomes a pain for Nekros, too. I don't want level 30 shadows when the enemies walking in on me are level 50.

If Nekros wants to heal his shadows, he can do so. Let him. Also, I don't need to point out the obvious design flaw in an ability that has a base energy drain with an additional drain per ally that is currently being healed... which Nekros' minions are all the time.

Anyway, aside from that detail, I'm quite happy with where Oberon is right now. Played him a lot recently and even with "only" 170% strength but max efficiency he's really good. Add to that Growing Power with Artax and I sit with a near 400 armor boost for a total of nearly 70% damage reduction from armor alone. So, even if there are some rough edges left that need smoothing out, overall DE did a good job on him. Thank you!

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1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

I agree with this sentiment. The thing that has had me so ready to throw down over is the time that gave DE any incentive to care about Oberon/Prime as opposed to focusing everything on making Harrow as good as possible has passed, which means those rough edges will likely stay. However I'm ovral happy... I just can see where it could've been done better and would have liked more/better communication during the process so it wouldn't feel like i had to do an all or nothing reckless push the whole way.

Be happy that Oberon didn't get shafted like Mag because of a major quest. Mag is in a decent place, but with a few more Oberon like tweaks based off of feedback, she could've been complete. I still think polarize is half done and could've been looked at two more times

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Well, that would be their problem, no?

You got yours, if they want it too, they will seek you out and step on your hallowed floor which you should have active as much as possible anyway. If they don't, that's on them.

Being a team player does not mean that you are their babysitter.

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How 'bout this?

1) Make Shadows unable to be healed by anything other than a recast.
2) Make Shadows unable to be damaged by anything other than the Health decay.
3) ???
4) Grofit!

That whole Health decay thing was a neat gimmick to replace the duration timer,
however, with enemy damage being a thing, this was actually a nerf to Shadow duration
- and while the recast option is awesomesauce, that still is 100 Energy each time -
so really all this'd do is bring Shadows back to what they were before (as they almost never died from enemy damage back then),
along with fixing the stupid Oberon vs Nekros anti-synergy, yay :D

... well, mostly, the Despoil + Equilibrium combo still is a bit problematic with constant Health regen, I guess. Baby steps!

Edited by NinjaZeku
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1 minute ago, MarrikBroom said:

Of course.

My BUild:
Corrosive. Power Drift



Phoenix Renewal


Primed Continuity 

Primed Flow



Transient Fort.

All maxed.

I have something like 200% power, 130% eff, 128% duration.

Under most situations I'm fine in areas where having team renewal up is good and even when going from place to place in missions with cheap oneshot enemies. It's just Nekros is 'oh... right... That Guy.' Not nearly as bad as it was but I'm wondering why this is a thing when it isn't really helping Oberon, and Nekros actually benefits from cycling minions out.

I can see your issue, Easy fix by DE, Hold 4 on Nekros to kill all the minions. Then you'll be able to refresh. 

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44 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I will agree he is in a fairly solid place. However being 'good' does not mena he can't be 'better' and I'm not asking for buffs. I am simply asking at how a specific interaction/behavior acts, as currently it does lead to a sortof 'oh bugger a nekros is here. who gets right of way here?' situation. It's nowhere near as bad as it wasbut even a third of what per person drain oberon's power has applied to ALL of nekros's shadows plus three warframes plus four companions plus any spectres out (CLEM! Clem clem) can lead to a not insignifigant drain, especially since Nekros's shadows health drain constantly which leads to a continual drain vs 'oh hey my team is topped up they're fine til the next crisis situation.'

When nekros is around i just use it like blessing. Hallow ground, renewal...once everyone's healed...turn off renewal and enjoy the timed armor buff. Easy peazy

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Your complaint was my issue with Oberon rework and basically making Oberon less Trial friendly then he was before rework.

I would scrap the drain per Ally part & change Renewal to a Charge for Drain.

•Hold Ability to increase Healing multiplier which also increases Energy drain

This would mean Normal Activation would have minimal health replenishment, but you could hold (Charge) renewal (like Scarab Swarm) so that the rate of healing gets stronger but the energy drain per second would also get stronger.

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3 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Nice idea, but I'd say at this point oberon is 'done.' I'm looking at this as more of 'this behavior is an unwanted thing. an we remove it somehow?' If I followed your mentality on fixing things, which i very much want to, there is a list of things per power I would want twitched around with each being fairly minor but ultimately would be too much to expect at this stage.

Yeah, it is difficult for those of us on console to give input on Reworks, since we basically receive changes after adjustments were already made.


I don't think it is ever too late to suggest minor tweaks to each power. Game is still beta and I'm sure if they do a Damage 3.0 or new mobility later down the road : Frames will get another adjustment.


Currently with Renewal or just Oberon in general: I am curious to see how he would perform in another Pacifist event.

The Pacifism Defect event basically had Oberon Renewal and Phoenix Renewal disabled on the NPC's. Which is a straight handicap that was bias towards Oberon but not Trinity, nor Equinox, nor Hydroid healing puddle...

Can't really test how current Oberon would behave in that type of content, but if Renewal is disabled like before that basically rules out any future Trial that has a similar mechanic as Oberon would just be a dead-body in team composition.

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... on any planet but the remastered Earth tileset.


Need I remind everyone of the description of the ability, which hasn't changed since they removed the fire from the animation, but branding him as a protector of nature and then letting him make Earth plants everywhere else in the entire universe is tacky and dumb.

At the very least make the plants planet specific. Failing that, make it optional. Failing that, make it only apply to Earth. Better yet, make it look like fire again. I miss my shag carpeting.

Making the power such an integral part of his kit and then shoving this ugly graphical effect on it is nothing short of a bad move.

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I have to second the idea of improving the "fire" effects. Spawning plants just doesn't make sense, especially in light of the fact that this ability has a chance to proc radiation.


I know, I know...sense in Warframe isn't always a thing, but it's already described as "righteous fire". Why not just build on that?


E2A: Fire effects along these lines could be better:


Edited by (PS4)abbacephas
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