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Who's the Tankiest of them all?

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

Again the term Tank is being misunderstood, You draw agro, CC protect your allies and provide support all the while not dying.


For some odd reason it doesn't on Warframe where the term Tank refers to who can live through certain situations.

Then Nyx is your true queen. 


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24 minutes ago, --Shadow-Stalker-- said:


I see.


In that case, we're limiting this to warframes ability and mods only. And it needs to fill these requirements:


- can take damage

- can CC

- can draw aggro.


Then isn't Nyx the only warframe qualified for this? While titania and octavia have aggro drawing abilites, they don't have a very high eHP.


Nekros` shadows doesn't draw aggro specifically, it just gives the enemy another target to aim. And terrify is only a cc ability and not an aggro drawing ability.

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7 hours ago, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

It's simple.

Mods: Growing Power, Power Drift, HP Conversion, Energy Conversion, Despoil, Equilibrium, Shield o Shadows, intensify, Vitality, Prime Continuity.   

Unkillable Nekros Prime. Just Summon after you pick up a Energy Globe and get a Status effect = 90% damage reduction. Just refresh your minions every 45 seconds to keep the 90% damage reduction without having to go through the process all over again.

Despoil, Equilibrium and HP Conversion = 1415 Total Armor with 100% up time. Unlimited Energy so unlimited Terror, Minions etc. 

But to actually be a TANK you need to reduce the amount of damage your team takes. Vakor Sidon (I butcher'd the spelling i know) and Guardian Derision along with Terror and Minions hogging agro. And of course dropping HP globes all over helps a bit a well.

= The tankiest of them all

not the tankiest of them all, mobs just prefer to attack him summons. Wukong is tankest he wont die defy will save him and he doesn't need summons like Nekros.

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4 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Im sure someone has mentioned it but limbo is the ultimate tank. You can literally sit down in a corridor and soak up infinite damage.

He would be, but I think by "tank" OP mean frames that can actually take the hit instead of negating it completely.

Otherwise technically Valkyr would also still apply.

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8 hours ago, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

Chroma, Valk, perhaps Nidus?


What if I told you it's Nekros... would you belive it?

Nekros can have: 1415 Armor, 90% damage reduction, Infinite Energy, CC which also strips armor and Perma Invisibility.

What I am really curious about is what you mean by "Perma invisibility"

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Ok OP, I'll take the bait.

You want to know the strongest tank in game?  No weapons needed.  Draws all aggo.  Is invincible as long as you have energy (which is extremely plentiful).  Has CC abilities as well to protect allies in a rather large area:
Nyx with the Assimilate augment.
She is tankier than your Nekros for a few reasons:

  • She doesn't suffer any damage.  Unlike your nekros build which actually gets hurt.  That makes her tankier than your nekros by some of your own arguments (You said in quite a few posts that Wukong isn't as tanky as Nekros due to Wukong eventually getting low HP.  By that exact argument assimilate Nyx suffers less damage then your Nekros ever will so is tankier).
  • Her CC allows enemies to kill each other while keeping damage off of your team.
  • Assimilate draws aggro.  If that's not enough you can combine it with Guardian Derision, if I'm going full melee I'll combine this with Electromagnetic Shielding to also cut ally damage in half for no damage taken in return, and a few ack and brunt combos allow for decent movement in assimilate.
  • Has MC to take over high priority targets, such as ancient healers or decent eximus units, to further help the team.

I've personally taken this well over 2 hours in survival missions with a team and had no one ever go down nor ever ran out of energy, and if I  came close I would drop a chaos, go to a corner and drop assimilate and then use some energy pads/Trinity and I'm back at full and ready to go again (or even better I just use one of the syndicate weapons/mods that happens to restore energy every time it fills up, meaning that I can do this type of mission solo without ever dropping assimilate.
Hek, a good assimilate build will laugh at even stupidly high level juggernauts which can take out a tank nekros.

There's also Limbo with Guardian Derision.
Literally invulnerable and draws all aggro in 15 meters with literally nothing the enemies can do.
He can also shunt allies into the void to provide energy regen while also allowing the squishy caster to use as many of their abilities as they want in complete safety.

There's also Zephyr, especially with the Funnel Cloud augment.
She can use turbulence, combine with guardian derision, and then drop funnel clouds while making them all viral.
This provides near invulnerability (again a better tank than your nekros due to taking less damage than your nekros) while also cutting all enemy HP in half and dealing decent viral damage (which allows DPS to do a better job than your terrify!) and without being touchable if you position correctly so that you're attracting melee units who can't hit you and you're invincible to ranged enemies.
And all with obscenely long duration.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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9 hours ago, Devonlucky said:

Rhino all the way, iron skin will save his own butt, rhino can tank it no problem.

nekros can tank? i dont believe you at all.


Nekros can tank with the correct build, yes.

9 hours ago, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

Neither Chroma or Rhino can hold a candle to Nekros P, they're both wet paper bags by comparison.

