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Excalibur Hate


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3 hours ago, HefestoPollux said:

Can someone tell me why there is so much hate about this frame? Many players tend to be toxic or even trolls when i play with my excalibur.

I'm a MR 21 player and i have all the frames, but i get bored from time to time by playing the same frames, some i like, others not so much. At the moment i'm enjoying excalibur again, but for some reason people talk like if excalibur is some kind of a cancer frame. I only ask this because i'm trying to understand what is wrong with players lately.

What you guys think about this?

PS: Btw, excalibur 4th skill is broken, when he's out of energy by using this skill he turns in a wierd glitch with his arms, happens all the time.

Are you constantly staying in Exalted Blade? 

If so, you might have your answer. 

I play PUG's so I have accepted as a matter of course that I am choosing to accept whatever weird frame combinations or annoying spams I may face, but I still can't help but cringe a bit when I hear "swish swish swoosh, swish swish shoosh" over and over the entire match. The repetitive sound makes me want to bang my brains against a wall after a while. Maybe if DE could at least tone down how annoying the sound affect is, IDK... 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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 Personally, I've never see any hate, but my Excalibur is slightly different then most.

 Building and playing him in an effective way probably helps mitigate it as well.

18 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Bruh, Radial Blind completely incapacitates entire squads of enemies and better yet, allows you or your teammates to insta-kill virtually any enemy with their melee.

That doesn't sound sub-par at all.

Yeah, but... but... you like... have to position it now, who has the time?

Seriously though, anything that requires more effort then just standing there and hitting a button will get flack from a certain type of player at some point. Luckily those types barely get paid any attention to, as evident by "nerf" threads every time an ability like Radial Blind is changed to make logical sense and prevent cheesing of game mechanics.

4 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Are you constantly staying in Exalted Blade? 

If so, you might have your answer. 

I play PUG's so I have accepted as a matter of course that I am choosing to accept whatever weird frame combinations or annoying spams I may face, but I still can't help but cringe a bit when I hear "swish swish swoosh, swish swish shoosh" over and over the entire match. The repetitive sound makes me want to bang my brains against a wall after a while. Maybe if DE could at least tone down how annoying the sound affect is, IDK... 

Also all of this, I can stand, maybe even enjoy the unsheathing and sheathing sound effects, but the actual swings are so repetitive and unpleasant I usually end up muting the game while using him.

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Just now, Kedai said:

Yeah, but... but... you like... have to position it now, who has the time?

Seriously though, anything that requires more effort then just standing there and hitting a button will get flack from a certain type of player at some point. Luckily those types barely get paid any attention to, as evident by "nerf" threads every time an ability like Radial Blind is changed to make logical sense and prevent cheesing of game mechanics.

Wait what?

You just press 2 and everything around you has a freaking existential meltdown.

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Anyone who thinks Excalibur is bad doesn't know how to play it.

I've done everything in Excalibur, Sorties, LoR, whatever.

You can use 1) to fly around the map faster than volt (and actually fly) as well as having a 60m+ radial blind that shuts down entire rooms of enemies for the best part of forever.

The synergy with team mates using covert lethality daggers is amazing.

Just ignore the 3) ability, it is garbage.

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Probably because he isn't exactly a team player. 

And after his ult got nerfed to the oblivion, there isn't much he can add to a team which other frames can't tbh, be it CC or damage.  

It is just a cool looking frame with flashy abilities that don't do much.

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4 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

Hell, there were people that wanted Super Jump back as his 3rd even though bullet jumping has taken a firm hold of the game by that point.

ay man superjump4lyf!...

(But seriously, you serious? I thought that was just a running joke...)

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2 hours ago, sekate said:

ay man superjump4lyf!...

(But seriously, you serious? I thought that was just a running joke...)

Just one example I could find on my phone:

Of course, it could be out of context, but I remember an old thread about a petition or something about it.

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

1.  He's seen as a noob frame.

2.  He doesn't enhance the squad.

3.  His crowd control is subpar. 

4.  There are better damage frames.

5.  Some people will complain about anything.

1. newb frame yes. noob frame no.

2. true he doesnt.

3. not really beacause his blind can hit a good amount of area with no range mods on top of the fact EVERYONE in the group can use a finisher on said blinded enemies.

4. yes and no. really excal is in the top 5. also hes not useless to any type of enemy as other damage frames are.

5. this is true too lol.

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Dunno, haven't seen any such elitism towards Excal. I basically only use Excal (67% frame use at MR22) because he brings just enough of everything to not be gimped at something. 

Now I build my Excal off-meta. I stack as much armor, health and shields on him as I can. The only power related mod I have equipped is Rage but that is primarily to feed Life Strike. Could I do better with other frames? Yes, of course. But that's not the point. 

