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GG but no GG


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I currently seem to average about 20ish games per "GG" other than myself typing it.   The only time I do not is when, at least for me it actually wasn't a good game for whatever reason.    Anyone else notice this?     Kinda sad really, especially when a good portion actually are.    

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It's just not really custom in this game to call GG since most missions are expected to be successes. If you end up in a tense scenario and especially in premade parteies you almost always get GGs in the end.

Keep in mind that typing in chat is an afford a lot of people arent willing to make for a bunch of randoms they arent ever gonna meet again.

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I only type it if the mission length allows for situations in which some form of social bonding can occur, meaning endless missions mostly. It depends heavily on player chemistry, whether or not a chat is initiated that leaves all involved parties feeling like the talk enriched their gaming experience, or in case of non-verbal communication, if players playstyles naturally complement each other. I'm unlikely to say GG in a group of players that play selfishly.

I assume it's similar for a good chunk of the player base.

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The only times I personally say it is in sorties (unless it was a messy run), or if a group stays a respectable amount of time during an endless run, or if it's a very quick/clean run of some event based thing.

I mean, outside of that it's more or less just going on auto-pilot where mission success is entirely guaranteed.

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I only do it for good runs, like when me and 3 Nyx Primes beat Razorback yesterday easily after mopping the floor with all the Anti-MOAs and Hyenas beforehand, when I find a rare mod I actually need, or an Exterminate mission where everyone in it actually gets to take part because there's no WoF, stuff like that. Speaking of, anyone need any Gorgon Wraith barrels? I've got a few extra and it turns out I can't cram anymore than one on my Gorgon no matter how much tape.

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42 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I only use it after a tough mission that we pull through on

This.  I'll start the GG after a good and tough mission. Where it's well deserved. 

But! If someone else starts a GG, I'll GG back. It's just common curtesy. Like saying thank you when someone holds the door for you. 

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1 hour ago, The_Mustachio said:

This.  I'll start the GG after a good and tough mission. Where it's well deserved. 

But! If someone else starts a GG, I'll GG back. It's just common curtesy. Like saying thank you when someone holds the door for you. 

Agreed. I always respond in kind to a GG, even if I reserve starting them for particularly good runs.

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4 hours ago, 16Bitman said:

I really like that 4 people can meet each other in a public match, help each other if necessary and then split up again at the end of it, most likely taking months to see each other again, if at all.

I wish there was a little UI indicator that let us know if we've played with a player before

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GG was never a common practice in WF. I only use/see it when we got on a pinch(like last revives on a boss, a pod almost going down or a long survival mission) and managed to complete the mission.

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For me:

GG = that was fun, nice work all round etc etc

g = I'm indifferent to you...

[drops squad ASAP] = why you do this to me? do you want an ignore listing, because that's how you get an ignore listing!

[drops mid game] = I don't play with Limbos, go play with your own kind.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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