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Is Warframe becoming pay to win?

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6 hours ago, Skyeborne said:

If you are planning to end-game Fashion Frame, then ya, I guess it is pay to win. Generally those with more pallets and attachments are going to have a better time designing their Fashion Frame. 

So, does that mean the P2W aspect is like the Captura contest? You win there with cosmetic. Beyond that, almost nothing is locked behind Plat (except for slots).

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its not pay to win cz both sides can get item by farm or  if buy....ppl who buy support game little bit more that is all...f2p game do not exist... cz anyone would not sink milions of dollars in something if dont have any income

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Nope. Warframe still is "pay-to-not-wait" or "pay-to-waste-less-time". I have yet to see something that is platinum-exclusive and that gives a huge advantage to the person who bought that thing.


Clearly the best way to get Kuva is to buy resource booster boosters (you know, the one that increases the amount of received resources). But you can still get Kuva without it, although at a muuuuuuuch slower and boooooring way. I don't mind spending 200 platinum to get the 30-day booster just for this.

Edited by RextintorZ
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No actually, i vacuum for 2 year i really don't know where to start but i manage to have all weapons now in only 2 month of playing. You dont want to farm specific prime parts, you will do an endless mission, get a rare one. sell it for plats and buy another sets. EZ PZ enough

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On 6/7/2017 at 10:19 PM, (Xbox One)BURRITO DEVIL said:

Ho.....how do any of these account to pay to win?

Fashion frame is end game. To win warframe you must have the most fashion. Therefore more cosmetics such as tennogen that we have to pay for = pay2win.

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On 6/8/2017 at 1:17 AM, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

With Octavia's music packs being be behind a pay wall, on top of other changes to resource drop rates and the need for kuva, do you guys think warframes mindset has changed to pay to win?

Seeing as how Kuva and other resources still drop reasonably, I'm going to assume that the first thing you talked about is the focus of your argument.

This sounds more like:

"I'm disappointed some aspects of this warframe I like cost money, so I would like to accuse DE of putting core game components behind a paywall to have moral validation for feeling slighted"

Instead of

"I literally cannot succeed unless I pay DE money, in this game." 

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"Pay to win is when a game company sells stuff that gives an in game advantage through micro transactions"

In no way, does getting Octavia's music pack, give any in game advantage what-so-ever. 

TL;DR , NO! It is no where near pay to win.

Edited by saltygr33n
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On 6/7/2017 at 10:17 PM, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

With Octavia's music packs being be behind a pay wall, on top of other changes to resource drop rates and the need for kuva, do you guys think warframes mindset has changed to pay to win?

This game is no where near pay to win...lol. 
Octavia's music packs don't effect the game one single bit. 
and the Kuva rates don't even make a difference, if it was pay to win theyd sell us Kuva packs in the market for a high amount + high plat amount. do they? no. 


On 6/7/2017 at 10:42 PM, YUNoJump said:

You can't do them "yet". You CAN do them once you finish a quest that is part of the game's main story and progression. Saying that it's unfair that you don't get an item before you finish certain progression is like saying that it's unfair that you don't get an achievement for finishing a game before beating the final level.


On 6/7/2017 at 10:36 PM, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

the thing is, u cant get kuva unless u do war within, even if u do a kuva mission, it wont reward kuva

u can get all of the parts of octavia without even doing second dream... including doing the quest

so no u cant just do 4 kuva missions if you cant do kuva missions yet lol 

one of my clan members was dead set on building ti till he found out about the kuva :u

^ what Yuno said. 

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There are other bigger issues DE isn't looking into it and you're complaining about audio changes?

What about enemy scaling? Seekers 1 shotting you with the worst pistol? Ramparts with wallhacks? Over-usage of those snare traps?


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What's their to not win without paying though.

Tell me which mission or boss is not doable without plat. Which questline are you unable to complete without pay?

Tell me with exact words, which specific part in the game you are currently losing at, and considering to pay for to win.




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On 6/8/2017 at 1:19 AM, (Xbox One)BURRITO DEVIL said:

Ho.....how do any of these account to pay to win?

I hate to state the obvious, but you just started a heated debate between what people call "Paywall" and what really is a "Paywall". Like others living in the US and not realizing just how much freedom they really have till it's taken away. Things might be hard to farm, nearly impossible to get, or otherwise ridiculous, BUT none are behind a wall. Even platinum is not because we can still achieve it via the trade market. Sorry just not the right definition and this will just stir up anyone and everyone that has one little thing they dislike or feel should be changed coming out of the wood works.

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On 2017-6-8 at 2:52 PM, Dycoth said:

Octavia was, I believe, a big mistake. Not the Warframe herself, but the fact that you have to buy many component of her main skill. Why isn't there a way to farm at least 1 instrument...? Songs are cosmetics, just to have the music we want, but when we play her we hear the song from the beginning until the end on the mission, so you can't say me that this is just a cosmetc. I've heard too many HORRIBLE musics... Unplayable.


But, except for Octavia, Warframe is not a pay-to-win. It's only Pay-To-Accelerate.
You need to reroll a Riven, I don't know, 10 or 15 times ? So, let's farm.
You want it in a faster way ? So, pay a booster, and farm x2 less.

Except you don't the music packs only change the sound of her abilities, not their function.

They still all play at the same rate, they are not any more powerful.

