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Why is wukong so underrated?


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2 hours ago, Lanieu said:

He ugly doe.

With the right customization, he can look pretty amazing. 




As for the frame itself. The problem with him is that he lacks anything that can help a team. As someone said above, he's a selfish frame without anything special about his kit. His 1 is okish, but not something people would use a lot. His 2 is immortality, but it's not supported by the other 3 skills. Cloud Walker is very limited, useful for quick assassination, but not for normal play. His 4 while decently powerful, has a really bland and repetitive stance.

Valkyr on the other hand, has Armor Buff, Attack Speed Buffs, quick movement skill with her Ripline, extremely cheap stun that opens up enemy to finishers, an invulnerability skill that also comes with some really powerful damage claws.

Edited by aligatorno
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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

Did you just assume peoples' opinion?

Yes. Because if you don't actually assemble a team and just run alone or join random party - which is what many people do they don't care about their usefulness to the team or usefulness to that frame for others. Even if you care, it doesn't matter in a random team since you can't possibly know what others will play, they can not care about your cc or buff or even outright hate you for them, which often happens with frames like volt or even bless trinity.

Even in raids people often try to play not what is needed or missing but what they want and the only thing stopping them is a host (or realization that they will fail with a higher probability). That's also the reason why the most team oriented and useful frame, trinity, is hated by most players that have to play her despite being literally the most useful in all situations and it's the frame you will usually look for the longest compared to other roles, especilaly dps and cheap cc like slow nova (with exceptions being exp farm since dps there don't gain anything but focus). Frost is closely followed by her,



With the right customization, he can look pretty amazing.


All you did is slapped a tennogen syandana and changed the helmet. It's the same old Wukong. 

Edited by -Temp0-
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If you ask me, Chinaframe Wukong's iteration on his 4 did it right thematically. Sure, it's op to be meleeing the entire map with Primal Fury, but that's how Wukong is like in Chinese Lore - he's a crazy BAMF that's been tamed by the monk Xuanzang in the ways of Buddhism, gifted with an infinitely-long battle staff. However insanely op Chinaframe's version on his 4 is, I feel if adjusted accordingly in the global build it could be great fun and work well with its augment, Primal Rage.

The way I'm thinking is that if Primal Fury got a massive damage nerf than it is now, received a similar concept to Chinaframe's version in going for a map-wide melee form, and have an algorithm where based on the build-up to the combo melee counter the staff grows longer and slowly/incrementally gets stronger (affective with melee mods especially Primed Reach, also I feel that with this in mind max build-up/cap on staff reach and attack would be less if not reaching base melee damage in accordance to how you modded your melee weapon) that would be great imo. Imagine modding for your appropriate elemental combo with a map-wide Primal Fury exalted staff from Wukong, yet still unaffected by Shadow Debt mods. Essentially, you would have an Exalted Weapon that can map-CC but doesn't outright kill targets with combo spams. And in order to deal damage, you would have to use Primal Rage and mod accordingly with it.

It's just a thought, so please excuse my imaginative process. (>'3')>

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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Wukong is just plain boring to play, he offers nothing to support his team and if he didn't have a anti death mechanics he'd be in the same realm as Hydroid.

In a way he's like Loki, but at least a perma invisable Loki offers something With irradiated disarm for CC and WAY WAY higher damage than Wukong, just don't be stupid and get hit by AOEs and get one shot.

Edited by (XB1)YouBitePi11ows
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1 hour ago, aligatorno said:

With the right customization, he can look pretty amazing. 

No amount of customization can fix his nasty fat chassis. You can coat him in paint, try on different hats, and glue on all the attachments in the world. That still won't hide the fact that he has an absolutely disgusting mid-section that looks atrocious in the warframe universe :p Hydroid looks better, and that is a sad statement to make about the great Sun Wukong. 

RIP forever (or until deluxe skin) Wukong 2015 - 2015

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4 hours ago, TDIDiamond said:

His 1 Ability: Iron jab, is a dirt cheap cc, can be compared to something along the lines of mags pull, nothing more nothing less, meh dmg that knocks down enemies, simple yet useful

Valkyr's Ripline is also dirt cheap CC, with more than just a knockdown like the Jab does and instead ragdolls enemies, with the potential to throw them off of cliffs should you be standing next to some. Also, it does more damage.

4 hours ago, TDIDiamond said:

His 2 Ability aka his bread and butter: defy, amazing skill, with rage makes you the best tank in the game, AND you can use all of your weapons while it is active, perfect for any sortie level/kuva flood level content.

Hysteria is both more energy-efficient AND better for tanking than Defy. At sortie levels, enemies take out your health in 2-3 shots, so the only good thing about it is the short invulnerability phases after "deaths" and with max efficiency, you don't have nearly enough duration for the to actually work for long. After about 4 revivals, you basically have zero energy because of the decreasing health return for Rage to work with and the increasing energy costs.

