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Transistor Shield, sigh...


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So I like the idea of Transistor Shield, functionally it's perfectly fine, except for one little problem; no one will make use of it, because of the poor efficiency when moving, my Volt P. has about 800 energy with Primed Flow and Electric Shield drains at about 1.6/s so I can go forever with  or without Zenurik, but with allies using my shields, going from clan feedback it seems to be at a standard 3-5/s which makes it too costly to use in game for basically everyone. you really need a Trin in squad for the augment to be worthwhile with squad mates that have frames designed to use as much energy as they collect/produce.

My only suggestion would be to make the Transistor Shields that allies pick up either use the efficiency of the Volt putting down the Shields (preferably), or use the efficiency of the player carrying the shield (secondary preference).

I just don't think the Static Discharge charge is enough to warrant this augment on its own, as no one is interested in making use of the Shield while moving in my experience thus far.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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Would be nice if their energy drain refills the volt's energy LOL!  jk  :D   I believe its based on that player's energy efficiency as well once they pick up the shield. Either way its ok to me. The fact ppl can pick it up to adjust the shields angle or placement or use as a riot shield is nice. But it does want you asking for more since they added that whole..."static discharge bonus."  if they took that out ...I would be ok with just accepting the ability of other players to move and use the riot shield. well that's just me.  This is more of a situational augment mod to me. Wont use it as part of my main builds.  

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Another reason : the bonus barely matter. Transistor Shield actually adds to your static discharge even if the shield is not carried by anything. The main issue though lies in the static discharge itself : when fully charged, it's an addtitive +1000 damage for a single hit, which is extremely underwhelming while doing high level content.

In theory, the bonus would mostly benefit to a weapon with a low status chance, high crit chances and high enough fire rate so you can shoot as soon as the bar is filled up and cause as little stun effects as possible to make sure that the enemy keeps shooting the shield and reinforce you. But in practice it doesn't work that well, and the weapons with a high fire rate, high crit chance and low enough status chance (below 10%) are fairly scarce, and your allies will probably spam CC effects anyway. Also, some of your allies might steal your shield at the worst moment : carrying that augment is like waving a big flag with "troll me" written on it.

You are way better out with something like Capacitance for a supportive augment.

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Random Volt: Hey! Give me back my shield!


In all seriousness tho, why not make the shield recover energy based on damage absorbed? To whoever is carrying the shield ofc. Might negate some of the insane energy cost from carrying it around.

Wonder how viable volt is in a full melee squad? Give everyone a shield and add speed boost. You can now pretend to be Myrmidons.

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3 minutes ago, Lucavee said:

Give everyone a shield and add speed boost

Taking the shield makes you slower by a lot, and slamming the shield is not satisfying as watching the grineer do it to you, they do it better.

Edited by giovanniluca
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3 hours ago, D20 said:

Another reason : the bonus barely matter. Transistor Shield actually adds to your static discharge even if the shield is not carried by anything. The main issue though lies in the static discharge itself : when fully charged, it's an addtitive +1000 damage for a single hit, which is extremely underwhelming while doing high level content.

In theory, the bonus would mostly benefit to a weapon with a low status chance, high crit chances and high enough fire rate so you can shoot as soon as the bar is filled up and cause as little stun effects as possible to make sure that the enemy keeps shooting the shield and reinforce you. But in practice it doesn't work that well, and the weapons with a high fire rate, high crit chance and low enough status chance (below 10%) are fairly scarce, and your allies will probably spam CC effects anyway. Also, some of your allies might steal your shield at the worst moment : carrying that augment is like waving a big flag with "troll me" written on it.

You are way better out with something like Capacitance for a supportive augment.

So far I've found it works pretty decently with my Vectis Prime and its CritDamage Riven (though I know not everyone is going to have this) but I have yet to bring it out into a serious Public squad because, let's face it, I'm going to be faced with two kinds of trolls.

One, the "I just saw you put this down and set it up so you can start taking protected, extra damage head shots on enemies....So I'm gonna swoop on in and steal it! Hah hah hah!!!" common Troll who's out to ruin your day cause.....I don't know, it helps them get hard or something...


