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19 hours ago, perdigm said:

It's time to nerf Nidus and the limbo/saryn nuke builds 

Leave Nidus alone heaten!

it's been already overnerfed both mechanically and estetically since the nerf its full open armor doesn't coincide anymore with its passive enablement.

It can reach respectable damage, but to do so it needs a ton of energy and a ton of hits on enemies, when any party member in a mission will usually wipe out entire rooms alone it means Nidus player gets shafted over and over remaining without energy, stacks, passive ability and damage output

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10 hours ago, Blakrana said:

think they're omitting a few steps.

1) Cataclysm; ensure enemies are nicely contained within. Avoid on strict edges.

2) Mag Magnetises units, pump with damage from wherever you wish.

3) Limbo casts Stasis; enemies within Magnetise spheres are now trapped in spheres of doom taking damage

4) Mag Polarises; enemies take the damage, shrapnel feeds into Magnetise from clustered enemies within, doing even more damage (with bonus from the armour removal)

Whilst I only found this out from doing a PUG alert defence on the Kuva Fortress (you know, the place that gets crazy traps as you go), honestly I found it a rather interesting bit of incidental teamwork considering I wasn't expecting any accidental cohesion whatsoever.

Is it overpowered? That'd require people more interested in running Sorties than me to check, but I do think it's debatable purely because a) it takes cohesion, b) it takes effort, c) may not scale far at all in terms of practical effort needed.

Fun though, I think. Though then again, it's just nice to find Synergy between Frames of an incidental nature.

Even if that ended in a 100% death nuke every time it still wouldn't be considered overpowered. The amount of things that have to go right and the fact that you have to use powers in a certain order make that far more likely to be considered just a powerful team synergy.

I mean, crying out loud, the enemies not being clustered enough to get the S U C C from magnetize, properly, can severely reduce the efficiency of something like that.

Still, it sounds dang clever. Almost as good as magnetizing a big cluster of targets and having Oberon smite everything within it so that the orbs instantly circle back and nail the enemies within the bubble so you don't lose any damage from bad targeting.

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Just now, Chipputer said:

Even if that ended in a 100% death nuke every time it still wouldn't be considered overpowered. The amount of things that have to go right and the fact that you have to use powers in a certain order make that far more likely to be considered just a powerful team synergy.

I mean, crying out loud, the enemies not being clustered enough to get the S U C C from magnetize, properly, can severely reduce the efficiency of something like that.

Still, it sounds dang clever. Almost as good as magnetizing a big cluster of targets and having Oberon smite everything within it so that the orbs instantly circle back and nail the enemies within the bubble so you don't lose any damage from bad targeting.

It's a nice trick, certainly. Done right, you can set up the Magnetise in the Cataclysm so that stuff runs into the Cataclysm and are instantly trapped in the doom orb but that's flirting the edge at which point...probably going to lose the boon of Stasis keeping them in there if they haven't died yet. But the odds of being able to not only discover it in a PUG, let alone make use of it for long? Slim. Reliable use requires friends you can co-ordinate with really.

Admittedly it has lead to me having something to add to some fic character's tactics to emphasise how they fight together extremely well. I consider it a nice bonus. And less obvious as Mag and Volt as the teamwork duo.

End of the day, I like it as one of those 'unexpected and entertaining' combinations. Certainly more nuanced than the old 'Banish Mesa, let her spam Peacemaker in peace' approach.

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Okay heres an interesting nuke build.

Max range duration limbo.

Equinox max power strenght build.

Octavia amp max power strenght build.

Last one is a nidus with whatever build.

Limbo cast cata and stasis, equinox activates maim, nidus links to octavia, octavia casts amp, nidus pulls enemies together, equinox mows them down with a good melee and gets insane damage on maim, equinox casts.maim and the everything dies, best in def maps.

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22 hours ago, perdigm said:

hope a DE dev sees what happens when you use limbos' cataclysm to banish mag inside of it then polarize with mag
needs nerfed 

You must be mad cuz u cant kill stuff as fast as they kill stuff? If u cant beat em....join em


Limbo is working the way DE intended him to work. 


Saryn was massively nerfed and now u must use a whole build to make her nuke.

Mag was reworked last year.



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23 hours ago, Ryme said:

Lol at people asking for nerfs against things that can clear lvl 30-40 enemies. A naked Frost can clear those.

especially if you take advantage of his 3 and hurling enemies into walls at break neck speeds that just ends up shattering them into a million pieces lol

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Used to, one power did that... Now it takes her whole kit.... Thats a nerf

Her one power used to nuke a small area of the map.

Now she puts down a molt, constantly spores it, and destroys her own spores. Everything dies even further out than they used to.