On top of that, if Defy gets cancelled via nully, Bursa, or Scrambus/Comba, he's screwed because of his comparatively low armor values. Valkyr is blessed with the highest armor rating in the game, so her losing invulnerability is much less punishing, particularly if she has something like Warcry on, which can massively buff her armor rating even further. 

4 hours ago, TDIDiamond said:

His 3 Ability: Cloud walker, opens enemies for prompted finishers, similar to valkyrs paralasys, gives you invunerability and untargetability while active and allows for flying. Pretty bad ability for the energy it drains, but it is useful in its ways.

It's a more expensive, larger AoE Paralysis that takes forever to cast. Granted, the ability to fly and avoid damage during this mode is actually a superb ability. AND it pairs super well with long-range weapons because of the forced stealth multipliers. However, it is clunky and slow, as well as suffers from some QoL that would otherwise make it an awesome stealth ability. 

4 hours ago, TDIDiamond said:

His 4 Ability AKA the BFS: Primal Fury, with its augment, Primal Rage, you can achieve red crits very easily, it has nice range and ok damage, killing sortie 3 enemies is a breeze, doesnt drain a lot of energy at 175 efficency and rage. Stance is garbage and needs work on tho, its very clunky and needs some QoL changes.

You said it - it's clunky and needs some QoL. And if we're going for raw damage, Hysteria's claws win. Not only does she have good attack speed with them, but they also do some stupidly high damage and all of the combos have fast multi-hits (also, both of the charge attacks guarantee finishers on almost any enemy). It may not have the range that the stick does, but they ARE better because they match quite well with the rest of Valk's kit, provide invulnerability, and are counted among the most powerful melee weapons in Warframe. 

And as a side note, Valkyr's claws have balanced IPS stats, which makes her a godsend for killing Sentients relatively worry-free and provides a good spread of damage, letting you use a wider variety of weapons without worrying about you ult being less effective for it. Unlike Wukong's staff, which is heavily weighted towards Impact damage and completely lacks any slash whatsoever, and that can put a damper on the melee you use. 

4 hours ago, TDIDiamond said:

But seriously, every time i mention wukong people say he is a worse valkyr, what are your opinions on the frame?

Despite being clunky and my above feedback., I actually DO enjoy him. He's not the best frame, and certainly not the best tank (that title is split between Nidus and Inaros, who really are basically immortal), but he IS fun. There's definitely merit to having a melee range on like 20 meters, and Defy is undeniably better than most "tanking" abilities in-game.

Honestly, if he only had some QoL updates he'd be solid. But as of now, he is clunky and inefficient, especially compared to other tanky Warframes, like Inaros, Valk, Nidus, and even Trinity (trin needs more micro-management, but is easily just as effective, if not more so). His ult is nothing to scoff at, but even the huge AoE doesn't make up for how frustrating it can be to use properly with any crit melee. 

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15 minutes ago, Azlen said:

No amount of customization can fix his nasty fat chassis. You can coat him in paint, try on different hats, and glue on all the attachments in the world. That still won't hide the fact that he has an absolutely disgusting mid-section that looks atrocious in the warframe universe :p Hydroid looks better, and that is a sad statement to make about the great Sun Wukong. 

RIP forever (or until deluxe skin) Wukong 2015 - 2015

Hydroid and his cellophane amassed thunder thighs. Even a workout session with the Thigh-Master(tm) to Michael Sembello's "Maniac" (Flashdance) won't tone them legs down.

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6 hours ago, KirukaChan said:

I've never thought of him as underrated, but I have definitely thought of him as boring. His kit is just...not fun. His 1 is a melee jab, his 2 just keeps him from dying while doing nothing flashy, and his 4 is simply a melee override to a stick (and it's not as versatile as Excalibur's, nor does it leech health and make you a tank like Valkyr's). His 3 is kind of interesting, but it's entirely too slow for a fast-paced game like Warframe.

Pretty much my opinion on him too. Even so, I use him quite frequently when I don't wanna think too much when going in to a tougher sortie.

6 hours ago, Lamianoemi said:

I think his ablities could be more interesting like the first and his ultimate. 


I would like to see this attack animations for the first and fourth abilities. Worth a time to look the other abilities too because in dota2 he is a solid hero in warframe could be more interesting with tweaks and ability changes.

I've been vouching for his Iron Jab to be more like Dota 2's Boundless Strike for a long time now, glad to see others agreed with that too!