And Two, the "Huh? Press X? What's this command for? Oh sweet! I picked up Volt's Shield? Awesome! Ahahahaah! Look at me! Look at me!" idiot who just didn't know better.

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1 minute ago, giovanniluca said:

If it did the ult would last even less than the supersmall duration it has.

Well they should fix that too.

This augment could've had excellent synergy with his 4. Place a bunch of shields in a crowd, gather up damage, then unleash his ult, doing naive damage then finishing off the enemies with his guns.

Would've been beautiful.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Well they should fix that too.

This augment could've had excellent synergy with his 4. Place a bunch of shields in a crowd, gather up damage, then unleash his ult, doing naive damage then finishing off the enemies with his guns.

Would've been beautiful.

Discharge could work as it's name suggest, you become a battery or place a electric clone which discharges a big quantity of damage until it empties.

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10 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

So far I've found it works pretty decently with my Vectis Prime and its CritDamage Riven (though I know not everyone is going to have this) but I have yet to bring it out into a serious Public squad because, let's face it, I'm going to be faced with two kinds of trolls.

One, the "I just saw you put this down and set it up so you can start taking protected, extra damage head shots on enemies....So I'm gonna swoop on in and steal it! Hah hah hah!!!" common Troll who's out to ruin your day cause.....I don't know, it helps them get hard or something...


And Two, the "Huh? Press X? What's this command for? Oh sweet! I picked up Volt's Shield? Awesome! Ahahahaah! Look at me! Look at me!" idiot who just didn't know better.

I suspect that your damage increase is mostly achieved by the Electric Shield's critical damage bonus. I know that the additive +1k damage from Static Discharge is applied before critical hits, but I don't think the damage difference between a critical hit with full static discharge and a critical hit without it should be that big.

Can you provide me two screenshots of your damage dealt with your Vectis with a critical hit and electric shield ? One with the augment and a filled up static discharge, one without. I kinda expect the result and I remember that I tried it with a Dread. But I want to be sure just in case there's something I overlooked. Of course, make sure to do the screenshot on the same enemy.

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5 hours ago, D20 said:

I suspect that your damage increase is mostly achieved by the Electric Shield's critical damage bonus. I know that the additive +1k damage from Static Discharge is applied before critical hits, but I don't think the damage difference between a critical hit with full static discharge and a critical hit without it should be that big.

Can you provide me two screenshots of your damage dealt with your Vectis with a critical hit and electric shield ? One with the augment and a filled up static discharge, one without. I kinda expect the result and I remember that I tried it with a Dread. But I want to be sure just in case there's something I overlooked. Of course, make sure to do the screenshot on the same enemy.

Did multiple test. Seen Below are My Vectis (with Riven) and Volt Build, and a set of Screen Shots, one without the Mod, and the next set with the Mod (And 1,000 charge):


(All shots aimed at the Tech's Right leg/thigh)

What I find odd is that the number 3,5674 keeps popping up, in both tests. Unsure why this is.


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4 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Did multiple test. Seen Below are My Vectis (with Riven) and Volt Build, and a set of Screen Shots, one without the Mod, and the next set with the Mod (And 1,000 charge):


(All shots aimed at the Tech's Right leg/thigh)

What I find odd is that the number 3,5674 keeps popping up, in both tests. Unsure why this is.


get that dirty critical delay out of here LOL



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Before talking about the augment, let's discuss the base ability first. Let's compare the stationary shield vs the riot shield:

Stationary shield:

  • Big sized shield
  • Single energy cost
  • Has a duration
  • Is stationary

So, that's the basis of the ability. Now, let's compare with the Riot Shield (The -, + or 0 indicates wether it is negative, positive or neutral 0 compared to the stationary shield):

  • - Smaller shield
  • - Drains addtional energy for picking it up (Only good thing is that it doesn't block Zenurik / Energy Siphon, or else it'd be double negative)
  • - Drains even more energy while moving
  • 0 STILL has a duration, despite draining additional energy? (This makes the least sense of them all)
  • - Restricts you to only use secondaries
  • - Slows you down
  • + Is mobile
  • + Ragdolls enemies you touch with it