Her kit doesn't need to wind up to Miasma for her to be dealing tons of damage to the enemies.

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5 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay heres an interesting nuke build.

Max range duration limbo.

Equinox max power strenght build.

Octavia amp max power strenght build.

Last one is a nidus with whatever build.

Limbo cast cata and stasis, equinox activates maim, nidus links to octavia, octavia casts amp, nidus pulls enemies together, equinox mows them down with a good melee and gets insane damage on maim, equinox casts.maim and the everything dies, best in def maps.

That s some dope synergy. Wish more frame had  synergies

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1 hour ago, Chipputer said:

Her one power used to nuke a small area of the map.

Now she puts down a molt, constantly spores it, and destroys her own spores. Everything dies even further out than they used to.

Her kit doesn't need to wind up to Miasma for her to be dealing tons of damage to the enemies.

Regardless... Shes not op. Her abilities synergize better than almost any other frame.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Censooored said:

That s some dope synergy. Wish more frame had  synergies

Not many people know that with the proper build equinox's energy drain is zero in limbos cata, so its spammable as long as equinox can afford the casting cost.

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Saryn is a setup nuke. Not a one-button nuke. If you have to setup to wreck havoc, I think it's working as intended. Once you start getting past 80 then it no longer is destroying everything at once, but it procs viral on everyone. Dunno about you but I run Jet Kitag and Orgis. I have a blast with Saryn on any given enemy level. 


A lot of times when its 2 warframes that make something amazing, it takes coordination, which is usually non-existent in pugs.

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On 5/19/2017 at 11:41 PM, ShadowStalker said:

Wait what? Limbo nuke is H.I.S.T.O.R.Y

Same with Saryn

Nidus ...Nuke....i totaly forgot that one time i used 4 on nidus and i just nuked the whole game XD:crylaugh:cleared like 700 waves in 3 seconds

+do you even play the game>? or ever logged in?

You and most the people that have commented have zero idea what the OP is talking about.

He is talking about what those frames do when they work together.

1) Limbo places Cataclysm and possibly uses Stasis. You and all allies in Cataclysm are invincible and gaining energy.

2) Nidus pulls everything together.

3) Saryn with Toxic Lash + Spores and Jat Kittag w/ Vulcan Blitz kills everything at great, infinitely scaling speeds.

Is this OP? Sure, but it takes 3 frames to pull off and great synergy between the 3. Add in a Maim Equinox for the lulz. There are many imbalanced things in Warframe, this is hardly the top of the list.

Alternatively, though without the infinite scaling, you can simply banish the Nidus and Saryn into the Rift, Nidus pulls everything together, and Saryn/Nidus kill everything with Spores/Miasma/Nidus's 1. Limbo can also cast a small Cataclysm on the Nidus 2 and kill everything that way while everyone is banished outside of it, with Limbo's Stasis all status effects last forever with synergizes well with slash weapons and with Saryn due to Stasis allowing all her status procs to last forever.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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On ‎19‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 11:55 PM, perdigm said:

It's time to nerf Nidus and the limbo/saryn nuke builds 

- Nidus isn't overpowered, he needs stacks and micro-management to be powerful.

- Limbo's 4 got nerfed.

- Saryn needs to cast 3 of her abilities to even come close to the results of her pre-rework Miasma.

- two particular frames using powers at the same time is called Synergy, not OP.

it's funny because I reckon OP complains when something HE likes is nerfed, but screw everyone else, right? seriously, nerf brigade mentality has to go.

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56 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

At this point and for your replys you are a troll or a really really bad player (with a month in your account ... can be the 2 ) .

/profile perdigm

"Given username does not exist."

Any questions left?

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On May 19, 2017 at 7:27 PM, RyuGold said:

With this again... Stop treating "nuke" frames like if they're the cancer of the entire game just because they don't suffer from line of sight.

Like, seriously, this is all that you nerf fanboys see: omg it killed enemies with its ability. Really op! Must nerf

We really don't have many nuke frames left (especially because of these BULLCRAPS) and the ones we have need an entire build for them to work as nuke bombs up to some levels wich is fair.

The only nerfs I understood were on Mesa's peacemaker and Ash's bladestorm, where all you needed was just a bit of range, a bit of power and efficency instead of the whole build and the help of buffers.

Seriously, yes^.

Let's just go all the way with it and nerf Volt, Ember, Equinox, Chroma, Nyx, all Syndicate AoE mods and weapons and every other Frame and power with AoE

Historical nuke frames are something that newer players cannot fathom in terms of power...

Off the top of my head, Original, original Discharge Volt, Miasma Saryn, and Anti-corpus Shield-buster Mag come to mind.

In the beginning there were legit mapwipers.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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