Imagine this:

Iron Jab Smash - Similar in style to Boundless Strike as mentioned above would MASSIVELY increase both its effectiveness and fun-levels. The augment also needs a complete revamp...
Defy - While active, he could have slightly increased aggro within X meter radius (affected by mods). Fits his lore.
Cloud Walker - Cut the max duration in half, but make him go FASTER rather than slower. Improving casting speed a bit would be nice too.
Primal Fury - Multiple stuff:

  • Increase the range (both base and the cap) so it actually feels like it's worthwhile to equip (Orthos Prime and whips are generally superior to it in range).
  • Fix the combo (mainly the pause one) so they are not nigh-impossible to pull off, and vastly improve the looks of his combos, as they look dreadfully incomplete, stiff and boring. Seriously, equip a Spoiled Strike so you can look at them in slow motion (and manage with the pause combo) and test them out in Simalucrum... the combos look HORRIBLE! The pause one even has this weird "throw the staff the crawl to pick it up"-animation that makes me scratch my head. Further, every single combo (but mostly the hold and pause combos) look absolutely crazy bad while moving (This is not just a fault with Primal Fury, but it probably has the worst looking attacks while moving of all stances in the entire game).
  • Instead of making it an energydrain, make it have a flat energycost to summon it, as It doesn't have any passive effect to justify a constant drain, unlike the autoparry of Exalted Blade or the lifesteal+immortality of Hysteria. That, or give him some passive bonus.
  • Chargeattacks could briefly summon Wukong clones (fitting his lore), at the cost of some energy (this gives him a pseudo-energy drain, but a completely optional one)
Edited by Azamagon
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How I view Wukong:

I don't like his looks, I don't like his animations, I don't like his skill set and the way it hardly contributes to team effort (and this is coming from someone who solos most of the time), I don't like his ultimate and the way the pole cheaply expands (and engulfs his hand), I don't like the thought that he was made to pander to Warframe China players, I don't like how his skillset is a literally unimaginative copy-and-paste of his mythological namesake's skills, and I don't like the cheaply put-together end result.

And I don't like monkeys.

2 hours ago, Azlen said:

No amount of customization can fix his nasty fat chassis. You can coat him in paint, try on different hats, and glue on all the attachments in the world. That still won't hide the fact that he has an absolutely disgusting mid-section that looks atrocious in the warframe universe :p Hydroid looks better, and that is a sad statement to make about the great Sun Wukong. 

RIP forever (or until deluxe skin) Wukong 2015 - 2015

Don't forget that awkwardly included butthole.

Edited by RS219
Added Azlen's quote
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The Chinese Warframes were always a bit wonky in my opinion as well as many others. Nezha is like a Rhino that merged with a Ember that double merged with a Volt. As for Wukong iv heard he is very fun, but a team player....no. I can see that.

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13 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Probably because he is a selfish frame: does not contribute to the squad with any of this powers in terms of Buffs, CC or Enemy AoE kills.

I'd say that's the biggest reason, plus his exalted ability feels a little underpowered compared to the others. 

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Just wanted to say that you don't necessarily need to buff the team powers or slow down enemies or whatever to "support the team".

If you are killing the whole map you are contributing quite a lot.

As for Wukong, I realized that I also don't play him, and the fact that he is kind of boring is sadly true. And the other reason is that I can't stand the glowing things coming out of his helmet, I feel like they block my line of sight or something. But he is not a bad frame, he can solo quite well, from what I have seen.

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21 minutes ago, ALEX_IV said:

Just wanted to say that you don't necessarily need to buff the team powers or slow down enemies or whatever to "support the team".

If you are killing the whole map you are contributing quite a lot.

As for Wukong, I realized that I also don't play him, and the fact that he is kind of boring is sadly true. And the other reason is that I can't stand the glowing things coming out of his helmet, I feel like they block my line of sight or something. But he is not a bad frame, he can solo quite well, from what I have seen.

Tassels, I believe they're called. Common helmet decorations for high-ranking officers and mythological deities in ancient China.

And part of his issue, as you just described is that all Wukong is mostly good for is "killing the whole map". But that having that particular skill as the sole merit (aside from his sloth-powered fart cloud 3 which, according to wikia, still trips spy vault alarms and cameras) makes any warframe grow boring quick.

And you have to keep in mind that there can be scenarios where that one skill may not be the most optimal one to bring, or there's a handicap that severely neuters Wukong's ability to pull it off (consider yesterday's infested eximus stronghold interception - energy leeches endlessly pouring out of every spawn point immediately neuters all of Wukong's skill set, and the more pressing issue would be to keep them off the points rather than just kill everything).

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personally I find 2 of his abilities lacking, 1 is useless when I can just spin attack to kill the enemy instead of knocking them down and 3 seems like it serves no purpose because you got Defy for survivability, this means all you have is 4 because 2, Defy, will always be on and doesn't do anything interesting so all you're left with is spamming E with his 4th ability and that's it

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