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Design Council Challenge Discussion and Feedback


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It's a shame when the damn thing spawns next to the Pod and 1 shots the damn thing - way to reward my time burning through the waves game...

I feel you OP, it's not rewarding in the slightest, at a level like that I EXPECT better rewards than a single catalyst, and atleast 100k credits due to the conditions it's under.


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I'm not exactly a "new" player now, but I still don't have the many of the harder to get/higher ranked mods or gear that would probably make this an easier challenge. We (the pug group I was in) were definitely unprepared for a 120 Jugg at the end (I've only fought a couple much-lower level Juggs up till now), but we did JUST enough damage to it to think that it would be possible if we came in with more appropriate gear/frames. I plan to try a few more times just to see if I can find a setup out of the gear I have that works. If not, no biggie - it's only for a gold blue potato, which aren't terribly hard to come by.

I had to admit I laughed out loud when I saw that after we cleared all the other level 100+ stuff - we were feeling pretty cocky and then "Where the f**k did THAT thing come from??? DE, you glorious trolling bastards!!!"

Edit: Got him on 2nd attempt, but everyone knew what was coming this time. EB Excal wasn't the worst choice - at least everything before the Juggernaut was pretty easy ;)

Edited by pnellesen
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Sorry you feel that way, OP. I for one thought it was a whole lotta fun. We have so much power in our Arsenals that basically never gets tested by high-level content. And in this case, we even had members of the community choose this challenge. And hey, a free potato never hurt.

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3 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:

Define OP. The last time I checked, a fully forma'ed Braton can take down a juggernaut no problem.

Lv120 is quite hard to make him show his belly without dying. Though my squad just went full stealth with octavia and shred armor while valk killed him, no need to show belly.


I was not expecting juggy though, octavia lv18 lul

Edited by Ozent
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Just now, Latiac said:

It's a shame when the damn thing spawns next to the Pod and 1 shots the damn thing - way to reward my time burning through the waves game

It one-shotted your cryopod? Actually? That thing had like 80000 health in my mission. What happened, Tenno?

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5 hours ago, (PS4)SciManSays said:

I don't know if this is PS4 only.

So me and a group of max-level warframes took on the new Lotus Challenge, having to take on 10 waves of level 100+ infested, with only melee weapons. 

Took us grinding like 20-30 minutes to get to the end, no problem, then a level 125 juggernaut shows up.

Literally took us 30 minutes of all attacking it before all 4 of us had died and lost all of our revives, we barely did almost 1/4 of its health. 

There was nothing we could do to kill it without it killing us all like nothing, even with us constantly re-reviving each other.

This is by far the dumbest idea I have seen Warframe come up with, and I hope they learn from this and never try something so stupid ever again. 

(in before all the noobs say "get gud" we were all max level, over MR15, with level 30 frames and gear lol)

We had a limbo, and he just rift walked the whole time while reviving us. I'm pretty sure he ended up with over 100 revives.

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26 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Considering the reward is just a catalyst potato

You do have a point there, although super rare we get potatoes for basically doing nothing all the time (err rarely whatever), point is maybe they should reconsider what rewards should be offered.

Perhaps a 2 or 3 packs of potatoes, or just 2 potatoes and a exilus.  I know some people breezed through this but others are gonna look at it and not even bother trying.  Sad.

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I gotta be honest, I'm not too sure what happened in my clan's run. We got to the last wave, Stalker was about to show up. Juggernaut spawns under the floor about 5m from the pod. I tried maybe getting just a glimpse of it so maybe my Zenurik might levitate it out of the floor. Didn't work. Downs one of my buddies and his cat. Stalker still hasn't shown. Juggernaut dies. Mission success, and no one knows wtf just happened.


Other than that, just another day on Warframe. We had fun, at least.

Edited by Xrkr
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8 minutes ago, Ozent said:

Lv120 is quite hard to make him show his belly without dying. Though my squad just went full stealth with octavia and shred armor while valk killed him, no need to show belly.

I was not expecting juggy though, octavia lv18 lul

Yeah, I agree. But calling a presumably normal weapon used by someone like Latron variants, Penta, Vectis Prime, etc that can complete such task as OP like Soma (it's not OP, but you get what I mean about the nerf crying community), is wrong.

