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What are the worst weapons in Warframe?


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Nothing is really bad if used right, problem is more other weaposn overshadow others sicne, well, newer, most are upgrades to older weapons since DE can't create a new category each time can they?

Overall starter weapons obviously.

Seer is average since one mentioned it here.

Only thing really bad i guess is the Stug.

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7 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

Inb4 "If it can deal at least one damage, it's not bad or useless."

If someone says the Seer is good due to this logic.

I'll be having a few words with them.

Yet hey, in the very least, we do have the Mutalist Quanta, which can seriously help UP weapons, along with some Arcanes, Rivens, Augments and Abilities.

However, I'll admit, you're kidding yourself if you think you can do anything with a crit chance below 5% and a status chance below 10% with a crit multiplier below 2x and no base damage (looking at you, Lato).

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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primary: paracyst, though this was pre buff and i haven't used it since, it's probably ok now. worst one ever though was the vanilla Snipetron. 4 weak shots with a 3.5 second reload, what a piece of shish that thing was.

secondary: Seer. who honestly thought a pistol with that much Zoom was a good idea? it's also pi$$ weak and slow as hell.

Melee: *insert Machete class weapon here*.


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2 hours ago, Marine027 said:

Nothing is really bad if used right, problem is more other weaposn overshadow others sicne, well, newer, most are upgrades to older weapons since DE can't create a new category each time can they?

Overall starter weapons obviously.

Seer is average since one mentioned it here.

Only thing really bad i guess is the Stug.

Well, I guess you'll have to play with my Stug :clem: (Random : With Limbo Za Warudo you can freeze a lot of globes to create an artificial Frost Avalanche :3 )

This weapon is weird as clem, but it's really really really strong. The only really bad thing is the alt fire, since you can reach it with some multishot on the primary fire... The possible range of the alt fire should be higher if you have higher multishot imo


Nothing is bad, some are just plain weird to mod. Panthera was one of my main weapon before rework, with some firerate and status duration it was already sortie viable. Even more with frames with a weapon buff. Even mk1 weapons can find some use, since some are not plain downgrades. Like Paris or Kunai iirc

Edited by Xgomme
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DE on occasion releases a weapon that can't pull its weight in the current end-game, but on average the weapons that have been released over the years have slowly improved in DPS, scale-ability, utility, etc. If you recall the early days of warframe (back when Hek was considered OP), enemy levels 30-50 were generally considered end-game by the community (with the exception of a few individuals who chose to push the envelope). Back then there simply weren't the mods/weapons to take people through that damage fall-off. As time went on, better mods, weapons, and damage mechanics got gradually introduced and slowly pushed the definition of "end-game" for everyone. While this has been happening over the years, the older weapons were left virtually untouched and never properly re-balanced in any way that could compete with later generations of weapons (unlike the warframe overhauls that kept even the gen-1s feasible to this day).

So while some say "starting weapons" or "mk-1", they're technically right but that's not necessarily the answer I'd give. I'd say, the "worst" weapons are the ones that were released earlier in the game's development, and were considered worthless even at that time.

All that being said, I present for your consideration, the Afuris! It barely held its own in end-game (during first year of warframe) in terms of DPS, but it was such a bullet hose that you wouldn't have enough ammo to last you 1/4 into the average exterminate mission (i.e. hold down lmb for 16.1 seconds to deplete all your secondary ammo). Even when ammo mutation got released, it wasn't enough to sustain the Afuris' ammo inefficiency, and I imagine that it would have trouble even today, when you use a maxed-out primed pistol ammo mutation mod. Ammo efficiency aside, its base status/crit% make it impossible to build for them. The one slightly redeemable feature of it is the slightly competitive DPS, but even a fully modded afuris (requiring 6 formas) will be outclassed by most weapons' DPS potential.  A truly bad, irredeemable weapon. 

Edited by Shenaniger
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4 hours ago, Chewarette said:

AkBronco Prime

Bronco sucks, Akbronco sucks twice, Akbronco Prime is the Primation of Sucking

I'd argue that's the best of the Bronco series, since the AkPrime version can be a 100% Status Shotgun, while the other three versions have just about nothing going for them.

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10 minutes ago, DeadScream said:

So much Javlok hate... I find it useful, especially with Saryn it spreads Spores with ease.

6 bullets, long &#! reload and alt fire that does nothing to high level enemies...except killing you with self dmg.

Oh and that's after it already got buffed once.

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Glaxion, Hind, Panthera.

Spectra, Embolist, Broncos.

Most Machetes, thrown melee after the series of nerfs.


Hopefully DE fixes some garbage-tier weapons one at time. Say, Harpak, daggers, Buzlok, shotguns, snipers were barely usable and now are pretty much ok.

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