There seems to be some grand misunderstanding of what Pay-2-Win is around here...

WF is Pay to Look/Sound pretty... That's it. And you can actually acquire the paid items (boosters and that) for free anyway... get some primes sell some primes = $$$, no real money needed.

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2 minutes ago, Lonnehart said:

Hmm...  I actually don't see any "Pay To Win" anywhere.  Sure you can argue that "Fashion Frame" is this.  Thing is...  you can get the platinum you spend on warframe accessories by simply trading rare stuff, right?


The people looking to buy platinum to bypass grind will also part with that platinum in many cases to... well, bypass grind.

If you pick up prime parts there is literally nothing shut down to you except cosmetic fluff.


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You're pretty much saying because i have an alt helm for a frame...im better off than anyone else...for a game that is primarily PvE. Kuva is a resource, easily got and more easily got with a resource booster. If you're talking about rolling rivens...boy, S#&$ gets more expensive each roll for an rng chance of a better stat.

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I would just like to jump in here real quick and say that the linguist in me is bothered at how people dilute language and eventually ruin the meanings of terms that once had way more meaning and value to them.

Pay to win doesn't mean anything if people who don't understand what it means keep abusing the term, it's rather sad. 

I'll give a very brief summation of what it means:

Pay to win means you have to pay to win, it's pretty simple. Generally this applies mostly to PvP centric games where spending money gives you a quick advantage over other players. The mobile game clash royale is a good example of this (that most people have probably heard of). 

Warframe is the typically popular free to play model where you just have to pay money to get cosmetics, and you can pay for convenience. But, you can still get everything if you grind for it, and nothing important is locked behind being forced to spend money. And since it's not pvp centric, someone "getting ahead of you" by spending money, is meaningless. Please, learn the meaning of terms before using them, it dilutes them for everyone. 

And btw, it's kind of funny, Hema was a terrible decision, but it really wasn't meant as a money grab. Most people don't spend platinum on a weapon and most people could wait, I read somewhere some DE staff member said that Hema sales were actually sub par.

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Pay to win Warframe? What kind of "stuff" did you assume for saying this ?._. (no offence) 

Seriously I play this game cuz is free and I love it, the only two thing that you have to spend money for having it is the prime accessories or the steam workshop (PC), for the rest you just have be patient and you can have all of they offer FOR FREE 

Edited by AndrewScreamSoul
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The only thing I personally feel could fall under the 'pay to win' category would be riven mods purely due to their completely rng nature and the fact that they're not a common drop in sorties like they're supposed to be (at least in my case anyways)... I've had more 'rare' endo drops than riven mods.  If they dropped more often, we'd have more chance of getting the riven mods for weapons we like to use rather than in many cases needing to resort to buying with plat at extortianate prices.

Do you actually need riven mods though...not really.

Cosmetics, and that includes sound packs, have no impact on the game play in any way whatsoever and it's purely a choice if you buy them... not saying I agree with some of the prices or tennogen being ANOTHER currency in the game but thats a different topic.

I will say I have noticed a push by DE to 'encourage' players to buy things with plat more, be it via resource requirements (hema) or by diluting the rng further than needed by sticking in more junk than needed etc.

Edited by LSG501
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On 6/8/2017 at 8:29 AM, CaliburxZero said:

Just because you don't like what I got to say, doesn't mean it isn't true, lol.

Check-in on the feedback section from Evanescent regarding Rivens, the system is awful to get anything good.  It was obvious what such a system would do, aka engender high prices because its not honestly realistic to expect to enjoy said system without dropping alot of plat for alot of the weapons u want while it being a massive grind.

If DE were to make the system easier to obtain good rivens, aka increasing "supply", then demand would be met easier.  Which means more holders of good rivens, which means prices would go down due to competition to get theirs sold.  So DE would make less money, because that means less people buying plat for the reason to get them in the first place.

The prices that we players have hiked it to is a direct indicator of the realistic chances of getting a nice riven.  In any case, I know better than to touch this subject any further than this one post.  There will always be people who want to deny these facts, but there are plenty who have taken the time to explain this much more in-detail and eloquently than I.  


DE gains nothing with Riven sales between players. There is not plat tax, if you trade 1000 plat to another player he has 1000 plat. The only things players lose when trading is credits, which is easy to farm to say the least. Some players will buy plats to buy a Riven to another player and DE will gain money, but in the long run, the amount of plat on the market just grows and it's bad for them, they indeed need things to sink player platinum, that's what are the cash grabs, Riven ain't one.

13 hours ago, LSG501 said:

The only thing I personally feel could fall under the 'pay to win' category would be riven mods purely due to their completely rng nature and the fact that they're not a common drop in sorties like they're supposed to be (at least in my case anyways)

But you can't pay DE to have a good Riven to win over somone else. You pay a player for that. If DE put a system with plat trading for rerolling the weapon you may then argue it's a shameful cash grab. The only reason DE did nothing about Rivens it's because it's the only time sink endgame players pay attention to, if it was easy to get a good riven on the weapons you like you woudn't have much to do.

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Lol to everyone who thinks this game is pay to win. I just started a new account and finished second dream with only starter weapons and without trading. 

And you get the broken war for free after the quest which is a huge upgrade that can get you to sorties level. 

There are really not much hard content in this game that requires you to have insane gear to get through. The hardest missions right now i can think of is some sorties and kuva flood. 


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