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Oberon Prime: Hotfix 20.6.4


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14 minutes ago, ScoutInTheNight said:

I've spent about six hours running ten rounds then evacing on Jupiter/Io farming Meso relics.  I have between five and nine of all the new relics except for Meso V5.  In fact, I've gotten four Meso S6s just tonight.  I have no Meso V5.  Is the Codex wrong about the drop locations, or am I improbably unlucky?

Just let you know that I got one V5 from Saturn Helene.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Oberon Prime: Hotfix 20.6.4 


  • Fixed a crash related to Dx9 systems. 

Well I might wanna blame this one for messing up my Launcher doing "Update failed!" loop again. Why is it that Warframe launcher sucks bigtime? No wonder some players didn't come back anymore because of launcher problems.

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9 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

That'd be a great 'smite+hallowed ground' behavior or better yet a great smite behavior. Guy's already staggered. I'm already swinging my brand new mace at his face. Give me finisher damage :)

The blind effect from Reckoning allows melee finisher, but the range & duration of that blind effect is... non-existent :(

If there's a Smite + Hallowed Ground combo that unleash radial blind within certain radius... :blush: 


Maybe I should stop daydreaming about it, and I doubt DE would buff him again unless his PA really doesn't sell well...

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3 hours ago, ScoutInTheNight said:

I've spent about six hours running ten rounds then evacing on Jupiter/Io farming Meso relics.  I have between five and nine of all the new relics except for Meso V5.  In fact, I've gotten four Meso S6s just tonight.  I have no Meso V5.  Is the Codex wrong about the drop locations, or am I improbably unlucky?

I have the feeling that the new relics are astonishingly rare compared to the Banshee ones that were a piece of cake to loot...

Prime farming through rifts is okay, but spending hours farming the same missions to loot hundreds of Vitality or useless relics can be really boring. I Alt-F4'd yesterday because of that and I think I'll take a day or 2 off.

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10 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Oberon’s Immortal skin has received the PBR treatment! This fixes issues with the Immortal Skin texture introduced this week as well as Oberon Prime’s shoulders appearing very plain without his Prime Armor attachments. 

That's great, however , their are still issues with some of the other immortal skin that would be nice to have fixed. The one that comes to mind first for me is the immortal skin on valkyr (namely that it shows almost none of the actual skin when equipped). Its a shame too, as valkyr's is a really good looking immortal skin and it would be great to see it work well on her primed version. Thanks for the fixes though.

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still not  syndicate grakatas or festive skin pack for 1 credit  multiplayer captura. i really want to murder grineer  use it with my friends and also pls add friendly fire mode to just play pvp without going to conclave panel

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22 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Neo N7 Relic has been introduced into the mix to fix Nekros Prime Systems Blueprint being accidentally vaulted, and the Meso S6 Relic has also been introduced to fix Spira Prime Blade being accidentally vaulted. 



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21 hours ago, Urska said:

Melee Riven Mods plz?

ALSO.... FIX Silva N Aegis Sound... its no longer a sword, so it wouldn't make cutting sounds... but blunt ones... :l 


Or give us a sword instead. That's what the Silva is after all   ;D

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10/10 would log in for the daily and get 3 different amounts of Tellurium to choose from.. that... i have over 100 not needing to be touched because nothing requires it to craft at my rank... and considering only 46 are needed to craft -everything- current.


Put the fidget spinners down please. At least give me 3 different things to randomly choose from, and not 3 of the same thing. I'm not asking you to fix a game breaking bug, a simple boolean expression could fix this bs. 

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I mentioned this in-game and was told to try posting on forums because they thought it was a good idea. So people were talking about Baro and his timer and i said why not add a timer on Baro's icon in the star chart so when u hover the cursor on it it will display the time till he arrives.

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Is it possible to buy prime objects without buying more platinum I am referring to the sets like the new oberon and weapons sets etc. If so I am unable to find the capability and if not ...why?

Edited by samurai0716
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On 5/31/2017 at 1:49 PM, Heckzu said:

So you guys can make the mace spin, but you guys can't put flames on top of the shield to make it more in line with the original Silva & Aegis's concept?

I wonder what @SilverBones thinks of this.

EDIT: Seems like He's happy with it. But I wonder what the Silva & Aegis Prime would have looked like if he had designed it himself.

I'm just happy that my baby got Primed. Were it up to me though...


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