WHY are there so many downsides to the shield? It's ridiculous! I thought DE followed the "bucket" mentality -> You add something, you take away something, for balance. For Riot shield, they mainly took away... Thus, this is how the Riot shield should look like imo:

  • - Smaller shield (this makes sense, although I think it could be SLIGHTLY wider)
  • - Drains more energy for having it picked up (this makes sense if you are gonna be able to move it around)
  • 0 No extra drain while moving. (Why be penalized for moving quicker when there is already a cost for just holding it?)
  • + Now pauses the duration of the shield, for as long as it is picked up (this makes sense if it's gonna cost additional energy for having it picked up)
  • 0 No longer restricts your weaponchoices (It's a really boring restriction, imo)
  • - Slows you down (this is fair, imo, although it shouldn't be as harsh as it is)
  • + Is mobile
  • + Ragdolls enemies you touch with it

There you go, now it's fair: 3 upsides (Mobile, Ragdoll, Duration-pause), 3 downsides (Smaller, Energydrain, Slowdown), 2 neutral (No movedrain, No weaponsrestriction)

On to the augment: It would be sorta fine (although the passive synergy could honestly be innate), if the above stuff was resolved. Something that could be added to the augment: Allows Volt to place +1/2/3/4 more shields at once. This would make sense since allies can now tamper with them.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Maybe but allies could use it regardless if their specific builds.


Why not "Buff" everyone a shield within a certain range, that offers anything like the original, but:

- 100% surrounds allies from all sides (like a ring). -5/ -8/ -10% movment.

- Got ×10/20/30 of "first" incoming dmg, Health (scaling up) and first hit is negated. And a duration. Healthbar of shields will be shown in 3 colore steps, green 100-60%, orange 59-30% and red 29-1%. If getting at 5% it starts to flicker. (Time to communicate with volt and ask for recasting while throwing away shields.)

- No energy upkeep cost increase. But casting shield, with the Aug, costs +45% additional energy once for every buffed allie. So max, normal-cast-cost +135% (3 × 45%) energy-cost once.

- All orginal shield effects

- Allies can throw away/off shield before duration ends with 2x pressing X at any time. Before allies can get another "shield buff", duration needs to end, allies manually drop/off it or by enemy dmg. 

- Volts & Vauban (1) can be atached/thrown on team-shields, while walking/running. Holding as long duration is moded and as long allie is "moving". Stoping longer then 2sec, let everything atached/thrown at, drop. (Mobil Storm trooper + Mine layer?? Lol)


- Volts own shields keep to have a duration but upkeep costs while moving is removed. Slowing is reduced but still does slow down volt a bit -19% when moving with shield, for every buffed allie, his slowing is reduced by 3% ( -11% movment). This is more then enough PayOff, for this fast game.



Would that work?

Asking you guys with Volt as Main. You know best what is good or not.


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Random thought, but why not integrate the current form of the mod into the base ability, and then have Transistor Shield apply Volt's efficiency and duration stats to the shield instead?

Or maybe just add the latter functionality to the mod to make it not quite as painful as it is now.

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  • 2 months later...

Well if you max out the mod. Its 100% damage taken to your passive meaning almost every shot is getting a damage buff. And if u take a bombarded missile thats almost 1000 right there. Use that to super buff you discharge attack or shocks thru the shield for insane damage. Iv gotten 3k+ kills on my volt prime. Just gotta know how to build him

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On 6/9/2017 at 2:53 AM, D20 said:

The main issue though lies in the static discharge itself : when fully charged, it's an addtitive +1000 damage for a single hit, which is extremely underwhelming while doing high level content.

An additive +1,000 damage that's applied before crit multipliers. Considering how ludicrously powerful crit multipliers can be (especially when fired through Volt's shield), that can add up to a surprisingly huge amount of damage. 

I'll post this video as an example, where Rob gets 25,000 bonus damage from a single Soma shot with Static Discharge fully charged up.

Add on top of that how quickly enemies can charge up Static Discharge while shooting your shields (I've seen it charge up completely between Dread shots on high levels) this overall can become an extremely substantial damage boost. 

So I don't think the passive really needs much changing. 

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