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4 hours ago, Fukushu said:

This is by far the worst example of letting the Design Counsel make alerts for us. DE had better not let another "challenge: like this happen UNLESS the Juggernaut finally gets the hard nerf/fix it needs so we don't get one-shot by an attack that can hit us through what feels like infinite amounts of cover and kill us if we aren't even in the line of fire.

That being said, hope you're ready for the cheese tactic players to come out and tell you how it's your fault for not bringing a no skill required build for something we had NO IDEA was coming. Happened in the other threads, will most likely happen here.

It already has.

It's honestly pathetic that no one really knows what the word "Challenge" and "Difficult" actually mean, here.

A near unkillable enemy that 1 shots you and 2 shots the pod is not difficult or challenging. It's cheese, and a prime example of this game's horrendous scaling system and design choices.

Also embarrassed of my fellow DC members acting like 12 year olds coming out and saying they "enjoyed making people miserable," and acted like this was a good design choice on any level.

It's pretty problematic when getting 20 platinum from trade chat to just buy the catalyst is somehow more fun than doing an actual mission for one.

Edited by Diarist
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And then at the end of the "Design Council Melee only" mission they drop an enemy that invulnerable to melee and can only be beaten if you have specific weapons and specifically unlocked abilities.

Was this intended to be funny or humorous? 

Are the design council devs or is this a reflection of the community trolling each other as a substitute for difficult content?

It's not amusing from a new players standpoint. I would have rather just been given a middle finger than waste time on a mission that was unbeatable unless all the planets were aligned and all the rivers turned to wine. 

Guess I'm going back to Destiny. What a disappointment.

Edited by (PS4)ALF0NZ0_AL0NZ0
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5 hours ago, KYLoooo said:

My Kavat removed Juggernauts Armour and my Valkyr deleted the Juggernaut in less than 5s, don't see the problem.

Interesting. I threw banshee at it. Completely stripped the armor, combined sonar and redcrit buff from my kavat to get ~30 damage.

Then the juggernaut vanished, fell off the map/got stuck a few times, respawned after one or two minutes...constantly oneshotting everyone from across the map.

The fight doesn't look bad on paper but in-game it's rather clunky and often doesn't work like intended. Fighting something like that on roids isn't exactly fun.

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12 minutes ago, Diarist said:

It already has.

Don't mind me snipping off most of your post, but I just wanted to say the post you quoted was actually from another thread, so it looks like there was a thread merge. I was wondering where all the other "Well this is a completely unfair alert" threads went.

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DE asked us to give our feedback on this addition, so here are my thoughts. I think restricting content that new players need to higher level players, who you could argue dont need as much, doesnt make any sense to me. I mean the fact that it doesnt show a level range either makes it even worst. If this is a feature you guys really want to have, then I suggest the Gift of the Lotus alert be a bundle that contains both a Catalyst and Reactor while the Design Council challenge be a high level mission as it is now but includes only an Orokin Catalyst. And add a level range so new players know that content isnt meant for them. Off topic a bit, I want to add that I really liked the Conclave rewards. It gave people a reason to play it, which was the biggest problem it had. Do you guys plan on adding these rewards back to the game?

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6 minutes ago, maj.death said:

Troll / 10

You can beat the juggernaut easy with mag, and she's a starter frame.

Even then, if you've gotten to at least up to Ceres, you can also just get Trinity and build for duration/strength for the armor buff Blessing provides.

Better yet, we also have Recruitment chat! All it takes is to ask for some help and there are players that would be more than happy to assist in.

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Oh, it could have been a lot worse though those who voted for Infested didn't know about Juggernaut showing up.  That was a surprise for the DC as well.

I just did the alert with my SO on Excal, me on Limbo, random Valkyr, and random Rhino.  Limbo really made the mission easy by freezing the enemies in place with Statis.  Since it's melee only, people can't complain they can't shoot their gun when Statis is active.  Excal with Lesion melted everything.  Rhino roared so that's good?  Valkyr did Valkyr thing, but she and the Rhino went down a couple of times so I played nurse as well as controlling the battle ground and keeping the pod safe.  No problem with Juggernaut either.  I was more annoyed with constantly being struck by lightning even while I'm in the rift.

I wanted to test Nezha's Pyroclastic Flow or Nidus' Parasitic Link on level 120 Juggernaut, but Limbo was the safer choice for the entire team.

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