As for the argument that Excal brings no "team synergy". Eeeeeh, not sure. I mean the game itself could be best described as "Together alone". Other then a handful of support oriented frames, most are built to essentially assume you have to carry. And even for frames like Trinity, the primary concern seems to be to keep themselves alive. And rightly so. And lets be honest here, the best CC is death. And as far as I have seen, Excal delivers on that front. 

The ONLY people I could think of who would show elitism towards Excal are the "endgame" players. The "Hardcore life!" ones to whom the enemies must be level 200+ and a single mission must last longer then 3 hours. Or the EXTREEEEEEME speedrunners who do three missions in ten minutes or less. The "git gud, skrub" crowd. 

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While I don't really "hate" the frame, I can easily think of several reasons why seeing an excal join your group would make someone cringe.

1) A large percentage of Excalibur players are newbies - him being the starter frame and all. So when you see "Excalibur" in the group menu, it's often followed by "Paris MK-1", "Cronus" or "Lato". You can also safely assume that his build has no Corrupted or Nightmare mods, let alone a potato. And while this is true for all starter frames, Excalibur is the most detrimental to the group because his kit requires heavy modding to be even remotely useful. Thankfully, you don't really encounter unmodded, poorly equipped Excals that frequently past the starter planets, not since junctions became a thing, anyway.

2) An even larger percentage of Excalibur players can be safely replaced by a simple script that randomly moves the mouse and mashes the melee attack button. Yes, I'm talking about Exalted Blade spammers. It has a rather annoying sound (on par with Simulor when it comes to ear torture), it often comes in eye-cancer colors, and when they die (because exalted blade spam, contrary to the popular belief, does NOT make you invincible) and you enjoy a brief moment of peace instead of rushing to revive them, they tend to start foaming in chat. *sigh* Yeah, pretty good reason to hate. 

3) Very limited group synergy. While a good Excalibur player *can* contribute to the group effort in most missions, he's not exactly the absolute best pick for most common roles, and bad Excal players are dead weight more often than not. 


So yeah, not exactly Limbo level of bad when you see people aborting missions and leaving squads because they don't want to risk it with a troll frame, but you won't be seeing anyone jumping happily at the sight of Excalibur - this treatment is reserved for Trinity ^^


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There's just a lot of haters in this game from my own experience in game, and on the forums.
I mean, we have people who,

1. Dislike weapons that are "over-powered".

2. Hates Frames that are "over-powered".

3. Hates Frames that are "under-powered".

4. Hates players who leeches.

5. Hates players that "steal kills".

6. Hates players who extracts when they (alone) want to keep on going.

7. Hates players that keeps on going when they (alone) want to extract.


And more that I can think of right off the bat.


In conclusion, there will always be haters. Just be yourself, as long as you aren't trolling.

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I can go all day on how amazing Excalibur is as a damage frame, if DE actually swaps out that 3 for an actually useful ability he will be godlike.

Haters gonna hate, that's all I can say. The only complain I have for Excalibur would be the SFX of EB, but the frame is near perfect.

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excalibur is bae i main him too people think he lacks damage at higher levels but they just dunno build most people are so used to meta they can't handle it because they think you gonna contribute nothing to the team(because of they dunno excal's 4 abilities greatness and his blind greatness) and some people are just toxic pepe's 

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12 hours ago, HefestoPollux said:

Can someone tell me why there is so much hate about this frame? Many players tend to be toxic or even trolls when i play with my excalibur.

I'm a MR 21 player and i have all the frames, but i get bored from time to time by playing the same frames, some i like, others not so much. At the moment i'm enjoying excalibur again, but for some reason people talk like if excalibur is some kind of a cancer frame. I only ask this because i'm trying to understand what is wrong with players lately.

What you guys think about this?

PS: Btw, excalibur 4th skill is broken, when he's out of energy by using this skill he turns in a wierd glitch with his arms, happens all the time.

I believe that if you were using Excalibur Prime things would be different, because sometimes this (hate) is not about how it performs, it's about what it represents.

Excalibur = starter frame, noob frame, easy to use frame, bla, bla

Excalibur Prime = Grand Master of all things in Warframe, Ultra Veteran player,  bla, bla, bla

But people forget that Excalibur is obtained in one of the last planets in the chart, and with the Ambulas rework it is now a little bit harder to get. I think if people are reminded how difficult is to get this frame (by removing him as a starter frame) they will respect him more.

Edited by (XB1)neoxal
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Closing this thread since it seems to attract a lot of negativity.

I would recommand everyone to just play with what you like and not give a damn about what other people say. If those people are acting in a very toxic way towards your Warframe choice (insults, etc...), reporting them to the player support desk might be a good idea.

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