What if I told you Nekros has the same status immunity as Rhino and can have over 6,700 effective health points...

You are wrong on almost both accounts.

Not really going to matter when Iron skin can get up to tens of thousands of health points.


And to everyone that thinks Wukong and Valkyr (She can tank a bit, but her armor value is devalued by godmode) can tank... I cringe at that seeing as both just have straight up immunity.

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1 hour ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

And to everyone that thinks Wukong and Valkyr (She can tank a bit, but her armor value is devalued by godmode) can tank... I cringe at that seeing as both just have straight up immunity.

I dont use an immortal valkyr i use an eternal war build and she can take a lot of damage and not die i basically use hysteria to heal and take out stuff like juggernaut.

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Inaros - high armor / hp / utility / rage 

zenistar - guardian derisition / raditation / max life strike / utility / max speed

* utility = personal pref, fine tuning.


High tier tank  loadout, capable in soft and  hard  CC, healing, life steal,  agro.  

Atm my favorite way to do sorties, agro map full of enemies for newer players To test their gear on, without fear  of dying. 

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3 hours ago, Madway7 said:

What I am really curious about is what you mean by "Perma invisibility"

I was first thinking he meant Naramon and found it lacking, as any other frame can do the same. Then I started wondering... what if Nekros' minions trigger Shade's invis? I don't know if this is the case and am planning to try this later. Because if so, then that's pretty nifty indeed, devious even..

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just as a point of contention of Nekros using his minions when trying to be a tank:

He might be able to soak up plenty damage but.. summoning his minions give the enemy stuff to fire on. In higher end missions this also means multiple bombards and napalm shooting in your general direction, multiple Nullies concealing Techs and Elites -also unloading in your general direction or schools of Ancient Eximii being a complete nuisance while their MOspreys gass the whole map.
Even if Nekros himself can tank all that, even if him and all his team are in Naramon mode, they will STILL have to be able to soak up MASSIVE amounts of damage. Not very healthy for the team, eventually lethal for Nekros himself.

I found running Nekors in pure Naramon mode without minions is much healthier for him and his team. Also allows me to load Soul Survivor in place of Shield of Shadows and be more of a help to my team..


Just thought I'd bring this up...

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I find this thread...interesting. You seem to act like you are the only one who has discovered hes a damn fine warframe. The moment SoS was released he shot up in value a hundred fold, and his rework made him even better. But your reasoning is flawed. A tank, by MMO terminology, is a person whom holds agro and mitigates damage to themselves. Nekros is not this. No warframe is without guardian derision which you trivialize. Now as far as the damage mitigation side of things I think you are wrong as 2well. I own both a fully forma'd arcaned nekros prime. I also run a dual stacked arcane Ice chroma. Chroma can eat more damage, While he has no CC, he has gobs of weapon damage,. A fully maxed Vex stack + a rivened Zarr is a sight to behold. 

Every frame has strengths and weakness's. There is no ultimate pick. To continue to act like there is only hurts yourself.

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Id say Inarous can tank with the best of them, if not the best. I have yet to die with him in any mission type or level regardless the odds. As for the comment on Nekros being a tank his augment mod gives him a nice buffer to damage, but not the best at higher levels.

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Depends if you seek in flat value, but even then with what build? Valkyr has less raw stats sure, until she buffs her values with Warcry so then she has the highest raw stats by far. Consistency? Wukong is pretty good, and Rhino is reliable too. Hard to say really, it is so contextually relevant question that pinning down the tankiest becomes complicated.

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17 hours ago, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

For how long? And actually I'm focus more so on a complete package. She's a brick s**thouse but she doesn't help the other 3 with agro pulling or CC. 


The definitive roll for a Tank is to add support, agro and or CC so the other 3 (in WFs case) take less damage, all the while not dying. She's got not dying down pat but lacks the support of a Tank.  

um, warcry with the augment is a great team spell, increased attack speed, reduced enemy attack speed, improved armour and decreased enemy attack speed.

with eternal war the increased attack speed and improved armour basically last forever..

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10 hours ago, ComCray said:

I was first thinking he meant Naramon and found it lacking, as any other frame can do the same. Then I started wondering... what if Nekros' minions trigger Shade's invis? I don't know if this is the case and am planning to try this later. Because if so, then that's pretty nifty indeed, devious even..

If it does work it'll likely get fixed afterwards.

But yeah I never thought of doing that, not sure if Nekros's shadows can even be counted as enemies.

Though once during a void fissure mission I summoned a nullifier that spawned an enemy nullifier drone. Was weird.

How I realised it wasn't an ally. Basically the bubbles color was not my energy color and I could hurt the bubble. 

Though the situation was very odd as enemy nullifier bubbles are supposed to instakill shadows, but the shadow that spawned it was fine inside it. 

It did have to destroy the drone leaving him defenseless though.


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